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2016 Summer Academic Program @NUS 12 July 10 August 2016

NUS NUSRI The Programme Singapore 2

National University of Singapore (NUS) is founded in 1905. It is Asia's leading university and one of the best universities in the world. According to the 2015 QS World University Ranking, NUS is ranked 12 th in the world and 1 st in Asia. NUS is a comprehensive university with 14 faculties, 8 overseas colleges and 1 overseas research institute, currently in campus has more than 35000 students from over 100 countries. Official webpage:www.nus.edu.sg 3

Sports Center Study Corner University Town Education Resource Center 4

The first and only overseas research institute set up by NUS. The first research institute operated and managed by an overseas university in China. NUSRI was established with an official agreement signed by NUS and SIP. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Singapore Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong and Mr Xi Jinping, the then Vice President of China. Official webpage:www.nusri.cn

Time Venue Admission Requirement Programme Benefits 12 July 10 August 2016(4 weeks) National University of Singapore (Singapore) 1. Undergraduate 1 st year students from tier one universities, major in computer science, software engineering, electronic communication, information system and management, mathematics, statistics and other majors; 2. Outstanding achievement in academic courses, good English proficiency. 1. Study one NUS academic course, 100 study hours, the equivalent of 4 MCs in 4 weeks time, taught by professor from National University of Singapore; 2. Experience the advanced teaching concepts and methods at National University of Singapore; 3. Rich theoretical study in combination with a large number of practice; 4. Students with good performance can have recommendation letter from NUS professor, add great value in applying further study at NUS or other world famous universities. 6

Application Deadline Till 29 April, 2016 Programme webpage:www.nusri.cn/xgdzh/edu/2016 暑期实习 Contact us: 0512-62997805 62997821 How to apply Application document:application form(download from programme webpage) transcript ID & Passport (scanned copy) Please use 2016 NUS Summer Programme + University + Name as email title, send above document to education@nusri.cn Programme Fees RMB19800 (for cooperated universities only) Fees include: Teaching fees, air tickets (direct flight), accommodation, insurance, local transportation, 3 meals (welcome, middle dinner and farewell), telephone card, bus card, student card and etc. Payment deadline: 30 April, 2016 Expenses for passport, visa, daily meals and other living expenses in Singapore are not included. 7

12 July Arrive at Singapore 7 月 13 日 Welcome at NUS & City tour 14 July 3 August Course study and practice (in English) 4 7 August Visit other universities and representative organizations in Singapore 8 9 August Final presentation & farewell ceremony 10 August Home sweet home 8

Selection of Academic courses Students can select one course from the following two courses. Most activities of the class will be carried out in lectures and tutorials. There will be large number of handson workshops or assignments in the afternoon followed by morning classroom teachings. Teaching language is English. Course 1 Course 2 Computational Thinking and Community Detection in Large Graphs Interaction Design Beyond Human Computer Interaction The above courses at the National University of Singapore are standard 4 modular credit courses, each course will have at least 100 hours of study time: 30 hours of lectures, at least 30 hours of tutorials and 40 hours of workshops/assignments. Courses are given priority to hand-on practice, students need to have strong ability of programming skills. 9

Instructor:Professor Leong Hon Wai Professor Leong is with the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. He received the B.Sc. (Hon) in Mathematics from University of Malaya and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests are in the design and analysis of algorithms, optimization and discrete mathematics. He works in many areas including VLSI design, transportation logistics, multimedia systems, and computational biology. He has a passion for nurturing young talents and is a well-know speaker who has given many talks and workshop on creative problem solving and computational thinking. In 1992, he started the Singapore IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics) training programming. He also organizes many programming competitions, especially those for young children. He has won many awards for his research and his excellent teaching and mentorship. 10

About the course This course gives a most interesting and fun introduction to computational thinking which is about algorithms ( 算法 ) used to solve large-scale problems using a computer. It includes ideas like procedural thinking, modeling, abstraction, decomposition, recursion, creative and heuristic problem solving. The course illustrates how computational thinking is used as a technology for solving large-scale problems faced by companies like Baidu, Google, and LinkedIn. It illustrates how large companies like Baidu, Alibaba, Google, and Facebook uses computational thinking as a technology for solving large-scale problems. There will be a group project where students work in teams of 3 students, select a real-life problem, and apply computational thinking to solve the problem. This course is beyond the standard algorithm design course taught in undergraduate and this suited to all senior students having algorithm design background. To help students learn better and to make the course *fun*, we teach computational thinking using some important problems, puzzles and even magic tricks -- these include: the Tourist Problem and graph coloring; Bill Gates and pancake flipping; Inverting a Triangle-of-Coins and problem transformation; Mathematics (the secret behind many mathematical magic tricks); Zero-Knowledge Proofs and secretly sharing secrets; Recursion, fractals, recursive problem solving and the Chinese 9-ring Puzzle ( 九连环 ); the Stable Marriage Problem of matching of doctor-interns to hospitals; the Konigsberg bridge problem, Euler tours and Chinese Postman Problem ( 邮递员问题 ); Route Planning and shortest path problems; The Ice-Cream Puzzle and dominating sets; Huffman coding and file compression; Bin Packing; and the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Prerequisites Basic high school mathematics, an open mind, and good humor. 11

Instructor:Professor Zhao Shengdong Professor Zhao is with the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore. He founded the NUS-HCI research lab. He earned his Masters and PhD degrees at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Toronto, respectively. He has a wealth of experience in developing new interface tools and applications. ACM Interaction Magazine mentioned him as the most prolific author in Asia at the ACM SIGCHI conference for the last six years. He is also a steering member for the Chinese CHI conference and co-chaired the Interaction Using Specific Capabilities or Modalities subcommittee for SIGCHI 15 and 16. This course is intended for students in computing and related disciplines whose work focuses on humancomputer interaction issues in the design of computer systems. The course stresses the importance of usercentred design and usability in the development of computer applications and systems. Students will be taken through the analysis, design, development, and evaluation of human-computer interaction methods for computer systems. They will acquire hands-on design skills through laboratory exercises and assignments. The course also covers HCI design principles and emphasizes the importance of contextual, organisational, and social factors in system design. 12

Aims & Objectives To introduce key issues in interactive media design and user interface design. To introduce some of the literature of these fields. To stress the importance of good user interface design, introduce basic principles whereby this may be accomplished, and give experience in trying to carry this out. To give concrete experience in: a.conceiving of and designing novel computational media and interfaces b.thinking deeply about user needs c.thinking critically about user interfaces d.building effective low fidelity prototypes of new computational media e.working in multidisciplinary design teams f. Verbalizing, articulating, and discussing concepts and issues. To prepare for further courses in related areas, and or real-world software, systems, new media, and user interface design. Text book Although not required, it s recommended that you get a copy of the Interaction Design Beyond Human Computer Interaction 3rd edition http://www.id-book.com/. 13

Programme I:July August 2014 Students:35 From Sichuan University & Huazhong University of Science and Technology Testimonials 我们所学的两门课程, 由 Terence 和 Kelvin 分别授课, 这是两位丌可多得的好老师 这两门课程是极好的, 但却丌能只关注课程, 还需要熟悉当地的文化, 体验丌一样的生活 衷心希望有更多的同学参加新加坡国立大学苏州研究院组织的活动, 像我一样从中获益 陈同学四川大学 在新加坡的这段日子里, 认识了很多有意思的小伙伴, 遇上了有激情又负责的老师, 感受到了新加坡的本土文化 一切的一切都让我受益匪浅, 感受颇多 很赞的项目, 最后一天晚宴的时候, 大家都有说丌完的话, 合丌完的影, 都希望尽可能能留住这段回忆 马同学华中科技大学 14

Programme II:July August 2015 Students:205 From Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Sichuan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Xi an Jiaotong University and etc. 15

Testimonials 无人机系统设计这个课程丌仅仅是教会了我们对于无人机迚行编程, 而且教会了我们操作无人机的基本技巧, 老师和我们十天来朝夕相处 我们和老师变成了亦师亦友的关系 这样的关系在中国是很难出现的, 我们的大学都是老师讲课, 学生听课, 考试 所以这次和老师亲密的接触的体验非常难得也很好 在新加坡我感受到了这个发达国家的繁华 安全 井井有条和人民的素质 总而言之, 这次实习的经历让我收获很多, 也让我认识到新加坡是一个十分优秀的城市国家 翁同学西安交通大学 自从到新加坡国立大学学习以来, 我感觉每度过一天, 胜过在学校的一个星期 在这里, 每天都是在有限的时间内把丌可能的事情变为可能, 我能感受到每天的学习都是自我的突破 虽然在新国大的学习很苦很累, 但是对能力的提高是飞速的, 有多大的压力就会有多大的动力, 在这里过的每一天都非常充实 总而言之, 收获颇多, 丌虚此行 雷同学中南财经政法大学 我感觉这是个很好的机会, 出国丌但能开开眼界, 还可以感受一下世界一流大学的科研生活 同时还可以有机会置身于英语环境中, 对我提升自己的单词量和口语 听力水平有很大的帮助 也许, 这短短一个半月能改变我将来的人生 魏同学浙江大学 在新国大只有短短四十多天, 但是收获颇丰 甚至想如果早些时间能够感受这样的学习氛围, 自己就能够挽回很多浪费的时间 在这个地方, 付出了很多艰辛, 获了很多惊喜, 也体验了很多丌同的经历 这一次的经历会对我的未来产生非常大的帮助, 丌论是在学习方面还是在生活方面 赵同学四川大学 短短的一个多月的时间, 学的很多, 玩的也很多, 感谢学校感谢老师们给我们这个机会去做交流活动, 既长了知识有长了见识, 还交到了更多的朊友, 让我们拥有了国际化的视野和眼界 程同学电子科技大学 16

Garden city, developed country with security stability 716 square kilometers, population 5.47 million (2014) Temperature between 25 to 32 4 official languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil The fourth largest international financial center after London, New York, Hong Kong GDP of $51000 per capita, ranked fourth in the richest countries in the world 17

FOOD Diverse culture and rich history make Singapore a gourmet paradise. Food lovers in this country can taste flavors come from Asian countries such as China, India, Malaysia; also enjoy all kinds of delicious food in other countries. There are many restaurants and food courts in every corner of NUS campus, provide all types of food. Restaurants are clean tidy, food are cheap and delicious. Breakfast costs RMB5-10 and lunch and dinner costs RMB25-40 per meal.

Accommodation We will arrange yo : HA International Student Apartments (http://www.yoha.com.sg ) as the students accommodation in Singapore. The student apartments have clean and tidy sharing rooms with 2-4 beds, equipped with convenience store, restaurants, study lounges and sports venues, and etc. The bedroom will provide bed, bedding, pillow, desk, wardrobe, washing basin and etc. Students need to bring personal articles for daily use.

Transportation Singapore has developed the urban traffic network, can choose various modes of transport. NUS shuttle bus: Free ride throughout the whole campus Arranged bus: Airport transfers, classes and local visits Public bus:over 310 routes, each interval of 10-20 minutes Metro:5:30am to 1 am, 104 stations, 10 transfer stations LRT:Route 28.8 kilometers long, with about 40 stations Taxi:Make an appointment online or phone metro public bus shuttle bus arranged bus 20

FUN Singapore's diverse style of architecture and scenic spots is famous in the world, you sure can enjoy a taste of the garden city outside the classroom. 金沙综合娱乐城滨海艺术中心 滨海艺术中心 鱼尾狮公园 金沙娱乐城 环球影城 牛车水唐人街 圣淘沙海岸

Q&A 22