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Domestic Helper Insurance Company Profile Tugu Insurance Company Limited (Tugu Hong Kong) was established in December 1965. Initially its main business focus was to insure the oil and gas interest of Pertamina, which is a state owned company in charge of Indonesia s national oil and gas industry and is the ultimate holding company of Tugu Hong Kong. Operating in Hong Kong for over 50 years, Tugu Hong Kong has grown into one of the largest general insurance companies in Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific region. Tugu Hong Kong underwrites marine hull, cargo, oil and gas, fire, property, casualty, motor, pecuniary loss, etc 保險 超越 Tugu Insurance Company Limited (Incorporated in Hong Kong) 28/F, China Online Centre, 333 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Tel.: (852) 2824-2939 Fax: (852) 2824-3070 駱克道 333 號中國網絡中心二十八樓 : (852) 2824-2939 : (852) 2824-3070 Website : www.tuguhk.com E-mail : info@tuguhk.com 01/2018

Tugu Insurance Company Limited THE DOMESTIC HELPER INSURANCE provides you with a comprehensive package covering your helper in the event of illness, visits to the doctor and dentist, as well as stays at a hospital. It also provides you with the insurance coverage you are legally required to provide for your Domestic Helper and against his/her infidelity behaviour. BENEFITS 1. Employees Compensation In the event your Domestic Helper suffers injury or disease arising out of and in the course of his/her employment, the policy indemnifies you against liability at law including liability under the Ordinance, to pay compensation, costs and/or expenses. Maximum indemnity for any one Event:,000. 2. Clinical Expenses The policy pays the actual clinical expenses incurred up to HK$200 per visit per day for treatment of sickness or injury sustained by your Domestic Helper. For treatment by bonesetter or physiotherapist, the policy pays up to HK$100 per visit per day and maximum HK$500 for each 12 months period, provided that the medical treatment was received from a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner. The maximum amount payable under this Section is HK$3,000 for each 12 months period. () In the event your Domestic Helper is confined in a hospital for surgery or treatment of sickness or injury, the policy pays the actual, necessary and reasonable expenses incurred up to : (a) HK$300 per day for room and board and other hospital miscellaneous services (b) HK$10,000 per surgical operation (c) 25% of the amount payable under (b) above for anesthesia and its administration (d) 12.5% of the amount payable under (b) above for use of the operating theatre The maximum amount payable per 12 months period is HK$30,000. : () () () () () () In the event that your Domestic Helper is hospitalized due to sickness or injury, this policy pays you a daily cash allowances of HK$200 for the loss of services commencing from the 4th day of the Helper s confinement, subject to a maximum of HK$6,000 for each 12 months period. In the event your Domestic Helper requires oral surgery, treatment of abscesses, X-rays, extractions or fillings as a result of dental disease, the policy pays two-thirds of the actual necessary and reasonable expenses incurred up to a maximum of HK$1,500 for each 12 months period, provided such treatment is received from a legally qualified and registered dentist. X In the event of an accident to your Domestic Helper during his/her rest days not in the course of and arising out of employment with you and/or not covered by the Ordinance resulting in accidental death or permanent disablement occurring within 12 months from the date of such accident, the following compensation shall be payable : Accidental death Loss of or permanent total loss of use of two or more limbs Loss of sight of both eyes Loss of or permanent total loss of use of one limb and loss of sight of one eye Loss of or permanent total loss of use of one limb HK$50,000 Loss of sight of one eye HK$50,000 (Loss of limb shall mean physical severance of a hand or foot at or above the wrist or ankle or of an arm or leg at or above elbow of knee. Loss of sight shall mean entire and irrecoverable loss of all sight.) : P.1 01/2018

Tugu Insurance Company Limited 7. Repatriation Expenses In the event of serious sickness or injury to your Domestic Helper resulting in his/her being certified by a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner as medically unfit to work leading to the termination of his/her employment contract or resulting in his/her death, the policy pays the expenses for : (a) the repatriation of the Domestic Helper to his/her country of residence by scheduled flight (economy class) including any transportation for ambulance transfer to and from the airport; or (b) the treatment of the Domestic Helper s post-mortem and transportation of the mortal remains to the airport nearest to the place of burial in his/her country of residence. The policy pays the actual, necessary and reasonable expenses incurred under (a) or (b) up to a maximum of HK$20,000 for each 12 months period. 8. Replacement Helper Expenses In addition to the expenses incurred for the repatriation of your Domestic Helper as described in Section 7 above, this policy pays you the expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for employing a replacement helper, maximum limit is HK$5,000 per 12 months period. 9. Fidelity Guarantee Covers the financial losses arising directly from any proven act of fraud or dishonestly committed by the Domestic Helper up to a maximum of HK$3,000 for each 12 months period (including outstanding charges for proven unauthorized long distance call made by the Domestic Helper up to a maximum limit of HK$1,000). ( ) MAJOR EXCLUSIONS General exclusions applicable to all Sections : War and allied perils, terrorism, suicide, pregnancy or childbirth, intoxication by alcohol, narcotics or drugs not prescribed by a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner, pre-existing conditions, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS related complex (ARC) and accidents, sickness or events that occur outside Hong Kong SAR. : Specific exclusions applicable to: 1. Employees Compensation : Pneumoconiosis, nuclear energy and radiation, any late payment surcharge that the Insured may become liable under the Ordinance. 2. Clinical Expenses, Surgical and Hospitalization Expenses, and Service Interruption Cash Subsidy : Nervous or mental disease, venereal disease, congenital anomalies or deformities, infertility, sterilisation, heart disease, cancer, rest cure, physical check-ups and cosmetic or plastic surgery unless to correct an injury covered under the policy. 3. Dental Expenses : Routine examination scaling polishing or cleaning, crowning, bridges, braces and dentures. 4. Personal Accident Benefits : Injury occurring outside the rest days of the Insured Person and the Insured Person engaging in or taking part in any kind of dangerous activities. 5. Repatriation Expenses : Any repatriation or transportation of mortal remains originating outside of Hong Kong SAR. : 1. : 2. : () 3. : 4. : 5. : AGE LIMIT : 18-60 (Up to 60 for renewal cases) : 18-60 ( 60) WAITING PERIOD A 14-Days waiting period from the commencement date of the policy shall be applicable under Sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 for the Insured Person. No benefits shall be payable under these sections in respect of any event occurring during the waiting period. Premium Table (HK$) Annual Premium : HK$660.00 ( ) : Remarks: This is not a contract of insurance. Please refer to the insurance policy for terms and conditions and other specific details. : P.2 01/2018

Tugu Insurance Company Limited Domestic Helper Insurance Proposal Form Minimum Premium Per Policy - HK$500 (Cover is not in force until the application has been accepted by the Company) ( ) Name of Proposer (Employer): ( ): Miss/Mdm./ Mr. / / Occupation: : : For broker business Address: : Name of Employment Agency (if applicable): ( ): : Name of Domestic Helper: : Date of Birth: : Miss/Mdm./ Mr. / / Nationality: : Passport No.: : DD/MM/YYYY / / Contract period : From DD/MM/YYYY : / / / / Period of Insurance: From DD/MM/YYYY : / / Are you aware of any condition for which your Domestic Helper may require medical or surgical treatment?? If Yes, please give details: : / / ( ) Yes No Is your Domestic Helper in good health and free from any physical impairment, deformity of disease?? If No, please give details: : Have you had your Domestic Helper insurance declined, cancelled or refused to renew by any insurance company?? If Yes, please give details: : Has your Domestic Helper suffered from Cancer or Heart Disease?? Yes No Yes No Yes No you with the cover you want and gives us the right to refuse any claims and void the policy completely. If you are in any doubt about a particular fact, you should tell us or your broker or insurance agent. You should keep a record (including copies of letters) of all information supplied to us in connection with this insurance. We will provide you with a copy of the completed proposal form on request. I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given on this form is true and complete in every respect. I agree that this proposal and declaration will be the any individual or organization within or outside Hong Kong for the following purposes: (1) to assess and service this application; (2) to process the Direct Debit Authorization; (3) to provide marketing material of the Company or its associated companies and (4) to conduct insurance claims or analysis. 28/F, China Online Centre, 333 Lockhart RoadWanchai, Hong Kong. / / ( ) : (1) (2) (3) (4) 駱克道 333 號中國網絡中心二十八樓 ( ) The Applicant/Proposer understands, acknowledges and agrees that, as a result of the Applicant/Proposer purchasing and taking up the policy to be issued by Tugu Insurance Company Limited ( the Company ), the Company will pay the authorized insurance broker commission during the continuance of the policy including renewals, for arranging the said policy. Where the Applicant/Proposer is a body corporate, the authorized person who signs on behalf of the Applicant/ The Applicant/Proposer further understands that the above agreement is necessary for the Company to proceed with the application. Date: : : P.3 01/2018

Tugu Insurance Company Limited Personal Information Collection Statement Tugu Insurance Company Limited ( the Company ) may collect personal information to enable the Company to carry on insurance business. The personal information may be used for the following purposes of: a. processing and assessing of applications for any insurance products and daily operation of the related services; b. any alterations, variations, cancellation or renewal of any insurance and related services; c. any claims or investigation or analysis of such claims; d. exercising any right under the insurance policy including right of subrogation, if applicable; e. meeting the requirements under any law and regulation, requests from regulators, industry bodies, government agencies and court order; and f. any activities directly relating to the above purposes. The information you provide to the Company may be provided or transferred to the following parties in Hong Kong or overseas for the purposes set out in the above paragraph: a. any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, debt collection, data processing or storage or related services or any other company carrying on insurance or reinsurance related business, or an intermediary, or a claim or investigation or other service provider providing services relevant to insurance business, for any of the above or related purposes; b. any association, federation or similar organization of insurance companies ( Federation ) that exists or is formed from time to time for any of the above or related purposes or to enable the Federation to carry out its regulatory functions or such other functions that may be assigned to the Federation from time to time and are reasonably required in the interest of the insurance industry or any member(s) of the Federation; c. any members of the Federation by the Federation for any of the above or related purposes; d. regulators; e. lawyers; f. doctors; g. auditors; and h. any party under a duty of confidentiality to the Company including a group company of the Company which has undertaken to keep such information confidential. If you do not agree to the use of your personal data for above purposes, it would not be possible for the Company to process your application and render the services. You may seek access to and to request correction of any personal information concerning yourself held by the Company subject to payment of an administrative fee. Requests for such access or correction can be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer, Tugu Insurance Company Limited, 28/F, China Online Centre, 333 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version of this Personal Information Collection Statement, the English version shall prevail.) Mar 2017 a. b. c. d. e. f. a. b. () c. d. e. g. h. 駱克道 333 號中國網絡中心二十八樓 () 73 P.4 01/2018

Tugu Insurance Company Limited Privacy Policy Statement Tugu Insurance Company Limited ( the Company") is committed to full compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap.486 ( the Ordinance ) in respect of the collection, use, retention and disclosure of personal information. At all times, the Company shall endeavour to ensure all collection and/or storage and/or transmission and/or usage of personal data from individuals be done in accordance with the obligations and requirements of the Ordinance.In doing so, the Company will ensure that staff involved in handling personal data comply with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. We collect personal data in a number of ways. The most common circumstances in which we collect personal data are when you enquire about products we offer, you apply for an insurance product, or make a claim. The types of personal data we collect from you will depend on the circumstances in which that information is collected. We may collect details including your name, HKID, date of birth, contact details and other personal data which is relevant to the insurance product you are applying for or the claim you are making. The purposes for which your personal data will be used will depend on the circumstances in which that personal data is collected. We will inform you of the purposes for which we intend to use your personal data in the Personal Information Collection Statement at or before the time we collect your personal data. Generally, we may use your personal data for the purpose for which you provided it to us; for the purposes which are directly related to the purposes for which you provided it to us; and any other purposes to which you have consented. Your personal data may be provided or transferred to other third party. The third parties to whom your personal data will be disclosed will depend on the purposes for which that personal data is used. We will inform you of the third parties to whom your personal data will be disclosed in the Personal Information Collection Statement at or before the time we collect your personal data. Generally, we may disclose your personal data as necessary for the purpose for which you provided it to us; for the purposes which are directly related to the purposes for which you provided it to us; and any other purposes to which you have consented. In exceptional circumstances, we may be required or permitted by law to disclose personal data, for example to law enforcement authorities or to prevent a serious threat to public safety. We will only retain the personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the original or directly related purposes for which such data was collected, unless the personal data need to be retained to satisfy any applicable statutory, contractual or tortious obligations. Under the Ordinance, individuals have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data held by the Company. Should you wish to access or correct your personal information held by us, please present your enquiry by writing to the Data Protection Officer of the Company at 28/F, China Online Centre, 333 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Any requests or access to and correction of personal information will be dealt with promptly and we will use our best endeavours to handle such requests before the expiry of 40 days maximum. A reasonable fee may be charged to offset the Company s administration and actual costs incurred in the complying with your data access request. (If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese version of this Privacy Policy Statement, the English version shall prevail.) Mar 2017 駱克道 333 號中國網絡中心二十八樓 73 P.5 01/2018