5. 指示代词 :this/that/these/those/such/some 6. 疑问代词 :who/whom/whose/which/what/whoever/whichever/whatever 7. 关系代词 :that/which/who/whom/whose/as 8. 名词替代词

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1 2018 年山东教师招聘考试寒假作业学科版 - 提分练习册 ( 英语学科 ) 第一部分考点点拨 考点 名词 1. 表示特别含义的复数形式 arms 武器 waters 水域 snows 积雪 sands 沙滩 works 作品 customs 海关, 关税 times 时代 papers 文件, 文献 ; 证明, 证件 manners 礼貌 looks 外表 brains 头脑, 智力 greens 青菜 ruins 废墟 experiences 经历 2. 名词作定语 (1) 当名词作定语时, 几乎总是用单数形式 ( 即使在意义上是复数 ) 例如: shoe repairers 修鞋的人 tooth brushes 牙刷 (2)sports, customs, arms, clothes, sales 和 accounts 等作定语时, 仍用复数形式 例如 : a sports car 一辆赛车 a customs officer 一名海关官员 (3) man / woman + n. 变为复数时, 作定语的名词和中心词都要变复数 a man teacher 一个男教师 ten men teachers 十个男教师 考点 冠词 1. 不定冠词的用法 : 用在单数可数名词前, 指一类人或事, 相当于 a kind of (A plane is a machine that can fly.); 表示 每一, 一 相当于 every/one ; 用于人名前, 表示不认识此人或与某名人有类似性质的人或事 ; 用于 quite/rather/many/half/what/such 之后 ; 用于 so(as, too, how)+ 形容词之后 注意 :a 和 an 的用法区别, 以元音音素开头的用 an 2. 定冠词的用法 : 用于单数可数名词前, 表示某一类人或物 (The horse is a useful animal.); 用于乐器前面 ; 用于姓氏的复数前, 表示 一家人 或 夫妇 ; 用于序数词和形容词 副词的比较级和最高级前 3. 零冠词的用法名词前有 this/my/whose/some/no/each/every 等限制词 ; 季节, 月份, 星期, 节假日, 一日三餐前 ; 学科, 语言, 球类, 棋类名词前 ; 与 by 连用表示交通工具的名词前 考点 代词 1. 不定代词 one/some/ any; each/ every; none/ no; other/ another; all/ both; neither/ either 2. 人称代词主格 :I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they 宾格 :me/you/him/her/it/us/you/them 3. 物主代词形容词性 :my/your/his/her/its/our/their 名词性 :mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs 4. 反身代词 : myself/yourself/himself/herself/itself/ourselves/yourselves/themselves 1

2 5. 指示代词 :this/that/these/those/such/some 6. 疑问代词 :who/whom/whose/which/what/whoever/whichever/whatever 7. 关系代词 :that/which/who/whom/whose/as 8. 名词替代词 one, ones, that, those 的区别 学员专用请勿外泄 one 和 ones 用来代替前面提到过的可数名词,one 指代单数,ones 指代复数, 所替代的是同名异物, 表示泛 指, 可有前置定语或后置定语, 也可单独使用 特指时必须加定冠词 the that 用来代替前面提到过的单数可数名词或不可数名词, 不能和冠词连用, 其后常有修饰语 代替可数名词 的复数时, 用代词 those 9. all, both, either, neither, each, none 的用法比较 both, either 和 neither 都表示两者, 可做主语 宾语和定语 both 还可做同位语 neither 表示两者否定 ;either 表示 两者中任何一个, 强调个体 ;both 表示 两者都 all 和 none 表示三者或三者以上 all 表示全部肯定, 而 none 表示全部否定 all 可做主语 宾语 表语 定 语和同位语 ;none 可做主语 宾语和同位语, 但不能做定语 both, all, each, none 做主语同位语时, 通常放在行 为动词的前面,be 动词 助动词和情态动词的后面 all 和 both 与 not 连用表示部分否定 考点 形容词和副词比较等级 形容词和副词的比较等级分为原级, 比较级和最高级 比较级和最高级的构成一般是在形容词和副词后加 -er 和 -est, 多音节和一些双音节词前加 more 和 most; 形容词的最高级前面要加定冠词 the 1. 同级比较时常常用 as as 以及 not so (as) as 和 the same as 如 : I am not so good a player as you are. 2. 可以修饰比较级的词有 :much, a lot, even, far, a bit, a little, still, yet, by far, any, a great deal 3. 表示一方随另一方变化时用 the more the more 句型 如 : The harder you work, the more progress you will make. 4. 用比较级来表达最高级的意思 如 : 直接使用比较级 How beautiful she sings! I ve never heard a better voice. = She has the best voice I ve ever heard. any other +n. ( 单 ) 比较级 +than + the other + n. ( 复 ) any of the other +n. ( 复 ) 1She goes to school earlier than the other girls. 2He works harder than any other student. 3China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia. 比较级 + than + anything / anyone else Tom cared more for money than for anything else. 在比较句型中使用 no, never, nobody, nothing + 比较级等词 1I have never spent a more worrying day. 2Nobody can do the work better than he did. 5. 表示 最高程度 的形容词没有最高级和比较级 如 :favorite, excellent, extreme, perfect 考点 介词 1. 表示时间 (1) 表示在某时间, 常用介词 at,on,in 等 1 用 at 来表示在某一段时刻 : 2

3 at dawn/daybreak: 在黎明 at six: 在 6 点钟 at midnight: 在午夜 at 4:30: 在 4 点 30 分用 at 来表示 在 岁时 at sixteen/at the age of sixteen:16 岁的时候 2 用 on 来表示在星期几 / 某日 on Monday: 在星期一 on January fifth: 在 1 月 5 日 on Christmas Day: 在圣诞节那一天也可用 at Christmas on New Year s Day: 在新年那天 3 用 in 来表示一天中的早中晚, 月份, 季节或年份 in the morning / afternoon / evening in January / February in Spring in 2014 (2) 表示期间, 常用介词 during,for,over,within,throughout,from 和 to 等 1during 用于已知的一段时间包括大家熟知的节日或者某种已确切限定的时期或阶段之前 during the Middle Ages: 在中世纪 during 1942: 在 1942 年中 during the summer(of that year): 在 ( 那一年的 ) 夏季 during his childhood: 在他童年时期 2for 用来表示一段时间 for six years: 六年之久 for two months: 有两个月 for ever: 永远 (3) 表示其他时间概念的介词有 before,after,since,until,till,between,up to 等 2. 表示方位 (1)at,in,on,to at:1 表示在小地方 ;2 表示 在 附近, 旁边 in:1 表示在大地方 ;2 表示 在 范围之内 on: 表示毗邻, 接壤, 在 上面 to: 表示在 范围外, 不强调是否接壤 ; 或 到 (2)above,over,on 在 上 above: 指在 上方, 不强调是否垂直, 与 below 相对 ; over: 指垂直的上方, 与 under 相对, 但 over 与物体有一定的空间, 不直接接触 on: 表示某物体上面并与之接触 The bird is flying above my head. 3

4 There is a bridge over the river. He put his watch on the desk. (3)below,under 在 下面 under: 表示在 正下方 below: 表示在 下, 不一定在正下方 There is a cat under the table. Please write your name below the line. (4)in front of,in the front of 在 前面 in front of 意思是 在 前面, 指甲物在乙物之前, 两者互不包括 ; 其反义词是 behind( 在 的后面 ) There are some flowers in front of the house.( 房子前面有些花卉 ) in the front of 意思是 在 的前部, 即甲物在乙物的前部 ( 乙将甲包容在内 ), 反义词是 at the back of ( 在 范围内的后部 ) There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom. 我们的教室前边有一块黑板 Our teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师站在教室前.( 老师在教室里 ) (5)beside,behind beside 表示 在 旁边 ;behind 表示 在 后面 考点 数量词数词是指表示数目多少或顺序先后的词 表示数目多少的数词叫基数词, 表示顺序先后的数词叫序数词 数词用法相当于名词和形容词, 在句中可用作主语 宾语 表语 定语 同位语等 1. 基数词的用法要点 (1) 逢整 十 的基数词的复数形式可用于表示某人的大约年岁和世纪中的年代 如 : Karl Mark began to learn Russian in his fifties. 马克思五十多岁开始学俄语 (2) 表示年代表示在某个世纪的几十年代, 用 in the + 逢十的基数词的复数 基数词的复数若用阿拉伯数字表示, 可直接加 s, 也可加 s 如 在 20 世纪 80 年代 是 in the 1980 s 或 in the 1980s, 读作 in the nineteen eighties (3) 英语中的时刻是用基数词来表示的, 最常见的形式有三种 : 先点钟, 后分钟 如 :7:52 seven fifty-two 先分钟, 后点钟 表示 分钟数不超半小时, 用 分钟数 +past+ 钟点数 表示 ; 如 :5:25 twenty-five past five 表示 分钟数超过半小时, 用 (60- 分钟数 )+to+ 下一个钟点数 表示, 即 差几分到几点 如 :10:43 seventeen to eleven 表示 整点, 直接用 钟点数 (+o clock) 表示 半点钟 用 half 表示, 一刻钟 用 a quarter 表示 如 : 6:00 six (o clock) 10:30 half past ten 4:45 a quarter to five 7:15 a quarter past seven 2. 基数词变序数词的规则 (1) 第 1 至第 19 一般是在基数词后加 th, 但变化特殊的有 one first, two second, three third, five fifth, 4

5 eight eighth, nine ninth, twelve twelfth (2) 逢十的 twenty, thirty ninety, 分别改 y 为 ieth 如 twenty twentieth, ninety ninetieth (3) 表示第几十几或第几百几十几, 只需将个位数改为序数词 如 56 fifty-six fifty-sixth,635 six hundred and thirty-five six hundred and thirty-fifth 3. 序数词的用法要点 (1) 序数词前一般要加定冠词 the 如: It s the third time I ve been here. 这是我第三次到这里来 (2) 表示在原有的基础上增加, 即 又一, 再一 时, 用不定冠词 如 : Shall I ask her a third time? 我还要问她一次吗? (3) 下列 4 种情况不用冠词 序数词前已有物主代词或名词所有格时, 不能再用冠词 如 : This is Tom s second visit to China. 这是汤姆第二次访问中国 表示比赛或考试的名次时, 通常省略定冠词 如 : He was (the) second in the English exam. 在这次英语考试中他得了第二名 序数词被用作副词时不用冠词 I have to finish my homework first. 我得先把作业完成好 在某些习语中不用冠词 如 at first 起初 ;first of all 首先 ;at first sight 乍一看 4. 分数 小数 百分数的表达法 (1) 分数表达法分数由基数词和序数词构成 : 分子用基数词, 分母用序数词, 当分子超过 1 时, 分母用复数 如 :two thirds=2/3 注 : 有时还可以用 分子 ( 用基数词 )+ in / out of + 分母 ( 用基数词 ) 这样的形式, 如 三分之二 可表示为 two in / out of three (2) 小数表达法小数点前的数按普通基数词的读法读, 小数点后的数按单个数字一一读出 小数点后的 0 通常读作 /əʊ/, 有时也读作 nought 或 zero, 小数点读作 point: one point five six (1.56), ten point three oh five 说明 被大于 1 的小数修饰的名词要用复数, 如说 1.3 meters, 不说 1.3 meter; 即使是被小于 1 的小数修饰, 名词也通常可以用复数 :One centimeter equals inches. 1 厘米等于 英寸 (3) 百分数表达法百分数由基数词 ( 或小数 ) 和百分号 (%) 组成, 百分号 (%) 读作 percent: fifteen percent (15%), zero point six percent (0.6%) 5. dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million 用法要点 (1) 当这些词与具体数字连用时, 通常不加复数词尾 -s, 也不后接介词 of 如: About three million workers were on strike. 参加罢工的大约有三百万工人 (2) 当这些词不与具体数字连用, 而是表示不确定的泛指数时, 则不仅要加复数词尾 -s, 而且要后接介词 of, 然后才能接名词 如 : I ve read it dozens (scores) of times. 我读过它几十次 注 : 若不出现名词, 则不用介词 of 如: Millions (of people) are homeless. 千千万万的人无家可归 5

6 (3) 当这些词与 a few, several, many 等数目不很具体的词连用时, 带不带复数词尾 -s 均可, 但是注意 : 若不带复数词 -s, 其后的介词 of 可以省略 ; 若带复数词尾 -s, 则其后介词 of 不能省略 如 : 在那儿我见到了数百外宾 正 :There I saw several hundreds of foreign guests. 正 :There I saw several hundred (of) foreign guests. 注意 some hundred persons 与 some hundreds of persons 含义不同 : 前者指 大约一百人, 其中 some=about a; 后者指 几百人 量词 1. 英语量词词组分类 类型 量词词组 (1) 表示定量 a couple of ( 一对 ), a cupful of ( 一满杯 ), a portion of ( 一份 ) 等 (2) 表示不定量 a majority of ( 大多数, 大半 ), a spell of ( 一阵, 一段时间 ) 等 (3) 表示大量 a flood of, a heap of, a mountain of 等 (4) 表示少量 a drop of ( 一滴, 一点 ), a particle of ( 一点 ), a shadow of ( 一点 ) 等 2. 修饰名词的量词 (1) 修饰可数名词复数 (2) 修饰不可数名词 量词 a number of, numbers of, a few, few, a great many, a group of, an average of, a/the majority of, a total of, many, too many the number of, the average of, the total of, a pair of a little, little, a great deal of, much, a large sum of, a large amount of, too much large amounts of 谓语动词复数单数单数复数 (3) 既可修饰可 数名词也可修饰 不可数名词 some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, large quantities of, a large quantity of, a variety of 考点 动词 1. 情态动词 (1)may/might 否定回答时可用 can t 或 mustn t, 表示 不可以, 禁止 (2)must 表示 必须 一定, 否定回答用 needn t 或 don t have to, 表示 不必 (3)dare 作情态动词用时, 常用于疑问句 否定句和条件从句中, 过去式形式为 dared (4)can/could + have done 在肯定句中表示 本来可以做而实际上没能做某事 should have done 表示对过去行为的推测 本应该做而实际上没有做某事 needn t have done 表示 本来不必做而实际上做了某事 2. 动词时态与语态 6

7 列连表因果关系 for, so, then ( 那么 ) 等从属连词学员专用请勿外泄所谓 时 就是行为发生的时段或状态存在的时段, 即 : 现在 过去 将来 过去将来 四种 ; 所谓 态 就是行为或状态发生时所呈现的状态, 有一般状态 进行状态 完成状态和完成进行状态四种 由时态结合, 便形成下列十六种时态 : 时态现在过去将来过去将来一般时态一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时一般过去将来时进行时态现在进行时过去进行时将来进行时过去将来进行时完成时态现在完成时过去完成时将来完成时过去将来完成时完成进行时态现在完成进行时过去完成进行时将来完成进行时过去将来完成进行时 (1) 现在进行时表示按计划安排即将发生的动作 She is leaving for Beijing. (2) 现在进行时代替一般现在时, 描绘更加生动 The Yangtze River is flowing into the east. (3) 现在完成进行时着重表示动作一直在进行, 即动作的延续性 ---Hi, Tracy, you look tired. ---I am tired. I have been painting the living room all day. 3. 动词语态 -- 主动表被动 (1) 某些感官动词和系动词加形容词可以表示被动意义, 如 look, smell, taste, feel, prove, sound 等 例 :The flower smells sweet. (2) 某些及物动词后加副词, 也可以表示被动意义, 如 cut, clean, draw, lock, open, pack, play, peel, sell, shut, split, strike, record, iron, keep 等 例 :This type of TV sells well. The meat cuts easily. (3)deserve, need, require, stand, want 等词的后面可以用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义 若动名词是不及物的, 后面应跟有介词 例 :The kids need taking care of. The table wants cleaning. (4) 某些作表语的形容词后, 用不定式主动形式表示被动意义 例 :The stone is hard to break. It is easy to understand. 考点 连词 1. 连词分类并词表并列关系 and, both and, not only but also, neither nor, as well as, rather than 等 作用 主要连词 表选择关系 表转折关系 or, either or 等 but, yet, still, however, while ( 而 ), only ( 只不过 ) 等 引导时间状语从句 after, before, when, whenever, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as, the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, once, no sooner than, hardly when, every time, each time, (the) next time, any time, (the) last time, the first time 等 7

8 引导条件状语从句引导原因状语从句引导目的状语从句引导结果状语从句引导让步状语从句引导方式状语从句引导地点状语从句引导比较状语从句引导名词性从句 if, unless, as / so long as, in case ( 万一 ) 等 because, as, since, seeing (that), now (that), considering (that), in that 等 in order that, so that, in case ( 免得 ), for fear that 等 so that, so that, such that 等 although, though, even though, even if, while, however, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever 等 as, like, as if, as though 等 where, wherever 等 than, as as 等 that, if, whether 2. 连词用法辨析 1. because, as, since, for 的用法区别 a. because 因为, 表示原因的语气最强, 可用来回答 why 提出的问题, 常表示必然的因果关系, 从句一般放在主句后面 ; 另外, 可以引导表语从句, 可用于强调句等, 而其余三者则不行 如 : He is not at school today because he is seriously ill.( 他今天没有上学因为他病得厉害 ) b. as 因为, 表示一般的因果关系, 语气比 because 弱, 说明比较明显的原因, 它引导的从句可以放在句首也可以放在句尾 如 : As he wasn t ready in time, we went without him.( 因他未及时准备好, 我们没等他就走了 ) c. since 既然, 表示对方已经知道 无需加以说明的原因或事实 如 : I will ask Lin Tao to go with me since you are very busy.( 既然你很忙我就叫林涛和我一起去吧 ) d. for 因为, 是并列连词 ( 其余三者为从属连词 ), 语气较弱, 用来补充说明理由或提供一种解释 如 : It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.( 昨晚一定下过雨, 你看今天早上地面是湿的 ) 2 when, while, as 的用法区别 a. while 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词必须是可延续的, 而 when 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词是可延续的, 也可以是表短暂性动作的动词 如 : When / While he was eating his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring. When I stopped my car, a man came up to me. ( 不可以用 while) b. 从句动作发生在主句动作之前时, 只能用 when 引导这个从句, 不可用 as 或 while When you have finished your work, you may have a rest. c. 表示 随着, 连词用 as, 不用 when 或 while 如: As the election approached, the violence got worse. 3 if, whether 的用法区别 a. 互换的场合引导宾语从句表示 是否 时, 两者常可互换 如 : 8

9 He didn t tell me if / whether he would come.( 他没有告诉我他是否会来 ) b. 通常用 if 的场合 当引导一个否定的宾语从句时, 通常用 if 而不用 whether 如: She asked me if Tom didn t come.( 她问我 Tom 是不是没有来 ) 若是引导条件状语从句, 则只能用 if( 意为 如果 ) c. 通常用 whether 的场合 引导主语从句且放在句首时 如 : Whether he will come is still a question.( 他是否会来还是个问题 ) 注 : 若在句首使用形式主语 it, 而将主语从句放在句末, 则有时也可用 if 来引导 如 : It was not known whether / if he would come.( 不知他是否会来 ) 引导表语从句时 如 : The question is whether we should go on with the work.( 问题是我们是否应该继续进行这项工作 ) 引导宾语从句且放在句首时 如 : Whether he is single I don t know.( 他是否单身, 我不知道 ) 引导让步状语从句时 如 : Whether he agrees or not, I shall do that.( 不管他同意与否, 我都要那样做 ) 与 or 连用分别引导两个从句时 如 : I don t know whether he is wrong or she is wrong. 我不知道是他错了, 还是她错了 用于不定式之前时 如 : I didn t know whether to laugh or to cry.( 我真是哭笑不得 ) 用于介词之后时 如 : It depends on whether the letter arrives in time.( 这取决于信是否来得及时 ) 直接与 or not 连用时 如 : I will write to you whether or not I can come.( 我能不能来, 我将写信告诉你 ) 4 though, although 的用法区别 a. 用作连词, 表示 虽然, 两者大致同义, 可换用, 只是 although 比 though 更为正式, 此时不与 but 连用, 但可与 yet, still 等副词连用如 : Though / Although they re expensive, people buy them.( 虽然它们很昂贵, 人们还是买 ) b. though 可用作副词, 表示 然而 不过, 通常用于句末 如 : She promised to phone. I heard nothing, though.( 她答应要打电话来. 可我没听到回信儿 ) c. 在 as though( 好像, 仿佛 ),even though( 即使, 纵然 ) 等固定短语中, 不能用 although 代替 though d. 当 though 用于倒装形式, 它不能换成 although, 但可换成 as Try though / as I would, I could not make her change her mind.( 不管我多努力, 也不能让她改变主意 ) 3. rather than 用法归纳用法举例 rather than 与 would 连 would rather do sth than do sth She d rather die than lose 用表示心情, 相当于情态 would do sth rather than do sth the children. 她宁愿死也不愿 9

10 动词 而不愿 rather than 意为 是 而不是 ; 与其 倒不如说 它是连词, 它前后的成分在词性上应该一致, 它连接的并列成分可以是名词 代词 形容词 介词 ( 短语 ) 动名词 分句 不定式 动词等 prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿 而不愿 连接两个名词或代词 ( 注意 :rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时, 谓语动词应与 rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致 ) 连接两个形容词连接两个介词 ( 短语 ) 或动名词连接两个分句连接两个不定式 失去孩子们 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员, 不如说他是一个探险者 You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮 We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会, 不是在大厅里 She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌, 而不喜欢跳舞 We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话 考点 定语从句 定语从句起了形容词的作用, 在句中修饰一个名词或代词 被修饰的词叫做先行词, 引导定语从句的词叫关系词, 它的作用 : 一是放在先行词与定语从句中间起了连接作用 ; 二是在从句中担当一个成分, 并与先行词保持数的一致 1. 关系代词的用法 (1) 作主语用 who, which 和 that, 如 : a. He is the man who/that lives next door. b. The train which/that has just left is for Shenzhen. (2) 作宾语用 whom, who, which, that, 如 : a. The man (whom/who/that) we have just seen is a famous writer. b. Where is the book (which/that) I bought last week? 10

11 11 学员专用请勿外泄 (3) 作定语用 whose, 如 : a. He is the man whose car was stolen last week. b. It was a meeting whose importance I did not realize at that time. 注 : whose + 名词中心词 这一结构在定语从句中既能作主语 ( 如上 a 句 ), 又能作宾语 ( 如上 b 句 ) whose 的先行词常用来指人, 但有时也可以用来指具体事物或抽象概念, 这时可以与 of which 结构互换, 词序是 : 名词 +of which, 如 : They came to a house whose back wall had broken down. (= the back wall of which) He s written a book the name of which I ve completely forgotten. (= whose name) (4) 作表语只用 that, 它既可以指人, 也可以指物, 但时常省略 如 : He is no longer the man that he used to be. This is no longer the dirty place (that) it used to be. 2. 关系副词的用法 (1)when 指时间, 在从句中作时间状语, 它的先行词通常有 : time, day, morning, night, week, year 如 :I still remember the time when I first became a college student. Do you know the date when Lincoln was born? 注 :when 时常可以省略, 特别是在某些句型和某些时间状语中 如 :Each time he came, he did his best to help us. But help never stopped coming from the day she fell ill. (2)where 指地点, 在从句中作地点状语, 它的先行词通常有 : place, spot, street, house, room, city, town, country 等如 :This is the hotel where they are staying. I forget the house where the Smiths lived. 注 :where 有时也可以省略 如 : This is the place (where) we met yesterday. (3)why 指原因或理由, 它的先行词只有 : reason 如 :That is the reason why he is leaving so soon. 注 :why 时常也可以省略 如 : That is the real reason he quitted. 使用关系副词应注意下列几点 : (1) 三个关系副词在意义上都相当于一定的介词 +which 结构 : when = on (in, at, during ) + which; where = in (at, on ) + which; why = for which. 如 :I was in Beijing on the day when (=on which) he arrived. The office where (=in which) he works is on the third floor. This is the chief reason why (=for which) we did it. (2) 当先行词是表时间的 time, day 等和表地点的 place, house 等时, 一定要注意分析从句的结构, 如果缺少主语或宾语时, 关系词应该用 which 或 that, 缺少时间状语或地点状语时, 才能用 when 或 where, 试比较 : I ll never forget the day when my hometown was liberated. I ll never forget the days which/that we spent together last summer. His father works in a factory where radio parts are made. His father works in a factory which/that makes radio parts. (3)when 和 where 既可以引导限制性定语从句, 也可以引导非限制性定语从句 而 why 只能引导限制性定语从句 3. 连接词只用 that 的情况 : (1) 先行词为 all, everything, anything, nothing, little, much 等不定代词 (2) 先行词被 all, any, every, each, much, little, no, some, few 等修饰时 (3) 先行词有形容词最高级和序数词修饰时 (4) 先行词既指人又指物时

12 (5) 先行词被 the only, the very 修饰时 (6) 句中已经用 who 或 which 时, 为了避免重复 4. 连接词只用 which/ who/ whom 的情况 : (1) 在非限制性定语从句中, 只能用 which 指代物, 用 who/whom 指人 (2) 在由 介词 + 关系代词 引导的定语从句中, 只能用 which 指物 ( 介词 + which 一般在定语从句中分 别作时间 地点 原因状语, 于是 介词 + which 可以分别用 when/where/why 代替 ),whom 指人 (3) 先行词本身是 that 时, 关系词用 which, 先行词为 those/one/he 时多用 who 定语从句注意事项 (1) whose 的先行词指物时, 可用 of which 代替, 但词序不同, 即 whose+ 名词 =the +n + of which=of which + the + n. He lives in the room whose window faces south. = He lives in the room, the window of which faces south. =He lives in the room, of which the window faces south. (2) 当 point, situation, case, condition, stage ( 阶段 ) 等词作先行词表示 情况, 境地, 场合 等意思时, 用 where 引导定语从句,where 在句中作状语 如 : I ve come to the point where I can t stand him. (3) 先行词是 the way, 意为 方式, 方法 时, 引导定语从句的关系词用 that/ in which 或省略 如 : I didn t like the way (that / in which) she talked to me. 考点 状语从句 1. 时间状语从句常用引导词 :when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since, till, until 特殊引导词 :the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the instant, no sooner... than, hardly...when I didn t realize how special my mother was until I became an adult. Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. 2. 目的状语从句常用引导词 :so that, in order that 特殊引导词 :lest, in case, for fear that, in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them. The teacher raised his voice for the purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly. 3. 让步状语从句常用引导词 :though, although, even if, even though 特殊引导词 :as ( 用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装 ), while ( 一般用在句首 ), no matter..., in spite of the fact that, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever Much as I respect him, I can t agree to his proposal. The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough. 考点 名词性从句在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句 (Noun Clauses) 名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语 宾语 表语 同位语 介词宾语等, 因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能, 名词从句又可分别称为主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句和同位语从句 种类作用常用关联词例句 在复合句中做主语, 相当于 that, whether, if, as 主语从句 名词, 一般置于谓语之前, if, as though, 也可用 it 作形式主语, 主语 who, whose, Whether he will come or not doesn t matter much. Whoever comes here will be 12

13 从句放主句之后 which, how, when, welcome. 在复合句中做表语, 相当于 where, why, what, 表语从句 It looks as if it is going to snow. 名词, 位于系动词之后 whatever, 在复合句中做宾语, 相当于 whoever, wherever He asked me which team could win 宾语从句名词 the game. 放在名词之后 (news, You have no idea how worried we problem, idea, suggestion, are. 同位语从句 advice, thought, hope, fact 等 ) The fact that he lied again greatly 表明其具体内容 surprised us. 1. 主语从句 (1) 三种连接词 1 从属连词 :that, whether 等 that 引导主语从句只起引导作用, 本身无实际意义, 在主语从句中不充当任何成分, 但不能省略 That she left him cut him to the heart. That he will come is certain. 由 whether 及其他连词引导的主语从句放在句首, 句后都可 Whether it will please them is not easy to say. 2 连接代词 who, what, which, whatever, whichever, whoever What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others. Which side will win is not clear. 3 连接副词 when, where, how, why 等 Why he did it remains a mystery. How he became a great scientist is known to us all. (2) 位置 : 主语从句可以前置, 也可以后置 用 it 做形式主语, 而把主语从句放在句末, 常用下面几种句型 1 It is still uncertain whether he is coming or not. It + be + 表语 + 主语从句表语 :( 名词 形容词 过去分词 ) 2 It seemed (happened, doesn t matter, has turned out) that It doesn t matter whether she will come or not. It + 不及物动词 + 主语从句 3 It has been decided that the exhibition will not open on Sundays. It is expected that the house price in Beijing will fall down. It + 及物动词 ( 被动语态 )+ 主语从句 2. 宾语从句 (1) 由连接词 that 引导的宾语从句句子结构例句主语 + 及物动词 +that 宾语从句 (that 可省略 ) James said (that) he was feeling better. 13

14 主语 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语 +that 宾语从句 (that She told me that she would accept my 作直接宾语, 不可省略 ) invitation. 主语 + 及物动词 + 并列 that 宾语从句 ( 第一个分句前的 that 可省, 第二个 that 不可省 ) 主语 + 及物动词 +to sb.+that 从句主语 + 及物动词 +that+ 从句主语 + (should) + do 这类及物动词多表示要求 命令 建议 决定等意义形容词 + that 从句 ( 作形容词的宾语 ) it 作形式宾语时,that 引导的宾语从句 14 I think (that) it will clear up this afternoon and that they will come to say goodbye to us. He explained to us that he had failed to catch the first bus. I insist that she (should) do her work alone. The commander ordered that troops (should) set off at once. I am afraid (that) I ve made a mistake. We felt it strange that she should leave without saying good-bye. (2) 主语 + 及物动词 + 连接代词 / 连接副词引导的宾语从句 I don t know what they are looking for. None of us knows where these new parts can be bought. 宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序, 即 : 连接代词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他成分 (3) 主语 + 及物动词 +whether/if 引导的宾语从句, 宾语从句要用陈述句语序, whether 与 if 引导宾语从句时一般可以互换使用 Please let us know whether (if) they will come to our party. 在 discuss, wonder / not sure 和介词之后尽量用 whether, if 与 whether 含义容易混淆 The board are discussing whether the fund should be allocated to that region. (4) 宾语从句中的否定转移若主句主语是第一人称, 谓语动词为 think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, guess, imagine 等, 其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义, 一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上, 从句谓语用肯定式 I don t think this dress fits you well. I don t believe you will finish the work today. 注 : 1 这种否定前移的宾语从句, 在变成反意疑问句时, 反意疑问句的主谓语要与从句一致 I don t think (that) he is interested in that thing, is he? 2 如果主句的主语是第二和第三人称时, 它后面接的宾语从句的否定词通常不前移, 它的反意疑问句的主谓语应该与主句一致, 即如果主句是肯定, 反意疑问部分就用否定 ; 如果主句是否定, 那么反意疑问部分就用肯定 She thought that film was not interesting, didn t she? You think you can t get up, don t you? 3. 表语从句在复合句中作表语的名词性从句, 放在系动词之后, 一般结构是 主语 + 系动词 + 表语从句 可以接表语从句的系动词有 be, look, remain, seem 等 (1) 引导表语从句的连接词 : 连接词 :that, whether(if 不引导表语从句 ),as if The trouble is that she has lost his money.

15 The question is whether we really need their help. It looked as if it was going to snow. 连接代词 :what, who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever 等 The question is which of us should go. The problem was who could do the work. That s what he is worrying about. That s what we should do. 连接副词 :when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever Go and get your coat. It's where you left it. That is how mice ruin many stores of grain every year. (2) 表语从句其他常见结构 1The reason is that The reason why he is late for school is that he missed the early bus. 2That is because That s because we never thought of it. 3That is why That is why I cannot agree. 4It seems / looks as if It seems as if he didn't know the answer. 4. 同位语从句 (1) 一般跟在某些名词后面, 用以说明该名词表示的具体内容 如 : I heard the news that our team had won. I had no idea that you were here. (2) 常见的可以跟同位语从句的词 ( 抽象名词 ): news, idea, fact, promise, question, doubt, thought, hope, message, suggestion, word ( 消息 ), possibility 等 如 : I ve come from Mr. Wang with a message that he won t be able to see you this afternoon. (4) 同位语从句与定语从句的区别 : 1 同位语从句与前面的名词是同位关系, 说明它前面名词的内容 ; 属于名词性从句范畴 定语从句与前面的名词是修饰与被修饰关系, 限定前面名词范围, 属于形容词性从句范畴 The news that l have passed the exam is true. The news that he told me just now is true. 2 引导同位语从句的 that 是连词, 在从句中不充当任何成份, 而引导定语从句的 that 是关系代词, 除了起连接作用外, 还在从句中充当主语 宾语或表语等 如 : The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. The idea that he gave surprises many people 考点 强调句 1. 强调句的类型 15

16 (1) 用 It is/ was that/ who 句型表示强调 被强调的部分 ( 通常是句子的主语 状语 宾语或宾语补足语 ) 放在 is/ was 的后面, 如被强调的是人, 则后面可用 who,whom 等代替 It was an old friend that/who he met in the park yesterday. (2)not until 句型的强调句句型为 :It is/ was not until + 被强调部分 + that + 其它部分 如 : 普通句 :He didn t go to bed until/ till his wife came back. 强调句 :It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed. 注意 : 此句型只用 until, 不用 till 但如果不是强调句型,till, until 可通用, 因为句型中 It is/ was not 已经是否定句了,that 后面的从句要用肯定句, 切勿再用否定句了 (3) 谓语动词的强调 It is/ was that 结构不能强调谓语, 如果需要强调谓语时, 用助动词 do/ does 或 did Do sit down. 请坐 He did write to you last week. 上周他确实给你写了信 Do be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时, 务必 ( 千万 ) 要小心啊! 注意 : 此种强调只用 do/ does 和 did, 没有别的形式 ; 过去时用 did, 后面的谓语动词用原形 (4) 从句的强调 1 强调状语从句 I came home late because it was raining hard. It was because it was raining hard that I came home late. ( 注意 : 被强调的原因状语从句只能用 because 引导, 不能用 as 或 since 引导 ) 2 强调主语从句 What you said really made us sad. It was what you said that really made us sad. 2. 强调句型的判断把 It, be, that 去掉, 如果剩余部分句子结构仍然完整 ( 被强调部分要还原到原位置 ), 那么这个句子就是强调句 ; 如果句子不完整, 则不是强调句 如 : (1) It is he who/ that often helps me with my English. (2) It is on the hillside that we plant trees every year. (3) It was because of bad weather that the football match had to be put off. 分析 : 去掉 It is/ was... that/ who 句子后结构仍然完整, 句意仍明确, 都是强调句 (4) It was 9 o clock when we came back. (5) It was 3 hours since we had come back. 分析 : 在上面例句中若去掉 It was... when / before / since 等后, 句子结构就不完整, 而且强调句型的后半句只能由 that/who 引导, 所以不是强调句 3. 强调句型注意事项 (1) 句首词用 It, 不能用 This, That 等 16

17 (2) 若原句的谓语动词用了现在时或将来时, 则用 is; 若原句的谓语动词用了过去时或过去完成时, 则用 was (3) 被强调的部分如果是代词, 强调主语用主格, 强调宾语用宾格 如 : 1 It is him that / who / whom I met in the street yesterday. 2 It is I who / that made that decision. (4) 连接词一般用 that, 当强调部分是人时, 既可用 that 也可用 who 特别注意当强调部分是时间状语或地点状语时, 不能用 when 或 where 如: It was on Oct 1st, 1949 that People s Republic of China was founded. (5) 主谓一致问题被强调的主语要和 that 后面的谓语动词在数上保持一致 (6) not until 结构的强调 : 强调 not until 引导的时间状语时, 要用 it is/was not until that 结构,that 后面的句子要用肯定式, 且须用陈述句语序 如 : We did not get off the bus until it stopped. It was not until it stopped that we got off the bus 考点 倒装的用法 1. 谓语的全部或部分 ( 助动词或情态动词 ) 放在主语之前的现象称为倒装 种类 倒装条件 例句 here, there, up, down, in, out, off, away 等副词开头的句子表示强调 Out rushed the children. 完全倒装 表示地点的介词短语作状语位于句首 Under the tree stood two tables and four chairs. 强调表语, 置于句首, 或为保持句子平衡 Present at the meeting were 1,000 students. never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, little, not until, not 等表示否定意义的副词放于句首 Hardly did I know what had happened. only 和修饰的状语放于句首 Only then did he realize the importance of English. not only but also 连接并列的句子, 前倒后不倒 Not only does he know French, but also he is expert at it. neither nor 连接并列的句子, 前后都倒装 Neither do I know it, nor do I care about it. 部分倒装 so that, such that 中的 so 或 such 及修饰的成分放于句首时前倒后不倒 So busy is he that he cannot go on a holiday. as 引导的让步状语, 把需要强调的部分 提前 ( 如名词 动词 形容词 副词 ), 然 Child as he is, he has learned a lot. 后再加陈述句的其他部分 so, neither 或 nor 表示前句内容也适用于另外的人或事 He can play the piano. So can I. 用于表示祝愿的祈使句中 May you be in good health! 省略 if 的虚拟条件 Were I you, I would not do it in this way. 2. so / nor / neither + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词 + 主语 与 so / nor / neither + 主语 + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动 词 17

18 (1) so / nor / neither + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词 + 主语 表示前面说过的情况也适用于另一个人或物时要部分倒装 如 : Peter can t answer the question. Neither can I. (2) so / nor / neither + 主语 + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词 表示 确实, 仅是对前面内容的肯定或附和 如 : ---The lights are still on in the classroom. You must have forgotten to turn them off. 考点 虚拟语气 if 引导的虚拟条件句的结构 与现在事实相反 条件从句结构 If + 主语 + 动词过去式 (be 动词用 were) 主句结构主语 + should/would/could /might + 动词原形 与过去事实相反 If + 主语 +had + 过去分词主语 + should/would/could /might+ have+ 过去分词 If+ 主语 + 动词过去式 主语 + should/would/could 与将来事实相反 If+ 主语 + were to + 动词原形 If+ 主语 + should + 动词原形 /might + 动词原形 考点 主谓一致的用法 遵循三个原则 : 语法一致 意义一致 就近原则 1. 用作主语的名词词组的中心词和谓语动词在单 复数形式上的一致 ; 2. 主语和谓语动词的一致关系取决于主语的单 复数意义 充当主语的词用法例句 集体名词 如果作为一个整体看待, 谓语动词用单数形式, 如果就其中单个成员而言, 谓语动词用复数形式 如 audience/class/club/company/crew/enemy/cr owd/government/group/party/public/team 等 只当复数看待, 谓语动词必须用复数 :people/police/cattle 等 His family is a happy one The whole family are watching TV. The police are searching for the thief. 3. 句中出现连词如 or/either or /neither nor /not only but also 等, 谓语动词的人称和数常常与最近作主语的词语保持一致 当主语后面有 as well as/with/along with/together with/but/like/rather than/except, 逗号加 and 连接几个名词或代词等引导的短语时, 谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致 考点 语法填空 语法填空题在考试当中考查的是考生的词汇量 词汇正确运用以及文章主旨大意的把握 所填单词以考查实词为主 一共有十个空, 常考题型主要包括根据汉语或英文单词填写出英文的正确形式 ( 简单 ), 根据首字母填写正确的单词 ( 难度一般 ), 第三种是既没有汉语提示也没有首字母提示 ( 较难 ) 文章篇幅长度为 200 词左右 题材开放多样 1. 解题技巧根据题型的特点说明, 我们总结出以下几个答题技巧 : 18

19 填词三部曲 (1) 确定词解答给汉语提示的单词拼写题时, 切忌不考虑句意简单翻译, 汉语和英语在互译时并不是永远能一一对等的 (2) 确定词性分析应填词担任的句子成分, 正确判断所缺单词的词性 (3) 确定词形正确 工整 清楚地拼写出所填单词正确形式 2. 找搭配信息 (1) 对于首字母提示和语境提示的空格 : 如何判断其意义及词性, 关键看搭配, 重点找已知信息 搭配包括 : 主谓搭配, 动宾搭配, 前置定语 ( 形容词 动词分词 )+ 名词或名词 + 后置定语 ( 形容词, 动词分词, 介宾短语或者定语从句 ), 谓语 + 状语 ( 副词 ), 副词修饰形容词等等 空格前后的已知信息词决定着空格词的词性 (2) 汉语提示题相对简单 : 大部分我们可以根据汉语提示直接写出答案 但需特别注意的是有时题中给出我们的意思能够理解, 但词性的选择和单词的选择还是需要根据具体的搭配信息确定 而且中文往往是模糊的, 与之相近的意思的单词或许不止一个词 这时更需要我们根据文中已知信息来确定 3. 核查答案 所有空格都给出答案之后要将全文通读一遍, 核查答案填写是否符合文章大意, 检查单词拼写是否正确 考点 完形填空 完形填空的考点梳理如下 : 1. 词汇角度 (1) 考查固定搭配或习惯用语 (2) 词义辨析 : 考查词汇的基本含义, 最好的方法就是逐一代入验证法 (3) 根据生活常识及文化背景知识选词 (4) 词语复现复现是完型填空常见的考查手法, 复现即表达相同意思的词汇在文章的不同地方出现, 词汇的复现方式有很多种, 可以是同词复现, 近义词复现, 反义词复现等 这需要我们在做题时注意 瞻前顾后, 发现词汇之间的复现关系 (5) 词语同现同现指的是词语共同出现的倾向性, 在语篇中, 当讨论某一话题时, 有些单词一定会出现, 只要我们把握话题, 结合选项就能选出答案 2. 语法角度从语法的角度考查考生对于文章理解, 这要求语法基础知识扎实, 由于语法项目较多, 在此列举其中考查较为频繁的语法点 (1) 倒装关系 (2) 被动语态 (3) 各类从句 (4) 形容词比较级 3. 逻辑角度从逻辑的角度考查考生对于上下文逻辑关系的理解, 要求学生理清文章脉络, 把握常见的逻辑关系引导词 (1) 并列关系 (2) 转折关系 (3) 因果关系 (4) 递进关系 4. 语篇角度从语篇的角度主要是考查学生对于上下文语境的理解, 更多地关注语篇内容, 在语境中做题 考点 阅读理解技巧点拨 1. 重点题型中的几个问题 : (1) 词汇题 : 字面意思不是答案, 要根据上下文推测其深刻含义 (2) 句子理解题 : 一般不要求推理, 只看句子本身 (3) 推理题 : 答案很大程度上是原文的重现, 不一定非要经过逻辑推理从原文中得出 2. 正确答案的特征 : 19

20 (1) 正确答案经常与中心思想有关 (2) 正确答案的位置, 最常见的三个位置是 : 段首段尾处 转折处 因果处 (3) 正确答案经常运用的原则是 : 同义替换 正话反说 反话正说 (4) 从语气角度来看, 正确答案中经常含有不肯定的语气词和委婉表达的用词 如 :can, may, might, possible, not necessarily, some. (5) 正确答案经常具有概括性 深刻性, 不能 只见树木不见森林 3. 错误答案的特征 : (1) 第一大层次 : 1 无中生有 ( 未提及的概念 ); 2 正反混淆 ( 选项的意思跟原文的意思正好相反 ); 3 所答非所问 ( 虽然选项的说法没有问题, 符合原文, 但和题干搭不上边 ) (2) 第二大层次 : 1 过分绝对 ; 2 扩大范围 ( 注意隐蔽型的扩大范围 mostly); 3 因果倒置 ; 4 常识判断 ; 5 推得过远 ; 6 偏离中心 ; 7 变换词性 (3) 常识判断 : 如果一个选项仅仅符合常识, 不一定是正确答案, 还要看文章中类似的意思有没有出现 ; 如果一个选项不符合常识, 一定不是正确答案 能够不由自主地按照正确的思路解题了, 才表明我们正确掌握了这些技巧 考点 图画类作文虽然目前教师招聘考试中, 图画类作文考试的频率不高, 但并不代表以后考试频率依旧不高, 所以图画作文依然是考生们备考的重点 图画类作文可分为图片 漫画与照片等多种 图画类作文总体上比图表作文的结构变化更多, 更为灵活, 因此难度也更大 1. 描述图画图画类作文对图画的描述应在第一段进行, 且最好在首句即开始 此类作文大部分是一幅图, 也会有两幅图出现的情况 如果出现两幅图, 则很有可能是突显对比的情况 图画上可能没有任何文字, 也可能在上面出现了一句话, 也可以单个人物说话或两个人物对话, 也可能在图画外写了总结性的一句话 大家注意, 这一句话或两句话一般是非常重要的, 应予译出 一般来说, 对图画的描写不必过长, 应以简练 准确为标准 2. 结构分析我们想象中的最典型最理想的图画题提纲应该是下面这样 : 1 描述图画 ; 2 推导绘画者的意图 ; 3 做出评论 对于这一提纲我们来做具体分析, 其中第三点更要细致研究 首先由图画引出一种社会现象或社会问题, 可以是好的, 也可以是不好的 在推导绘画者的意图时多是展开说此现象或问题的表现, 以证明其引人注目 还有一种可能性是说此现象或问题产生的原因, 提纲可直接列出, 或还用上述提纲 这时可把简单意图推导直接放到第一段描述图画之后, 而在第二段中说原因 20

21 第三段做出评论, 有可能只是简单评论 深化主题就结束, 但这种可能性越来越小了 这一部分很可能说的是办法, 不好的事情就是如何解决的办法, 好的事情就是如何进一步发展的方法 通过上述列表, 我们可以看出, 多年以来, 真实的提纲是怎样一步步地向我们想象中的理想模式靠近的 对于提纲里面出现的变化和规律, 我们来分析一下 我们仔细分析, 会发现考题基本上都呈现 现象或问题 原因解释 解决办法 这样的模式, 但变化非常多 因为我们谈论的既可以是一件值得弘扬的好事, 也可能是一个令人忧心忡忡的社会问题 ; 针对后者我们极有可能需要提出做法 ; 而对于前者, 可能解释一下就结束了, 也可能要写出相应的做法 综上所述, 可以看出, 比起图表作文来, 图画作文要更灵活, 更富于变化 我们一定要多练习, 以达到一看到图画 ( 含图中和图边文字 ) 和提纲 ( 有时有文章标题 ) 就能有效地审题解题, 构造出合理的具体段落的目的 考点 说明型议论文说明型议论文是将议论和说明结合在一起进行阐述的一种议论文体, 要求就某一问题或现象, 正面阐述自己的观点, 并分析说明其理由, 通常要用例证对其重要性 必要性 利弊关系或正误关系等进行论证说明, 有时还需要提出解决问题的办法或建议 在写说明文的时候, 一定要注意安排好段落层次, 采用一定的逻辑顺序, 使文章清晰 有条理 在题目中通常以 How to? 这样的问题出现 1. 文章布局第一段提出个人观点第二段分类介绍, 有逻辑有条理地分析第三段做出总结 2. 常用结构词 (1) 首先 :first and foremost/in the first place/firstly/what comes first should be/first of all (2) 其次 :secondly/in addition/moreover/meanwhile/furthermore/in the mean time/what comes next is no less important than/of equal importance (3) 再次 :thirdly, fourthly (4) 最后 :at last/last but not least/in the final/ultimately/consequently/ is also worth our attention (5) 一方面 另一方面 for one thing..., for another... on one hand..., on the other hand... one side of the coin shows, while the other side implies to 现象带来的后果 To begin with 原因之一 More over 原因二 In addition 原因三 As a result 原因导致的结果 As to me 我的观点 态度 First of all 理由一 Besides 理由二 To conclude 总结全文 考点 书信写作书信主要考查的是对信息的提取整理能力, 并不注重复杂句式语法的运用 所以, 在书信写作中, 考生需要注意以下几点 : 1. 认真读题, 不要遗漏题干中给出的关键信息, 或者在写作中偏离了题干信息 ; 2. 题干提供的信息较少时, 需根据信件题材加以发挥, 但注意内容的逻辑性和合理性 21

22 文章布局英语信件的种类比较多, 但几乎所有信件的格式都大同小异 书写英语信件要注意下面几点 : 1. 书写格式在英语考试中的信件书写一般不要求完整的格式 所以下面给大家介绍在考试中一般信件的格式主要组成部分 : (1) 称呼 (salutation), 即写对收信人的尊称 称呼顶格 : 个人 :Dear Sir/Madam/Judy/Jack, 机构 :Dear Sir or Madam, /To whom it may concern, / To those concerned, 专业 :Dear Mr. Wang, / Dear Professor Wang, / Dear Editor Wang, (2) 正文 (body), 即信件内的主要内容 正文第一句一般和称呼之间空一至二行 (3) 信尾客套语 (complimentary close), 即写信人在信的右 ( 或左 ) 下角, 写上表示自己对收信人一种礼貌客气的谦称 一般有 Sincerely; Sincerely yours; Yours sincerely; Friendly yours; Truly yours; Yours truly; Cordially yours; Yours cordially 等 (4) 信尾签名 (signature), 即亲笔签上写信人自己的姓名 如果是用打字机或电脑写的信, 在写信人签名的上方, 同样应该打上写信人的姓名 2. 书写款式齐头式 (Block Style) 和折衷式 (Semi-Block Style) 齐头式常在商贸 官方以及一些正式的信件中使用, 以显示信件内容的严肃性 真实性 可靠性 而折衷式则显得比较随便, 主要用于家人 朋友 私人之间来往的信件 如果两人之间不是第一次通信, 相互比较了解, 可以省略信内的双方地址 书信分类 1. 私人信函 (Private Letter) 私人信函是一个宽泛的概念, 既可以指公务信函以外的一切信函, 也可以指与家人或朋友之间互通信息 感情这一特定类型的信件 2. 公务信函 (Official Correspondence) 公务信函是现实生活中应用最广的一类, 主要包括申请信 感谢信 邀请信 道歉信 建议信等几大类, 下面将分别进行介绍 (1) 申请信 (Letter of Application) 1 文体特点申请信指当一个人想得到某种机会或某些东西时, 往往通过申请信来请求 如申请留学, 申请援助或一份工作 申请信应简洁 明确 如实地反映你的才能 成绩 愿望和目标 申请信的内容一般包括以下三个部分 : 申请的具体内容和缘由 ; 自己的情况和条件 ; 提出要求, 如回信 面试等等 2 文章布局根据题目要求, 第一段提出申请或请求, 明确表达申请的意图 I would like to apply for... I wish to... I have cherished the opportunity of... for many years. 第二段可具体说明自身情况, 诸如教育背景 工作经历 兴趣爱好 特长技能等 第三段表达自己的愿望, 如希望得到面试机会, 或尽早得到回复 结尾最好表达出期望的心情 22

23 Looking forward to your reply. I shall be greatly appreciated. I would be grateful to you. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. (2) 感谢信 (Letter of Thanks) 1 文体特点感谢信是为了答谢对方的邀请 问候 关心 帮助等 2 文章布局感谢信的写作内容主要包括 : 第一段明确表示谢意 I am writing to express my thanks for I would like to show my sincere appreciation for I am writing to show my gratitude for 第二段列举对方提供的帮助, 说明该帮助所起的作用 ; 或表达对所受物品的喜爱以及以后如何使用及收藏等 第三段再次表达感谢并问候对方 Please accept my gratitude, now and always. I must thank you again for your generous help. I feel most obliged to thank you once more. (3) 邀请信 (Letter of Invitation) 1 文体特点邀请信用来在日常生活中邀请亲朋好友和相关人士来参加某一活动或会议 2 文章布局第一段开门见山写出主题, 即邀请某人做 第二段提供主题, 时间地点等细节信息 第三段表达谢意和期待对方的回复 (4) 道歉信 (Letter of Apology) 1 文体特点道歉信主要用来表达歉意, 解释原因, 以及提出补救办法等 道歉信的写作要点包括 : 写信目的, 道歉缘由, 提出补救措施等 2 文章布局第一段表明写信的目的, 说明需要道歉的事件 I am writing to you to express my apology for I am writing to apologize for Please accept my sincere apology for I am very sorry to say that 第二段可具体说明道歉的事由 It is probable that on this occasion the mistake was made due to It is just because of 23

24 第三段再次表达歉意, 希望得到对方的理解 Please allow me to say sorry again. I am sorry for any inconvenience the matter has caused to you. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. I assure the same thing will never happen again. (5) 建议信 (Letter of Suggestion) 1 文体特点建议信是指向个人或机构提出合理的建议, 并希望对方采纳, 从而解决问题 建议信的写作要点通常为 : 写信的目的, 提供合理的建议, 希望问题得到改善 注意在写作中, 用词应委婉礼貌, 否则容易变成议论文 2 文章布局根据题目要求, 第一段点明身份, 说明写信目的, 提出一些建设性意见 I am writing to express my views about I recommend that concerning the issue. Here is my suggestion for I would like to share my view with you with regard to 第二段可具体说明情况, 提出解决的办法 It would be beneficial if You may consider doing If I were you, I would 第三段表达感谢和期盼 I would appreciate it if you take my proposals into consideration. I hope you find these suggestions useful. Please take good consideration of my advice. Thank you. I am available to discuss with you about further details 第二部分习题演练 一 单项选择题 1., she does get angry with him sometimes. A. Although much she loves her husband B. Much although she loves her husband C. As she loves her husband D. Much as she loves her husband 2. is troubling me is I don t understand he said. A. What; that; what B. It; that; what C. That; that; what D. what; that; which 3. Most smokers say that they smoking to some degree, but health experts suggest that they had better. A. benefit from; cut it out B. benefit; cut it in 24

25 C. benefit; cut it off D. benefit from; cut it away If he, he that food. ---Luckily, he was sent to the hospital immediately. A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warned; had not taken 5. Jane s grandmother had wanted to write children s book for many years, but one thing or another always got in way. A. a; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填 ; the D. a; the 6. If you swim in a river or lake, be sure to investigate is below the water surface. Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water. A. what B. who C. that D. whoever 7. This city we live and study is developing very fast. A. why B. when C. where D. who 8. Only after talking to two students that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factor in reaching goals. A. I did discover B.did I discover C. I discovered D. discovered 9. Tom takes his grades more seriously than the way he learns, is often the case with many his classmates. A. as B. that C. when D. where 10. It is not what we have achieved but how we achieved so much is worthy of reflection. A. which B. it C. that D. this Can you come here a quarter ten? --- Sure, 9:45. A. at; past B. at; to C. in; to D. around; past 12. If there were no rain, we should have on the beach. A. the happiest time B. a more happier time C. much happiest time D. a much happier time 13. Can you describe what Mr. Green s daughter is like? Oh, she has the very of Mr. Green. I m sure you can know her at the first sight. A. photo B. voice C. look D. taste 14. All the scientific evidence that increasing use of chemicals in farming damaging our health. A. show; are B. shows; are C. show; is D. shows; is 15. Haojiang Peach Blossom ( 桃花 ) Festival took place in late February. Did you go there? Yes. I took the No. 36 bus and then a walk to Ju Feng Temple. A. The seventh; 20-minute B. The seven; 20-minute C. The seventh, 20 minute s D. The seven; 20 minutes 二 完形填空题 25

26 Mum, can I invite my classmate Brett over to stay tomorrow night, please? It s Friday, and we don t have any 16.Can I, please? Mum was sitting at the kitchen table. Dad was 17 next to her, resting his head on his arms. Mum could 18 that James wanted so badly to have his friend over. I m so sorry, James, she said. I m never allowed to have friends come to the house? Why, Mum? James asked sadly, almost in 19. I know it s 20 for you, Mum said softly. But I m just worried other people might think we re a little strange. And then they would make fun of you. No, they wouldn t, Mum, James protested. We re not 21 at all. We re just ordinary people. Mum sighed heavily. To tell you the truth, James, my neck has been so painful that it s given me a heavy 22. And your poor father he doesn t feel 23. He really needs a rest. I can help, Mum! James said. 24 I can make you and Dad feel better, can Brett come over? Please? Well Mum began. Great! Thanks, Mum! James almost shouted. Just sit there, don t move. He rushed over to the kitchen drawer and 25 what he needed two spanners ( 扳手 ). Hang on, Mum, he said. This won t take a second. After some 26, James was finished. With a smile of 27 on his face he said, There! How does that feel? Oh, James, Mum said. That s a much better! How did you do it? Easy, James said 28. Dad had tightened your neck bolts ( 螺栓 ) too much! I just 29 them slightly! I learned that in robotic science at school. What about you father? Can you 30 him? asked Mum. I ll try, James replied. He 31 up Dad s hair at the back of his neck, and plugged the electric wire into Dad s head. Then he turned the 32 on. Dad opened his eyes and 33 immediately. He just let his 34 run too low, that s all, James said, Shall I tell Brett to come over straight after school tomorrow? I guess so, replied Mum. Your friends will just have to 35 that we are a very unusual family. Thanks, son! 16. A. homework B. message C. chance D. difficulty 17. A. alone B. reading C. asleep D. standing 18. A. explain B. doubt C. agree D. see 19. A. tears B. terror C. surprise D. silence 20. A. fair B. hard C. good D. easy 21. A. normal B. strange C. popular D. anxious 22. A. day B. loss C. task D. headache 23. A. well B. funny C. sorry D. ill 24. A. As B. Since C. If D. Before 25. A. kept B. found C. controlled D. returned 26. A. requests B. repairs C. thoughts D. instructions 27. A. sympathy B. bitterness C. satisfaction D. politeness 28. A. embarrassedly B. gratefully C. proudly D. impatiently 29. A. covered B. collected C. produced D. adjusted 30. A. help B. accompany C. greet D. ask 26

27 31. A. filled B. caught C. gave D. lifted 32. A. television B. light C. power D. gas 33. A. grew up B. sat up C. broke down D. lay down 34. A. food B. temperature C. blood D. battery 35. A. accept B. expect C. suspect D. prove 三 短文填空题 The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Friday to India s Kailash Satyarthi and Pakistan s Malala Yousafzai for their struggles 36 the suppression ( 压迫 ) of children and for young people's rights, 37 (include) the right to education. Yousafzai came to 38 (globe) attention after she 39 (shoot) in the head by the Taliban two years ago for her efforts 40 (promote) education for girls in Pakistan. Through her heroic struggle, Yousafzai has become a leading spokeswoman for girls rights to education.according to the Nobel committee, at 17 she s the 41 (young) ever peace prize winner. I m proud that I m the first Pakistani and the first young woman or the first young person 42 gets this award, she said in Birmingham, England. She doesn t believe that she deserves the award but considers 43 an encouragement to continue her campaign and to know that she isn t 44. Awarding the Peace Prize to a Pakistani Muslim and an Indian Hindu 45 (give) a message to people of love between Pakistan and India, and between different religions. 四 阅读理解题 A Some years ago, I was caught in a sudden, blinding snowstorm near Indiana, Pennsylvania. My car stalled at the edge of town. I walked into town and into the nearest store. The shop owner phoned for help to get my car out of the deep snow. In a short time, a tall blond man showed up with a team of horses and pulled my car out of the snow into town. I asked him how much I owed him for his trouble. He refused any pay, saying, I will charge you nothing but the promise that you will help the next man you find in trouble. I thanked him and made the promise. After he left, the storekeeper explained that the guy who had helped me was a Mennonite ( 孟诺派教徒 ) who considered it wrong to charge anyone for a service made necessary by an act of God. Four years later, a friend and I were driving over flooded land south of St. Louis, Missouri. We crossed through water a foot deep without difficulty, but through my rearview mirror, I could see that the small car behind us was in trouble. I walked back with difficulty in the water while my companion turned the car around so I could hook up onto his car with chains. We pulled the car out and waited until he got his engine started. Then he offered to pay me. I told him of my experience in Indiana, Pennsylvania, then repeated the Mennonite s words: I will charge you nothing but the promise that you will help the next man you find in trouble. He promised, and we parted. About a year later, my family and I were camping about a hundred miles from Aurora, Missouri. We put up our tents near the James River. We d been told that it never flooded at that time of the year. However, the river evidently misread the calendar. I woke up in the middle of the night with a very cold back from water deep enough to cover the canvas bed. 27

28 We loaded our wet equipment into our car, but we were unable to drive it to higher ground. I walked to an inn some distance from our camping spot and asked the innkeeper if he could get help to pull us out. Shortly afterwards, a farmer showed up with a tractor and a long rope and pulled us to safe ground. When I offered to pay him, he told me of a man who had helped him get his tractor out of the mud and then said: I will charge you nothing but the promise that you will help the next man that you find in trouble. I had never imagined that a man s act of kindness could have traveled so far and wide. 46. What is the message of this story? A. Kindness can spread from person to person. B. Experiences of the author in different places. C. How kind American people are. D. How much the author liked sight-seeing when he was young. 47. From whom did the author first learn the statement I will charge you nothing but the promise that you will help the next man you find in trouble? A. A tractor driver in Indiana B. A car driver in Missouri C. A shopkeeper in Pennsylvania D. A man in Pennsylvania 48. What does the word stalled (in the first paragraph) probably mean? A. Parked B. Trapped C. Damaged D. Ran short of gas 49. What can you infer about the character of the author? A. Humorous B. Wicked C. Honest D. Suspicious 50. What s the tone of this essay? A. Humorous B. Ironic C. Pessimistic D. Positive B Look closely at your hands-are they clean? It doesn t matter how many times you wash your hands. They re still crowded with microbes, which are also called germs or bacteria. Microbes are everywhere. But don t worry-most microbes don t harm you, and many actually help you stay alive. Now, scientists say the microbes that live on our hands could be useful in a surprising way: fighting crime. When police visit the scene of the crime, they often look for fingerprints to try to identify the criminal. But according to a recent study, investigators could even use microbes to help break a criminal case. Everyone has his or her own set of microbes that live on their hands, according to scientists at the University of Colorado. That means a mix of different kinds of microbes on everyone s hand is unique-much like one s fingerprint. The scientists wanted to know whether the microbe mix could be used as a new kind of fingerprint-especially in a crime scene where fingerprints might be hard to find. And policemen use forensics such as studying fingerprints to identify the criminal. Microbe fingerprints are harder to hide, said Noah Fierer, one of the scientists. You can t sterilize a surface just by wiping it off. His team compared the bacteria on the hands of 273 people to the bacteria found on each person s computer keyboard. For the study, the keyboard had been used only by the people who were being tested. The study showed that 28

29 the mix of microbes from each person s hands matched the mix of microbes on that person s keyboard. The scientists were easily able to tell the 273 people apart-just by looking at their keyboards. But there are a lot more than 273 criminals. Other scientists wonder whether the microbe fingerprint can nearly be that useful. Fierer agrees that scientists have a lot more work to do before the microbe fingerprint will be a useful tool. 51. According to the passage, microbes on people hands. A. do more harm than good B. are easy to get rid of C. are almost the same D. might help solve crimes 52. The underlined word forensics in Paragraph 5 probably refers to. A. a new kind of fingerprint B. the scientific test used by police C. a kind of bacteria in people s hands D. a kind of newly invented keyboard 53. What did Fierer s team find through the study? A. They could tell who had used which computer B. They found the criminal among the 273 people C. Computer keyboard couldn t help people s microbe fingerprints D. People s hands could be identified by the keyboards they used 54. We can learn from the passage that. A. your microbe will give you away B. scientists will reach a clear conclusion soon C. many scientists think microbe fingerprint useless D. the microbe fingerprint has been used in many cases 55. The passage is mainly about. A. the importance of fingerprints B. how to clean our hands C. the usefulness of microbes D. different germs on our hands C The following are some famous beaches in America that you can t miss. Coast Guard Beach Massachusetts For a classical coastal vacation, head to Coast Guard Beach, which has boundless miles of sand. Stop at the Salt Pond Visitor Center to learn about free programs, such as family campfire nights, beach yoga and fishing lessons. Take a ride along the 24-mile bike path or boat through undamaged wetland. The beach has lifeguards, showers and changing rooms. In town, Clam Bar serves children s meals and has an 18-hole miniature golf course. Coopers Beach New York With the rich and famous along, this wide white-sand beach is a true Hamtons treasures. A tour along Coopers Beach offers the unique view of a seemingly endless Atlantic on one side and historic buildings on the other. The gently sloping ( 倾斜的 ) beach has lifeguards, a snack bar, chair and umbrella rentals, and a summer concert series. Allow time for shopping in town on ancient, tree-lined streets like Jobs Lane. Hanalei Bay Beach Hawaii 29

30 The slow pace of life at Hanalei Bay on Kauai's north shore makes this two-mile-long, half-moon beach at the foot of green mountains and waterfalls the perfect place to stop and step into the sunshine. Beachgoers can swim, body board and learn to surf in summer's calmer waters. In the town of Hanalei, a five-minute walk from the beach, you'll find surf stores, gift shops and so on. Santa Cruz Bach California Home to the last of the great seaside amusement parks on the West Coast, the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is family-friendly and feature rides for children of; ill ages and live music events during the summer. Cowell s Beach, just north of the main beach, provides some of the best conditions for learning to surf on the West Coast. Climb aboard a Roaring Camp Railroads train, which picks up passengers on the boardwalk and takes them into the forest of Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. 56. If your children are interested in golf, which of the following destinations would be the best choice for you? A. Coast Guard Beach. B. Coopers Beach. C. Hanalei Bay Beach. D. Santa Cruz Beach. 57. From the passage, we know that on Coopers Beach. A. tourists can enjoy summer concerts series without payment B. tourists can rent umbrellas in case it rains C. tourists can play in the great seaside amusement park with their friends D. tourists can get together with their family members in the wetland 58. What can we enjoy on Hanalei Bay Beach? A. Family campfires and beach yoga. B. Boating through undamaged wetland and visiting gift shops. C. Watching waterfalls and swimming. D. Taking a train trip into the trees. 59. Cowell s Beach is a good choice for people who like. A. surfing B. riding C. fishing D. shopping 60. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage? A. The endless Atlantic and historic buildings are a unique view on Coast Guard Beach. B. On Coopers Beach, you can go shopping on modern, tree-lined streets. C. Live music events take place all the year round on Hanalei Bay Beach. D. Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park is situated in California. D You spent lots of time and money shopping online during the past year and somehow your lost track of both. That s why when you received their annual statement from Alipay ( 支付宝 ), the Chinese third-party online payment platform, you probably got a big surprise. Chen Si, 23, a senior in Literature of Film and TV at Shandong University of Arts, shared her feeling, Can t bear to look at it. Many micro-blogget said they would rather cut their hands off after, seeing how every cent of their money was spent online shopping last year. I m one of them, Chen said. 30

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