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1 兒童免疫接種計劃 - 接種疫苗預防傳染病免疫接種可減低受傳染病的機會 而香港衛生署建議免疫接種應由初生嬰兒開始, 因為他們的抵抗力較弱, 容易受感染, 家長應要透過兒童免疫接種計劃來提高他們的抵抗力 Childhood Immunization Program - Prevent Communicable Diseases Get Your Child Vaccinated Immunization can reduce the chance of getting communicable diseases. Department of Health in Hong Kong suggests that the newborn infant is weak, vulnerable to infection so they should get immunized. Parents shall enhance their children s resistance through the childhood immunization program. 兒童免疫接種計劃 Childhood Immunization Program Vio code: CONVOY, Class B ( 登記時必須出示本單張 Please present this leaflet at the clinic reception to enjoy this special offer.) 適合不同年齡的嬰幼兒及小童疫苗及注射時間表如下 :- s appropriate for infants and children with recommended vaccination schedule is as follows:- 年齡 Age 疫苗 Vio Code 原價 List Price (HK$) 初生 New born 二個月 2 months 四個月 4 months 六個月 6 months 一歲 12 months 一歲以上 12 months and above - 卡介苗 B.C.G. VAC052 $145 per dose - 乙型肝炎疫苗 - 第一針 Hepatitis B First dose VAC069 $210 per dose - 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 - 第一針 ( 於 6 個星期大開始接種, 疫苗已包括乙型肝炎疫苗 ) 6 in 1 DPT - First dose (Suitable for infant aged 6 weeks old, this vaccine includes Hepatitis B ) VAC094 $650 per dose - 人類輪狀病毒口服疫苗 - 第一劑 Rotavirus (oral) vaccine- First dose VAC097 $580 per dose - 肺炎球菌及急性中耳炎混合疫苗 - 第一針 PHiD-CV- First dose VAC102 $750 per dose - 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 - 第二針 6 in 1 DPT - Second dose VAC094 $650 per dose - 人類輪狀病毒口服疫苗 - 第二劑 Rotavirus (oral) vaccine- Second dose VAC097 $580 per dose - 肺炎球菌及急性中耳炎混合疫苗 - 第二針 PHiD-CV- Second dose VAC102 $750 per dose - 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 - 第三針 ( 與第二針相隔至少一個月 ) 6 in 1 DPT - Third dose (receive the 3 rd does at least one month from the 2 nd dose) VAC094 $650 per dose - 肺炎球菌及急性中耳炎混合疫苗 - 第三針 PHiD-CV- Third dose VAC102 $750 per dose - 4 痘混合疫苗 - 第一針 MMRV First dose VAC064-V $680 per dose - 腦膜炎雙球菌 ACYW-135 接合疫苗 Nimenrix ACWY Conjugated VAC111 $930 per dose - 甲型肝炎 - 共二針 ( 需相隔六至十二個月 ) Hepatitis A A course of 2 doses (receive a 2nd dose of Hepatitis A vaccine at least 6 months to 12 months after the 1st dose) - 肺炎球菌及急性中耳炎混合苗 - 加強針 ( 於十二至十五個月大注射 ) PHiD-CV- Booster dose (receive the booster dose at 12 months to 15 months old.) - 4 痘混合疫苗 - 第二針 ( 於十五個月至 6 歲內接種 ) MMRV Second dose (receive the 2nd dose at 15 months to 6 years old.) VAC074 VAC102 VAC064-V $375 per dose $750 per dose $680 per dose 一歲半 - 5 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 - 加強針 5-in-1 DPT - Booster dose VAC072 $630 per dose 18 months 上述疫苗種類及價格僅供參考, 如有任何更改, 本醫務所將不作另行通知 The types and price of vaccines listed as above are for reference only. It may change without prior notice. 查詢 Enquiries business@drvio.com.hk 預防疫苗 Preventive 95 折 (5% off) 嬰幼兒需注射何種疫苗視乎其年齡和已接種的疫苗類型, 但最終由兒科專科醫生決定 The kinds of vaccines to be taken by infants depend on their age and vaccines taken but are subject to the recommendations of Paediatrician. 注射疫苗前醫生講解 HK$600 per visit / 每次 A specialist consultation by Paediatrician is required prior to the injection 接受醫生講解後, 不論接種疫苗與否, 均須繳付醫生講解費用 Once consultation is taken, the fee will be charged whether the vaccine is taken or not. 有效期 Valid Period: 1 February May 2015 備註 : 1. 以上參考資料及優惠券均由韋予力醫務所 ( 參與商戶 ) 提供 2. 所有產品 / 服務均由參與商戶提供及銷售予客戶 而有關產品 / 服務之質素及供應量, 一概由參與商戶負責 康宏金融將不會作任何陳述或保證任何產品及 / 或服務之質素 如客戶對產品及 / 或服務有爭議或投訴, 應直接聯絡有關參與商戶 服務中心 / Servicing Centres ( 敬請預約 Appointment is required) / / (Mon Fri 9 am to 6:30 pm) 中環皇后大道中 18 號新世界大廈 2 期 3 樓 /F., New World Tower Two, 18 Queen s Road Central Mon - Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm Sat 9:00am to 12:30pm 尖沙咀漢口道 4 號騏生商業中心 11 樓 /F., Kaiseng Commercial Centre, 4 Hankow Road, Tsimshatsui Mon - Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm Sat 9:00am to 12:30pm

2 嬰幼兒免疫接種計劃 Childhood Immunization Program - FAQ Q1. 為什麼要接受免疫接種? Why do children need immunisation? 免疫接種可減低兒童受傳染病感染的機會 免疫接種應由初生嬰兒開始, 因為他們的抵抗力較弱, 容易受傳染病感染 The reason for immunisation is to decrease the chance of children from getting infectious diseases. Immunisation should be started from birth because newborn babies have low resistance and are vulnerable to infectious diseases. Q2. 兒童須接種哪些疫苗及在何處接種? What vaccines should children receive? 根據衞生署衞生防護中心轄下 疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會 建議的 香港兒童免疫接種計劃, 初生嬰兒至小學六年級的學生須接種不同種類的疫苗及加強劑, 以預防結核病 小兒麻痺症 乙型肝炎 白喉 百日咳 破傷風 肺炎球菌感染 水痘 麻疹 流行性腮腺炎及德國麻疹共十一種傳染病 衞生署對部分疫苗提供資助 家長可攜同初生至五歲兒童到衞生署轄下各母嬰健康院接受免疫接種 小學兒童則由衞生署注射員到學校提供服務 家長亦可選擇帶子女到私家醫生診所接種其他未納入 香港兒童免疫接種計劃 的疫苗, 而給孩子全面的保護並減少打針的次數 As recommended by the Scientific Committee on -preventable Diseases under the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health (DH) in the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme, children from birth to primary six should receive different types of vaccines and boosters to protect them from eleven infectious diseases, namely, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus, pneumoccal infection, chickenpox, measles, mumps and rubella. The Department of Health is providing subsidy on some types of vaccine. Parents can bring their children from birth to five years of age to any Maternal and Child Health Centre of the DH for vaccination. Inoculators of the DH will visit primary schools to provide vaccination service to school children. Parents may also bring their children to private doctors for injecting the other vaccines not included in the above programme in order to gain the full protection and also reduce the number of injections their children need to have.

3 年齡 Age 初生 New born 一個月 1 month 二個月 2 months 四個月 4 months 六個月 6 months 香港兒童免疫接種計劃 之傳統疫苗計劃 ( 於母嬰健康院免費接種 Traditional Immunisation Schedule under Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme Free of charge at Maternal and Child Health Centre) 乙型肝炎疫苗 Hepatitis B DTaP-IPV Pneumococcal DTaP-IPV Pneumococcal DTaP-IPV 乙型肝炎疫苗 Hepatitis B 傳統分開接種式疫苗計劃 Traditional Immunisation Packages 特選保護計劃 Special Protection Package 精選保護計劃 Exclusive Protection Package ( 於私家醫院 / 診所以自付形式接種 Chargeable at private clinics/ hospitals) Vio 全面優質保護疫苗計劃 Vio Comprehensive Protection Package ( 所有疫苗均以自付形式到私家醫院 / 診所接種 Chargeable at private clinics/ hospitals) 卡介苗及乙型肝炎疫苗 ( 第一針 ) ( 於出生時在醫院注射 ) BCG & Hepatitis B -- First Dose (receive before hospital discharge) 疫苗 Haemophilus Influenza B (Hiberix/ArtHib) Rotavirus (oral) ( 第一劑 1st dose) 疫苗 Haemophilus Influenza B (Hiberix/ArtHib) Rotavirus (oral) ( 第二劑 2nd dose) 疫苗 Haemophilus Influenza B (Hiberix/ArtHib) Rotavirus (oral) ( 第一劑 1st dose) 疫苗 ( 第二針 ) Haemophilus Influenza B (Hiberix/ArtHib) Rotavirus (oral) ( 第二劑 2nd dose) 毋須於健康院接種乙型肝炎疫苗 ( 第二針 ) NOT required to inject Hepatitis B (2nd dose) at Maternal and Child Health Centre 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 6-in-1 DPT ( 於 6 個星期大開始接種, 疫苗已包括乙型肝炎疫苗, 第二針 Hepatitis B 2nd dose is included in this vaccine) Pneumococcal Rotavirus (oral) ( 第一劑 1st dose) 5 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 5-in-1 DPT Pneumococcal Rotavirus (oral) ( 第二劑 2nd dose) 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 6-in-1 DPT ( 疫苗已包括乙型肝炎疫苗第三針 Third Dose is included in this vaccine)

4 一歲 12 months 15 個月 15 months 一歲半 18 months Pneumococcal 麻疹 流行性腦膜炎 德國麻疹 (MMR) 混合疫苗 MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) 水痘疫苗 Varicella Pneumococcal ( 加強針 Booster Dose) DTaP-IPV ( 加強針 Booster Dose) 疫苗 Haemophilus Influenza B (Hiberix/ArtHib) 疫苗 Haemophilus Influenza B (Hiberix/ArtHib) 甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A 腦膜炎雙球菌 ACYW- 135 接合疫苗 Nimenrix ACWY Conjugated 甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A Pneumococcal MMRV 4 痘混合疫苗 MMRV Pneumococcal ( 加強針 Booster Dose) 甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A 腦膜炎雙球菌 ACYW-135 接合疫苗 Nimenrix ACWY Conjugated MMRV 4 痘混合疫苗 MMRV 5 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 5-in-1 DPT ( 加強針 Booster Dose) 甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A 參考費用 Reference Price 不適用 Not Available HK$3,135 HK$6,285 HK$12,835 參考費用已包括每次接種疫苗前, 專科醫生講解的診金及有關疫苗費用 The reference price includes the doctor consultation fee prior to each injection) 相比傳統分開接種式疫苗計劃, 全面優質保護疫苗計劃可減少接種只 8 針, 並提供額外保護針對 : 乙型流感嗜血桿菌, 輪狀病毒, 甲型肝炎, 腦膜炎雙球菌 Compare with the injection of traditional immunisation packages, the Comprehensive Protection Packages can reduce total of 8 doses and also provides extra protection on Haemophilus Influenzae type B (HiB), Rotavirus, Hepatitis A and Meningococcal. 備註 Remark: (1) 注射疫苗前必須由指定兒科醫生講解 A consultation by pediatrician is required prior to vaccine injection. (2) 嬰幼兒需注射何種疫苗視乎其年齡和已接種的疫苗類型, 但最終由指定兒科醫生決定 The kinds of vaccines to be taken by infants depend on their age and vaccines taken but are subject to the recommendations of pediatrician. (3) 上述例子僅供參考, 如有任何更改, 不作另行通知 The above information is for reference only and subject to change without prior notice.

5 Q3. 有什麼疫苗是不在 香港兒童免疫接種計劃 之內呢? What are the vaccines not included in the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme? 除了衞生署建議在 香港兒童免疫接種計劃 之內的疫苗, 個別私家診所及醫院可能會為兒童接種其他疫苗, 以預防相關的傳染病 這些疫苗包括 5 合 1 或 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 及腦膜炎雙球菌 ACYW-135 接合疫苗 Some private doctors and hospitals may provide other vaccines which are not included in the Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme to protect children from certain infectious diseases. These vaccines include 5-in-1 DPT vaccine or 6-in-1 DPT vaccine, Rotavirus (oral) vaccine and Nimenrix ACWY Conjugated vaccine. (1) MMRV 4 痘混合疫苗 - 針對 4 種普遍的兒童疾病 MMRV 4-in-1 Combined - Prevent 4 common childhood diseases 流行性腮腺炎 Mumps 麻疹 Measles 腮腺炎病毒是一種急性傳染病 An Acute infectious disease caused by the Mumps virus 通過唾液傳播 Spread by Saliva 一歲以上的小童較容易病發 More common in child over 1 year 病發時唾液腺會腫痛 Painful swelling of salivary glands 麻疹病毒是極具感染性的疾病 A highly infectious disease caused by Measles virus 通過空氣飛沫傳播, 咳嗽和打噴嚏傳播 Spread through air droplets, coughing and sneezing 開始時會發燒, 流鼻水和咳嗽 然後紅色斑點狀皮疹會出現, 並會從臉上蔓延到身體的其他部位 Initially with fever, runny nose and cough. Then follow by red blotchy skin rash and will spread from face to rest of the body 德國麻疹 Rubella 由風疹病毒引起 Caused by Rubella virus 小童身上會出現瀰漫性皮疹和淋巴結腫大 Children usually present with a diffuse rash and enlargement of lymph nodes 成人感染後可能會出現頭痛, 輕微咳嗽, 結膜炎及低燒後出疹 Adults may initially experience headache, malaise, mild cough, conjunctivitis and low grade fever followed by skin rash 水痘 Varicella (Chickenpox) 帶狀皰疹病毒引致的水痘是一種急性傳染病 An acute infectious disease caused by Varicella-zoster virus 主要影響 12 歲以下小童 Predominantly affects children under 12 此病毒是高度傳染性, 會傳播通過飛沫或空氣 Highly contagious and will spread through droplets or air 患者會先發燒和出疹, 然後身體的其他部分會續漸出疹 Patient usually presents with fever and itchy skin rash. Then the rashes develop in crops on body and spread to the rest of body 4 痘混合疫苗的好處 Advantages of MMRV vaccine: 1. 與分開注射相比,4 痘混合疫苗能提供相近的免疫能力 Compared with separated vaccination schedule, 4-in-1 combined vaccine provides similar safety profile and seroconversion rates. 2. 能配合現時政府提供的疫苗時間表, 不需多加針數即可提供多一個保護, 免寶寶受多次打針之苦 It fits into the Hong Kong childhood immunization programme schedule, it offers additional protection without the hassle of an extra injection. 3. 最早可於 15 個月大完成接種疫苗, 儘早提供保護 Vaccination course can be completed as early as 15 months old for obtaining earlier protection.

6 (2) 5 合 1 及 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗..針對乙型流感嗜血桿菌及其他疾病 5-in-1 & 6-in-1 - Prevent Hib and other diseases 乙型流感嗜血桿菌 (Hib) 是一種能引致嚴重侵入性感染的細菌, 尤其影響幼童 九成患者均為 5 歲以下的幼童, 年齡較大的兒童受感染的機會較少 侵入性感染可導致多種嚴重疾病, 最常見的病徵為腦膜炎, 細菌入血也經常同時出現 腦膜炎可引起發燒 頭痛 頸部僵硬, 並出現食慾不振 噁心 嘔吐 畏光 精神昏亂和嗜睡等徵狀 其次有機會感染肺炎 敗血症 中耳炎 急性會厭炎, 甚至死亡 而患者可能出現發燒 喉嚨痛 流口水 吞嚥痛楚 拒絕吞嚥, 甚至呼吸困難等病徵 按注射時間表, 共需注射四針, 分別於寶寶 2 個月 4 個月 6 個月及 18 個月大時注射 Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is an infection that can cause severe invasive bacteria, particularly affecting young children. Contrary to its name, Hib does not cause the flu. 90% patients are children under 5 years old and older children have less chance of infection. Invasive infection can cause a variety of serious diseases, the most common symptoms is meningitis where bacteria going into the blood often occur simultaneously. Meningitis can cause fever, headache, neck stiffness, and loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, mental symptoms like dizzy and lethargy. Besides, it is possible to cause pneumonia, sepsis, otitis media, acute epiglottitis, and even death. Epiglottitis may occur in patients with fever, sore throat, drooling, swallowing pain, refusing to swallow, and even breathing difficulties and other symptoms. Injection schedule inject four doses, respectively when baby is 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and 18 months old. 疫苗 可預防疾病 Preventable Diseases 4-in-1 5 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 5-in-1 6 合 1 無細胞混合疫苗 6-in-1 白喉 Diphtheria 白喉 Diphtheria 白喉 Diphtheria 破傷風 Tetanus 破傷風 Tetanus 破傷風 Tetanus 百日咳 Pertussis 百日咳 Pertussis 百日咳 Pertussis 小兒痲痺 Polio 小兒痲痺 Polio 小兒痲痺 Polio 乙型流感嗜血桿菌 Hib 乙型流感嗜血桿菌 Hib 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B (3) Rotavirus (oral) 輪狀病毒因在電子顯微鏡下呈輪狀而冠名, 是造成全世界 6 到 24 個月大的幼童嚴重脫水性腹瀉和嘔吐的主要原因, 對年紀最小的嬰兒危險性最大, 幾乎所有兒童在 5 歲前都會感染輪狀病毒 輪狀病毒能引起腸道病毒感染, 造成發燒 嘔吐及嚴重腹瀉及脫水 嚴重的案例會造成一天 20 次以上的嘔吐或腹瀉 症狀通常會持續 3 至 9 天 輪狀病毒具高度傳染性, 通常透過口糞途徑傳播 ( 例如飲用了受污染的食物與水 接觸受到污染的物件表面, 如玩具 ); 感染甚至可能發生在衛生條件良好的場所 能保護幼兒免受因感染輪狀病毒而引起的腹瀉, 產生免疫力而不會引起腸胃炎 按注射時間表, 需服用 2 劑量口服疫苗, 寶寶 6 周歲便可開始接種,2 劑相約至少 4 星期 但必須於寶寶 24 周歲前完成 2 劑量 Rotavirus is the main cause of severe diarrhea and nausea in infants and young children from 6 months to 24 months worldwide. Rotavirus is extremely hazardous to the smallest baby. Rotavirus can causes gastrointestinal virus infection, and lead to fever, severe diarrhea and nausea. Rotavirus is mainly transmitted by excrement and mouth. It

7 is a highly infectious virus, usually via the fecal - oral route (e.g. ingestion of contaminated food and water, contact with contaminated surfaces, such as toys); and may even occur in the places with good hygiene conditions. Rotavirus (oral) vaccine can effectively protect infants against rotavirus diarrhea, and gain the immunity against rotavirus gastroenteritis. Injection schedule Receive 2 doses of oral vaccine, the minimum age for dose 1 is 6 weeks and the minimum interval between doses of rotavirus vaccine is 4 weeks. (4) 腦膜炎雙球菌 ACYW-135 接合疫苗 Nimenrix ACWY Conjugated 入侵性腦膜炎雙球菌 ( 學名 : 腦膜炎奈瑟氏球菌 ) 疾病是由腦膜炎雙球菌所引致 在大部分國家, 腦膜炎奈瑟氏球菌被公認為腦膜炎及敗血病的主因 當細菌入侵血液 ( 腦膜炎雙球菌血症 ) 或包圍腦部及脊髓的內膜 ( 流行性腦膜炎 ) 時, 可引致嚴重病症 腦膜炎雙球菌血症的病徵包括突發性發燒 劇烈頭痛 皮膚出現瘀斑 休克 而嚴重者甚至會致命 流行性腦膜炎的病徵包括發高燒 劇烈頭痛 頸部僵硬及嗜睡 ; 亦會有嘔吐 畏光或皮疹等情況出現, 若情況嚴重更可造成腦部損害或死亡 腦部損害可導致智力受影響 智力發展遲緩 失聰及電解質失衡 侵入性腦膜炎雙球菌感染更可引致關節炎 心肌炎 眼內炎或肺炎 Meningococcal infection is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. It is one of the leading causes of bacterial meningitis in many countries. The clinical picture may be variable. Severe illness may result when the bacteria invade the bloodstream (meningococcaemia) or the membranes that envelope the brain and spinal cord (meningococcal meningitis). Meningococcaemia is characterised by sudden onset of fever, intense headache, purpura, shock and even death in severe cases. Meningococcal meningitis is characterised by high fever, severe headache, stiff neck followed by drowsiness, vomiting, fear of bright light, or a rash; it can cause brain damage or even death. The brain damage may lead to intellectual impairment, mental retardation, hearing loss and electrolyte imbalance. For invasive meningococcal infections, it can be complicated by arthritis, inflammation of heart muscle, inflammation of the posterior chamber of the eye or chest infection. 3 大高危人士較易感染腦膜炎雙球菌 3 Types of people with higher risk of infection: - 嬰幼兒 : 免疫系統未夠成熟, 容易感染 Infants: Immaturity of the infant's immune system - 青少年 : 壓力大及睡眠不足可令免疫力下降 Adolescents and Young Adults: Stress and lack of sleep can compromise human s immune system's ability - 外遊人士 : 在旱季 ( 十二月至六月 ) 於非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南, 馬里至埃塞俄比亞的熱帶草原區, 染病機會較高 Travellers: in sub-saharan Africa extending from Mali to Ethiopia, particularly in the savanna during the dry season (December to June) 現時香港市面共有三種腦膜炎雙球菌疫苗 ( 一種二價及兩種四價 ) 可供選擇 四價疫苗可以預防 A C Y 和 W135 型腦膜炎雙球菌, 給孩子更全面的保護 家長可於孩子 12 個月或以上安排接種腦膜炎雙球菌 ACYW-135 接合疫苗, 只需注射一針, 便有足夠的保護 At present, three preparations of meningococcal vaccines are registered in Hong Kong one bivalent (serogroups A & C) and two quadrivalent (serogroups A, C, Y & W135) vaccines. Children above 12 months old or above may inject Nimenrix ACWY Conjugated to prevent Meningococcal infection.

8 Q4. 在什麼情況下不適宜接種疫苗? Under what circumstances that vaccination may need to be withheld? 在某些情形下, 孩子可能不適宜接受免疫接種或需要作出其他安排 若孩子有下列情況, 在接種疫苗前應請教醫護人員 : 1. 任何免疫力減退的情況, 例如 先天免疫力失調 患上白血病 腫瘤 需要長期服藥或治療, 例如正接受電療, 化療或服用類固醇 2. 上次接種疫苗後有任何嚴重反應 3. 對某些抗生素或其他物質曾有嚴重的過敏反應 4. 其他經由醫生診斷後認為不適宜接種疫苗的情況 Under certain circumstances, vaccination may need to be withheld or special arrangement is needed. If your child has any of the following condition(s), you should seek medical advice before getting him/her immunised. 1. Any immunodeficiency conditions: Congenital immunodeficiency Leukaemia, cancer Chronic disease with long-term treatment, e.g. radiotherapy, chemotherapy or taking corticosteroids. 2. History of serious reaction to a previous vaccine. 3. History of severe hypersensitivity to any antibiotic or substance. 4. Other conditions diagnosed by doctors to be unsuitable for vaccination. Q5. 免疫接種後有甚麼反應? 應如何處理? What are the severe adverse reactions? What should parents do? 兒童在接種疫苗後一般的反應都很輕微, 例如表現煩躁 輕微發燒及注射部位有輕微紅腫或疼痛 家長可以讓兒童服食退燒 止痛藥物 ( 切勿服用阿斯匹靈 ), 亦可用凍毛巾敷注射部位, 以減輕痛楚 若不適反應持續或趨嚴重, 例如煩躁現象持續 24 小時以上, 發燒體溫高達 40 C(104 F) 或以上, 注射部位的紅腫疼痛情況在 24 小時後仍沒有減退或反而有增加現象等, 便應請教醫生 Reactions after vaccination are usually mild. These include fussiness, low-grade fever and slight swelling or soreness around the injection site. Parents may give the child paracetamol (do not use Aspirin), a medicine that helps to reduce pain and fever. Parents may also apply a cool towel onto the sore area to relieve discomfort. Severe adverse reactions after vaccination are very rare. Parents should bring the child to consult doctor immediately if they have found any severe adverse reactions on their children after vaccination. Q6. 若錯過了原定的免疫接種日期或遺漏了某些免疫接種, 應怎麼辦? What should we do if the scheduled vaccination date is passed or vaccine is missed? 家長應盡快預約帶孩子到母嬰健康院或私家醫生診所, 接種該疫苗 Parents should make an appointment and bring their child to Maternal and Child Health Centre or private practitioner's clinic to receive the missed vaccine as soon as possible.

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