National Dong Hwa University is situated in Hualien County, Taiwan. NDHU is not only benefited by the local natural and cultural resources, but also h

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投影片 1

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National Dong Hwa University 2015 Language & Summer Camp

National Dong Hwa University is situated in Hualien County, Taiwan. NDHU is not only benefited by the local natural and cultural resources, but also has some distinguishing features. For instance, the University has the only College of Indigenous Studies in Taiwan, devoted in promoting the education of aboriginal cultures and preserving valuable cultural assets. Students are able to have a unique experience of Taiwanese indigenous culture learning. In addition, there are several special outdoor sports courses offered on campus, such as kayaking and rock climbing. Hualien County Hualien County is located in the eastern coast of Taiwan. It takes about 40 minutes by plane or 2.5 hours by train to get to Hualien County from Taipei. Being favorably endowed with beautiful landscape and abundant aboriginal cultures, it is a good place to admire scenery and to experience culture. Hualien County is renowned for tourism. There are popular tourist attractions like Taroko National Park, Chihsingtan Beach, and Pine Garden. Office of International Affairs (OIA) organizes a Language and Summer Camp (CLCSC) for 2 weeks and 4 weeks. The CLCSC is designed for foreign students over 18 years old, and the camp size ranges from 20 to 40 participants. The camp aims to give you a chance to learn language and to experience culture. 1. The camp size ranges from 20 to 40 participants. If participants are less than 20 persons, the camp will then be cancelled. 2. The courses are tentative. Arrangements of activities are subject to change due to weather, facility, traffic, and other events of force majeure. 3. We will provide local tour information such as whale watching, white water rafting, river tracing, East Rift Valley National Scenic area tour, and other local festivals schedule. The price depends on the local travel agency s quote.

s Overview 1. 2. : Experience Indigenous in Taiwan, Calligraphy Practice, Diablo, Painting, Paper Cutting 3. Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Yacht Racing, Visit Organic Farm 4. Lecture: Nature and of Hualien 5. Chihsingtan Beach & Pine Garden, Taroko National Park & Tianxiang, Liyu Lake & Yun Shan Shui 6. Local Enterprise Tour: Mochi DIY, Tie-Dyeing Hours Distribution 2 Weeks 4 Weeks 21 hr. 45 hr. 5 hr. 11 hr. Activity 9 hr. 12 hr. Local Enterprise Tour 3 hr. 11 hr. Field Trip 12 hr. 20 hr. Lecture 0 hr. 2 hr. Total 50 hr. 101 hr. How to Apply? To apply for the Language & Summer Camp, please register online: Application Deadline: am, May 15, 2015 (Taiwan Standard, GMT+8) Late application will not be accepted.

Entrance Fee 1. The Entrance Fee is USD 1,000 for 2 weeks and USD 1,700 for 4 weeks. 2. Entrance Fee covers accommodation, meals, tuition, course materials, travel accident insurance, local enterprise tours, field trips and transportation from Hualien Station to NDHU. 3. Entrance fee does NOT cover flight ticket, transportation between Taoyuan Int l National Airport and Hualien Train Station/ Hualien Airport, transportation between Hualien Airport and NDHU, medical/ health insurance, visa, and travel expenses of free time. Payment 1. We will send an e-mail to inform applicants whether the Camp will be held. Please make bank transfer payment after receiving the e-mail. After paying the entrance fee, send a copy of Certificate of Outward Remittance to: 2. Payment Information: Bank Name: TAIWAN BUSINESS BANK Swift Code: MBBTTWTP Account No.: 76008050021 Beneficiary: NATIONAL DONG HWA UNIVERSITY Bank Address: 3F, NO.30, TACHENG STREET, TAIPEI, TAIWAN R.O.C. Payment Deadline: am, May 31, 2015 (Taiwan Standard, GMT+8). For more information about the CLCSC, please visit the website:

2015 綠水藍天陽光營 2 週行程 2015 Language and Summer Camp table 2 WEEKS 第 1 天星期一 Mon. 7/6 第 2 天星期二 Tue. 7/7 第 3 天 Wed. 7/8 第 4 天星期四 Thu. 7/9 第 5 天 Fri. 7/10 第 6 天星期六 Sat. 7/11 第 7 天星期日 Sun. 7/12 在地企業 抵達東華 Arrive at NDHU 參訪 : 阿美麻糬 DIY Local Enterprise Tour: Mochi DIY 歡迎餐會 Welcome Party 原住民文化 校園巡禮 Campus Tour (-15:00) 介紹 : Experience Indigenous in 獨木舟 Kayaking (-17:00) 戶外教學 : 七星潭 松園 Chihsingtan Beach and Pine Garden (-18:00) Taiwan (-17:00) 第 8 天星期一 Mon. 7/13 第 9 天星期二 Tue. 7/14 第 10 天 Wed. 7/15 第 11 天星期四 Thu. 7/16 第 12 天 Fri. 7/17 第 13 天星期六 Sat. 7/18 第 14 天星期日 Sun. 7/19 攀岩 Rock Climbing (-17:00) 書法 : Calligraphy Practice (-16:00) 參訪有機農場 Visit Organic Farm (-17:00) 戶外教學 : 太魯閣國家公 園 天祥 Taroko National Park and Tianxiang (-17:00) 餞別餐會 Farewell Party (17:00-) 返程 Departure &

2015 綠水藍天陽光營 4 週行程 2015 Language and Summer Camp table 4 WEEKS 第 1 天星期一 Mon. 7/6 第 2 天星期二 Tue. 7/7 第 3 天 Wed. 7/8 第 4 天 星期四 Thu. 7/9 第 5 天 Fri. 7/10 第 6 天星期六 Sat. 7/11 第 7 天星期日 Sun. 7/12 在地企業 抵達東華 Arrive at NDHU 參訪 : 阿美麻糬 DIY Local Enterprise Tour: Mochi DIY 歡迎餐會 Welcome Party 原住民文化 校園巡禮 Campus Tour (-15:00) 介紹 : Experience Indigenous in 獨木舟 Kayaking (-17:00) 戶外教學 : 七星潭 松園 Chihsingtan Beach and Pine Garden (-18:00) Taiwan (-17:00) 第 8 天星期一 Mon. 7/13 第 9 天星期二 Tue. 7/14 第 10 天 Wed. 7/15 第 11 天 星期四 Thu. 7/16 第 12 天 Fri. 7/17 第 13 天星期六 Sat. 7/18 第 14 天星期日 Sun. 7/19 戶外教學 : 攀岩 Rock 書法 : Calligraphy 參訪有機農場 Visit Organic 太魯閣國家公 園 天祥 Taroko National Park and Tianxiang (-17:00) 返程 Departure & Climbing Practice Farm (-17:00) (-16:00) (-17:00)

2015 綠水藍天陽光營 4 週行程 2015 Language and Summer Camp table 4 WEEKS 第 15 天星期一 Mon. 7/20 第 16 天 星期二 Tue. 7/21 第 17 天 Wed. 7/22 第 18 天 星期四 Thu. 7/23 第 19 天 Fri. 7/24 第 20 天星期六 Sat. 7/25 第 21 天星期日 Sun. 7/26 扯鈴 : Diabolo (-16:00) 風帆 Yacht Racing (-17:00) 花蓮在地自然人文講座 Lecture on Nature and of Hualien (-16:00) 戶外教學 : 鯉魚潭 雲山水 Liyu Lake and Yun Shan Shui (-17:00) 第 22 天星期一 Mon. 7/27 第 23 天 星期二 Tue. 7/28 第 24 天 Wed. 7/29 第 25 天星期四 Thu. 7/30 第 26 天 Fri. 7/31 第 27 天星期六 Sat.8/1 第 28 天星期日 Sun. 8/2 國畫 : Painting (-16:00) 與東華學生交流 Meeting NDHU Students (-16:00) 剪紙 : Paper Cutting (-16:00) 在地企業 參訪 : 鳳林染布趣 Local Enterprise Tour: Tie-Dyeing (-17:00) 餞別餐會 Farewell Party (17:00-) 返程 Departure

Office of International Affairs, National Dong Hwa University No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886+3+8634107 Fax: +886+ 3+8634110 Email: