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10Days 7Nights Irresistible IRAN - The Great Persian Legacy Shiraz / Yazd / Isfahan / Kashan / Tehran VALIDITY: APR 2017 ONWARDS 2017 起出发! WEST ASIA HIGHLIGHTS Persepoli & Necropolis (UNESCO) Naqsh e Jahan Square (UNESCO) Nasir al-mulk Mosque (UNESCO) Amir Chakhmaq Square (UNESCO) Golestan Palace (UNESCO) 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED Ali e bne Hamze holy shrine Persepoli (UNESCO) Tower of Silence & Fire Temple Narin Citadel, Zilo Museum & Pegion Tower Naqsh e Jahan Square (UNESCO) Jame Mosque Isfahan (UNESCO) Fin Garden (UNESCO) National Museum of Iran Golestan Palace (UNESCO) HOTELS ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 2N Shiraz - Zandiyeh 5* or similar 1N Yazd - Safaiyeh 5* or similar 2N Isfahan - Abbasi 5* or similar 1N Kashan - Nagarestan 3* or similar 1N Tehran - Espinas Palace 5* or similar *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. DAY 01 Depart Kuala Lumpur DAY 02 Arrive Shiraz (Hotel breakfast/local lunch/local dinner) Upon arrival at Shiraz International Airport, transfer to Hotel for breakfast. Shiraz city tour Today, discover Shiraz, a former Iranian capital during the Zand Dynasty, starting from Hafez Tomb, where the body of the most influential Iranian poet lies. Next, entrance into the Ali ebn e Hamze Shrine and be mesmerized by the Shirazi dome and dazzling Venetian mirror works. Cross the Khoshk River to visit Nasir al-molk Mosque. As the morning sun shines through the stained glass windows, its interior turn into a breathtaking wonderland of colors. Adjourn to Narenjestan Qavam Garden to view the opulent Qavam House, photo-stop outside Shah Cheragh Mausoleum and tour the medieval fortress of Karim Khan Citadel before ending the day with souvenir shopping at the fabulous Vakil Bazaar. DAY 03 Shiraz - 62km - Persepolis - 62km - Shiraz Persepolis & Necropolis Excursion Discover one of the world s greatest archaeological sites, Persepolis, an UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Literally means City of Persians, it was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire (ca. 550 330 BC), built on a huge platform at the foot of the Kuh-e Rahmat mountains. The tour of the massive ruins covers palatial buildings like Apadana Palace and Throne Hall. Next, visit nearby Naghsh-e Rostam (Necropolis), one of the most spectacular ancient sites of the Achaemenid Empire. See a group of colossal ancient rock reliefs cut into the cliffs, storing tombs of Persian kings dating back to the first millennium BC. Persepolis DAY 04 Shiraz 140km - Pasargadae 326km - Yazd Pasargarde & Abarkouh tour Enroute to Yazd from Shiraz, visit Pasargadae, capital of the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great who ordered its construction in 559-530 BC. The centrepiece of these ruins is the elevated tomb of Cyrus. In Abarkouh, inspect the intriguing Ice House, an ancient method of storing ice. These were used as recently as 50 years ago! Naghshe Rostam (Necropolis)

DAY 05 Yazd - 170km - Nain - 88km - Isfahan Yazd city tour Start the city tour with entrance to the imposing structure of Amir Chakhmaq Complex, built in the 15th century. Spend sometime at the lovely Amir Chakhmaq Square before heading to the Jame Mosque. Other attractions include Tower of Silence, a circular raised structure built by Zoroastrians for dead bodies to be exposed to carrion birds and The Fire Temple. Nain Jame Mosque En-route to Isfahan, stop by Nain s Jame Mosque which is the 3rd Oldest mosque in Iran. of Armenian origin practise their faith. Kashan city tour En-route to Kashan City, stop at Abiyaneh, well known as Red Village in Iran. In Kashan, visit Fin Garden (UNESCO World Heritage Sites), a traditional Persian Garden containing Kashan's Fin Bath. Next tour the Boroujerdi Historical House, another fine example Persian architecture masterpiece. Get some good bargain at Ancient Bazaar to wrap up the day. DAY 08 Kashan 245km - Tehran ( Hotel breakfast / Local lunch / Local dinner ) Tehran city tour (I) Iran s capital and largest city is set Golestan Palace DAY 06 Isfahan ( Hotel breakfast / Local lunch / Local dinner ) Isfahan city tour (I) Today, be mesmerized by Iran s top tourist destination; Isfahan. Start the tour at the Palace of Chehel Sotun, built as a pleasure pavilion and reception hall by Safavid kings. Next, head towards the centrepiece of Isfahan great architecture; the Safavid era gems flanking the impressive Naqsh-e Jahan Square, listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 512m long /163m wide square is flanked by the imposing Shah(Imam) Mosque on one end and entrance to the Qayssarieh Bazaar on the other. On the sides, be captivated by the beautiful intricate tile works at Sheikh Lutfollah Mosque entrance and from the elevated pavilion of Ali Qapu Palace, enjoy a great vista of the legendary Square. DAY 07 Isfahan 155km - Kashan Isfahan city tour (II) Before leaving Isfahan, see the colourful frescoes on the walls and vaults of Vank Cathedral, one of the most beautiful churches in Iran where locals against the breathtaking backdrop of the Albor z Mountains. Visit the National Museum for its archaeological collections and the National Jewelry Museum which holds many Qajar monarch s jewels. Next, stroll lavish Golestan Palace, embodying the successful integration or earlier Persian crafts and architecture with Western influences. Have some leisure time to hunt for the local Persian handicrafts. DAY 09 Tehran / Depart for home Tehran city tour (II) Continue your Tehran tour passing the Saleh Holy Shrine and Milad Tower. Photostop at Azadi Tower, a monument built in 1971 to commemorate 2500 years of Persian Monarchy. Lastly, spend some time at the Grand Bazaar to wrap up this fascinating discovery of Iran. Transfer to airport for flight home in the late evening DAY 10 Arrival Home Arrival home with sweet memories.

第 1 天从吉隆坡国际机场启程 第 2 天抵达设拉子 抵达设拉子国际机场, 转送到酒店享用早餐 今天探索最古老的城市之一 设拉子, 赞德朝代期间的前伊朗首都, 首先到哈菲兹之墓参观, 它可是传说中最具影响力的伊朗诗人 参观圣祠清真寺, 它建筑的穹顶非常显眼, 寺内的彩窗 古老的木门以及内部绿色镜子的装饰也是显著的特色 接着, 参观知名的莫克清真寺, 也别誉为 粉紅清真寺 因它採用大量彩色玻璃立面, 室內則搭配粉红色的瓷砖 阳光透過玻璃发出色彩缤纷的光影, 绚丽非常 您可自備一本書为装饰坐在马賽克玻璃窗边, 留下一张充滿文艺气气息的照片 前往 Narenjestan Qavam 花园观赏富丽堂皇的 Qavam House, 停留在沙阿 cheragh 陵园和参观中世纪堡垒 -- 汗城堡 最后让您在 Vakil 市场购买一些纪念品 斯波利斯最终成为这一中央集权国家的具体化身, 对了解古波斯帝国而言非常具研究价值 接下来, 前往纳什洛斯坦陵园参观, 阿契美尼德帝国最壮观的古迹之一 追溯到公元前第一个千年, 存储波斯国王的墓葬与一组巨大的古老岩石裂缝中切入的悬崖 第 4 天设拉子 -140 公里 - 帕萨尔加德 -326 公里 - 亚兹德 经过设拉子的途中, 我们会先到帕萨尔加德, 波斯帝国居鲁士大帝时代的首都 建于西元前六世纪, 是波斯阿契美尼王朝第一座都城 占地 160 年的古代遗迹包含居鲁士二世陵墓 一个防御性平台 皇家门楼建筑 谒见厅 住屋宫殿及花园 这不只是早期阿契美尼艺术与建筑之杰出典范, 也是波斯文明的卓越见证 来到阿巴库参观迷人的冰屋, 一种古老的储存冰方法 这些是五十年前当地人所使用的家具! 哈菲兹之墓 波斯帝皇居鲁士陵园 第 3 天设拉子 -62 公里 - 波斯波利斯 -62 公里 - 设拉子 一同寻觅世界上最伟大的考古遗址之一 波斯波利斯, 耗费整整两世纪才完成, 其名称正有 波斯城 之意 早于 1979 年就列为联合国教科文组织保护的从大流士一世开始, 三代为建新都全力以赴, 使波 第 5 天亚兹德 -170 公里 - 納茵 -88 公里 - 伊斯法罕 从阿米尔乔赫马克建筑群展开今天的旅途, 一个复杂的隐蔽结构, 建于 15 世纪 在阿米尔乔赫马克广场逗留一回, 然后再前往伊玛目清真寺

继续前往寂静塔, 它是琐罗亚斯德教举行仪式与天葬的圣地 传统上天葬的塔布在沙漠地区的山丘之上, 远离人群 离开前到拜火教神殿参观 前往伊斯法罕的途中, 停留在納茵伊瑪目清真寺建於八世纪, 这也是伊朗第三个最古老的清真寺 第 8 天卡珊 -245 公里 - 德黑兰 来到伊朗最大城市与首都 德黑兰, 三面被雪山环绕 参观国家博物馆的考古收藏并拥有许多卡加君的珠宝的民族饰品博物馆 接下来观 納茵伊瑪目清真寺 第 6 天伊斯法罕 今天来到伊朗最受欢迎的旅游胜地 伊斯法罕 从四十柱宫宫开始游览, 由萨法维国王建造的亭子和和接待大厅 接下来朝向伊斯法罕大建筑的中心, 最令人印象深刻的伊玛目广场, 也被列为联合国教科文组织世界遗产 这长 512 米和宽 163 米的广场, 在其中一边是壮观的沙阿 ( 伊玛目 ) 清真寺和另一端 Qayssarieh 市场 在毗邻, 让您被伊朗谢赫 劳夫清真寺入口处美丽的瓷砖所吸引 并进入阿里卡普宫, 享受传奇广场的伟大远景 第 7 天伊斯法罕 -155 公里 - 卡山 在离开伊斯法罕之前, 观赏 Vank 大教堂墙壁和穹顶上五颜六色的壁画 在伊朗其中一个最美丽的教会 前往喀山市, 中途停留在伊朗著名的 玫瑰古城 阿比亚尼 在卡山, 参观阿巴斯大帝始建的波斯式花园 芬园 ( 世界遗产 ) 接着游览布鲁杰迪历史之家, 另一个精致的例子波斯建筑杰作 最后游览古代市集享受购物和购的一些好物品 赏奢华的戈勒斯坦宫是波斯卡贾时期的建筑经典, 成功融合了早期波斯工艺与来自西方的影响 您会有一些休闲时间去购买一些当地的波斯工艺品 第 9 天德黑兰 / 返回家园 继续您在德黑兰的游览, 通过萨利赫圣殿和米拉德塔 停留在阿扎迪自由纪念塔拍照留念, 这纪念碑建于 1971 年纪念 2500 年波斯君主制 最后, 在让您在市集上拥有一些休闲时间 傍晚时分就接送到机场乘搭班机回家, 结束这个令人着迷的伊朗 第 10 天抵达家园 阿扎迪自由纪念塔 带着美好又难忘的回忆抵达家园

Tehran Kashan IRAN Isfahan Naein Yazd Persepolis Shiraz Pasargadae Vank Church Chursh KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Bilingual commentaries with high emphasis on English Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey A mixture of Special Cuisines, local and meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. EXTRAS Number of Meals : Lunch - 8 ; Dinner - 8 Attire & Dress Code Information MEN/ T-shirts are acceptable but Shorts are not acceptable in public places T WOMEN Hair & Arms should be covered. Legs should be covered down to ankles. Feet can bebare and you can wear sandals.scarf is the most common covering for head/ Tehran Terms & Conditions / 1. Flight details, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary above subject to change according to different departure dates without prior notice. Any changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basis. 4. To ensure the benefit of consumers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. For Agent use: Tour Code / 团号 : XIRSYZ Printed Date 25 October 2017 The above itinerary is subject to change ; i) Subject to the final confirmation and the local tour operator final discretion. Hovewer, the night stay, number of meals and sightseeing places will remain unchanged.