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Background 2006 年 2 月 我 国 新 企 业 会 计 准 则 的 颁 布, 标 志 着 与 国 际 惯 例 趋 同 的 中 国 新 会 计 准 则 体 系 的 建 立, 自 2007 年 1 月 1 日 起 首 先 在 境 内 上 市 的 公 司 施 行, 自 2008 年 1 月


Aberdeen Global Share Class Name Changes Effective 18 December 2017 Important Information Aberdeen Global as an umbrella fund has within it different funds investing in equities or debt securities, each with different risk profile. Certain funds may be exposed to a single market, emerging markets, limited industry sectors, mortgage-backed securities and asset backed securities. Investors should note that certain funds may invest in currency forward contracts, futures and options for investment purposes and in these and other financial derivative instruments for the purpose of investment, hedging or efficient portfolio management. Investing in any one or the above instruments may involve substantial credit/counterparty, concentration, market and liquidity risks. If the issuers default or such securities, or their underlying assets, cannot be realised or perform badly, investors entire investments may be wiped out. The Board of Directors of Aberdeen Global may at its discretion pay dividends out of the capital of certain funds or pay dividends out of gross income while charging/ paying all or part of the funds fees and expenses to/ out of the capital of those funds, resulting in an increase in distributable income for the payment of dividends by the funds and therefore, those funds may effectively pay dividends out of capital. Payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of dividends out of the funds capital or payment of dividends effectively out of the funds capital (as the case may be) may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per share. Investment in certain funds may involve a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. It is possible that the entire value of the investment could be lost. Investors are responsible for their investment decisions and should ensure that the intermediary has advised on funds suitability and consistency with their investment objective. If in doubt, please seek independent financial and professional advice. Investors should not invest in these funds based solely on this document and should read the relevant offering documents (particularly the investment policies and risk factors) for more details before investing. ISIN Fund Name / Existing Share Class Name until 17/12/2017 Fund Name / New Share Class Name with effect from LU0011963245 LU0566486402 LU0231455378 LU0498180339 LU0231477265 LU0726980377 LU0011964219 LU0094548533 LU0619785693 LU0231477422 LU0231477935 LU0619785859 LU0651906728 LU0396313180 LU0476875603 E - 2 Acc I - 1 Inc I (GBP) - 1 Inc A QInc USD I QInc USD I QInc Hedged GBP 對沖 對沖 A 類每季派息 ( 美元 ) 對沖 I 類每季派息 ( 美元 ) 對沖 I 類每季派息 ( 英鎊 ) 對沖安本環球 - 亞洲地產股票基金 安本環球 - 亞洲地產股票基金 對沖

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LU0887340254 U - 2 Acc LU0231490524 LU0231462077 LU0231490953 LU0011963674 LU0476876759 LU0912262788 LU0231457234 LU0231474593 LU0912262945 LU0476876676 LU0887341062 LU0278936439 LU0476877054 LU0941570995 LU0278933410 LU0278930234 LU1031141283 LU0396314238 LU0566486667 LU0396315128 LU0011963831 LU0231454991 I (USD) - 2 Acc S (EUR) - 2 Acc U - 2 Acc A Acc JPY I Acc JPY I Acc Hedged USD S Acc Hedged EUR A Acc JPY I Acc JPY 安本環球 - 歐洲股票基金 安本環球 - 印度股票基金 安本環球 - 印度股票基金 安本環球 - 印度股票基金 A 類累積 ( 日圓 ) 對沖 對沖 I 類累積 ( 日圓 ) 對沖 S 類累積 ( 歐元 ) 對沖 A 類累積 ( 日圓 ) 對沖 對沖 I 類累積 ( 日圓 ) 對沖安本環球 - 拉丁美洲股票基金 安本環球 - 拉丁美洲股票基金 對沖安本環球 - 拉丁美洲股票基金 安本環球 - 北美股票基金 安本環球 - 北美股票基金

LU0566484027 Aberdeen Global - North American Smaller Companies Fund Aberdeen Global - North American Smaller Companies Fund LU0566484704 LU0278938138 LU0278916670 LU0505665959 LU0505785344 LU0132413252 LU0132414144 LU0908660441 LU0376989207 LU0231480053 LU0231480137 LU0890789463 LU1010890967 LU0119174026 LU0119176310 LU0411469744 LU0411469827 LU0893373133 LU0323164250 LU0231456855 LU1036024161 LU0107464264 Aberdeen Global - North American Smaller Companies Fund A (EUR) - 1 Inc I - 1 Inc I (EUR) - 1 Inc Z (EUR) - 2 Acc A (GBP) - 1 Inc A (GBP) - 2 Acc A (USD) - 1 Inc D - 1 Inc I (USD) - 1 Inc Aberdeen Global - Technology Equity Fund Aberdeen Global - North American Smaller Companies Fund A MInc USD A MInc Hedged EUR I MInc USD I MInc Hedged EUR Z Acc Hedged EUR A MInc EUR A MInc Hedged GBP A Acc Hedged GBP A MInc Hedged USD A MInc GBP I MInc Hedged USD Aberdeen Global - Technology Equity Fund 安本環球 - 北美小型公司基金 安本環球 - 北美小型公司基金 安本環球 - 世界責任股票基金 安本環球 - 世界責任股票基金 安本環球 - 俄羅斯股票基金 安本環球 - 俄羅斯股票基金 A 類每月派息 ( 美元 ) A 類每月派息 ( 歐元 ) 對沖 對沖 I 類每月派息 ( 美元 ) I 類每月派息 ( 歐元 ) 對沖 Z 類累積 ( 歐元 ) 對沖安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 A 類每月派息 ( 歐元 ) 安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 A 類每月派息 ( 英鎊 ) 對沖安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 對沖安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 A 類每月派息 ( 美元 ) 對沖安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 對沖安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 A 類每月派息 ( 英鎊 ) 安本環球 - 歐元高收益債券基金 I 類每月派息 ( 美元 ) 對沖安本環球 - 科技股票基金

LU0231457747 Aberdeen Global - Technology Equity Fund Aberdeen Global - Technology Equity Fund LU0011963757 LU0231458125 LU0094547139 LU0231459016 LU0231482349 LU0505663152 LU0505663400 LU0505784701 LU0505784883 LU0728928796 LU0728929331 D - 1 Inc S (EUR) - 2 Acc A SInc GBP S Acc Hedged EUR 安本環球 - 科技股票基金 安本環球 - 英國股票基金 安本環球 - 英國股票基金 A 類每半年派息 ( 英鎊 ) 安本環球 - 世界股票基金 安本環球 - 世界股票基金 安本環球 - 世界股票基金 安本環球 - 世界資源股票基金 安本環球 - 世界資源股票基金 對沖安本環球 - 世界資源股票基金 安本環球 - 世界資源股票基金 S 類累積 ( 歐元 ) 對沖安本環球 - 世界小型公司基金 安本環球 - 世界小型公司基金 MInc / QInc / SInc / AInc share classes aim to pay dividend on a monthly / quarterly / semi-annually / annually basis respectively. Dividend payout rate is not guaranteed. Dividends may be paid out of the funds capital. A positive dividend payout rate does not imply a positive return of the funds. Please refer to bullet point no. 5 & 6 in the important information box on page 1. Important Information The above is strictly for information purposes only and should not be construed as advice or an offer or solicitation, to deal in any investment product. Any research or analysis used in the preparation of the above information, procured by Aberdeen International Fund Managers Limited ( AIFML ) for its own use and purpose, is based upon sources believed to be reliable as of the date thereof, but no representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of data sourced from third parties. Any projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or performance of countries, markets or companies are not necessarily indicative of, and may differ from, actual events or results. Opinions, estimates or forecasts may be changed at any time without prior warning. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Investment returns are denominated in the base currency of the fund. US / HK dollar based investors are therefore exposed to fluctuations in the US dollar / HK dollar / base currency exchange rate. Investors may not get back the amount they have invested. No liability whatsoever is accepted for any loss arising from any person acting on any information contained in this document. Investors should not make an investment into the investment product based solely on this document and should read the relevant offering documents for more details to ensure that they fully understand the associated risks before investing. Investors are responsible for their investment decisions and should ensure that the intermediary has advised on the investment product s suitability and consistency with their investment objective and risk tolerance level. If in doubt, please seek independent financial and professional advice. This document is issued by AIFML and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.