4 Days Yangon Thanlyin Delightful TOUR CODE: MAI0001/MT Day 01 Singapore - Yangon (Dinner) Upon arrival, a warm welcome by our local guide at the arri

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3 4 Days Yangon-Thanlyin Delightful Yangon-Thanlyin-Yangon Validity : 01 Oct 2018 to 31 Mar 2019 All the rates are based on Afternoon/Evening Arrival & Morning Departure Hotel Class Validity Period Full board Price Per Pax in Twin Sharing GV 2 GV 4 GV 6 GV 10 Single Supp All Nationality- SIN DOLLAR (SGD) Standard 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 632 555 512 495 153 Superior 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 657 580 536 519 175 First 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 730 653 610 593 240 Deluxe 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 828 751 708 690 335 With Sule Shangri-La(Superior room) 893 816 773 756 400 Child Policy Child under 12 years old sharing with 2 adults without bed: 80% of adult price Child under 12 years old sharing with 2 adults with bed: 100% of adult price Child under 12 years old sharing half twin with 1 adult : 100% of adult price All the Prices inclusive of: 3 nights hotel accommodations with breakfast all transfers and transportation by private a/con vehicle boat fare for Yele Pagoda sightseeing with English speaking guide meals as per itinerary ( including 01 buffet dinner with Traditional Cultural Show at Karaweik Palace) entrance fees as per itinerary All the Prices exclusive of: Tips & drinks Personal Expenses Travel Insurance * Tipping : USD4.00 per person for Guide & Driver, multiple by the duration of your tour program. * SIN-RGN-SIN, International flight segment. Supplement for Chinese Speaking Guide Services (Price Per Pax in SIN /SGD Dollar) GV 2 GV 4 GV 6 GV 10 65 35 30 17 BLACK OUT PERIOD: 24Dec'18 & 31Dec'18 (X'mas Eve & New Year Eve) 13 17Apr 18 (Myanmar New Year Water Festival) Updated: SCT-210818

4 Days Yangon Thanlyin Delightful TOUR CODE: MAI0001/MT Day 01 Singapore - Yangon (Dinner) Upon arrival, a warm welcome by our local guide at the arrival hall where she will assist and arrange your transfers to your selected hotel for check in. After check-in, a wonderful dinner invitation awaits you at Karaweik Palace a restaurant located on the Royal Lake. It is built in the style of Royal Barge used by Myanmar Kings for official functions and festivities. You will be invited to a local restaurant for a sumptuous dinner. Highlights Yangon Karawaik Palace, Kaba Aye Pagoda, Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda, Sule Pagoda, Bogyoke Market, Shwedagon Pagoda Thanlyin Kyaik Khauk Pagoda, KyauktanYele Pagoda Day 02 Yangon Thanlyin Yangon (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner) After breakfast buffet at your hotel, transfer to Thanlyin (Syriam), once a trading port occupied by the Portuguese in early 17 th Century. The 270 meter long bridge spanning the Bago River made possible the 45 minutes drive from Yangon. The old buildings still stand in the evidence of the days of Portuguese occupation. Kyaik Khauk Pagoda and Kyauktan Yele Pagoda in the creek are worth visiting. Lunch at local restaurant. A sumptuous dinner awaits you at a local restaurant. Overnight at your preferred choice of hotel. Day 03 Yangon (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner) After breakfast, your guide will arrange to pick you up at the hotel and continue your sightseeing. Visit the Kaba Aye Pagoda, and Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda which is revered as one of the biggest reclining Buddha image in Myanmar, some say even in the world! After lunch, embark on a Yangon City Tour which takes you to the Strand Jetty, Sule Pagoda - the heart of the city surrounded by several old but significant colonial style buildings which allow you experience how the Europeans influenced Myanmar history and culture. The tour continues with a Bogyoke Market (also known as Scott Market) to browse and bargain freely among the hundreds of stalls for great souvenirs. Savor bargains delights and thrills of shopping among the many stalls and hawkers along the streets of Chinatown. End your day with an enchanting evening visit to Myanmar s most revered Shwedagon Pagoda - 2500 years old world famous Golden Stupa where the dome shape rises 98 meters above its base. Be impressed at the richly layered exterior of the Pagoda which the people of Myanmar had pampered with 60 tons of pure gold. Dinner at local restaurant. After a fulfilling and contented day s trek into what Yangon has to offer, retire back to another great luxurious night s rest at your selected hotel in Yangon. Day 04 Yangon - Singapore (Breakfast) After breakfast at your hotel, transfer to airport for your departure flight. Itinerary and order of sightseeing tours maybe reshuffled with or without prior notice.

4 天三夜丁茵之旅 TOUR CODE: MAI01001/MT 第一天 : 新加坡 仰光 ( 晚餐 ) 飞抵仰光国际机场 (Yangon International Airport), 在与导游会合后送往登记仰光酒店 接着, 前往一间当地非常著名的餐馆 - 卡拉威宫 (Karaweik palace) 位于皇家湖, 卡拉威宫 (Karaweik palace) 可说是仰光市的地标 包含了传统的外观设计与现代元素, 卡拉威宫 (Karaweik palace) 的华丽已为皇家湖增添不少色彩 它原是为了缅甸皇族举办公务活动和节目而建成, 今天的卡拉威宫 (Karaweik palace) 为大家服务, 提供许多美味佳肴及传统歌舞表演任您享受 晚餐后, 返回酒店休息 亮点仰光 卡拉威宫, 仰光和平塔, 乔达基卧佛寺, 苏雷宝塔, 昂山市场, 瑞光大金塔 丁茵 斋考佛塔, 丁茵水中宝塔 第二天 : 仰光 丁茵 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 早餐后, 乘搭约一个小时的车程途中经过横越蒲甘河长 270 米的长桥前往丁茵 (Thanlyin), 丁茵曾是葡萄牙殖民时期的港口, 古老的建筑巍然屹立, 像是述说着葡萄牙占领的证据般 斋考佛塔 (Kyaik Khauk Pagoda) 与丁茵水中宝塔 (Kyauktan Yele Pagoda) 摄取仰光城市的全景, 更是值得一看 于当地餐馆享用午餐 一顿丰盛的晚餐将于当地餐馆等待着您的享用 晚餐后, 返回酒店休息 第三天 : ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 仰光 早餐后, 您将游览仰光和平塔 (Kaba Aye Pagoda) 以及内有一尊巨大卧佛的乔达基卧佛寺 (Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda), 其卧佛长 20 米, 高 5.4 米, 因足底有着 108 个代表轮回的图案而闻名 午餐后, 启程展开仰光市区游 您将游览东街码头的苏雷宝塔 (Sule Pagoda), 位于緬甸仰光市中心, 四周有許多英殖民地風格的建築市政厅 高等法院 独立公园所围绕 继续前往同于市中心的昂山市场 (Bogyoke Market), 即被称为斯科特市场 (Scott Market), 是仰光市内最大的旅游工艺品市场, 有各种天然的宝石玉器 金银饰品和传统工艺品出售, 是外国客人购物的天堂 您可在这个拥有上百个摊位的市集享受与小贩们讨价还价的欢乐时光 之后, 我们将前去瞻仰一座擁有 2500 年悠久歷史著名的黃金佛塔 --- 瑞光大金塔 (Shwedagon Pagoda) 其圓頂形狀上升 98 米以上的基地與 60 吨纯黄金, 金碧辉煌令人震撼不已 丰富的晚餐将于当地餐馆享用 之后, 返回酒店休息 第四天 : 仰光 新加坡 ( 早餐 ) 在酒店享用过早餐后, 送往机场, 乘机回返新加坡 行程编排可能会因应时间 天气及景点所需而有所调动, 以当日领队安排为准, 如有更改, 恕不另行通知

Extension Room Night in YANGON Only! Hotel Class Validity Period single Rates base on per person (pax) Twin/ double All Nationality- SIN DOLLAR (SGD) CWB Child/ half twin Standard 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 110 65 45 65 Superior 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 142 81 50 81 First 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 170 95 60 95 Deluxe 01Oct 18-30Apr 19 228 124 70 124 With Sule Shangri-La (Superior room) 274 147 80 147 Child Policy Child under 12 years old sharing with 2 adults without bed: NO CHARGE Child under 12 years old sharing with 2 adults with bed: CHARGE APPLICABLE (CWB) Child under 12 years old sharing half twin with 1 adult : CHARGE APPLICABLE * For Other Cities Room Extension Night- Rates on request basis Only. Place Standard Class Superior Class First Class Deluxe Class Yangon Central Hotel Clover Hotel City Center Hotel Yangon Hotel Grand United Alone (Superior Room with Pagoda View) Summit Parkview Hotel Jasmine Palace Hotel Sedona Hotel Novotel Yangon Max Hotel

Bagan Sky Palace Hotel Hotel Yadanabon Bagan The Floral Breeze Hotel The Hotel Umbra Bagan Bagan Hotel River View Amazing Bagan Resort Tharabar Gate Hotel Thiripyitsaya Sanctuary Resort (Deluxe Garden View Room) Mandalay Oway Grand Hotel (Deluxe room) Hotel Yadanabon Hotel Magic Mandalay Mandalay City Hotel (Superior room) Hotel Hazel Best Western PLUS Eastern Palace Hotel ` Sedona Hotel Rupar Mandalar Resort Nyaungshwe (Gateway of Inle Lake) Hotels located on land 81 Central Hotel 81 Hotel Inlay Paradise Hotel (Deluxe Bungalow) Hotel Amazing Nyaung Shwe Amata Garden Resort (Deluxe Mountain View) Inle Garden (Villa) Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min (Junior Suite Room) Amata Garden Resort (Deluxe Lake View) Inle Hotels located on Inle Lake Paramount Inle Resort The Serenity Inle Hotel Sky Lake Inle Resort Shwe Inn Tha Floating Resort Inle Resort (Royal Villa Private Pond/ Garden View) Myanmar Treasure Resort (Deluxe Mountain View) Kyaikhtiyo (Golden Rock) (6Con-210818)