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5 DAYS HO CHI MINH CU CHI VUNG TAU Daily departure from Ho Chi Minh / Applied for Asia market Arrival afternoon flight DAY 1 : HO CHI MINH CITY ARRIVAL (D) Meet on arrival at Ho Chi Minh City / Tan Son Nhat International Airport and transfer to hotel. Check in hotel. Free at leisure. Dinner on floating restaurant with Cultural show and cruise on Saigon River & Overnight in HCM City. DAY 2 : HO CHI MINH CITY CU CHI VUNG TAU (B/L/D) Morning: We drive out this morning, to explore the Cu Chi Tunnels, an incredible underground network constructed by Vietnamese fighters during the long struggle for independence. The tunnels contained hospitals, plus accommodation and schools, and were used as a military base for the Vietcong in the American war. Lunch at local restaurant. Afternoon : After lunch transfer to Vungtau Beach Resort. About 2 hours by coach, this lovely island has 4 main unspoiled beaches to choose, from relaxation to water activities. It is also known by Vietnamese as a honeymoon island. Upon arrival, visit to Tian Hou Temple of Five Races, the whale temple. Dinner at local or hotel restaurant. Overnight in Vungtau. DAY 3 : VUNGTAU HO CHI MINH/ SHOPPING (B/L/D) Morning: Continued visit to the Summer Palace of the Emperor Bao Dai, the Jesus Monument, which overlooks the Peninsula and the Pacific Ocean.Transfer back to Ho Chi Minh city. Lunch at local restaurant. Afternoon: The sightseeing tour acquaints us with the city's major sights. We pass the now-demolished wartime American Embassy, some French colonial structures including the War museum ( or History museum ), the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Old Sai Gon Post Office. Enjoy shopping at Mai collection and Minh collection where you can buy baju kurung, telekong, tudong,, then go to Thai Tuan Vietnamese silk shop, Saigon square (embroidery hand bag). Stop at Hard rock café if you want to bring back the nice T shirt with cheap price and high quality. Other shop such as in Hong Anh collection, Diamond Plaza, Miss Ao Dai...Then, we continue our trip on to the bustling Ben Thanh Market where anything and everything is for sale. Dinner & Overnight in HCM City. DAY 4 : HO CHI MINH MY THO CRUISE ON MEKONG DELTA TOUR (B/L/D) Morning: Heading out of the town, we travel by roads to the Mekong Delta, Vietnam's largest rice bowl. On arrival in My Tho, we embark on a boat navigating around the intricate small canals in the delta region, which is a great way to observe the local lifestyle close-up and catch a view dotted by many islands. The exciting excursion will pass the lush green vegetation before arriving at the famous Unicorn Island. Here we have opportunities to stroll around an orchard, taste many seasonal fruits and enjoy wonderful traditional music. The next stop of our trip is Ben Tre Province to visit some fascinating local industries. After feasting on a huge lunch we return to Ho Chi Minh. Free at leisure. DAY 5 : HO CHI MINH CITY - DEPARTURE (B) Leisure time until transfer to Ho Chi Minh City / Tan Son Nhat International Airport for departure. 1

5 天胡志明市 - 古芝地道 头顿 美拖 () 第 1 天 : 胡志明市 到达 (-/-/ 晚 ) 抵达胡志明市 / 国际机场送往酒店, 自由活动 晚餐于船上, 一面欣赏文化表演及夜宿胡志明市 第 2 天 : 胡志明市 古芝地道 头顿 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 上午 : 上午我们出发, 探索古芝地道, 一个令人难以置信由越南战士在战争时候建造的地下网络 隧道 中的医院, 加上住宿和学校, 作为一个越明军事基地在美国的战争 午餐于当地餐厅 午餐后, 前往到海滩度假村头顿 坐大约 2 个小时车到这个可爱的岛屿. 它也被称为越南的蜜月岛 抵达 后, 游览天后宫, 鲸鱼庙 在当地享用晚餐 夜宿头顿. 第 3 天 : 头顿 - 胡志明市 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 上午 : 参观颐和园的皇帝保大, 耶稣山, 可俯瞰半岛和整个太平洋 接着, 参观耶稣山, 鲸鱼庙, 观音, 翠湾海滩 驱车返回胡志明市城 下午 : 观光旅游城市的主要景点 我们现在被拆毁的战时美国大使馆, 法国殖民时期的建筑物, 包括巴黎圣母院大教堂和旧西贡邮局传递 购物游香港映收集, 钻石广场, 越南旗袍小姐... 后, 我们将继续我们的行程, 前往的滨城市场 第 4 天 : 胡志明市 美拖 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 上午 : 出发前往美拖, 我们开始上航行的船, 在平原地区, 这是一个美妙的方式来观察当地的生活习惯 接近和赶上点缀着许多岛屿周围错综复杂的小运河 令人兴奋的游览将通过郁郁葱葱的绿色植被, 然后 到达著名的麒麟岛 在这里, 我们有机会逛果园, 品尝许多时令水果, 享受美妙的传统音乐 下一站是 槟知省参观一些引人入胜的地方产业 午餐后返回胡志明市 自由活动 晚餐后, 夜宿胡志明市. 第 5 天 : 胡志明市 - 离开 ( 早 /-/-) 自由活动时间, 前往胡志明市 / 国际机场返回温暖的家园 2

PRICE IN USD FOR SIC TOUR FROM 1 MAY 17 TO 30 SEP 17 Seat in coach Sgl Night Ext in Sup HCM Cat Hotels / Grp Size 1pax 2pax 3pax 4pax 5pax 6pax SGL/TWN 539 344 299 269 252 242 62 36 560 355 310 279 262 253 73 42 569 359 314 284 267 257 77 45 587 368 323 293 276 266 86 51 /Kingston(boutique) 620 385 340 309 292 283 103 58 669 409 364 334 317 307 127 74 Palace (wz view) or 721 435 390 360 343 333 153 84 Majestic or hotel 880 519 474 443 426 417 229 109 5* SUP Nikko hotel or 958 558 513 482 465 456 268 135 PRICE IN USD FOR PRIVATE TOUR FROM 1 MAY 17 TO 30 SEP 17 Private Tour Sgl Sup 3 Night Ext in HCM Cat Hotels / Grp Size 1pax 2pax 3pax 4pax 5pax 6pax 7-9 SGL/TWN pax 628 378 321 282 260 247 237 62 36 649 389 331 293 271 258 247 73 42 658 393 336 297 275 262 252 77 45 676 402 345 306 284 271 261 86 51 /Kingston(boutique) 709 419 361 323 301 288 277 103 58 758 443 386 347 325 312 302 127 74 Palace (wz view) or 810 469 412 373 351 338 328 153 84 Majestic or hotel 969 553 495 457 435 422 411 229 109 5* SUP Nikko hotel or 1047 592 534 496 474 461 450 268 135

PRICE IN USD FOR SIC TOUR FROM 1 OCT 17 TO 30 DEC 17 Seat in coach Sgl Sup Night Ext in HCM Cat Hotels / Grp Size 1pax 2pax 3pax 4pax 5pax 6pax SGL/TWN 546 349 303 272 255 245 62 36 572 362 316 285 268 258 75 43 584 368 322 291 274 264 81 47 602 377 331 300 283 273 90 53 /Kingston(boutique) 647 400 353 322 305 296 113 63 693 423 376 345 328 319 136 78 Palace (wz view) or 743 448 401 370 353 344 161 89 Majestic or hotel 944 552 506 475 458 448 257 128 5* SUP Nikko hotel or 995 578 531 500 483 474 283 145 PRICE IN USD FOR PRIVATE TOUR FROM 1 OCT 17 TO 30 DEC 17 Private Tour Sgl Sup Night Ext in HCM Cat Hotels / Grp Size 1pax 2pax 3pax 4pax 5pax 6pax 7-9 SGL/TWN pax 637 383 325 286 263 250 239 62 36 663 396 338 299 276 263 252 75 43 675 402 344 305 282 269 258 81 47 693 411 353 314 291 278 267 90 53 /Kingston(boutique) 738 434 376 336 314 301 290 113 63 784 457 399 359 337 324 313 136 78 Palace (wz view) or 834 482 424 384 362 349 338 161 89 Majestic or hotel 1035 586 528 489 466 453 442 257 128 5* SUP Nikko hotel or 1086 612 554 514 492 479 468 283 145 4

Surcharge for Halal food request USD 8/pax/package. Surcharge for Indo/Malay speaking guide : USD 125/group ( do not apply for SIC tour ) Surcharge for weekend stay in Vung tau ( Friday and Saturday ) : P & T Hotel : USD 15/Room The Coast hotel or : USD 12/room Sammy hotel or : USD 22/room The Grand hotel or : USD 12/room The imperial hotel : USD 37/ room Tour Price Include: Hotel accommodation with breakfast (Based on Twin Sharing/ triple sharing). ( Except grp x 1 pax, package base on the single room ) All airport-hotel-airport and tour excursion transfers with English / Chinese speaking guide Full board with Vietnamese food ( USD 9/pax/meal - for group 1-3 pax; USD 8/pax/meal for group x 4 pax up ) Sightseeing tours Mineral water 1 bottle per pax per day on car Tour Price Exclude: Compulsory Tipping - USD 25 per pax Personal expenses such as drinks at meals, Travel Insurance, Air tickets, Upgrade meals, visa fees Other not mentioned as the above Child rates : Infant below 2 years old sharing same room with parents is charged for 10%. Child below 6 yrs. old without extra bed and sharing same room with parents is charged for 65%. Child below 6 yrs. old sharing same room with 1 Adult is charged for 95% Child below 11 yrs. old No extra bed & sharing same room with parents is charged for 75% Child below 11 yrs. old with extra bed & sharing same room with parents is charged for 85% Child below 11 yrs. old sharing same room with 1 Adult is charged same as adult Notes: What to bring: Original passport, swimming suites, sun glasses, insect repellent Special requests on food (diet, or vegetarian food) to be advised before departure. The itinerary may be subject to change due to the bad weather condition Seat in coach tour : English speaking guide is available. Other special language guide will be advised upon request with additional charge Packages are not applied for the period as surcharge to be advised upon request. Lunar New Year : 26/01/2017 3/02/2017 Reunification Day & Labor Day : 29/4/ 2017 02 /5/ 2017 National Independence Day 2017 : 31/8/2017-03/9/ 2017 Christmas - New Year : 24/12/2017-07/01/2017 5

Hotels for reference : Cat Hotel in Ho chi Minh Hotel in Can tho Hotel in Vung tau 5* SUP /Kingston(boutique) Palace (wz view) or Majestic or hotel Nikko hotel or P & T hotel The Coast hotel The Coast hotel The Coast hotel Sammy hotel Sammy hotel 6