雪埠中文學校 Sheffield Chinese School 二零一四 / 一五年度學校報告 校長報告 : 本人真高興能夠代表中文學校同寅, 發表本年度學校報告 各位可以在這份報告中知道, 全賴各位老師和義工們的合作, 中文學校又渡過繁忙一年 無論學業 成績或活動各方面, 都達到我們的理想 補充學

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參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特

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目 录 contents 动 画 新 手 段 冯 敬 元 46 记 录 中 的 色 彩 温 丽 君 49 国 际 论 坛 奔 赴 跟 进 的 观 察 家 : 自 1960 年 代 以 来 的 纪 实 摄 影 王 瑞 ( 美 ) 53 经 济 危 机 时 期 动 漫 产 业 的 发 展 哈 兹 米 格

匡 智 會 使 命 宣 言 匡 智 會 本 著 匡 扶 智 障 的 精 神, 竭 誠 為 智 障 人 士 及 他 們 的 家 庭 提 供 優 質 教 育 適 切 的 培 訓 及 其 他 賦 權 的 機 會, 使 其 得 以 發 展 本 會 將 持 續 優 化 服 務, 力 臻 完 善 匡 智 會 重

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1 科 学 谋 划, 有 序 促 进 扶 贫 工 作 的 持 续 发 展 1.1 科 学 定 位, 精 准 发 现 地 方 的 需 求 按 照 国 家 生 态 功 能 区 的 划 分, 库 伦 旗 属 重 点 生 态 保 护 开 发 区 这 里 生 态 环 境 优 良 特 色 作 物 资 源 优 势


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為 何 我 要 選 擇 香 港 理 工 大 學 香 港 專 上 學 院?



建國科大 許您一個海闊天空的未來 建國科大本著術德兼修五育並重的教育方針 持續努力的朝向專業教學型大學邁進 期許建國的學生能成為企業所樂用的人才 建國科大多元性發展與延伸觸角 如 教學卓越計畫 產官學合作 國際交流活動等等 讓師生能充實基礎實力 更提升競爭力 不管將來是要升學或是就業 都能一帆風順


可 愛 的 動 物 小 五 雷 雅 理 第 一 次 小 六 甲 黃 駿 朗 今 年 暑 假 發 生 了 一 件 令 人 非 常 難 忘 的 事 情, 我 第 一 次 參 加 宿 營, 離 開 父 母, 自 己 照 顧 自 己, 出 發 前, 我 的 心 情 十 分 緊 張 當 到 達 目 的 地 後


第 一 屆 香 港 嬰 幼 兒 產 業 及 嬰 幼 兒 教 育 及 護 理 分 享 會 目 標 : 增 加 各 專 業 及 商 家 對 嬰 幼 兒 早 教 及 護 理 的 認 識 及 交 流, 發 掘 嬰 幼 兒 早 教 產 業 機 會 增 進 嬰 幼 兒 產 業 的 發 展 簡 介 : 香 港 的

Microsoft Word - 01李惠玲ok.doc

本 論 文 獲 客 家 委 員 會 102 年 客 家 研 究 優 良 博 碩 士 論 文 獎 助 謹 此 致 謝

99 學年度班群總介紹 第 370 期 班群總導 陳怡靜 G45 班群總導 陳怡靜(河馬) A 家 惠如 家浩 T 格 宜蓁 小 霖 怡 家 M 璇 均 蓁 雴 家 數學領域 珈玲 國燈 英領域 Kent

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2004 5,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,9 12,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 4, 1958, (), 1987,417 (),7, 32


通 用 申 请 填 写 流 程 简 图 首 次 登 陆 已 注 册 用 户 登 录 ( 最 终 提 交 前 可 无 限 次 登 录 修 改 ) 注 册 账 户 College Search 中 添 加 New York University Common App 填 写 ( 包 含 两 篇 写 作



2014/15 ANNUAL REPORT Website: - http://sheffieldchineseschool.weebly.com School Address: 學校地址 : King Edward VII School Upper School Glossop Road Sheffield S10 2PW. Correspondence Address: 通訊地址 : 349 London Road Sheffield S2 4NG. Tel: 0114 3275142 Mobile: 07976 980637 E-Mail : paul@paulcheung.freeserve.co.uk SCA is a limited company by guarantee. Registration no: 05053668 Charity Number: 1119944

雪埠中文學校 Sheffield Chinese School 二零一四 / 一五年度學校報告 校長報告 : 本人真高興能夠代表中文學校同寅, 發表本年度學校報告 各位可以在這份報告中知道, 全賴各位老師和義工們的合作, 中文學校又渡過繁忙一年 無論學業 成績或活動各方面, 都達到我們的理想 補充學校的質素保證 :- 去年, 本校獲取補充學校的品質保證 ( 金獎 ) 證書 這個補充學校品質保證獎項, 是全國認可的一項質素保證, 只頒發予達到他們水準要求的補充學校 本校是雪埠首得此獎的兩間學校之一, 這足以證明中文學校給學生們提供的優良服務 現在我們已就緒, 得到監察員的推薦, 經最後階段公開評審, 獲頒授金獎證書 校方會繼續堅守金獎品質保證, 務求提供此優質服務 中文科會考 :- 本校會考班方面, 去屆十六位同學參加夏季中文科會考 同學們在老師熱心指導下, 十二位同學獲取最高的 A 三位為 A 及一位 B 等級 本人藉此機會, 感謝各位老師及義工們多年的努力和貢獻, 亦多謝家長們的支持, 才得到這個驕人成果 同年參加高級程度會考的同學有三名, 他們獲得 1A 及 2B 等級的成績 今年粵語和國語班各有十位及五位同學參加中文科普通會考, 謹此祝賀各同學得到美滿成績 中文科高級程度課程 我們自從零八年成功開辨普通話簡體字授課後, 經過多次籌備, 我們己經完整地開辦中文科高級程度會考課程 希望明年第一批普通話班學生, 參與高級程度會考文憑試, 祈願家長趁此機會鼓勵貴子女報讀這新課程 各詳細資料請參閱本校網頁 http://sheffieldchineseschool.weebly.com 2014/2015 學生人數 : 本學年各班學生人數如下 : 2014/15 Annual Report Headteacher s Report: I am delighted to present this year-long school report. It has been another busy and successful year, both in academic and extra-curricular activities in our school. Quality Assurance for Supplement Schools: Last year, Our school was achieved the Gold Award of National Framework Awards for Supplementary Schools. This was the second school in Sheffield achieved this Award. The Quality Framework for Supplementary Schools is a National recognised award for supplementary schools for those achieved the required standard. The Certificate represents the excellent services that we have provided to our children. We already fulfilled the requirements and received the recommendation from our mentor. We then conferred by the jury in May 2014 to achieve the Gold Award certificate. The school would continue to adhere this Gold Award standard and to provide such good quality assured services GCE/GCSE Chinese Language 16 pupils sat the GCSE Chinese Language Examination last summer. They achieved excellent results which rival those from previous years. 12 of them achieved the top grade - A*, 3A and 1B grade. Congratulation to those students and thank our teachers for all contribution from their hard work. In the same year, we have 3 pupils sitting the GCE (AL) and (AS) examination with the achievement of 1A and 2B grade. This year we had 10 students from Cantonese stream and 5 students from Mandarin stream sitting for the GCSE examination. I would like to congratulate all of them having impressive results. AS/A Level Chinese Lessons Since 2008 our school was successfully create Mandarin classes, I am proud to announce that the GCE (AL) Chinese was in operation. Hopefully our first lot of students in Mandarin classes will officially take the GCE examination next year. We wish our parents will encourage their children to take advantage of this opportunity and to enrol in this course. For all other details please visit our website http://sheffieldchineseschool.weebly.com Number of pupils 2014/15 一年班 Year 1 5 國幼儿班 Mandarin Class (Reception) 26 二年班 Year 2 5 國語一班 Mandarin Class (M1) 25 三年班 Year 3 4 國語二班 Mandarin Class (M2+M2B) 16+14 五年班 Year 5 7 國語三班 Mandarin Class (M3) 17 六年班 Year 6 10 國語四班 Mandarin Class (M4) 12 七年班 Year 7 5 國語五班 Mandarin Class (M5) 7 八年班 Year 8 3 國語七班 Mandarin Class (M7) 9 會考班 GCSE( 兩班 ) 10+6 國語八班 Mandarin Class (M8) 10 高考班 GCE(AS+A2) 3+1 文娛活動班 Culture & Leisure Classes 40 共 235 人 Total 235 Students

新春大巡遊 - 二零一五年二月十四日 雪埠華人聯誼會和中文學校為了迎接羊年, 特地安排多項精彩活動慶賀新春 二零一五年二月十四日我們舉行的新春大巡遊, 首先在市政廳大樓外, 由雪埠市長為學校的金龍主持點睛儀式, 舞龍表演後, 隨即巡遊市中心, 向各商號拜年及綵青, 途經倫敦路, 返回華人聯誼會會所為止 當日有金龍巡遊外, 還有三隻醒獅, 多位女同學打扮小仙女的模樣, 沿途給小朋友派發糖果 當天參與的老師 家長和同學超過七十多位, 得到聯誼會各執委和警方派員協助, 才可以順利完成 本人在這裏, 多謝各位支持中文學校和華人聯誼會的人仕和贊助商號 New Year s Procession 14/02/2015- In order to welcome the Year of the Goat, the Sheffield Chinese Association and the School organised a New Year procession which consisted of a colourful dragons, 3 lions and 5 girls dressed in traditional costume distributing sweets to children. Starting from the Sheffield Town Hall with an initial ceremony for the new dragon performed by the Lord Mayor, Cllr John Campbell, a dragon dance performance was then followed. After the Dragon and lion dances we started the procession through the city centre, along London Road and back to the Sheffield Chinese Association. Our dragons and lions sent New Year blessings to various shops along the route. It was a very successful procession due to the outstanding team work of over 70 teachers and pupils from our school. With the assistance of the committee of the Sheffield Chinese Association and the escort support from the police, the operation of the whole event could smoothly be completed. Their professionalism was very much appreciated. 雪埠華人聯誼會 - 新春聯歡會二月十五日 二月十五日, 雪埠華人聯誼會暨中文學校假英皇愛德華七世高校禮堂 (School Hall of KES Upper School), 舉行羊年新春聯歡會 當日到場貴賓, 有英女皇駐南約克郡代表 雪埠市市長 Lord Peter Rippon M.P. Paul Bloomfield 及中國駐曼城領事館代表 其他來賓及家長亦超過四百人 表演節目包括舞龍 醒獅 歌唱 話劇 中樂及詩詞朗誦 同學們落力演出, 得到來賓的讚賞 我們謹此多謝各位老師和家長對活動的支持, 亦向眾多供應美味食品的熱心人仕致意 Our New Year Celebration at the School Hall, KES Upper School 15/02/2015- We were very honoured to have the representative for Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, Lord Mayor and Consort of Sheffield, Lord Peter Rippon; M.P. Paul Bloomfield; representative of the Manchester Consult of China and distinguished guests from other community groups who attended our celebration. There were over 400 people that came and joined in our lively celebration. The programme included dragon dancing, lion dancing, Chinese folk dances, songs, a Chinese instrumental ensemble and a poetry recital. We would like to thank all the teachers, parents, volunteers and those who kindly donated the delicious festive foods for this event.

學校活動及比賽 : School Activities and Competitions 中文學校素來十分鼓勵同學參與各類文康活動 透過表演, 同學們在其他學校及社區團體, 不單有交流機會, 亦可增强同學間友誼和自信心 本校今年參與的多項比賽和表演, 屢次都得到很好的成績及評價 本人在這裏, 感謝中文學校各位老師及家長支持各項活動, 多謝同學們努力達到這驕人的成績 中文學校是一個註冊的慈善團體,. 我們十分依賴政府及社會各界給予的支持, 我們更加鼓勵學生們投入社會並參與各項公益活動 本年度多位義工 家長 老師及同學出席雪埠地區表演活動, 我們因應情況演出舞龍 醒獅或其他文娛項目, 希望在本地推介中國文化 六月二十日, 英國中文教育促進會在曼徹斯特舉行普通話朗誦比賽, 本校十四位學生參與多項賽事,M5 朱宴君及 M7 張嘉辰獲一等獎,MR 闫智茗 闫智鹏 白孝羽 ;M2B Jack; M4 李添瑜及 M8 刘天朗等獲得三等獎 英國中文學校聯會賀年咭設計比賽項目, 余果奪取中級組亞軍 雪埠市政府雖然撤除了青少年基金資助, 中文學校仍繼續推動多類文化活動項目如醒獅 舞龍 中國舞 歌唱班 等文娛活動, 同學們的演出, 獲得高度評價 其他主要活動, 詳列下表內 We encourage our pupils to take part in various activities and competitions. The pupils have been achieving impressive results and received great feedback. This is not only due to the admirable enthusiasm of the pupils themselves, but also thanks to the support from teachers and parents. As you may be aware, our school is a registered charity, we rely very much upon the support from the City Council and general public. We also support and encourage our students taking part in the public events and fund raising activities. Our volunteers, parents, teachers and students participate in local performances. On special circumstances/occasions we perform the dragon dance, lion dance and cultural events for promoting Chinese culture and custom. In the UKAPCE Mandarin reciting competitions on 20 th June 2015, our 14 students participate in varied kinds of events. Both M5 Isabel and M7 Alyssa won the 1st place as well as MR Oscar, Ethan, Lucas; M2B Jack; M4 Tian and M8 Tianlang won the third place. In the event of Chinese New Year Greeting Card Design Competitions, Clement Yu won the Intermediate Group Runner-Up Award. Even though the funding from the Sheffield City Council to teenagers was cancelled, the Chinese school decided to carry on our cultural activities of lion dance, dragon dance, folk dance and singing class. Their involvement and performances had been highly appraised in this year. For the other activities please refer to the following list.

以下是中文學校今學年的所有活動及表演 : List of activities for this year: 07/09/2014 教職員會議 Teachers induction meeting. 10/2014 普通話一年級老師參與英國中文促進會在曼徹斯特城舉辦之國內專家英國培訓班 M1 teacher Yumin Zhang took part in the Chinese National Experts (UK) Training Course organised by the UKAPCE in Manchester. 26/10/2014 老師培訓急救課程 Teachers first aid training. 16/11/2014 第一次家長日 The first parents Day. 16/11/2014 何宗遠副校長出席雪埠語言周年大會 Deputy head teacher Dr Chung Ho attended the Annual General Meeting of Languages Sheffield. 12/2014 九名同學參與英國中文學校聯會之賀年卡設計比賽, 本校高級程度學生余果獲得中級 (12 歲以下 ) 組第二名 9 Sheffield Chinese school students took part in the UKFCS New Year Card design competition. Our GCE student, Clement Yu, won the Intermediate (Age under 12) Group Runner-Up Award. 01/2015 普通會考班同學參與英國中文學校聯會舉辦之書法比賽 Our GCSE students took part in the UKFCS calligraphy competition. 14/02/2015 新年大巡遊 New Year parade

15/02/2015 新春聯歡會假英皇愛德華七世高校體育中心舉行 New Year Celebration at Sport Hall, King Edward VII Upper School. 20/05/2015 何宗遠副校長參與保護兒童訓練課程 Deputy head teacher Dr Chung Ho attended the Safeguarding Children Training Course. 何宗遠副校長 老師及十三名國語班學生出席英國中文促進會舉辦之朗誦比賽 20/06/2015 Deputy Head Teacher Dr Chung Ho, teachers and 13 students from Mandarin Classes attended the Mandarin Reciting Competitions organized by UKAPCE. 普通會考班莊煒樑老師到徹斯特市為 Hasland 社區學校兩組 Y7 學生舉辦語言及文化工作坊 29-30/06/2015 Our GCSE teacher Steven Chong organized the language and culture workshop for 2 groups of Y7 students for Hasland Community School in Chesterfield. 05/07/2015 第二次家長日 The second parents Day. 12/07/2015 學年結業禮暨雪埠華人會周年大會 School Final Assembly and Sheffield Chinese Association Annual General Meeting.

義務老師和培訓 : 眾所皆知, 中文學校的義務老師乃是我們學校最大的資源, 為了使各位老師能有效地教導各同學, 學校方面於去年十月廿六日舉行了師資培訓 十六位中文學校的老師出席當日的訓練, 培訓專題是緊急救援課程 中文學校除了重視教學質素外, 學生的褔利和安全更為重要, 校方經常安排義工老師參加雪埠言語舉辦的急救課程 現在, 我們共有多位合格的急救員, 在有需要時提供不時之需 中文學校最大困難是老師的來源, 每星期學校都需要三十多位老師, 才能如常運作 基於我們所有教師和職員都是義務的, 在此多謝他們多年來為中文學校所作出的貢獻 今年新老師有國語班的张玉敏老師 王炜老師 郭莉莉和刘文笛助教, 廣東話班的陳穎怡老師 楚依蓓助理 Voluntary Teachers and Training Voluntary teachers are our school s most important asset, training is vital to enable them to teach effectively. We organised an in-house teachers training day on 26/10/14. This year we focused on First Aid skills. We do not only concentrate on the quality of teaching. The welfare and the safety of our children are equally important to us. We always arrange volunteer teachers to attend First Aid Training. At this moment, we have had sufficient qualified First Aiders to providing cover for any emergency needed during school time. As all our staff work on a voluntary basis, we need over 30 teachers weekly to ensure efficient and effective running of the school. Recruiting teachers has been our ongoing problem. Teachers may leave due to personal reasons or other commitments. We always value their hard work and contributions. We also welcome new teachers who bring in new ideas and enthusiasm to our school. The new teachers for this year are: Mandarin teachers Yu Min Zhang, Wei Wang, Lili Guo and teaching Assistant Wendi Liu; Cantonese teachers Winnie Chan, Christy and Assistant Y.P. Chor.

Financial Report: As you may be aware our school is a registered charity under the name of Sheffield Chinese Association. To keep our school running we depend on the contribution from our parents, grants from Sheffield City Council and other funding bodies and donations. Due to the increase of the language classes and volume of activities, we have experienced slight over expenditure during the past few years. However, the management team has worked extremely hard to secure more funding to release the financial pressure from our parents. Unfortunately, this year (2014/15) the Sheffield City Council changed the policy of Revenue Grant. This means we have lost around 30% coverage of our expenditure contributed by the Revenue Grant. Hence we had a deficiency over 5,000 this year. Thank you for the hard work from our treasurer Miss Choi Ping Li to minimize our debt. Apart from trying to seeking new funding, we received 400 from UK Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education; 300 from UK Chinese Education Foundation for mandarin and GCE/GCSE classes; and a small grant of 750 from Languages Sheffield Funding in 2013/14. This funding enabled the development of our educational services. Our closing balance at the end of August 2014 was 22,565. To conclude, our financial position remains healthy. In the year of 2014/15 we are seeking new Grand from other agencies for the following academic year. If we have no funding to support, we are afraid that our Cultural and educational activities will face a great problem to maintain in the future. 財政報告 : 各位家長都知道雪埠華人會和中文學校是一個慈善註冊團體, 學校的經費主要是來自家長的資助, 加上其他基金撥款和各界人仕的捐款得以運作 過去數年都有輕微的超支情況, 學校的管理階層一直以來都很努力尋求資金來源以減輕家長們的負擔 真不幸市政議會更改支助政策, 本 (14/15) 年度開始不予支助, 意味着我們失去百分之三十開支的資源, 今年即出現超過 5,000 鎊的虧損 我們要多謝財政李彩萍小姐的努力, 以減低我們的財政赤字 本年度除了的尋找新的教育基金撥款外, 計有雪埠語言的 750 英鎊 英國中文教育促進會的 400 鎊和英國中文教育基金會的 300 鎊用以支持國語班及會考班的發展, 還有各界人仕的捐款, 都用於發展學校的教育服務 截至二零一四年八月底結存共有 16,896 鎊 總括來說, 我們的財政尚可應付來年開支 在二零一四至一五年間本校尋求其它教育基金支助, 若然再沒有新的教育基金支助, 那怕延續文化教育活動, 我們將會面對極大的困難 校長 : 張寶昌 Headteacher: Paul Cheung 財政 : 李彩萍 Treasurer: Choi-Ping Li