any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins. (3) this product do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins, but is made of

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Draft of amendment on labeling requirements for food additives containing ingredients of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 1. The regulation is established under the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (hereinafter referred to as the Act). 2. The GMOs referred in this regulation comply with the GMOs authorized by Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Act. Food additives that contains food additives produced from GMOs or GMOs shall display the words genetically-modified or with genetic modification. Food additives that uses GMOs directly during the manufacturing process yet the final product does not contain transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins shall display following one of words, (1) genetically-modified, with genetic modification or use genetically modified ( organisms) (2) this product is made of genetically modified ( organisms), but do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins or this product s raw materials contain genetically modified ( organisms), but do not contain

any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins. (3) this product do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins, but is made of genetically modified ( organisms), or this product do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic protein, but with genetically modified ( organisms). 3. The labeling requirements shall not apply to foods containing material which contains, consists of or is produced from GMOs in a proportion no higher than 3 per cent of the food ingredients considered individually or food consisting of a single ingredient, provided that this presence is adventitious or technically unavoidable. 4. Food additives contains non-gmos which exist domestic approvals to food of GMOs may display the words un-genetically-modified or with un-genetic modification and could displays the words the proportion of material which contains, consists of or is produced from GMOs considered individually is approved for use in a regulation of (country)or other synonymous terms or the proportion of material which contains, consists of or is produced from GMOs considered individually.

5. Based on this regulation, the labeling method shall be displayed after the name of the product and the ingredients in principle, or other obvious locations of the container or packaging. The length and the width of the font shall as following, (1) Labeling genetically-modified, with genetic modification or use genetically modified (organisms) shall make a distinction with other words, and the length and the width of the font shall not be less than 2 mm. (2) Labeling this product is made of genetically modified (organisms), but do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins, this product s raw materials contain genetically modified (organisms), but do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins, this product do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic proteins, but is made of genetically modified (organisms), or this product do not contain any transgenic DNA fragment or transgenic protein, but with genetically modified (organisms), the length and the width of shall not be less than 2 mm.

(3) Labeling un-genetically-modified or with un-genetic modification, the length and the width of the font do not be stipulated.

食品添加物含基因改造食品原料標示應遵行事項修正草案一 本規定依食品安全衛生管理法 ( 以下稱本法 ) 第二十四條第二項規定訂定之 二 本規定所稱基因改造食品原料, 指依本法第二十一條第二項許可之基因改造食品原料 食品添加物含基因改造食品添加物之原料或基因改造食品原料者, 應標示 基因改造 或 含基因改造 字樣 食品添加物直接使用基因改造食品原料, 於終產品已不含轉殖基因片段或轉殖蛋白質者, 應標示下列之一 : ( 一 ) 基因改造 含基因改造 或 使用基因改造〇〇 ( 二 ) 本產品為基因改造〇〇加工製成, 但已不含基因改造成分 或 本產品加工原料中有基因改造〇〇, 但已不含有基因改造成分 ( 三 ) 本產品不含基因改造成分, 但為基因改造〇〇加工製成 或 本產品不含基因改造成分, 但加工原料中有基因改造〇〇 三 非基因改造食品原料因採收 儲運或其他因素等非故意攙入基因改造食品原料, 且其含量占該項原料百分之三以下者, 視為非基因改造食品原料 ; 倘超過百分之三者, 視為基因改造食品原料

四 食品添加物所含非基因改造食品原料, 其並存在有國內已查驗登記為食品原料使用屬基因改造者, 始得標示 非基因改造 或 不是基因改造 字樣; 並得依非故意攙雜率標示 符合〇〇 ( 國家 ) 標準 ( 或等同意義字樣 ) 或以實際之非故意攙雜率標示 五 依本規定所為之標示, 其字樣應標示於品名 原料成分之後為原則, 或其他容器或外包裝上明顯位置, 其字體長度及寬度應依下列規定 : ( 一 ) 標示 基因改造 含基因改造 或 使用基因改造〇〇 須與其他文字明顯區別, 字體長度及寬度不得小於二毫米 ( 二 ) 標示 本產品為基因改造〇〇加工製成, 但已不含基因改造成分 本產品加工原料中有基因改造〇〇, 但已不含有基因改造成分 本產品不含基因改造成分, 但為基因改造〇〇加工製成 或 本產品不含基因改造成分, 但加工原料中有基因改造〇〇 字體長度及寬度不得小於二毫米 ( 三 ) 標示 非基因改造 或 含非基因改造 之字體大小不予規範