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Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Day 3 Rio de Janeiro / Iguassu (B/L/D) Transfer to the airport for flight to Iguassu and check-in upon arrival. Visit the Brazil side of the falls. Travel by motor coach and cross Iguassu National Park via the Brazilian Falls. Walk along the paths, admiring a series of cascades, and then stroll along the route that leads to the bottom of The Devil's Throat. Day 4 Iguassu / Lima (B/L/D) Visit the Argentina side of the falls by crossing the Tancredo Neves bridge over the Iguassu River, which forms the border between Argentina & Brazil. Proceed to Iguassu National Park to admire the falls from the Superior Circuit (the up-river cascades), to the Inferior Circuit (the down-river falls). Take the Ecological Jungle Train that leads to and from the most impressive observation point of the falls - The Devil s Throat. Domestic flight to Lima. Day 5 Lima (B/D) Visit main attractions of Lima: the Government Palace, Archbishop s Palace and City Hall on the city tour. Visit the Lima Cathedral, an immense baroque cathedral (closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays) originally built in 1564. It is best known for being designed by Francisco Pizarro (who conquered the Incas and founded Lima) and is also his tomb. Visit the San Francisco Monastery, an interesting museum which features catacombs. Continue to the residential districts of San Isidro and Miraflores to admire great views of the Pacific Ocean. Free leisure time after lunch. Enjoy a local seafood dinner in the evening. Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 October 2014-30 April 2015

Day 6 Lima - Ica- Paracas (B/D) Travel to Ica by car in the morning. See downtown Ica and its surrounding places during the city tour. At the Regional Museum, be overwhelmed by ample archaeological remains such as potteries, textiles, mummies, etc. that belong to ancient civilizations : Paracas, Nazca, Wari, Ica-Chincha and Inca. Stop by the traditional / industrial winery. Learn how to make Pisco & wine and see the facility up close. At the exit, taste all the varieties of wine and pure Pisco made from different kinds of grapes. Stop at the Huacachina Lagoon, also known as "America s Oasis. It is surrounded by sand dunes, palm and huarango trees as well as beautiful houses. Transfer to hotel at Paracas. Day 7 Paracas / Pisco - Paracas (B/D) Transfer to Pisco airport after breakfast. Fly over the mysterious Nazca lines for approximately 90 minutes (overflight is shared with other passengers). Day 8 Paracas - Lima (B/D) Depart to the Ballestas Islands for a 2-hour boat trip and appreciate the Paracas Bay, San Martín Port and Candelabro. The Candelabro is a geoglyph located in the north-west of the Peninsula of Paracas. It is considered as the starting point of the Nazca lines. Photo stop at the giant figure. Continue to the islands to see great colonies of sea mammals like sea lions and seabirds namely Inca terns, pelicans, Peruvian boobies, Humboldt penguins and turkey vultures. Return to the pier and head back to the hotel in Lima. * Remark: Tour is shared with private guide on board. Enjoy Peruvian cuisine. Day 9 Lima / Cusco (B/D) Domestic flight to Cusco. Tour around some of the best Cusco spots in the afternoon. Pass by the Main Square; visit the Cathedral which stores over 400 paintings from the Cusqueña School. Visit Korikancha "the Sun Temple", which is the main religious center of the Incas dedicated to the Sun cult. According to the chroniclers, the walls of this temple were entirely covered with gold. Visit the nearby ruins in Cusco, including the fortress-temple of Sacsayhuaman which is famous for its enormous carved rocks. Visit the nearby shrines of Kenko and the cleansing water rituals at Tambomachay. See Puka Pukara, the red fort in Quechua. This fort is made of large walls, terraces, and staircases and was part of Cusco's defense in particular and the Inca Empire in general. Experience the Peruvian folklore dances and live music while having dinner. Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 October 2014-30 April 2015

Day 10 Cusco - Machu Picchu - Cusco (B/D) Head towards Aguas Calientes by the Vistadome train from Ollantaytambo. Shuttle bus (shared service) to Machu Picchu (30 minutes to arrive at the Lost Citadel of the Incas). Machu Picchu is now recognised as one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World". Take a guided tour of the citadel; stroll through the archeological site; visit the Main Square, the Royal Quarters, the Temple of the Three Windows, the Circular Towers, the Sacred Sun Dial and the Burial Grounds. Return to Cusco after tour. Day 11 Cusco / Puerto Maldonado (B/L/D) Domestic flight to Puerto Maldonado. Arrive in Reserva Amazonica Resort. An introduction to the Infierno ecotourism project is presented nightly by hotel staff, welcoming you to Puerto Maldonado. Registration is at the Butterfly House. Transfer to the boarding wharf for a 45-minute boat ride to Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica. Enjoy the Trail System Adventure and the Twilight River Excursion, or the nature presentation at the Eco Center with cocktails served. Have dinner in the main dining room. Day 12 Puerto Maldonado (B/L/D) Excursion to Lake Sandoval. Take a 30-minute boat ride to Tambopata National Reserve and enjoy the 1.5-hour walk along 3km of trails to reach Lake Sandoval. Experience the Inkaterra Canopy Walkway. Take a 5-minute boat ride to the Inkaterra Canopy Interpretation Center. Ascend the first tower, 29m above the forest floor, and walk through the treetops along suspension bridges that link eight observation platforms. Enjoy the Anaconda Walk along the 200m wooden bridge over the Aguajales swamps. In this eco-system, observe various species of amphibians, serpents, birds, mammals and abundant flora and trees of this flooded marshland. Day 13 Puerto Maldonado / Lima (B) After breakfast, visit Inkaterra Butterfly House and be introduced to the amazing world of butterflies. * Remarks : Schedules and inclusion of activities are subject to change according to season and weather conditions. The transfers for airport-lodge-airport as well as excursions are together with other travelers and come with a shared bilingual guide. Iguassu Falls 伊瓜苏瀑布 Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 October 2014-30 April 2015

第 4 天 伊瓜苏 / 利马 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 横越阿根廷和巴西界线之间的坦克雷多内维斯桥, 跨越伊瓜苏河前往阿根廷伊瓜苏国家公园景区游览阿根廷边界瀑布 乘搭生态丛林火车前往瀑布最震撼人心的观景点, 魔鬼之喉 乘搭内陆班机飞往利马 第 5 天 利马 ( 早 / 晚 ) 游览利马城市主要景点 : 政府宫 总主教宫和市政厅 参观始建于 1564 年巴洛克式风格的利马大教堂 过后, 参观圣方济各圣殿与修院, 同时也是拥有地下墓穴的博物馆 继往圣伊西德罗和米拉弗洛雷斯的住宅区, 在这里可以观看到太平洋 午餐过后便自由活动, 晚餐享用当地美食和海鲜大餐 * 注 : 大教堂于星期六中午 星期日及公共假期关闭 第 6 天 利马 -Ica- 帕拉卡斯 ( 早 / 晚 ) 早上从酒店出发前往 Ica, 游览 Ica 市中心景点 在地方博物馆内可以看到大量的考古遗物如陶器 纺织品和木乃伊等等 这些考古遗物均属于帕拉卡斯 纳斯卡 瓦里 Ica-Chincha 和印加人的古文明 接下来停留于传统工业酒庄, 了解如何酿制皮斯科酒和葡萄酒 你将有机会品尝到各种葡萄酒以及由不同品种葡萄酿制而成的纯皮斯科酒 最后, 参观 HuacachinaLagoon, 也被称为 美国的绿 洲 这里的旖旎风景将让人留下深刻印象, 周围皆是被沙丘 棕榈树 huarango 树木和美丽的房子包围着 接着下榻酒店休息 第 7 天 帕拉卡斯 - 皮斯科 - 帕拉卡斯 ( 早 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往皮斯科机场以乘搭飞机观赏神秘纳斯卡线条巨画 ( 大约 90 分钟飞行时间 ) * 注 : 行程中与其他游客共乘飞机 行程路线的顺序可能配合当地情況作适当的调整 有效日期 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 2015 年 4 月 30 日

第 8 天 帕拉卡斯 - 利马 ( 早 / 晚 ) 出发至 Ballestas 群岛 此航程你将欣赏到帕拉卡斯湾 圣马丁港口和烛台线条地画 此烛台线条地画位于帕拉卡斯半岛西北部, 甚至被认为是早于纳斯卡线条地画 游船将停泊几分钟以供拍照留念 随后, 继续前往 Ballestas 群岛 在那里是海洋哺乳动物的大型栖息地, 你可以见到大群的海狮 海鸟 印加燕鸥 鹈鹕 秘鲁鲣鸟 洪堡企鹅以及红头美洲鹫 游轮巡航后折返码头, 送往利马酒店 * 注 : 行程中与其他游客共享船上导游 晚餐享用秘鲁美食 第 10 天 库斯科 - 马丘比丘 - 库斯科 ( 早 / 晚 ) 转送至 Ollantaytambo 火车站, 乘搭 Vistadome 火车前往 AguasCalientes 抵达后, 乘搭班车 ( 共乘 ) 到马丘比丘 ( 大约 30 分钟 ) 抵达印加帝国的失落之城 如今马丘比丘被列入 世界新 7 大奇迹 名录 接着, 漫步于考古遗迹游览城堡, 参观中央广场 皇家宿舍 三窗之屋 圆塔 圣萨恩戴尔 ( 最重要的拴日石 ) 和各个墓地庙 游毕, 返回库斯科 第 9 天 利马 / 库斯科 ( 早 / 晚 ) 飞往库斯科, 抵达后下榻酒店 中午, 游览库斯科城市一些主要景点 路经库斯科大广场, 参观拥有超过 400 幅画的主教座堂 接着, 参观印加人对太阳崇拜的主要宗教中心,Korikancha 或太阳神庙是市区内最重要的神殿 然后参观肯科的神社和塔博玛凯 最后, 参观普佳普卡拉 ( 紅色堡 垒 ) 这个堡垒是拥有一幅大墙 梯田和楼梯, 曾经是库斯科的防御部的一部分, 特别是在印加帝国时期 晚上边享用晚餐, 边欣赏民族舞蹈 行程路线的顺序可能配合当地情況作适当的调整 有效日期 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 2015 年 4 月 30 日

第 11 天 库斯科 / 马尔多纳多港 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 乘搭内陆班机飞往马尔多纳多港 前往 ReservaAmazonica 抵达 Reserva Amazonica 度假村 前往码头乘船 45 分钟, 抵达 Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica 漫步游览 7.3 公里的冒险小径, 参观亚马逊雨林 享受乘坐午后游轮 在主餐厅享用晚餐 第 12 天 马尔多纳多港 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 桑多瓦尔湖 Inkaterra 雨棚走道及蟒蛇走道行程 桑多瓦尔湖行程 :30 分钟船程抵达坦博帕塔国家级自然保护区, 尽情享受 1.5 小时行走于 3 公里小径抵达桑多瓦尔湖 Inkaterra 雨棚走道及蟒蛇走道 : 乘搭 5 分钟的船程抵达 Inkaterra 雨棚走道翻译中心 在 29 米的丛林楼层上的观望平台欣赏难以置信的风景 过后体验蟒蛇走道, 沿着 200 米的木桥跨越 Aguajales 沼泽 在这个沼泽地生态系统中, 可看见各种种类的两栖类动物 蛇 鸟类 哺乳动物和繁多种类的植物 第 13 天 马尔多纳多港 / 利马 ( 早 ) 早餐后, 参观 Inkaterra 蝴蝶屋, 让你了解蝴蝶之神奇世界 * 注 : 行程表以及所包含的活动会随着季节和天气条件而更改! 机场接送 行程以及双语导游是与其他旅客一起共享 Sao Paulo 圣保罗 行程路线的顺序可能配合当地情況作适当的调整 有效日期 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 2015 年 4 月 30 日

第 14 天 利马 / 布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早 / 晚 ) 抵达布宜诺斯艾利斯, 展开布宜诺斯艾利斯市区半日观光游 到五月大道参观五月广场 广场周围有一些重要地标 : 玫瑰宫 ( 阿根廷总统府 ) 布宜诺斯艾利斯主教座堂 和卡维尔 ( 第一间建于西班牙统治时代的市政厅 ), 国会大厦则在五月大道的另一端 参观大都会大教堂, 这新古典主义气势的教堂是阿根廷主要的天主教建筑物 圣马丁将军 ( 民族英雄 ) 陵墓置于大教堂内, 当年教皇弗朗西斯也曾在这座大教堂做宗教礼仪 前往圣特尔莫, 布宜诺斯艾利斯历史最悠久的街区 漫步于许多古董店 ( 仅在星期天营业 ) 的德利哥广场 下一站是拉博卡, 著名于缤纷多彩的街道卡米尼托 沿着 9 de Julio 大道 ( 世界最宽阔大道 ) 行驶, 前往著名 Colon 歌剧院 继往拥有美丽公园 城市动物园 植物园 阿根廷赛马场和国家马球场的巴勒莫 最后, 参观城市最迷人的景点之一,Recoleta 区 享用晚餐及欣赏探戈舞蹈表演 探戈舞蹈是游览布宜诺斯艾利斯非看不可的表演, 表演结束后返回酒店 第 15 天 布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早 / 午 ) 全天在 SantaSusana 牧場欢庆高索节 该牧場位于坎帕纳地区, 占地面积 1200 公顷, 主要以农业为主, 过去 10 年来也是个旅游度假区 游客将享用典型的南美洲美食 criollas, 以及欣赏民间舞蹈和流行歌曲表演 最大特点是参观西班牙殖民风格的博物馆 骑马活动展示阿根廷农村的魅力所在, 当地游戏和一些典型活动结束在牧场的行程 回返酒店 第 16 天 布宜诺斯艾利斯 ( 早 ) 送往机场, 返回家园 第 17 天 跨越国际换日线 第 18 天 抵达家园 膳食 15 6 13 住宿里约热内卢 伊瓜苏 利马 2 晚 1 晚 4 晚 帕拉卡斯 库斯科 马尔多纳多港布宜诺斯艾利斯 2 晚 2 晚 2 晚 2 晚 特选膳食 巴西炖菜 烧烤式晚餐及森巴舞蹈表演 秘鲁美食 备至推崇的卡洛斯贾德尔角的 3 道西式晚餐 + 探戈秀 Lost Citadel 失落之城 行程路线的顺序可能配合当地情況作适当的调整 有效日期 :2014 年 10 月 1 日至 2015 年 4 月 30 日

Brazilian Barbecue 巴西式烧烤 Brazilian Barbecue* In Brazil, a barbecue is called churrasco, where a variety of delicious and juicy meats are cooked on skewers above charcoal embers. Red meats are seasoned with sea salt and white meats with garlic, salt and lime juice. Once cooked, they are brought to your table and carved right before your eyes. 巴西式烧烤 * 在巴西, 以窑烤为烧烤方式, 其中各种美味多汁的肉类被串起放在木炭上烤熟 红肉配以海盐调味, 白肉则是配以大蒜 盐和青柠汁调味 烤熟后, 服务员将会把烤肉带到您位子, 直接在您面前切割侍候 *This featured item is only a suggestion. * 此推荐仅供参考 PERU Paracas BRAZIL Lima Puerto Maldonado Cusco Ica BOLIVIA Rio De Janeiro PARAGUAY Iguassu Sao Paulo SOUTH AMERICA Puka Pukara 普佳普卡拉 19D16N 19 天 16 夜 ULA Amazing South America 热情森巴南美洲 Korikancha, Cusco Dedicated to the Sun God, Inti, the impressive Korikancha was one of the most revered and most important temples in the Inca Empire. 太阳神殿, 库斯科太阳神殿是库斯科和整个印加帝国最受尊敬的寺庙, 供奉太阳神因蒂 其墙壁和地板曾经覆盖纯金, 相邻的庭院充满金色的雕像 Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Butterfly House, Puerto Maldonado Many of the 3,800 species of butterflies in Peru can be found at the Butterfly House where the varied beauty and adaptability of these wonderful insects are showcased. 因卡特拉亚马逊保护区, 马尔多纳多港位于亚马逊丛林深处, 地理位置非常偏僻, 只有乘船才能抵达 在蝴蝶屋, 可以见识到多达 3,800 种品种的秘鲁蝴蝶 Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Butterfly House 因卡特拉亚马逊保护区 Korikancha 太阳神殿 Ica Known as the Land of the Sun, because of its warm dry climate; its many wineries and museums make Ica an interesting place to visit. Ica 被称为太阳之地, 由于温暖干燥的气候, 以酿制优质白兰地酒驰名 Ica 太阳之地 Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 October 2014-30 April 2015

Picarones* Picarones is a deep fried mix of sweet potato, local Peruvian squash, and dough. This delicious and addicting donut-looking dessert is served with cane syrup. A definite must-eat when in Peru. Picarones* 来到秘鲁, 一定要品尝这个地道的美味小食 这是一种甘薯酿入浓缩果汁, 裹上面粉油炸而成的小食, 就像甜甜圈那样 PERU BRAZIL Paracas Lima Puerto Maldonado Ica Cusco BOLIVIA Rio De Janeiro Iguassu Sao Paulo PARAGUAY Picarones 美味小食 *This featured item is only a suggestion. * 此推荐仅供参考 SOUTH AMERICA 19D16N 19 天 16 夜 ULA Amazing South America 热情森巴南美洲 The Nazca Lines 纳斯卡线 The Devil's Throat, Iguassu The spectacular Devil's Throat is where fourteen Iguassu cascades drop 350 feet with such a force creating a perpetual 100 foot cloud of spray. 魔鬼之喉, 伊瓜苏伊瓜苏瀑布是世界上跨度最宽的瀑布, 总宽度约为 4000 米, 由大小共约 270 个瀑布群组成 水势最猛一处被称作为魔鬼之喉, 让人叹为观止 Candelaria Church 坎德拉里亚教堂 Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio De Janeiro Rising 396 meters above Guanabara Bay, this unique mountain resembles the traditional shape of concentrated refined loaf sugar - hence its name. 甜面包山, 里约热内卢高 396 米, 位于瓜纳巴拉湾入口处, 是里约的象征之一 由两个山头组成, 一个象立起的面包, 另一个象平放的面包, 故名为甜面包山, 登上山顶可将里约全景尽收眼底 个民族的浓郁风情 The Devil's Throat 魔鬼之喉 Candelaria Church, Rio De Janeiro A beautiful church with a Baroque facade, and Neoclassical, Neo-Renaissance interior elements, the Candelaria Church is an important historical church in Rio de Janeiro. 坎德拉里亚教堂, 里约热内卢坎德拉里亚教堂是里约热内卢一座重要的教堂 这座教堂的修建和内部装潢带来了巴洛克风格的容貌, 以及新古典主义和文艺复兴的风格 Sugarloaf Mountain 甜面包山 Sequence of itinerary may vary on actual tour Validity : 1 October 2014-30 April 2015