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Cinderella Premier under ROC s Constitution Dr. Dachi Liao Professor, Institute of Political Science National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan 1

Constitutional Design Semi-presidentialism After 7 times constitutional amendments, the dual executives power source and duty: President Premier Power source Counter-signature Responsible to the Legislative Yuan Direct elected by the people X Not really Appointed by the president Yes, but not comprehensive Yes 2

Premier s role Like Cinderella s role always trying to please the President superficially being the chief of the cabinet, substantially being difficult to lead Take Chen Chun as an example 2012/04/06 Premier Chen was tired and sick in LY 2012/04/10 Chen got support from President Ma 3

Cinderella like Premier: Under the mercy of the President 按一下畫面後開始播放 畫面翻拍自 :Youtube 4

Cinderella like Premier: Difficult to lead Finance Minister Liu Yi-Ru insists to tax on both securities exchange income(capital gain) and securities exchange. Premier Chen couldn t convince her to change her mind or make her compromise with other cabinet members opinions.. The problem now is left to the LY and the President to solve 5

Cinderella like Premier: Difficult to lead 按一下畫面後開始播放 畫面翻拍自 : 聯合理財網 6

Consequence: Personalized President Persident s personality is crucial to shape Executive function V.S. Chen Shui-Bian Ma Ying-Jeou 7

Personalized President Personality of President Routine Breaker Routine Follower Follower Breaker Follower Breaker Personality of Premier Chance of Appoint. Effect High Medium High Low President dominate certainly Confrontation, Policymaking stalemate leadership vacuum Premier - show horse 8

Premiers during 1. Tang Fei 2000.05.20-2000.10.06 4. Hsieh, Chang-ting 2005.02.01-2006.01.25 2. Zhang, Jun-xiong 2000.10.06-2002.02.01 5. Su, Tseng-chang 2006.01.25-2007.05.21 3. Yu, Shyi-kun 6. Zhang, Jun-xiong 2002.02.01 2005.02.01 2007.05.21-2008.05.20 9

Premiers during 1. Liu, Chao-shiuan 2008.05.20-2009.09.10 2. Wu, Den-yih 2009.09.10-2012.02.05 Now is Chen, chun 2012.02.01 ~now 10

How to Reform? Difficult to formally amend the constitution again The current procedure for amending the constitution: Amendment of the Constitution shall be initiated upon the proposal of one-fourth of the total members of the Legislative Yuan, passed by at least three- fourths of the members present at a meeting attended by at least three-fourths of the total members of the Legislative Yuan, and sanctioned by electors in the free area of the Republic of China at a referendum held upon expiration of a six-month period of public announcement of the proposal, wherein the number of valid votes in favor exceeds one-half of the total number of electors. The provisions of Article 174 of the Constitution shall not apply.( Article 12) 11

What the reform should direct to: Parliamentarianism or Presidentialism? Cultural preference to a strong leader Dpp opposes to parliamentarianism power exchange for coalition immature yet Ex.Bian-Soong meeting Presidentialism is easier to evolve 12

How to do The president may deliver the state of the nation report to the LY annually ( without taking questions from the LY members) The Legislative Yuan should be better equipped with information power The grand Justice s interpretations of constitution may play a role in renewing the nature of the constitution ex. The 858 interpretation: LY should have the investigation power so as to check and balance the Executive power. 13

Thank You! Questions? 14

Step Two: Men-Tzi Wraps Li-Tzi (TDT Analysis) Bien-Soong Meeting Discourse Topic Detection & Tracking 195 News from 11/12/04 (after the 6th Legislative Election) 3/3/05 (Wu Li-Pei Senior Presidential Advisor resigned) Assumption: rational choice school Parties who are interesting in party coalition is primarily after the cabinet seat benefit or personnel appointment Their meeting date: Feb.24, 2005 15

Step Two (continue ) Table 2: Number of article appearance on different issues Issue Number of article Personnel ROC Taiwan Independence Unification Cross- Strait Peace Cross- Strait relation 54 41 53 41 37 23 Ethnic group -Partially confirm rational school prediction: care primarily about personnel -54 / 195 for personnel -53/ 195 for Taiwan independence/unification 16

Step Two (continue ) Graph 1: Personnel & Taiwan Independence or Unification issues distribution map - Only 12/78 days not mentioned personnel issue = steadily mentioned - Independence/unification issue only intensified after Feb. 19, 05 17

Step Two (continue ) Graph 2: Cross-strait peace & Cross-strait relation issues distribution map 18

Step Two 18 Graph 3: ROC & Ethnic Group issues distribution map Posts 中華民國族群 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2004-12-15 2004-12-22 2004-12-29 2004-12-30 2004-12-31 2005-01-01 2005-01-02 2005-01-05 2005-01-06 2005-01-07 2005-01-08 2005-01-09 2005-01-10 2005-01-11 2005-01-12 2005-01-13 2005-01-14 2005-01-15 2005-01-17 2005-02-03 2005-02-04 2005-02-05 2005-02-12 2005-02-13 2005-02-14 2005-02-15 2005-02-16 2005-02-17 2005-02-18 2005-02-19 2005-02-20 2005-02-21 2005-02-22 2005-02-23 2005-02-24 2005-02-25 2005-02-26 2005-02-27 2005-02-28 2005-03-01 2005-03-02 2005-03-03 Date BACK 19

Additional Articles of the Constitution of The Republic of China Article 2 The president and the vice president shall be directly elected by the entire populace of the free area of the Republic of China. This shall be effective from the election for the ninth-term president and vice president in 1996. BACK 20

Constitution of The Republic of China Article 53. The Executive Yuan shall be the highest administrative organ of the State Article 55 The President of the Executive Yuan shall be nominated and, with the consent of the Legislative Yuan, appointed by the President of the Republic. Additional Articles of the Constitution of The Republic of China Article 3. The president of the Executive Yuan shall be appointed by the president. Should the president of the Executive Yuan resign or the office become vacant, the vice president of the Executive Yuan shall temporarily act as the president of the Executive Yuan pending a new appointment by the president. The provisions of Article 55 of the Constitution shall cease to apply.. BACK 21

Constitution of The Republic of China Article 37 The President shall, in accordance with law, promulgate laws and issue mandates with the counter-signature of the President of the Executive Yuan or with the counter-signatures of both the President of the Executive Yuan and the Ministers or Chairmen of Commissions concerned. Additional Articles of the Constitution of The Republic of China Article 2 Presidential orders to appoint or remove from office the president of the Executive Yuan or personnel appointed with the confirmation of the Legislative Yuan in accordance with the Constitution, and to dissolve the Legislative Yuan, shall not require the countersignature of the president of the Executive Yuan. The provisions of Article 37of the Constitution shall not apply. BACK 22

Additional Articles of the Constitution of The Republic of China Article 4. When the Legislative Yuan convenes each year, it may hear a report on the state of the nation by the president. 目前在野黨希望總統能到立法院國情報告, 並即問即答 而請總統到立法院國情報告, 多已形成共識 但多位藍委認為應遵守憲法, 不贊同即問即答 對此議題, 馬總統表示 : 願意國情報告, 並強調 合乎憲法明定的方式與精神, ml BACK 23

Additional Articles of the Constitution of The Republic of China Article 3. The Executive Yuan has the duty to present to the Legislative Yuan a statement on its administrative policies and a report on its administration. BACK 24

Legislative Yuan Seat Share by Parties(5 th - 8 th ) KMT DPP PFP TSU others 5% 6% 20% 5% 5% 15% 35% 1% 4% 3% 3% 3% 24% 35% 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th KMT 68 89 81 64 DPP 87 79 27 40 PFP 46 34 1 3 29% 30% 40% 72% 57% TSU 13 12 0 3 others 11 11 4 3 5th 6th 7th 8th BACK 25

Public preference to a strong leader ( 大紀元 2005/10/15) 台灣智庫民調 憲政改革民意調查 關於行政權的組成, 當問到應該由總統選舉 還是立法院選舉決定行政院長時, 有 50% 的民眾認為應該由總統選舉決定,35.5% 的民眾表示應由立法委員選舉決定 就是民眾有 63% 支持總統有實權, 可以否決國會的法案, 也就是贊同總統有實質的覆議權者有 63% 再經過這一驗證, 可證民眾對於總統在行政決策上面的地位是相當肯定的 BACK

釋字第 585 號 立法院為有效行使憲法所賦予之立法職權, 本其固有之權能自得享有一定之調查權, 主動獲取行使職權所需之相關資訊, 俾能充分思辯, 審慎決定, 以善盡民意機關之職責, 發揮權力分立與制衡之機能 BACK 27

Tang Fei ( 唐飛 ) (2000/10/04 聯合報 ) 唐飛雖然昨晚 (10/3) 在記者會中指是因為身體需要休息而請辭, 不是為了核四案 不過唐飛續建核四的立場, 絕對是扁唐決裂的主因 唐飛昨天 10/3) 在立法院繼續表達續建核四的立場, 一般認為, 昨晚扁唐例行餐敘, 兩人會就核四立場講清楚 ; 沒想到兩人連客套話都沒說就迅即攤牌, 扁唐體制 正式解體 BACK 28

Zhang, Jun-xiong( 張俊雄 ) (2007/05/14 華夏經緯網 ) 在 2001 年時, 張俊雄出任 行政院長 的首項任務, 是貫徹陳水扁意志, 宣佈停建核四, 為此, 張俊雄被 立法院 列為 不受歡迎人物, 後來核四政策大轉彎, 民進黨被批到體無完膚, 也是由張俊雄幫陳水扁擋下子彈 2002 年 立法院 改選後, 張俊雄請辭 行政院長, 黨內許多人力拱他參選黨主席, 不過, 張俊雄並無意願, 陳水扁兼任黨主席後, 一聲令下, 張俊雄立刻和原本規劃的 考試院長 一職擦肩而過, 變成了民進黨秘書長 BACK 29

Yu, Shyi-kun ( 游錫堃 ) (2004/12 遠見雜誌 ) Q: 外界有批評, 你 ( 游 ) 大部分的內閣人事, 都由總統主導, 而非由你作主? A: 主要是因為總統民選, 他是有民意基礎, 我沒有, 我的權力是來自總統, 我們國家的體制就是這樣 對於閣員和閣揆的關係, 外界難免揣測, 但不是問題 第一, 理念上政府是為人民服務 第二, 總統是民選的, 當然以總統為主 第三, 所有的人事任命, 是院長提請總統任命, 院長可以有自己的想法 第四, 現在講的是團隊, 即使有部會首長是總統特別熟悉的, 但他們跟總統開會的時間很少, 所有的運作都在行政院會, 很多政策 簽呈都在行政院就決定, 沒有到總統那裡 BACK 30

Hsieh, Chang-ting( 謝長廷 ) (2005/08/21 新華網 ) 陳水扁總統圍繞台灣桃園地區缺水問題, 再三嚴厲責難甚至羞辱 行政院長 謝長廷, 二者之間的關系日益緊張 據報導, 陳水扁臉色鐵青地數落著謝長廷, 沒用心啦, 就是沒用心! 如果有用心, 高雄市的愛河都能做好, 台北市的基隆河也能做好, 為什麼桃園的石門水庫就做不好? 道理很簡單嘛, 就是沒用心啦 隨行官員面面相覷, 連喘氣都不敢 不僅如此, 在當天下午巡視石門水庫集水區時, 怒火未消的陳水扁, 更當著眾人說出 行政院長是做什麼的? 更令文武百官冷汗直流的, 是謝長廷隔日終於出鞘的機鋒, 以 總統選擇錯誤 識人不明 自我解嘲 問題是, 謝長廷是否有弦外之音, 又引來政壇不同揣測 /2005-08/21/content_3384472.htm 謝長廷宣布已辭去 行政院長 一職 ( 中評社圖片 2006/01/17 ) BACK 31

Su, Tseng-chang ( 蘇貞昌 ) (2007/05/16 世界新聞報 ) 2007 年 5 月 12 日蘇貞昌無預警的宣布請辭 據報導, 蘇貞昌在 5 月 6 日民進黨內 總統 候選人資格初選中大敗後, 開始受到謝長廷和陳水扁兩方的壓力 蘇貞昌在辭職時說, 他是為了配合陳水扁的重新佈局, 主動辭職, 這馬上引發了外界聯想 5 月 10 日晚, 蘇謝兩人見面, 據透露, 謝長廷當晚向蘇貞昌開口, 要蘇貞昌把之前許諾給地方的建設 支票 逐一兌現, 並希望蘇能在任內提供一些政治資源作為他的後盾 對此, 蘇貞昌的團隊認為有很多難處, 選舉仗打起來後, 蘇要處處配合謝, 做得好未必有功勞, 做得不好一定會被說成 扯後腿 同時, 蘇貞昌幕僚說, 蘇自己知道個性很強, 也很有主見, 未來一年如果除了看陳水扁眼色, 還得處處考慮謝, 真的幹不下去 m BACK 32

Liu, Chao-shiuan ( 劉兆玄 ) (2010/01/22NOWnews) 馬總統大談經濟等議題, 還明確的表示, 希望今年底要完成 ECFA 的簽署, 因為 經濟孤立將會要命 ; 前行政院長劉兆玄則是戲稱 馬總統把我要講的都講完了, 本來他是來支持我演講的 BACK 33

Wu, Den-yih ( 吳敦義 ) ( 鳳凰衛視 2011/11/09) Q: 對於這 2 年多來與馬英九相處的狀況如何? A: 吳敦義表示, 沒有任何罣礙之處 我覺得很好 ; 他說, 重大的人事 政策 法案 預算案, 都會先報告馬英九 例如 12 年教育, 他向馬英九報告時機成熟了, 從 1968 年實施 9 年教育已 43 年, 所有該准備的工作也都差不多准備好了, 最後由馬英九來裁定 此外, 吳敦義還表示, 行政院長 權力來源出自 總統 任命, 所有人事 重大法案 預算案, 若事前既未彙報 事後全都交給 總統, 這是不對的 2904322.html BACK 34