Airport Pick up and drop off: Free airport pickup and drop-off time: 10:00-22:00 Other time, pickup fee: under 4(included 4) $80 and $10 each for addi

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3-Day MIAMI FORT LAUDERDALE Tour Tour Code: MIA3L Departure Date: EVERY DAY Buy 2 get 1 Free Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines/ Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area Or similar(offer breakfast): Tour code: 2 persons per The third person same The fourth person same Single person MIA3L $348/person $0 $248 $498 Resort hotel:newport Beachside Hotel & Resort / Courtyard by Marriott Or similar(not offer breakfast)*2 nights upgrade to resort hotel: Room type:resort hotel offer king size with sofa bed; 2 double bed is limited, we may ask for you but we cannot guaranty. Tour code: 2 persons per The third person same The fourth person same Single person (5/1/17-12/18/17) (12/19/17-4/30/18) +$159/ 人 +$109/ 人 +$89/ 人 +$220/ 人 +$170/ 人 +$140/ 人 +$279/ 人 +$380/ 人 Highlights: 1. two nights holiday inn or upgrade to resort hotel. 2. All of the customers can go to the best vacation city WEST PALM BEACH without the flight limit. 3. We have the chance to see winter white house Mar-a-Lago

Airport Pick up and drop off: Free airport pickup and drop-off time: 10:00-22:00 Other time, pickup fee: under 4(included 4) $80 and $10 each for additional person. Please choose the air flight after 15:00 from MIA or FLL. (If you departure on Tuesday Thursday Saturday, please ONLY flight after 19:00) D1: Home to Miami or Fort Lauderdale / Night tour (The first day of the trip is for reference only; we will make some arrangements base on your flight arrival time.) Please keep your cell phone on, you will meet our tour guide out of the baggage claim area at MIA/FLL, Miami ferry port (POM), or Fort Lauderdale ferry port (POE). If your flight arrives early, you can choose to go to Mall (.$20/person/ride) or go back to the hotel.if you arrive at Miami International Airport before 3:00 pm, or Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport before 4:00 pm, you have a chance to join the night tout of Miami, $35/person; Miami South Beach Night Tour Our night tour will include two hot spots of the fashion insiders' favorites: Lincoln Road and South Beach. Lincoln Road is one of the most famous pedestrian road and most attractive neighborhood. With a backdrop of lush trees, you will see a great many cinemas, boutiques, pubs, Hukah bars, Bikinis as well as street vendors of all kind. The casual and modern atmosphere will be an unforgettable memory for everyone! South Beach is the best and most famed beach of the America. Within miles of the oceanfront avenue, there are countless bars, restaurants, clubs, boutiques, and luxury hotels. Abundant activities have attracted lots of party-people to come here, making South Beach known as a party beach of Miami. With swaying palm trees by warm breeze, we will bring you to take a glimpse of the thriving nightlife. Hotel: Holiday inn express & suites Pembroke Pines/ Holiday Inn Miami west-hialeah gardens (including Breakfast) D2: Everglades National Park &Miami City Tour

Our first stop will be Everglades National Park. Highlights include an exotic animal show and a demonstration of how to catch an alligator. You may also opt to explore the everglades further on the locals' preferred mode of transportation: an airboat (own expense). Then we will drive past Coral Gables and Miami Biltmore Hotel (outside view). Next is the Miami City Tour, including Little Havana, where we'll visit a Cuban cigar workshop and taste Cuban coffee and passing by Coral Gables. Optional activities include a Biscayne Bay cruise (own expense). Continuing on our city tour, we'll take you to see the art deco buildings in South Beach (outside view). Hotel: Holiday inn express & suites Pembroke Pines/ Holiday Inn Miami west-hialeah gardens (including Breakfast) D3: West Palm Beach Fort Lauderdale--HOME We are heading to north of Miami---West palm beach. The colorful Atlantic Ocean and Golden Beach are the best location to visit. And also there are a lot of luxury stores you may also walk around to enjoy the view. We are also passing the Winter White House. Before noon time, we are arriving at the capital of the yacht of the world Fort Lauderdale. It is the Venice of America. On both sides, we can see the luxury houses and yachts. If your flight is FLL 15:00-18:00 or MIA 15:00-19:00 or Cruise, your tour is over at this time and we are going to drop you off at the port or airports. We recommend booking the FLL flight; it is saving time and money. If your flight is after 19:00, you have more time to spend in Fort Lauderdale to enjoy the beach or shopping. And we will drop you off at the airports as well after the tour. *Pay in cash to tour guide upon arrival. Prices are only for reference and subject to change without notice About the attractions:

(1) Itinerary will be subject to traffic and weather. The sequence of the attractions might be changed according to actual and practical situation for better service. (2) In case of attraction closures (due to holidays or construction, etc.) tour guide may adjust the itinerary accordingly if necessary. (3) This tour does not accept any City Pass or your own tickets for the attractions. Guests need to purchase admission tickets from tour guides. Refund Remark: (1) If the weather condition, war, general strikes and other unforeseen circumstances interrupt the journey, our company reserve the right to rearrange the journey without refunding the tour fee. (2) If visitors cannot join the tour because of personal reason, the fee for hotels and transportation is not refundable. admission fee list Adult Senior65+ Child 3-12 Miami night tour $35 $35 $25 Everglades airboat $28 $28 $16(6-11) Miami Bay cruise $28 $28 $20(4-12) service fee per day per person $10 $10 $10

團號 :MIA3L 出發日期 : 天天出發價格目錄 : 買二送一 邁阿密羅德岱堡 3 天遊 假日酒店 :Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines/ Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area 或同級酒店 ( 提供免費早餐 ): 團號 : 第 1,2 人同房第 3 人同房第 4 人同房單人房 MIA3L ( 全年 ) $348/ 人 $0 $248 $498 度假村海灘酒店 :Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort / Courtyard by Marriott 或同級酒店 ( 不含早餐 )* 全程兩晚都升級度假村海灘酒店 : 房型 : 度假村海灘酒店多數房型為一個大床以及一個大沙發床的套間, 兩個床的房間僅供要求, 但是無法保證, 視酒店實際情況為準 團號 : 兩人房三人房四人房單人房 (5/1/17-12/18/17) (12/19/17-4/30/18) +$159/ 人 +$109/ 人 +$89/ 人 +$220/ 人 +$170/ 人 +$140/ 人 +$279/ 人 +$380/ 人 行程特色 : 1. 住兩晚 Holiday Inn 假日酒店或可升級兩晚 Resort 度假村海灘酒店 2. 不受航班限制, 保證去到美國富豪度假勝地的黃金沙灘 - 西棕櫚灘 West Palm Beach 3. 途經南方白宮, 又稱冬季白宮 - 海湖莊園 Mar-a-Lago 接送機備註 1. 團體免費接機 :10:00-22:00 2. 其他時間付費接機 : 第 1-4 人共收 $80, 每增加 1 人, 加 $10 3. 免費送兩大機場 (FLL,MIA) 和兩大碼頭 (POM,POE), 可以訂 3PM 後航班 ( 注意 : 二四六出發的團, 只能訂 7PM 後航班, 行程更輕鬆, 停留沙灘時間更長 ) 溫馨提示 : 羅德岱爾堡機場 (FLL) 的航班省時省錢

免費接客地點 : 免費接客時間 : MIA 邁阿密機場 & FLL 羅德岱堡機場 10:00-22:00 POM 邁阿密碼頭 9:00AM & 12:00PM( 中午 ) POE 羅德岱堡碼頭 10:30AM 第 1 天家園 - 接機 ( 自費夜遊 ) 來到度假天堂邁阿密 / 羅德岱爾堡的機場或碼頭, 在享受藍天白雲的同時, 請保持您的電話在可用狀態 我們的導遊在機場 / 碼頭出口處等候您的到來 接到您之後, 導遊會把您帶往下榻的酒店, 您可以自行安排餘下的時間 早到達的客人, 可以選擇購物 前往佛羅裡達的奧特萊斯購物城 ($20/ 人 / 單程, 購物城營業時間為 12:00 PM-8:00PM) 15:00 點前到達 MIA 機場的客人或 16:00 點前到達 FLL 機場的客人將有機會參加南部風情夜遊 ( 自費 35/ 人, 兩人成團 ) : 夜遊邁阿密南沙灘夜遊介紹 : 林肯路和南沙灘 林肯路 (Lincoln Road) 是一條繁華的步行街, 擁有許多商店, 飯店, 以及南方特有的植物和熱辣的比基尼美女 邁阿密的南沙灘 (South Beach) 則是北美最著名的海灘之一, 也是夜生活最豐富的地方 海濱大道上彙聚了無數的酒吧 餐館 夜總會 豪華酒店以及各式精品店, 是邁阿密當之無愧的 派對海灘 我們將帶您一同體驗美南不一樣的風土人情 酒店 : Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines/ Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area 或其他同級酒店 ( 提供免費早餐 ) 第 2 天 : 大沼澤國家公園 - 邁阿密市區遊 美國最大的濕地保護區 大沼澤國家公園 (Everglades National Park), 您將乘坐特有的交通工具 - 草上飛風力船, 去體驗大沼澤散發的自然魅力, 當然還有沼澤的主人 - 鱷魚, 工作人員還會現場演示和鱷魚的一些互動表演, 最後會有機會和鱷魚寶寶合照 珊瑚閣, 是最早先規劃再建設的社區, 這裡的建築群均是由珊瑚和貝殼來做牆面, 故被譽為 萬國住宅建築博物館 欣賞盡是異國風情的豪華宅邸以及美國地標建築 比爾提莫酒店 ( 外觀 ) 小哈瓦那, 這裡是著名的古巴區, 來自全世界各地的遊客都必來這裡參觀古巴雪茄手工作坊, 品嘗古巴特色咖啡, 感受中南美洲的異域風情 貝塞德的海濱市場乘坐遊輪, 遊覽邁阿密, 飽覽世界巨星們所擁有的億萬豪宅, 遠眺邁阿密下城區第二大金融中心

南沙灘, 欣賞色彩斑斕的西班牙建築, 那裡有上世紀 30 年代以來上百座 裝飾藝術 風格的建築傑作以及南海灘的海濱大道帶給您最放鬆的旅遊體驗 酒店 : Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pembroke Pines/ Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area 或其他同級酒店 ( 提供免費早餐 ) 第 3 天 : 西棕櫚灘 -- 羅德岱爾堡 - 冬季白宮 ( 海湖莊園 )-- 家園 上午前往邁阿密以北, 富豪聚集地 西棕櫚灘 (west palm beach), 除了彩虹般的大西洋和黃金沙灘, 您還可以逛一逛世界奢華品牌的聚集地 (worth ave), 舒適的購物和自然環境會讓人流連忘返, 也是美國第 45 任總統接見習近平主席的地方, 途徑冬季白宮 - 海湖莊園 (Mar-a-Lago ) 拍照留影 中午抵達負有盛名的 世界遊艇之都 羅德岱爾堡, 您將遊覽 美國的威尼斯, 兩岸的豪宅和遊艇是這裡的風景線 免費送兩大機場 (FLL,MIA) 和兩大碼頭 (POM,POE); 可以訂 3PM 后航班 ( 溫馨提示 : 如果 7PM 后航班, 行程更輕鬆, 停留沙灘時間更長 ; 羅德岱爾堡機場 (FLL) 的航班更省時省錢 景點說明 : (1) 行程中所列景點, 參訪的先後順序或因實際情況進行調整 ; (2) 如遇景點 節假日休息 ( 關門 ), 導遊會根據實際情況調整行程 (3) 需跟團上導遊購買門票, 不可自行帶票或使用 City Pass 退費說明 : (1) 如遇天氣 戰爭 罷工等人力不可抗拒因素無法遊覽, 本公司將有權更改行程, 團費不退 ; (2) 遊客因個人原因臨時自願放棄遊覽, 酒店住宿 交通等費用均不退還 費用不含 : 餐費, 景點門票費, 服務費 ( 接機 :$5/ 人 / 天 ; 團上 :$10/ 人 / 天 ), 私人性質費用 ( 如酒店電話費, 洗衣費等 ) 其他 : 行程順序會因政治, 交通, 遊客人數和季節變化稍作調整, 參觀景點一樣, 恕不行通知 門票景點 成人 老人 小孩 admission fee list Adult Senior65+ Child 3-12 邁阿密夜遊 $35 $35 $25 Miami night tour 大沼澤草上飛 $28 $28 $16(6-11)

Everglades airboat 邁阿密港灣富人島遊船 $28 $28 $20(4-12) Miami Bay cruise 服務費每天每位 $10 $10 $10 service fee per day per person * 門票價格和景點開放時間會因季節調整, 恕不另行通知