free from the requirement of work experience under the following circumstances: (1) with master s degree and above; (2) with a bachelor s degree in ed

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Teach in CHONGQING An opportunity to teach abroad, Live in Chongqing and Travel around China 1. Job Description (1) Positions: English language teachers or subject teachers. (2)Workplace: Universities, Secondary schools, kindergartens, and English training institutions in main city of Chongqing and surrounding districts and counties. (3) Working hours: the class hours will not exceed 20 every week; if the class hours is exceeded, it is necessary to make a prior written notice and get the consent of foreign teacher, and consult with foreign teachers to pay for the extra class hours according to the actual situation; the foreign teachers enjoy the holidays and festivals and winter and summer vacations according to relevant regulations made by State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs. (4) Salary: RMB6000-13000 yuan/month (5) Transportation: the employing unit will reimburse foreign teachers inland transportation expenses (railway ticket, air ticket, bus ticket, etc.) occurred on the way to the employing unit; if the work seniority reaches one year, upon passing the assessment, the employing unit will provide an international return ticket or a subsidiary with equivalent RMB. (6) Accommodation: the employing unit will provide foreign teachers with apartments for free, and offer a certain percentage of subsidiaries for water fee, electric charge and gas fee, and provide internet access. 2. Application Requirements (1) The mother language is English; (2) Own bachelor s degree and above; (3) Healthy; (4) No criminal record; (5) With over two years of work experience related to teaching; (6) Special Instruction: the foreign university graduates of the current year and previous years who have a mind to teach in Chongqing can be

free from the requirement of work experience under the following circumstances: (1) with master s degree and above; (2) with a bachelor s degree in education or teacher-training; (3) the person without a bachelor s degree in education or teacher-training, but with a TEFL certificate; (4) for the person without a bachelor s degree in education or teacher-training and without a TEFL certificate, our Market can provide paid trainings of TEFL in China, and the program applicant can participate in the training of TEFL in China to smoothly get a work visa to come to China. 3. Application Materials (1) A letter of self-recommendation (2)Personal resume (including personal information, education background and work experience; the foreigners can log in the website of China Services International Chongqing,, to download the resume template); (3) The color scanning copy of valid passport; (4) One 2-inch recent bareheaded passport photo, and one 5-inch full-length life photo (electronic); (5) The color scanning copy of highest degree certificate; the graduates of the current year need to provide the scanning copy of transcript; (6) Recommendation letters by two referrers; (7) Scanned copy of the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC); (8) Color scanned copy of TEFL certificate(if applicable) (9)Scanned copy of Health Certificate (can be provided after establishing an employment relationship with the unit); About Chongqing -Background Chongqing is one of four municipalities directly under the central government.located at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers,it is also an industrial city with an active port. Chongqing has lots of picturesque scenery since there are so many mountains.with the improved economy,and so`many scenic spots,chongqing has become an important tourist destination.there have been many ancient poems

written about her natural beauty. Lying in a subtropical monsoon climate zone,chongqing is warm in winter and hot in is famous as a foggy city,with ten more foggy days per annum than London.The best time to come to Chongqing is between March and June,or from September to November. Quite different from flourishing Shanghai and traditional Beijing,Chongqing has its own character. Life here is slower and more leisurely.every day,many people can be seen drinking tea with friends along the riverbank,or playing Mahjong.Strangely, many people who live in thins city have hot tempers,and a straight forward,open character.while they often speak loudly,they are very warm-hearted and are always happy to help others.the character of the locals probably has something to do with the spicy Chongqing food.from hotpot to snacks,it can be said that Chongqing people cannot eat a meal without chili. Chongqing is a big international city,with more and more foreign companies setting up in Chongqing is very convenient,as you can buy everything you need,and you go anywhere you want by subway,bus or taxis. At night you can enjoy the amazing nightlife,with bars,street barbeques and snack markets busy until dawn. -Climate and Topography Chongqing is warm in winter and hot in summer and is regarded as one of three famous Furnace cities along the Yangtze River with maximum temperatures reaching as high as 43. However, lying in a subtropical monsoon climate zone, Chongqing is still a good place to live with its year-round average temperature 18. Rainfall in Chongqing is ample but mal- distributed. It rains heavily at nights during spring and summer but becomes overcast with showers during fall. In winter, foggy days come frequently and limit sunshine, making Chongqing one of those famous foggy cities. Chongqing could also be called City of Rivers for at least six rivers run through the city. As a consequence, Chongqing has lots of riverside roads which are ideal for leisure and dining. When darkness falls, lights stretch along the rivers for kilometers making for fabulous night views. The confluence of the Yangtze and Jiangling Rivers is called Chaotianmen

Harbor where you can see these two different colored rivers join together. The world s greatest water control project, the Three Gorges Dam, is located downstream. Chongqing is also a mountain city with as much as 70% of the city built on the slopes surrounding the river junction creating very unique living conditions. For instance, one Chongqing s light rail lines passes through buildings and much of the system is underground like a subway. Roads are often narrow, steep and very windy with one o two 360 and more looping up the steep slopes of Nanshan. Because Chongqing is built on the hillsides, many buildings can be entered from multiple floors other than the ground floors. And many apartments boast views of eye-level passing traffic on flyovers and skyways all over the city. -Chongqing people Chongqing people are tough, building tunnels through the mountains, constructing bridges and sophisticated overpasses. The contend with the mountains and rivers as well as live on them. Because of the extremely hot summers and cold, wet winters, they invented hot pot, love chili and now they can not live without them. Chongqing people are very proud of their food and it is hard for them to embrace food from other places. -Public Transport Chongqing s public transport system of metro, buses and taxis make it easy to get around. -Chongqing& Sichuan food Since Chongqing was originally part of Sichuan, most of the cuisine is Sichuan style and which is hot and spicy. Important ingredients in Sichuan cuisine are chilies, Sichuan pepper, garlic, ginger, and fermented soybean.

( 一 ) 岗位情况 1. 岗位需求 : 英语语言教师及学科类教师 2. 工作地点 : 重庆主城及周边区县大学 中学 幼儿园及培训机构 3. 工作时间 : 每周课时不超过 20 小时, 超过此课时须事先书面告知且征得外教同意, 并按实际情况协商支付加课时补贴 按照国家外国专家局有关规定享受节假日休息及寒暑假 4. 工资 : 人民币 6000.00-13000.00 元 / 月 5. 交通 : 就职单位报销外教因到校任职所发生的国内段交通费 ( 火车票 飞机票 汽车票等 ); 工作满 1 学年并经评估合格, 就职单位提供返程国际机票或等值人民币补贴 6. 住宿 : 就职单位为外教提供免费住房, 提供一定比例的水 电 煤气费补贴, 提供上网条件 ( 二 ) 报名条件 1. 母语为英语 ; 2. 具有学士及以上学位 ; 3. 身体健康 ; 4. 无犯罪记录 ; 5. 两年以上教育相关工作经历 ; 6. 特别说明 : 有意来渝任教的应往届外国大学毕业生, 以下几种情况可免除工作经历的要求 :(1) 具备硕士及以上学历 ;(2) 具备教育或师范类学士学位 ;(3) 非教育类或师范类学士及以上学位但具有 TEFL 证书 ;(4) 非教育类或师范类学士及以上学位且不具有 TEFL 证书者, 我市场可为其提供有偿的 TEFL in China 培训, 报名项目者可以通过参加 TEFL in China 培训, 以便顺利取得来华工作签证 ( 三 ) 报名资料 1. 自荐信 ; 2. 个人简历 ;( 包括个人信息 学历 工作经历, 可登录中国重庆国际人才网 下载简历模板 ) 3. 个人有效护照彩色扫描件 ; 4. 近期 2 寸免冠护照照片 1 张 5 寸全身生活照 1 张 ( 电子档 ); 5. 最高学历证书彩色扫描件, 应届毕业生需提供成绩单扫描件 ; 6. 两名推荐人推荐信 ;

7. 无犯罪记录证明扫描件 ; 8. 有 TEFL 证书者, 需提供证书彩色扫描件 ; 9. 健康证明扫描件 ( 可在与单位确定聘用关系之后再提供 )