Tuesday, August 14, 2018 C2 LOCAL NEWS Texas hot economy expected to cool, says Dallas Fed By L.M. Sixel The Texas economy is likely to cool down duri

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If If you would like to share news or information with our readers, please send the unique stories, business news organization events, and school news to us includinig your name and phone number in case more information is needed. For news and information consideration, please send to News@scdaily.com or contact John Robbins 832-280-5815 Jun Gai 281-498-4310 Texas hot economy expected to cool, says Dallas Fed Southern Daily News is published by Southern News Group Daily Publisher: Wea H. Lee General Manager: Catherine Lee Editor: John Robbins, Jun Gai Business Manager : Jennifer Lopez Address: 11122 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 E-mail: News@scdaily.com Tuesday, August 14, 2018 www.today-america.com Southern News Group Inside C2 Trump signs defense policy bill with watered-down China measures FORT DRUM, N.Y. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signed a $716 billion defense policy bill on Monday that authorizes military spending and includes watered-down controls on U.S. government contracts with China s ZTE Corp and Huawei Technologies Co Ltd. U.S. President Donald Trump observes a demonstration with U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division troops, an attack helicopter and artillery as he visits Fort Drum, New York, U.S., August 13, 2018. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Trump signed the law at the U.S. Army s Fort Drum base in upstate New York on his way back to Washington after a 12-day working vacation at his golf club in New Jersey. The bill was named for one of Trump s political critics, the ailing U.S. Senator John McCain of Arizona, but he did not mention McCain s name. Trump later made a reference to McCain at a political fundraiser in Utica, New York, knocking him - as Trump does repeatedly - for voting against a bill to repeal parts of President Barack Obama s signature healthcare reform law last year. Even though Trump said the bill is the most significant investment in our military and our war-fighters in modern history, Obama s first three defense budgets were larger, when adjusted for inflation, according to Todd Harrison at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. WEAK ON CHINA Some lawmakers wanted to use the bill to reinstate tough sanctions on ZTE to punish the company for illegally shipping products to Iran and North Korea, but the restrictions included in the final National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, that passed Congress were weaker than earlier versions of the bill. Trump has lifted an earlier ban on U.S. companies selling to ZTE, allowing China s second-largest telecommunications equipment maker to resume business and putting him at odds with both Republican and Democratic lawmakers. Leaders of U.S. intelligence agencies have said they are concerned that ZTE, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and some other Chinese companies are beholden to the Chinese government or Communist Party, raising the risk of espionage. The White House opposed putting stronger measures against U.S. Army troops listen as President Trump speaks before signing the National Defense Authorization Act at Fort Drum, New York Unite the Right rally meets massive by Turkey, including the F-35 jet. the companies in the bill, and the measures opposition The mandate to produce a study were softened before lawmakers held their Separately, the NDAA authorizes spending $7.6 billion for 77 F-35 Joint Strike posed to bar the delivery of F-35s came after an earlier version pro- final vote. Fighter jets, made by Lockheed Martin to Turkey. The NDAA does strengthen the Committee Corp. Prior to the ceremony Trump on Foreign Investment in the United States The bill also directs the Secretary of Defense to study whether Turkey s planned tion by U.S. troops at Fort Drum. watched an air assault demonstra- (CFIUS), which reviews proposed foreign investments to weigh whether they threaten deployment of the Russian-made S-400 national security. That measure was seen as missile defense system will risk the security of several U.S.-made weapons targeting China. used As Canada faces rising gun violence, tighter laws are a tough sell TORONTO (Reuters) - Rising violence in Canada has prompted calls for the federal government to tighten gun laws but tougher regulations could cause a political backlash in a country where 2 million people are licensed to own a firearm. In 2016, 223 people were murdered with a gun, a 23 percent increase from 2015 and the highest rate since 2005, according to Statistics Canada. One of the deadliest shooting sprees so far this year took place on Friday when four people were shot to death in the Eastern Canadian city of Fredericton. Weeks earlier, a gunman opened fire on a bustling Danforth Avenue in Toronto, killing two and injuring 13 before turning the gun on himself. In Fredericton, a commonly available long gun such as a rifle or shotgun was used, police said Monday, adding that the suspect had a permit to use it. In Toronto the gunman used a handgun. It is not clear how the suspects obtained the guns. Canada s firearm homicide rate of 0.61 per 100,000 people is about 10 times greater than the rate in the United Kingdom. In the United States, by contrast, four in every 100,000 residents are killed with a gun, or almost 13,000 annually. Canada s federal government introduced gun laws earlier this year that would require retailer record-keeping and beef up background checks. The government is open to considering tougher ones after Toronto called for a ban on handguns in the wake of the Danforth shooting, said Bill Blair, the minister charged with tackling gun violence.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 C2 LOCAL NEWS Texas hot economy expected to cool, says Dallas Fed By L.M. Sixel The Texas economy is likely to cool down during the second half of the year as export growth slows and wage pressures rise, according to a new report by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The slowdown comes at a time when the Texas economy has been adding jobs at a blistering 3.6 percent annualized rate during the first six months of the year, making Texas the No. 1 state for job growth. Last year, Texas was No. 9. Unemployment in Texas dipped in June to 4 percent, near its record low of 3.9 percent in November, which means that people who want to work are generally working. Any slack in the labor market has been largely absorbed, according to the Federal Reserve Bank, which is putting pressure on companies to raise wages. The bank is receiving anecdotal reports of worker shortages across industries and skills. A historically tight labor market, uncertainty surrounding U.S. trade policy, including NAFTA, and an unexpected downturn in oil prices remain key downside risks to the outlook, said Dallas Fed senior business economist Laila Assanie. ANOTHER DROP: Texas unemployment rate dips to 4 percent The Houston economy is also expected to slow as Hurricane Harvey-induced business activity fades. Houston makes up 25 percent of the state s jobs. Despite predictions of slower growth ahead, the Federal Reserve Bank expects Texas to continue to grow faster than other states during the second half of the year.either the FBI Houston Field Office at 713-693-5000, the FBI s website tips.fbi.gov, or the Federal Trade Commission s Complaint website www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov. Export activity will likely slow down in Houston during the second half of the year, the Federal Reserve Bank of Texas reports. U.S. refineries process record amounts of crude U.S. refineries processed a record amount of crude in July, surpassing an average of 18 million barrels a day for the first time. Refiners are running at a record pace to supply strong U.S. and international demand for gasoline and diesel, the Energy Department said in a report Monday. The 18 million barrels of crude, a fourweek average for the week ending July 6, was the most processed since the week of Aug. 25, 2017, when Hurricane Harvey was bearing down on the Gulf Coast. At least a fifth of U.S. refining capacity was disrupted by Harvey when it made landfall. The Energy Department said the record-high levels of crude consumption by refineries are driven largely by production in the Gulf Coast and Midwest regions. The U.S. Gulf Coast accounts for more than half of U.S. refining capacity and those refineries also processed a record amount of crude, reaching a four-week average of 9.5 million barrels a day of crude oil for the week ending July 6. The Midwest region, with the second highest oil refining capacity, hit a record high four-week average consumption of 4.1 million barrels a day of crude oil for the week ending June 1. The Energy Department predicted in its Short-Term Energy Outlook released in August that refienry U.S. refineries will process an average 16.9 million and 17 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Both which would be new records, surpassing the 2017 annual average of 16.6 million barrels a day.take a look through the gallery above to see the photo of Bailey and her wife that allegedly caused a complaint.him off in the tan passenger car shown. Cate s burglaries occurred at the Goose Creek Landing, Pinehurst and Chaparral subdivisions, according to the news release. Cates, along with at least two other people who have not yet been identified or apprehended, are also suspected of stealing and damaging a purple Chevy Cobalt. On Facebook, Baytown police offered a reward of up to $5,000 for anyone with information on the burglaries. Tips soon flooded in. Even on Facebook, people were recognizing him, said Lieutenant Steve Dorris, head of the Criminal Investigations Division for the City of Baytown Police Department. Steam comes from refineries near a gas station in Texas City, Texas in 2014. Pollution from such facilities add to a growing health crisis, but another main source comes from our vehicles, which means that pollution from these kills more people than traffic accident

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 C3 Editor s Choice Britain s former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson offers cups of tea to journalists outside his home near Thame in Oxfordshire The view inside a replica Crew Dragon space craft is shown at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California The SpaceX space craft Crew Dragon is shown being built inside a cleanroom at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California A pedestrian walks in front the American lifestyle store which offers products made in USA, in Berlin North Korean officials meet members of a delegation from Russia SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell introduces NASA Astronauts at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne,California A variety of peanut butter made in USA are displayed in the American lifestyle store in Berlin Old license plate numbers are displayed in the American lifestyle store in Berlin

TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2018 C4 COMMUNITY Magnify Money, a consumer finance website, released a new study this week that found Texas dominated the list of U.S. boomtowns and Austin scored the top spot. Americans are flocking to and prospering in Texas, wrote Kali McFadden, a Magnify Money senior analyst. She said Lone Star State metros represented one-third of the top 15 spots on their rankings. Five of the six Texas cities on the list placed in the top 11. We wanted to find out where Americans are gathering now to take advantage of growing prosperity and improved lifestyles to achieve the American dream, said McFadden. Magnify Money researchers examined the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) over the five year period from 2011 to 2016 using data from the U.S. Census Bureau s American Community Survey and County Business Patterns. Researchers focused on business growth, population and housing, and workforce and earnings. Boomtowns saw the biggest influx of people, work opportunities, and business growth. Austin jumps way out ahead of all the metros we reviewed, showing the greatest five year growth in population and housing, said McFadden. The Texas capital earned a perfect population and housing score of 100. It added people and had jobs for them. The Austin metro area experienced a 23 percent drop in unemployment. The median wage increased by nearly nine percent. The number of businesses operating in Austin rose by 21 percent and new hires soared by 24 percent. Analysts identified one shortcoming 10 percent housing unit growth lagged next to the almost 16 percent population boom. Dallas (7), San Antonio (9), and McAllen (10) made the top 10. Houston (11) and El Paso (24) placed in the top 25. Business also boomed in Provo, Utah; Raleigh, North Carolina; Charleston, South Carolina; and Nashville, Tennessee; ranking second through fifth, respectively. Provo got the highest score, 95.1, in the business growth category. Its population increased by 12 percent and housing rose eight percent. Although the workforce grew by 13 percent, median wages stalled, budging only 3.5 percent higher than five years earlier. Provo, Utah Texas Cities Dominate List of U.S. Boomtowns Raleigh, with a 13 percent surge in residents and a nine percent rise in dwellings, ranked second to Austin in the population and housing subset. The North Carolina capital was fifth in business growth. Nearby Durham ranked 16th. Charlotte took 13th. Charleston got the third highest marks for workforce and earnings, with a healthy 22 percent drop in joblessness. Its workforce grew by 11 percent. During this time, Charleston s population also increased 11 percent but the number of housing units fell short, stalled at slightly more than six percent. Nashville firms grew staff by a healthy 21 percent. Their workforce grew nine percent. Unemployment dropped 25 percent. Median wages rose seven percent. McFadden suggested the boom may be luring people to work and noted the city diversified from its traditional country music roots. Housing, though, increased by five percent, not nearly enough for the influx of new people. Colorado s Denver ranked sixth while Colorado Springs placed 23rd. Boise, Idaho, took eighth, and Des Moines, Iowa, was 15th. Top 25 listers included Florida s Orlando (14), Compiled And Edited By John T. Robbins, Southern Daily Editor Aerial View of Austin, Texas. (Photo AP) Fort Myers (17), and Sarasota (25); Utah s Ogden (12) and Salt Lake City (18), and California s San Jose (19) and San Francisco (22). Riverside (40), San Diego (43) and Los Angeles (58) placed lower. (Courtesy https:// www.breitbart.com/texas) The study also identified the slowest growing places in the nation. Four of six Ohio metros shrunk their labor forces and number of businesses between 2011 and 2016. Only Columbus (34) saw appreciable growth. Connecticut and Pennsylvania MSAs landed in the bottom quarter of the findings as did metros in New York, except for New York City (62). Boston (46) was the sole northeastern city in the top half of the list. Eight of 15 of the fastest-growing counties in the U.S. between 2016 and 2017 are in Texas Suburban counties in Texas led the way nationwide in percentage growth in that oneyear period. Suburban counties in the Austin and San Antonio metropolitan areas were among the fastest-growing in the nation between 2016 and 2017, according to figures the Census Bureau released late Wednesday. In the Austin area, Hays, Williamson and Caldwell counties were among the fast-growing at 4.96 percent, 3.75 percent and 2.99 percent, respectively. Caldwell County, which abuts Travis County to the south, saw its largest growth rate this decade.; its previous annual growth rates since 2010 were under 2 percent. Among metro areas with more than 1 million people, the five-county Austin area was the fastest-growing for the seventh consecutive year. The agency estimated population changes between July 1, 2016, and July 1, 2017. Amelia Smith, who s worked in real estate in Caldwell County for more than 30 years, attributed the area s growth to lighter traffic and lower cost of living. The toll road is becoming increasingly popular, Smith said of Texas 130. Even though it is expensive to drive, it is a flash trip from Austin to Lockhart. I live in Lockhart, and I can get to Onion Creek in about 18 minutes. It s fast. People in Austin, particularly in the east side, are seeing property values rise so much that the land their $100,000 house sits on is worth $700,000 or $800,000, and they re being driven out by high taxes, and they re coming to Lockhart with proceeds from their sale and buying houses (with) cash. We re seeing a lot of that. Also, under a new Lockhart school superintendent, the district is working toward becoming one of the best in Central Texas, which might be another draw, Smith said. Austin, Texas Closer to San Antonio, Comal County grew by almost 7,000 people to just more than 140,000 people, giving the county the second-fastest growth nationally among counties with populations of 10,000 people or more, according to the Census Bureau. In 2016, Comal County ranked as the seventh-fastest-growing county in America. Business leaders in New Braunfels, the county seat, credit the increase to a lower cost of living and its proximity to two large cities. I love the accessibility, said Rashmi Baht, who used to live in Houston and owns a European deli inspired in part by her childhood in Europe. It s really close to Austin and San Antonio, but you don t have the cost of living that those cities have, nor do you have the traffic. Lee and Jennifer Garza, co-owners of an insurance franchise in New Braunfels, both grew up and have family in the area and returned as they began their family, after living and working in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The growing population was an incentive to return home, Lee Garza said. That was one of the major reasons why it was easy for us to make the decision to move here, he said. It provided a lot of opportunity career- and business-wise. It had a lot of advantages for my family and me. Employment opportunities drove population growth in suburban counties in the San Antonio-Austin corridor, state demographer Lloyd Potter told the American-Statesman. The bulk of their growth (in Texas suburban counties) 80 to 90 percent is from domestic migration, and that s people moving from other counties in Texas, but also from other counties or other states within the United States, he said. Usually, when you see growth that s occurring from domestic migration like that, in those fast-growing counties, it s happening because jobs are being created. Eight of the 15 counties nationally that gained the most people between 2016 and 2017 were in Texas. Travis County was 15th, with a gain of 22,116 people. Harris County, No. 4 nationally and No. 1 in Texas, saw an increase of nearly 36,000 people. Texas dominates overall, Potter said. Our counties dominate what we re seeing in terms of population growth nationwide. (Courtesy https://www.mystatesman.com/ news)

TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2018 BUSINESS At first, White House officials thought the idea of Space Force was just a lark. A former senior official told me that through most of last year Trump was generally interested in space. Behind the scenes: He would ask random questions about rocket ships and marvel to hear about satellites and the junk floating around in space. His questions were unfocused, like a student trying to learn about a new subject. It was just one of those subjects that piqued his interest, the source said. But early this year, Trump became more fixated on space and floated Space Force as an off-the-cuff idea. Staff didn t take the idea seriously at first, and Defense Secretary James Mattis was not a fan, but Trump kept insisting on it. He floated the idea publicly in March when he spoke to military personnel in San Diego. You know, I was saying it the other day, because we re doing a tremendous amount of work in space, I said maybe we need a new force, we ll call it the Space Force, he told the crowd. And I was not really serious. And then I said what a great idea, maybe we ll have to do that. Why this matters: Space is becoming a contested war-fighting domain, and we have to adapt to that reality, said Mattis in Thursday s announcement at the Pentagon. Russia and China are building anti-satellite weapons that could shoot down American satellites within two or three years, according to the U.S. intelligence community. This would undermine the U.S. military s ability to keep watch over its adversaries and track American troops using GPS coordinates. A key cabinet meeting came in March, where Vice President Mike Pence who chairs the National Space Council gave an update on space issues. Arrayed before Trump on the table in the meeting room were models of commercial rocket ships, including one from Elon Musk s private rocket company SpaceX. Trump was delighted, according to a source in the room. Rich guys, they love rocket ships, Trump told the group. And that s good. That s better than us paying for it. Behind the scenes: After that meeting Trump began talking about the idea more insistently with officials including Pence, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Trump told Pence to get it done. Pence has long been interested in space, especially C5 Behind The Scenes: Creating Trump s Space Force Compiled And Edited By John T. Robbins, Southern Daily Editor Illustration by Lazaro Gamio/Axios from military and commercial perspectives. What s next? Whether a Space Force happens or not is still in Congress hands. And senior Pentagon officials, including Defense Secretary Mattis and Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson, have expressed reservations about it. Mattis is warming to the idea, according to a source familiar with his thinking. (Courtesy https://www.axios.com) VP Pence Rallies Support For U.S. Space Force Vice President Mike Pence is rallying support for the Trump administration s push to develop a the Space Force. While speaking at the Pentagon Thursday, Pence argued it is the next and natural evolution of American military strength. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence Vice President Mike Pence @VP The next generation of Americans to confront the emerging threats in the boundless expanse of space will be wearing the uniform of the United States of America. 10:58 AM - Aug 9, 2018 4,454 12,171 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacyhe also addressed key points in the Defense Department s upcoming report on on the matter, such as forming an elite group of fighters specialized to operate in the domain as well as a space command operation. Pence noted the administration is already working with Congress and the president will be requesting resources for the Space Force in February s budget. He also addressed key points in the Defense Department s upcoming report on on the matter, such as forming an elite group of fighters specialized to operate in the domain as well as a space command operation. Pence noted the administration is already working with Congress and the president will be requesting resources for the Space Force in February s budget. The vice president asserted the administration is seeking to add the new military branch by 2020. Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump Space Force all the way! 11:03 AM - Aug 9, 2018 143K 85.2K people are talking about this Mattis defends reversing his stance on Trump s Space Force Defense Secretary James Mattis on Sunday offered his support for the Trump administration s proposed Space Force, and defended his stance after having urged lawmakers to oppose it a year ago. Speaking to reporters on board a flight to Brasilia, Mattis insisted he initially opposed the creation of a separate military branch for space because the administration had not yet defined the challenges space posed for the Pentagon. I was not going against setting up a Space Force; what I was against was rushing to do that before we define those problems, Mattis said. We ve had a year, over a year in defining. And the orbitization of this solution in terms of institutionalizing forward momentum is very important. His comments come days after Vice President Pence visited the Pentagon to announce the first steps in the creation of the Space Force -- despite the fact that Mattis himself had opposed the move when President Trump announced his plans to move forward with the proposal. Mattis in July 2017 wrote a letter to Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) calling on lawmakers not to go forward with Trump s proposal. I strongly urge Congress to reconsider the proposal of a separate service Space Corps, Mattis wrote. I believe it is premature at add additional organization and administrative tail to the department at a time I am trying to reduce overhead. U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis Turner had been pushing for a provision to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have removed that provision and replaced it with a requirement for the Defense Department to study the proposal. But last week, prior to Pence s visit to the Pentagon, Mattis insisted he supported the creation of a Space Force and said the plan was in complete alignment with the president s concern about protecting our assets in space. On Friday, Deputy Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan said Mattis s initial opposition had to do with budgetary concerns. When [Mattis] made those comments a year ago, right, the timing is very important, because we were facing another [continuing resolution], we had budget caps... and we were going through significant belt-tightening exercises, Shanahan said. But other defense officials, including Air Force Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, had also expressed opposition to the move last year, arguing it would impose unnecessary bureaucracy for the Pentagon. Mattis on Sunday acknowledged that Congress will bear much of the responsibility for initiating the creation of a Space Force. But he said there are things the Pentagon will be able to do on its own. There are things we can move out on immediately, he told reporters. Actually we already have been, and all this does is give that an emphasis, and give us added support from above that we then take full advantage of, in terms of funding organization, and re-organizing so that we have more -- I would call it more cohesion. Mattis is traveling across South America to discuss various defense-related issues. He is expected to visit Argentina later in the week, the first visit by an American defense chief to the country in more than a decade. (Courtesy thehill.com)

6 娛 樂香港娛樂 新 聞 責任編輯 郭愉薇 美南版 2018年8月14日 星期二 星期二 2018 年 8 月 14 日 Tuesday, August 14, 2018 甄子丹表示 示 過 去常跟幾家大公司 合作都是透明公 開 中央社 甄子丹 甄子丹 右一 右一 表示電影業要慢慢提升到透明健康的工業 表示電影業要慢慢提升到透明健康的工業 C6 中央社 甄子丹提 到每一份工 作都必須要 有公平的付 出 中央社 認同提升透明度令影業更健康 子丹 也嘆 香港文匯報訊 近日中國三大視頻網站聯同六大影視製作公司發表聯合聲明 表明 採購或製作的所有劇集 單一演員單集片酬含稅不得超過 100 萬元 人民幣 下同 總片酬最高不得超過 5,000 萬元 13 日 范冰冰投資的唐德影視公司就發聲明加入遏制 行動 影星甄子丹 13 日為新片 大師兄 到台灣宣傳被問及此事 他認為每份工作都 要有公平的付出 電影業也要提升透明度成為健康的工業 這是必須的途徑 演員片酬太高 難開戲 13 日於台灣宣傳新 甄子丹 片 關注近日沸沸揚揚的 限酬令 話題 甄子丹不避 談地表示 過去常跟幾家大公 司合作都是透明公開 甄子丹 說 我個人也很公開 每 一部電影都是根據製作費做 公正的搭配 這是很正當的 做法 甄子丹提到每一份工 作都必須要有公平的付 出 多年來他參與的每部 電影 都超越當演員的部 分 他以 追龍 為例 整部電影拍攝期 80 天 但他參與的時間超過200 天 包括 大師兄 和 籌備中的新作 肥龍過 江 也是如此 他認 為 電影就跟很多工 業一樣 要有過渡期 要慢慢提升到透明健康的工業 這是必須的途徑 我覺得這 限酬 令 只是一種調整 同時也替自己喊 話 我的電影沒有問題 他表示過往 曾出現因演員片酬過高的問題 導致選角 開拍不易 應該調整資源分配的不公 平 至於甄子丹在這次新片中 飾演號稱 地表最能打的超級教師 要接招問題學 甄子丹 13 日於台灣宣傳新片 日於台灣宣傳新片 中央社 香港文匯報訊 張 栢 芝 的 11 歲 大 仔 謝 振 軒 Lucas 13 日開學 身為媽咪的栢芝心情緊張 她 13 日早六點幾 已在社交平台上載囝囝着校服照 片 栢芝說 每年這日我都特別緊張 早上四點 鐘就起身幫他準備一切一切 今天(13 日)第一日開 學 加油啊 我愛你 看到你又大一歲了 已經不 是小學生 霆鋒出門一切從簡 張栢芝的 11 歲大仔謝振軒 Lucas 13 日開學 網上圖片 另外 謝霆鋒近日忙於參加 中國好聲音 錄 影 日前播出第四期 四位導師的 team 隊員已經全 部齊腳 之後就開始 全員 battle 模式 在前三期 節目入面 霆鋒因為同周杰倫的爆笑互動而被爆友稱 為 鋒火倫 組合 今期他們又來料 在導師點評 說散就散 的原唱者 JC 時 周杰 倫就提到自己出了第一隻碟後 穿着同隻碟一模一樣 的打歌服去唱片舖 但竟然沒人認得出他 霆鋒聽到 後就即刻說了一件埋藏在心裡多年的疑問 你 帽 子 也戴太低了 那個時候我也想知道你是長什麼 樣 曲線 抽擊 周杰倫 這邊廂被霆鋒 寸 另一邊廂周杰倫就用霆鋒 鋒味拌麵 的說話點評學 員 謝謝你 讓我們在這麼近的距離 嘗 到了遙 遠的味道 十分搞笑 另外 霆鋒在節目中亦都提到自己出門口的準 備 就是 一切從簡 霆鋒話 出門前的所有準備 只要幾十秒 收拾自己只需二十秒 S.H.E音樂會免費飛被炒賣 Ella嬲爆舉中指 香港文匯報訊 實習記者 張雅婷 台灣女 子演唱團體 S.H.E 出道至今已 17 年 為了和粉 絲一同慶祝這個時刻 便決定舉辦免費萬人戶 外露天 17th 音樂會 而為了杜絕 黃牛 的出現 在網上登記領取音樂會門票時還特別 設計 S.H.E 專屬 Q&A 題目是要順序排列 出 S.H.E 之前舉行的演唱會名稱 必須全對才能 成功登記領取門票 1 萬 2 千張門票 1 分鐘內空 空如也 但其後網上竟然有人放售 將免費的 票炒到 1 萬 5 千元台幣一張 陳嘉樺 Ella 收 到消息後 在社交網站上以 中指手勢 的表 情符號表達不滿 並說 檢舉黃牛大作戰 歡迎大家一起檢舉 杜絕黃牛的最佳方式就是 拒絕購買黃牛票 不好意思我激動了 好好的 人不做 做黃牛 而且還是無本生意太過 分 S.H.E 舉辦免費萬人戶外露天 舉辦免費萬人戶外露天 17 17th th 音樂 會 中央社 陳凱琳婚宴同嘉穎起舞 Lucas 開學栢芝緊張 生們的種種考驗 不僅有精彩打鬥 更多了 熱血青春的勵志劇情 因拍片重返校園 甄 子丹充滿感觸 他認為 大家都當過學生 無論學生 家長 老師 都會面對到很實在 的教育問題 也讓他想透過電影探討教育是 否有改善空間 用我一點影響力拍電影 既有商業娛樂效果 同時傳遞現今社會很多 問題 也希望為華語電影帶來正能量 談 及打戲部分 甄子丹直言 拍攝武打場面並 非擺姿勢 耍酷就能得到觀眾認同 過程中 受傷機率很高 其實大家想不到的情況 那種才最危險 要求拳拳到肉之餘 也要 做好最安全的保護措施 至於是否會教兒女 武打防身 甄子丹直說 千萬不要 由於 武功背後涵蓋複雜學問 必須要了解心態和 很多技術層面的內容 不是教兩招就變成 葉問 對於公司首部作品與新導演和一批新 演員合作 甄子丹有感而發提到 近幾年 華語片很難給新人太多機會 剛好 大師 兄 有學生角色可以給新人磨練 儘管找 資金過程讓不少投資人卻步 但他有信心 觀眾能看到誠意 並強調 一部電影成功 的元素 不在於有多大的卡司或是多商 業 它必須是一部有品質的電影 另外 13日 范冰冰投資的唐德影視 公司就發聲明加入遏制行動 唐德影視於 微博發文指會堅決抵制天價片酬 陰陽 合同 等違法問題 控制影視製作成本 改善行業生態 一對新人同林皓霆合照 一對新人同林皓霆合照 香港文匯報訊 鄭嘉穎與陳凱琳 12 日 在峇里舉行婚禮 不少圈中好友都有出 席 婚禮之後的婚宴 鄭嘉穎換了套黑色 西裝配領結 而 Grace 穿了件大 Deep V 的 米白色晚裝 都很性感 現場擺放了用燈 砌成的 G&K 字牌 還有 live band 賓客 玩得好開心 還跟着音樂一起跳舞 其中有份出席婚禮的模特兒林皓霆 Charles 晒出一段在場內跳舞的短 片 片中見到一對新人 以及 Grace 的弟 弟 Charles 還 Tag 了賴慰玲 陳嘉寶及其 老公黃頌祈等人 似乎玩得相當盡興 這 段片不但令場內浪漫的環境曝光 還隱約 見到一對新人鄭嘉穎與陳凱琳忙於招待其 他賓客 場面相當熱鬧

安靜祥和的地球上 壹個小男孩拆 開了 神秘的禮物 造型精美的裝 置讓他禁不住好奇擺弄起來 不成想 這特殊的機關喚醒了在宇宙中遊蕩的 鐵血戰士 宇宙最強獵手強勢回歸地 球 另壹邊 退伍軍人在某次行動中 發現鐵血戰士的蛛絲馬跡 科學家經 研究也探尋到宇宙最強獵手的強大毀 滅性 為了人類的命運和自己賴以生 存的家園 壹支勇敢者組成的小分隊 成為守護地球的先鋒 擁有多年狩獵經驗的鐵血戰士 發 現 通 過 獲 取 獵 物 DNA 能 夠 變 得 更加強大 因此為了區分優劣 它們脫掉網襪換上精致的盔甲成 為升級版獵手 輕易壹個背摔就 能將普通版獵手至於死地 面對 達科塔約翰遜分享"陰風陣陣"最可怕之處 魔性舞蹈新劇照曝光 入圍威尼斯主競賽 新版 陰風陣陣 曝光新劇照 達 科塔 約翰遜與壹群舞者著裝怪異 身 姿扭曲 跳著魔性的舞蹈 該片已經入 圍今年威尼斯電影節主競賽單元 新版 陰風陣陣 由於盧卡 瓜達 尼諾 請以妳的名字呼喚我 執 導 翻拍自達裏歐 阿基多於 1977 年 上映的同名經典恐怖電影 影片講述 美國女孩蘇茜來到德國壹所歷史悠久 的芭蕾舞學院進修 結果在學校裏遇 到了壹系列神秘事件 女學生接連遭 到血腥殘忍的殺害的故事 達科塔 約翰遜近日在接受美國 娛樂周刊 采訪時分享了拍片的恐 怖經歷 她表示最恐怖的 不是別的 是在眾人面前跳舞 她說 在開 拍之前 我翻來覆去受訓了大概有壹 年時間 但我不是專業舞者 那太恐 怖了 此前她還談過影片中她將展現的舞 蹈風格 這種舞蹈風格和平時看到的 芭蕾舞是不同的 學習這種舞蹈需要靠 重力 而不需要跳得有多麽優雅 這對 演員的肢體是很有難度的 據悉 導演瓜達尼諾為昆汀 塔倫 蒂諾放映了這部電影 在觀看結束後 昆汀的眼淚都流下來了 亞馬遜影業主席鮑勃 伯內盛贊此 片為 第壹部關於女權主義宣言的恐 怖電影 聯合主演 超殺女 科洛 格蕾 斯 莫瑞茲說 這部重拍版影片是她所 看過的最接近現代斯坦利 庫布裏克的 作品 獨壹無二 前所未見 影片將亮相月底的威尼斯電影節 於 2018 年 11 月 2 日美國上映 Tuesday, August 14, 2018 更加強大的敵人 實力上的懸殊 人類將會如何面對 預告片中不僅有升級版鐵血戰 士亮相 人類主要角色也悉數登 場 男主角作為小分隊隊長由 金 剛 狼 3 中 反 派 之 壹 波 伊 德 霍布魯克扮演 女主由 X 戰警 天啟 中 靈蝶 奧立薇婭 瑪恩 扮演 C7 科幻冒險片 鐵血戰士 由 鋼鐵俠 3 導演沙恩 布萊克 執導的好萊塢科幻動作冒險片 鐵血 戰士 暫譯 曝出 獵殺升級 版 預告 宇宙最強獵手再次回歸地球 緊張刺激的氛圍帶來壹陣陣 秋涼 鐵血戰士再次 大開殺戒 人類 積極應對奮力反抗 壹場決定地球的 命運混戰即將上演 在曝光的 獵殺升級 版預告中 2018 年 8 月 14 日 獵殺升級 預告 " 星期二 扔掉網襪換裝升級 大開殺戒攻占地球 綜合影視 除此之外還有 我們這壹天 主 演斯特爾林 K 布朗 在奧斯卡金像 獎最佳影片 月光男孩 中貢獻了精 彩演繹的特拉文特 羅茲 房間 和 奇跡男孩 中的 明日之星 雅 各布 特瑞布雷 喜劇明星吉甘-邁克 爾 凱 權力的遊戲 中的 臭佬 阿爾菲 艾倫等諸多實力派明星加 盟 該片將於 9 月 14 日在北美上映 還記得俠探寒羽良 和阿香的大錘子麽 懷舊時間又到了 和 七龍 珠 聖鬥士 等壹同成為 80 後 回憶的 俠探寒羽良 城市獵 人 推出新動畫劇場版 這部將 於明年 2 月 28 日在日本上映的作品 今日發布先導預告 風流倜儻的 寒羽良以及總是拿著大錘子的阿 香等角色壹壹現身 城市獵人 由日本漫畫家 北 條 司 創 作 1985 到 1991 年 在 周刊少年 Jump 連載 講述在 現代都市犯罪日益猖獗時 壹個 神秘人物展露頭角 他不是警察 也有別於壹般的私家偵探和保 鏢 而是位我行我素的俠探 姓 寒羽 單名良 人稱城市獵人 只要在東京新宿車站的黑板 上寫上 XYZ 通過助理阿香 就能委托寒羽良處理棘手的事情 事實上 寒羽良是雇傭兵出身 身懷絕技但又放蕩不羈偶爾還 好色裝傻 當年這本漫畫以 俠探寒羽良 未授權刪節版 名義引進到內地 和鳥山明的 七龍珠 高橋留美子的 亂馬 車田正美的 聖鬥士 等成為 70後 80後的精神食糧 和其他漫畫相比 北條司這部作品畫風更為寫實 故事也 偏向成年人 將動作 懸疑 愛情 槍戰 等元素結合 壹些過火的玩笑和畫面也幫 助很多小讀者完成性啟蒙 城市獵人 不僅在內地走紅 也橫掃韓國 臺灣 香港等國家地區 成龍和王晶都在 1993 年翻拍了真人 版電影 城市獵人 成龍扮演孟波 寒羽良 阿香則由王祖賢扮演 2011 年韓國 SBS 將漫畫改編成電視劇 由李敏鎬和樸敏英主演 2014年林誌穎主演過壹版內地出品 的電視劇 但背景改在了民國 故事和 原著基本沒有關系 2016年黃曉明也宣 布拿到這個IP的內地改編權 計劃和導 演唐季禮將該片改成真人電影 目前影 片已立項 暫無其他進展

休城工商 星期二 2018 年 8 月 14 日 Tuesday, August 14, 2018 C8 休士頓客家會舉辦響應僑委會 107 年臺 休士頓客家會舉辦響應僑委會 灣青年海外搭僑計畫 灣青年海外搭僑計畫 活動 休士頓客家會會長范泌文於 7 月 29 日上午在華美中醫學院召集汪幹雄副會長 日上午在華美中醫學院召集汪幹雄副會長 賴江春前會長 賴江春前會長 梁慎平院長 梁慎平院長 文教基金會魏明亮主任委員 文教基金會魏明亮主任委員 婦女會 陳淑華會長和公關羅秀娟等三十餘名客家鄉親接待僑委會青年訪問團搭橋計劃 陳淑華會長和公關羅秀娟等三十餘名客家鄉親接待僑委會青年訪問團搭橋計劃 一行共十一位青年學子 智 許一嶺 李彥蓁 李從 綺和陳怡伶 僑教中心主 任莊雅淑和副 主任楊清容撥 冗與會 感謝 休士頓客家會 的熱情款待並 贈送感謝禮品 由詹煥彩擔 任司儀 並特 邀鄉親大佬鍾 敬堯董事長和 梁慎平院長簡 報 歷數在美 南德州休士頓 的奮鬥史 略 述如下 鍾敬堯董事 僑委會青年訪問團搭橋計劃 僑委會青年訪問團搭橋計劃 一行共十一位青年學子 一行共十一位青年學子 包括 包括 組長顏瑋葶 組長顏瑋葶 副組長 長 所 創 建 的 黃雲佳 黃雲佳 吳芷慧 吳芷慧 徐子昀 徐子昀 黃靖祐 黃靖祐 謝依霖 謝依霖 李文智 李文智 許一嶺 許一嶺 李彥蓁 李彥蓁 李從綺和 American Veg陳怡伶與 休 士頓客家會會長范泌文 士頓客家會會長范泌文 文教基金會魏明亮主任委員梁慎平院長夫婦 etable Soybean AVS 公司 鍾敬堯董事長 鍾敬堯董事長 僑教中心主任莊雅淑和副主任楊容清等合影 & Edamame( 簡 休士頓客家會會長范泌文會長於 7 月 29 日上 稱 AVS)公司 成立於 2010 年 總公司位於阿肯色 午在華美中醫學院召集汪幹雄副會長 賴江春前 州的桑葚市 該公司十分注重選擇種子和收貨的 會長 梁慎平院長 文教基金會魏明亮主任委員 栓選品質 主要產品是毛豆 事實上是未成熟的 婦女會陳淑華會長和公關羅秀娟等三十餘名客 大豆 夏季是最盛產時期 因毛豆有助於降低人 家鄉親接待僑委會青年訪問團搭橋計劃 一行共 體中甘油三酯和膽固醇 改善大腦的記憶力和智 十一位青年學子 包括 組長顏瑋葶 副組長黃 力水平 能改善便秘 有利於血壓和膽固醇的降 雲佳 吳芷慧 徐子昀 黃靖祐 謝依霖 李文 低 可以作為兒童補充鐵的食物之一 可以改善 婦女更年期的不適 防治骨質疏鬆 降血脂和降 低血液中膽固醇的作用 對女性保持苗條身材作 用顯著 對肥胖 高血脂 動脈粥樣硬化 冠心 病等疾病有預防和輔助治療的作用 乃素食者最 佳食品 現已推廣至 Costco(好市多)大型零售商販 賣 鍾博士講完後由梁慎平院長接著介紹他創辦 的華美中醫學院 華美中醫學院於 1990 年成立 並於 1991 年開始招生 已與台北醫學大學簽署了 雙聯學位 以自然療法為主 在美國不準中醫做 急診 專門從事解疑難雜症 不孕症等醫療 有 AVS 公司 鍾敬堯董事長介紹該公司 主要產品是毛 豆 事實上是未成熟的大豆 事實上是未成熟的大豆 是素食者最佳食品 現已推廣至 Costco( Costco(好市多 好市多))大型零售商販賣 大型零售商販賣 多數人不喜歡開刀或吃藥 就以看中醫為首選 華美中醫學院和臺灣的台北醫學大學 台中醫藥 大學 中台科技大學 中醫技術學院等都簽訂合 座協議 目前已被核准網路教學更積極推廣科學 中藥 若欲得到結業證書之前 需用心認識中醫 為基點 所得證書都是研究生以上稱職 講完後 梁院長帶領同學們參觀整個華美中醫學院 客家會婦女會準備了美式簡便午餐 披薩和 炸雞外加客家 其粑 午餐後座談會 及 Q & A 大夥兒在歡愉聲中但又依依不捨地互相道別 留下美好印記 華美中醫學院 梁慎平院長接著介紹華美中醫 學院 學院 已與台北醫學大學簽署了雙聯學位 無獨有偶工作室劇團 分享自然與快樂 臺灣著名偶戲訪美 8/19於休士頓首演 (記者韋霓休士頓報導) 人與大自然相處時會發 生什麼趣事呢 來自台灣的當代偶劇 無獨有偶 工作室劇團 將來美國作巡迴演出 並在休士頓 首演 演出偶戲 魯拉魯先生的草地 全場沒 有台詞 但以豐富的偶戲動作 與優美的音樂 述說愛與分享的快樂 學習與自然共存 非常適 合闔家親子觀賞 時間是 8 月 19 日下午 4 點在休士 頓兒童博物館(Children s Museum of Houston ) 魯拉魯先生的草地 改編自日本的繪本大 師伊東寬榮的作品 內容描述獨樂樂不如眾樂樂 的生命哲學 繪本曾獲得 2008 年第十三屆日本繪 本獎 這齣沒有對白 以動作取勝的作品 在法 國演出時吸引許多兒童與青少年觀眾欣賞 法國 觀眾在留言簿上寫著 謝謝這齣詩意盎然的表演 此劇運用操偶師細膩的動作 舞台之佈局 空間與燈光的配合 表達人類與自然的交流 其 最大特色 除了主角魯拉魯先生為執頭偶 劇中 其他動物角色都以自然物為主要素材來扮演 例 如:運用漂流木 落葉 藤蔓 稻穗等道具 神奇 地將生活中隨手可得的東西轉化為小鳥 狗 鱷 魚等各種唯妙唯肖的動物戲偶 利用演員活靈活 現的執偶技巧 帶領觀眾進入創意無限的劇中世 界 在虛與實之間變換 妙趣橫生 分享 的快樂 更勝於獨自擁有 故事內容是這樣的:魯拉魯先生有一個讓自己 引以為傲的草坪院子 他總是保持乾淨 整齊 希望完美無疵 為此 他不惜辛苦地修整 每天 都繃得緊緊的 如果有任何小動物要進來 他都 用彈弓打走 有一天 他看見一截圓木躺在院子裏 剛要 踢一腳 竟然發現是鱷魚 在鱷魚半誘惑 半脅 迫的情狀下 魯拉魯先生第一次在草地上放鬆地 躺下 讓葉子舒服地搔著肚子 他才瞭解到 原 來分享是一件多麼美好的事情 魯拉魯的心靈也 隨之變得柔軟起來 打開心門 歡迎動物們和自 己一起分享舒服的草坪 曾在法國受熱烈好評 魯拉魯先生的草地 在 2017 年於法國外亞 維儂藝術節演出 21 場 受到亞維儂觀眾的熱烈歡 迎 馬賽劇場雜誌當時報導評道 一部讓人無 法再冷漠 讓我們去思考自身與周遭環境的作品 今年必看節目 另外 該劇也曾經在加拿大 人類學博物館演出 大受好評 非常獨特的演 出 能夠開啟觀眾們對偶戲世界的眼界 發現偶 戲的無限可能 亦使觀眾更認識台灣文化 是一 場大人小孩都能享受其中的演出 台灣當代偶戲的新面貌 無 獨 有 偶 工 作 室 劇 團 成 立 於 1999 年 秉 持 無物不成偶 的創作理念 打造台灣當代偶戲 劇場的新面貌 以及魔幻哲思的變身美學 演出 的形式包括手套偶 懸絲偶 杖頭偶 執頭偶 光影劇場 以及人偶同台等 觀眾從兒童到成人 以多樣豐富的探索實驗和專業製偶技術 開創 與眾不同的劇場形式 作品曾多次被提名及入圍 台新藝術獎 充滿創意的造型以及詩意的演 繹能力 並以各種跨領域合作 開發寬廣自由的 想像空間 在文化部及駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處鼎 力支持下 台灣書院此次邀請 無獨有偶工作室 劇團 來美演出 除了在休士頓的表演之外 劇 團還將巡迴到新澤西州 佛蒙特州 歡迎觀眾踴 躍參加 享受想像無限的偶戲世界 親子同樂 演出地點:休士頓兒童博物館 地址 1500 Binz, Houston, Texas 77004 電話: (713) 522-1138 購 票 資 訊 請 上 官 網 https://www.cmhouston.org/ 或現場購票(入場需親子同行) 政府鼓勵首次自住房買房 的屋主 在這個房子至少要居住五年 不 得出租 買主怎樣才能符合申請資格呢 房地產經紀人 Mr. Kim 表示 他在數年前 因為幫朋友買房子 而接觸 自住房購房 補助計畫(Homebuyer Assistance Program) 當時申請的手續相當繁雜 但是 只要 熟悉規定 仍然可以逐項克服困難 當他 的朋友買到房子 並且成功申請到補助金 時 箇中的欣喜難以形容 首先 買主必須確定是自己居住 而不是投 資屋 在此屋要住滿五年才可以轉手 在買房之 前必須上 8 小時購房者教育課程 要能獲得貸款 其次 有意願要申請此項補助金的人 一定要誠 實交稅 不少人為了省稅金 沒有如實報稅 等 到申請貸款時就出現難題 Mr. Kim 表示 市政府 有錢補助 但是民眾要懂得去申請 懂得讓自己 符合條件 申請過程中有許多文件工作 對於熟 悉作業的人並不是問題 他也鼓勵想要有自己住 屋的民眾趕緊申請補助金 自 住 房 購 房 補 助 計 畫 (Homebuyer Assistance Program)可上官網查詢: http://www.houstontx.gov/ housing/hap.html 自住房補助計劃座談會 First Time Home Buyer s Seminar 將於 10 月 6 日上午 10-12 點於國際貿易 您可能是補助計畫的受惠者 (本報休士頓報導) 為了鼓勵住者有其屋 讓 首次自住房購房者(First Time Homebuyer)可以負擔 得起 休士頓市政府對屋主有不少的補助金 如 果懂得去申請 並且符合條件 您可能就是幸運 者 可申請到一大筆補助金 最高可獲$25,000 的 補助 對於購屋來說 可謂不小的助益 本報採訪休士頓市政府 住房和社區發展部 (Housing and Community Develop) 行 政 經 理 Brandi N. Sullivan 為讀者介紹休士頓市的 自住 房購房補助計畫(Homebuyer Assistance Program) 讓讀者們知道 哪些人可能是這個計劃的受惠 者 Brandi 表示 這個計畫協助的對象 是首次自 住房購房者 或是在過去三年內未曾買房的中低 等收入的休士頓家庭 申請人必須符合中低收入標準 然而 民眾 別以為中低收入是賺很少的年收入 如果您家庭 總收入不超過本市平均收入的 80% 您就可能符合 條件 舉例來說 單身人士的收入為$40,050 二 口之家的收入在$45,800 以下 或四口之家的收入 在$57,200 以下就可以申請 收入限制根據家庭人 口而定 自 住 房 購 房 補 助 計 畫 (Homebuyer Assistance Program 簡稱 HAP) 最高可補助$25,000 只要 購屋者符合以下的條件:(一) 是首次自住房購房者 (二) 家庭收入不超過規定的限制 (三) 能夠 獲得自住房購屋貸款 (四) 願意參加 8 小時的購 房者教育課程 (五) 有工作 每年有付稅 是美 國公民或綠卡持有者 (六) 願意提供所有的相關 文件 (七) 為休士頓市居民 如果已經有看重的房子 此房要通過市政府 的房屋檢查(Home Inspection)才可申請 申請補助 中心舉辦(11110 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072) 詳細解釋如何買房 並讓您成為補助計劃的受 惠者 會中還將邀集銀行 房屋保險 地產經紀 建商 以及房地產界各領域的精英代表 從各 個角度探討如何成功地買房 如果您想買房但為 頭期款 或身份問題而煩惱 或是信用不好 沒 有信用 破產 報稅記錄不夠等 這些問題都將 有專家為您找出解決之道 講座名額有限 報名專線 中文 : 王維(713) 725-1703 英文 : KIM (832)549-0282 時間: 10 月 6 日 上 午 10-12 點 地 點: 國 際 貿 易 中 心 (11110 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072)