M s Guide to Beijing You should find all you need within these covers, but for the most up to date information, the following may help... THE M WEBSIT

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M s Guide to Beijing You should find all you need within these covers, but for the most up to date information, the following may help... THE M WEBSITE AND PHONE LINES: We hold regular cultural events, talks, lunches, movies, panel discussions... Please check the website to see what s currently on. www.m-restaurantgroup.com Tel: 6702 2727 EMERGENCY MEDICAL: - Beijing United Family Hospital 5927 7000 (for emergencies: 5927 7120) - SOS 6462 9112 - Vista 8529 6618 01

Park Hyatt 北京柏悦大酒店 2 Jianguomen Outer Ave., Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街 2 号 +86 10 8567 1234 The Peninsula 王府半岛酒店 1F Wangfu Bandao Hotel, Jinyu Hutong, Dongcheng District 东城区金鱼胡同王府半岛酒店 1 层 +86 10 8516 2888 Raffles Beijing 北京饭店莱佛士 33 East Chang an Ave., Dongcheng District 东城区东长安街 33 号 +86 10 6526 3388 Ritz-Carlton CBD 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店 83A Jianguo Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路 83A 号 +86 10 5908 8888 Ritz-Carlton Financial Street 丽思卡尔顿酒店 - 金融街 1 East Jinchengfang St., Jinrong St., Xicheng District 西城区金融街金城坊东大街 1 号 +86 10 6601 6666 Shangri la Kerry Centre 香格里拉北京嘉里中心大酒店 1 Guanghua Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华路 1 号 +86 10 6561 8833 St Regis 北京国际俱乐部饭店 21 Jianwai Ave., Chaoyang District 朝阳区建外大街 21 号 +86 10 6460 6688 Waldorf Astoria Beijing 北京华尔道夫酒店 No 5 Jinyu Hutong, Dongcheng Distrit 东城区金鱼胡同 5 号 +86 10 8520 8977 Westin Chaoyang 威斯汀大饭店 7 E 3rd Ring North Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路 7 号 +86 10 5922 8888 Westin Financial Street 金融街威斯丁大酒店 9 Jinrong Ave., Xicheng District 西城区金融大街乙 9 号 +86 10 6606 8866 Grace Hotel 格瑞斯北京 Jiuxianqiao Lu,2 Hao Yuan,798 Yishu Qu, 706 Hou Jie 1 Hao, Chaoyang District 朝阳区酒仙桥路 2 号院 798 艺术区 706 后街 1 号 +86 106436 1818 21 M s Guide to Beijing MAGAZINES&WEBSITES: You ll find all of these at M, listing everything going on in the city. Want to know where to go to find the latest exhibition, kids event or international DJ? Look no further. - The Beijinger - www.thebeijinger.com - That s Beijing - www.thatsbeijing.com - Time Out - www.timeoutbeijing.com - City Weekend - www.cityweekend.com.cn www.beijingimpression.cn www.smartbeijing.com GREEN SPACES We need plenty of that here! Botanical Gardens 北京植物园 Wofosi Rd., Fragrant Hills 香山卧佛寺路 6259 1283 Ritan Park 日坛公园 6 North Ritan Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳门外日坛北路 6 号 Summer Palace 颐和园 Set aside plenty of time to wander the extensive grounds. Refresh at the adjoining Aman Resort. 19 Xinjian Gongmen Rd., Haidian District 海淀区新建宫门路 19 号 6288 1144 Beihai Park 北海公园 1 Wenjin St., Xicheng District 西城区文津街 1 号 6403 3225 Fragrant Hills Park 香山公园 Mai Mai St. W, Haidian District 海淀区香山买卖街西头 6259 1155 02

MUSEUMS... ARTS & CULTURE National Museum 中国国家博物馆 The largest museum in China. English services are available. Be sure to bring identification such as a passport or ID card. 16 East Chang an Ave., Dongcheng District 北京东城区东长安街 16 号天安门广场东侧 6511 6400 Urban Planning Exhibition Center 北京市城市规划展览馆 Scale model of Beijing is the highlight. Check out your favourite neighbourhoods and buildings... 20 East Qianmen Ave. (east side of Beijing Railway Museum) 北京市前门东大街 20 号 ( 老火车站东侧 ) 6701 7074 National Art Museum of China 中国美术馆 1 Wusi St., Dongcheng District 东城区五四大街 1 号 6401 7176 Military Museum 北京军事博物馆 9 Fuxing Rd., Haidian District 海淀区复兴路 9 号 6681 7161 THEATRES... TICKETS: - Beijing Culture Information and booking centre for cultural events in Beijing. www.chinaculturecenter.org 6432 9341 / 8420 0671 Forbidden City Concert Hall 中山公园音乐堂 West Chang'an Ave. (inside Zhongshan Park) 西长安街中山公园内 6559 8285 Li Yuan Theatre ~ Peking Opera Theatre 梨园剧场 Situated in the former Xuanwu District -- the birthplace of Peking Opera, and boasting traditional Baxian tables or "8 immortals tables". No 175 Yongan Rd., Xicheng District 西城区永安路 175 号, 前门建国饭店 18610837420 03 HOTELS Aman Resort at Summer Palace 阿曼假日酒店 15 Gongmenqian St., Summer Palace 颐和园宫门前街 15 号 5987 9999 China World and Summit (by Shangri la) 中国大饭店 No 1 Jianwai Ave., Chaoyang District 朝阳区建外大街 1 号 6505 2266 Four Seasons 四季酒店 No 48 Liangmaqiao Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区亮马桥路 48 号 5695 8898 Grand Hyatt 北京东方君悦大酒店 No 1 East Chang an Ave., Dong Fang Plaza, Dongcheng District 东城区东长安街 1 号东方广场 8518 1234 Hilton Wangfujing 北京王府井希尔顿酒店 No 8 East Wangfujing St., Dongcheng District 东城区王府井东街 8 号 5812 8888 Hotel G A7 West Gongti Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体西路甲 A7 号 6552 3600 Kempinski 凯宾斯基饭店 No 50 Lianmaqiao Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区亮马桥路 50 号 6465 3388 Opposite House 瑜舍 Bldg 1 Sanlitun Village, 11 North Sanlitun Rd., Chaoyang 朝阳区三里屯北路 11 号院 1 号楼三里屯 Village 6417 6688 Conrad Hotel 康莱德酒店 No.29 North Road, East 3rd Ring Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路 29 号 6584 6000 East Hotel 东隅酒店 No.22 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区酒仙桥路 22 号 8426 0888 Orchid Hotel No 65 Baochao Hutong, East Gulou Rd., Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同 65 号 8404 4818 20

Chocolate 俄罗斯巧克力俱乐部 From Russia with love! 19 Ritan North Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区日坛北路 19 号 8561 3988 Element Dance the night away to sounds of house music... 58 West Gate of Workers Stadium 朝阳区工人体育场西门 58 号 6551 2373 Tango Boasts a large dancefloor and several international DJ residencies West Hepingli St., South gate of Ditan Park 东城区地坛公园南门和平里西街 ( 金鼎轩旁边 ) 6428 2288 Xiu 秀 Live music nightly at the Park Hyatt. 6F Park Hyatt, 2 Jianguomen Outer Ave., Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街 2 号柏悦酒店 6 楼 8567 1108 And here s where the boys are Destination 目的地 No 7 West Gongti Rd (opposite West gate of Workers s Stadium) 工体西路 7 号 ( 工体西门对面 ) 6551 5138 Funky Bar & Lounge The cool kid on the block with a rooftop terrace 6/F, 8 Gongti Xi Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体西路 8 号六楼的 Alfa 阿尔法 6 Xingfu Yicun (in a hutong opposite North gate of Workers' Stadium) 幸福一村 6 号 ( 工体北门对面胡同里 )6413 0086 19 NCPA ~ National Centre for the Performing Arts No.2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District 西城区西长安街 2 号 6655 0000 Penghao Theatre 蓬蒿剧场 No 35 Dongmianhua Hutong (South gate of the Central Academy of Drama, between Nanluoguxiang and Jiaodaokou South Ave.) 东城区东棉花胡同 35 号 ( 中央戏剧学院南门, 南锣鼓巷和交道口南大街之间 ) 6400 6452 Poly Plaza 保利剧院 No 14 South Dongzhimen Ave., Chaoyang District 朝阳区, 东直门南大街 14 号 6500 1188-5621 / 5619 TEMPLES... Confucius Temple 孔庙 The place where people paid homage to Confucius during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its neighbour in the west is Guozijian (The Imperial College). No 13 Guozijian St., Dongcheng District 北京市东城区国子监街 13 号 8401 1977 Lama Temple 雍和宫 Headquarters of the Qing government's administration of Tibetan Buddhism affairs. No 12 Yonghegong St., Dongcheng District 东城区雍和宫路 12 号 6404 4499 Temple of Heaven 天坛 World's largest architectural complex for rituals of paying homage to the god of heaven No 7 Tiantan Inner East Rd., Chongwen District 崇文区天坛内东丽 7 号 6701 2402 04

DRINKING AND DANCING... ART HUBS OF BEIJING 798 Art District 酒仙桥路 4 号大山子艺术区 798 Famous old military weapons factory grown into a whole art precint. Refresh at the Grace Hotel for a great lunch. * Galleria Continua 朝阳区酒仙桥路 2 号, 大山子 798 艺术区,#8503 号 * PACE Beijing 朝阳区酒仙桥路 2 号 798 艺术区 *Ullens Center for Contemporary Art 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区 Caochangdi 崔各庄, 草场地艺术区 As above, but newer and groovier. AWW is the big attraction! * Taikang Space 朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地红一号艺术区 B2 * Three shadows Photography Art Centre 朝阳区草场地 115A * ShanghART Gallery 朝阳区旧机场路草场地 261 号 AROUND TOWN * Red Gate Gallery 崇文区东便门角楼 * Today Art Museum 朝阳区百子湾路 32 号苹果社区 4 号楼 * Jiali Gallery 交道口南大街, 北吉祥胡同 *Intelligentsia Gallery 东城区东旺胡同 11 号 Amilal A wide range of whiskies in a ramshackle courtyard. 48 Shoubi Hutong, Dongcheng district 西城区寿比胡同 48 号 8404 1416 Aperitivo 意式餐吧 Enjoy a spritz and watch the people walk down Beijing s busiest bar street. 43 South Rd., Sanlitun North St., Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯北街南路 43 号 6417 7793 Atmosphere 云骷 From atop Beijing s tallest building, take in the view 80F China World Summit Wing, 1 Jianguomen Outer Ave. 朝阳区建国门外大街 1 号国贸大酒店 80 层 6505 2299 D Lounge The place to be seen come the weekend. Courtyard 4 Gongti North Rd., Chaoyang District (opposite Gunshi) 朝阳区工体北路 4 号院滚石对面 6593 7710 Mai Bar 麦酒吧 This hard-to-find hutong gem is worth the effort. Walk 500 meters North from Nanluoguxiang No 40 Beiluoguxiang 东城北锣鼓巷 40 号 6406 1871 Migas 米家思 This rooftop terrace bar is a summer favourite. Be sure to try the tapas in the restaurant downstairs! 6F Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路 81 号那里花园 6 层 5208 6061 Modernista No 44 Baochao Hutong, near Gulou A hutong gem with great food to boost 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同 44 号 136 9142 5744 Stone Boat Stone boat-turned-bar, perfect for early summer evenings by the lake. Ritan Park, Chaoyang District (beside the lake) 朝阳区日坛公园里, 湖边 6501 9986 18

STREET SNACKS - Breakfast carts! These orange vans appear in the morning around subway stations, selling: - soy milk (dou jiang 豆浆 ) - rice porridge (zhou 粥 ) - deep fried dough sticks (you tiao 油条 ). - Savory egg crepes (Jian Bing 煎饼 )! A popular breakfast snack, these large folded pancakes are cooked fresh and handed over steaming hot to eat on the go. Found outside subway stations and on street corners throughout the city, they are typically topped with egg, spring onions, chili sauce and a crispy cracker to boot. Scrumptious - Flat cakes (shao bing 烧饼 ): Beijing s many bing can easily constitute a meal in themselves. Round in shape and stuffed with various fillings, bing can be sweet, savory, biscuit-like, crumbly, or all of the above. Test-tasting is always a surprise! - Candied Haw Sticks (bing tang hulu 冰糖葫芦 ). Colourful sticks of candied fruit, these snacks are easy to spot and fun to eat. - Glutinous rice roly-polys (lu da gun 驴打滚 ). Translated as Rolling Donkey, these steamed glutinous rice rolls filled with sweet red bean paste hail from the Qing dynasty. Slightly sweet, sticky, and somewhat bean-y, these prove an interesting foray into Chinese sweets. - Meat skewers (Chuan r 串 ). Many a night out in Beijing can be satisfyingly concluded with a couple of chuan r. Found after dark, these corner side barbeques are originally from Xinjiang and sell all kinds of meat, cumin-spiced mutton being a specialty. Delicious over a piece of Xinjiang flat bread (nan 馕 ). OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD... Qianmen has always been the entertainment centre of Old Peking. It provided the yang of good food, fine wine, sublime music, and sultry companionship to complement the yin of the strictures of Confucian propriety performed in the stately halls and palaces of the Forbidden City. ~ from Qianmen: The Heart of Old Peking s Nightlife by M. A. Aldrich A QIANMEN FOOD WALK ~ take a leisurely stroll with us and discover the delicacies of ancient Beijing! Exit the restaurant, and turn left into the Qianmem pedestrian street. Step 1: Wuyutai Tea Shop @ No 4 Qianmen Ave. Step 2: Jiulongzhai Sour Plum Juice @ No 21-25 Qianmen Ave. Step 3:Yitiaolong Dragon Hot Pot @ No 27 Qianmen Ave. Step 4: Quanjude Roast Duck @ No 30 Qianmen Ave. Step 5: Duyichu Shaomai Restaurant @ No 38 Qianmen Ave. Step 6: Shengxifu Hat Shop @ No 55-57 Qianmen Ave. ~ now turn into Dashilan r Street and take the first left. 10 meters ahead and on your right, under a canopy of red lanterns sits... Step 7: Liubiju Pickle Shop @ No 3 Liangshidian St. ~ walk back out to Dashilan r Street Step 8: Beijing Yoghurt - sold at any local beverage counter Stop 9: Ruifuxiang Silk Shop @ No 5 Dashilan r St. ~ keep on wondering down the streets towards Liulichang for calligraphy and antiques, or come full circle and refresh with a cocktail at Capital M. 17 06

MAP OF DASHILAN R AREA Mercante Home-style Italian cooking, in a hutong setting. Book ahead! West of Nanluoguxiang and East of Di anmenwaidajie No 4 Fangzhuanchang Hutong 方砖厂胡同4号 胡同口在地安门百货商场正对面 进入胡同300米 路南侧 LATE NIGHT EATS... Bellagio 鹿港小镇 Located among the popular Chinese nightclubs, this place is open 24hrs and packed during the wee hours. No 6 Gongti West Rd., West Gate of Workers Stadium 朝阳区工体西路6号6551 3533 Haidilao 海底捞 A popular hot pot hot spot among locals and expats alike. May locations around Beijing, one of them is: Eight Floor, Tianyingtai Department Store, 88 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng district 东城区王府井大街88号乐天银泰百货8楼 Gui Street 簋街 Festooned with red lanterns, this street hosts numerous eateries that cater to the late-night crowd (ghosts). Don t feel overwhelmed by the numerous choices, just pick a busy place. Dongzhimen Inner St., Chaoyang District 朝阳区东直门内大街 07 16

JAPANESE Hatsune California-style sushi and a hip crowd. Book ahead. S8-30, Unit 9 Sanlitun Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯 9 号院南区三层 S8-30 6415 3939 Yotsuba 四叶 For serious sushi, this is the place in Beijing. Book ahead. Bldg 2 (South side), West Xinyuan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区新源西里中街 2 号楼南侧 6467 1837 KOREAN Ai Jiang Shan 爱江山 Delicious Korean food accompanied by traditional Korean music. North gate of Side Park, Jiangtai West Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路四德公园北门 8456 9511 Savour de Coree MSG free organic Korean fair, their are two locations in Beijing, one of them is: 128 Xiang Er Hutong, Jiaodaokou, Dongcheng district 东城区交道口香饵胡同 128 号 5741 5753 VIETNAMESE Susu 苏苏会 10 West Alley, Qianliang Hutong, Dongcheng district 东城区钱粮胡同西巷 10 号 8400 2699 RUSSIAN Traktirr Pushkin 彼得堡西餐厅 Traditional and contemporary Russian fare! 1A Xiyangguan Hutong, Beizhongjie, Dongzhimennei Dajie Dongcheng District 东城区东直门内大街北中街西羊管胡同甲 1 号 8407 8158 15 08

SOME OF OUR FAVOURITE THINGS TO DO... DANCING IN THE STREETS ~ Liulichang 琉璃厂 Ancient street lined with time-honored shops; a thriving and bustling centre of caligraphy and literature ~ Dashila r 大栅栏 A commercial street formed in the Qing Dynasty and our neighbour at Qianmen. ~ Nan Luo Gu Xiang 南锣鼓巷 Trendy young things... CLIMBING THE GREAT WALL Best enjoyed at Mutianyu. After the climb, refresh at the Schoolhouse at Mutianyu -- a restaurant, lodge and art glass studio. ~ The Schoolhouse at Mutianyu No 12 Mutianyu Village, Huairou District 怀柔区慕田峪村 12 号 6162 6506 READING Capital M is host to the Beijing International Literary Festival every March. Please see our website for more details. Cathay Bookstore China s first state-owned ancient and second-hand bookstore Xuanwu District, No 34, Liu Lichang West Street 宣武区琉璃厂西街 34 号 Page One 1-2F, Bldg 2, Village South, No 19 Sanlitun Rd., Chaoyang 朝阳区, 三里屯路 19 号, 南区 2 号楼,1-2 层 Xinhua Wangfujing Bookstore 王府井新华书店 China's largest, government-run chain bookstore. No 218 Wangfujing Avenue 王府井大街 218 号 6513 2842 Zhengyang Bookstore Old beautiful books & postcards Langfang Ertiao Hutong near Dashilan 廊房二条 09 Lost Heaven 中八楼 Nouveau Cuisine, a-la-yunan! Unit G, 23 Qianmen East Ave., Dongcheng District 东城区前门东大街 23 号 G 单位 8516 2698 Made in China 长安一号 Go for the duck ~ one of the best in town. 1 East Chang an Ave., (Grand Hyatt Hotel), Dongcheng District 东城区东长安街 1 号 ( 君悦大酒店 ) 8518 1234 Mr Shi s Dumplings 老石饺子 No 74 Baochao Hutong, Dongcheng District 东城区宝钞胡同 74 号 8405 0399 Najia Restaurant 那家小馆 For fancy imperial cuisine done the old school style! No 119 West Yongan Rd., Jianguomen 建国门外永安西里 119 中学西侧新华保险大厦南 ( 赛特饭店向东 500 米 ) 6567 3663 Xiao Wang Fu 小王府饭店 Enjoy great Chinese fare on Xiao Wangfu s rooftop terrace. Inside Ritan Park, Chaoyang District 朝阳区日坛公园内 8561 7859 / 5985 Monday - Sunday, 11:30am-2:00pm / 5:00pm-10:00pm Little Yunnan 小云南饭店 best yunnan food in town, in a gorgeous courtyard 29 Donghuang Chenggen Beijie 东皇城根北街 29 号 6401 9498 De Yuan Duck Restraurant 德缘烤鸭店 ( 大栅栏店 ) 57 Dashilan West Street, Xicheng District 西城区大栅栏西街 57 号 6308 5371 14

EATING & DRINKING Culinary Tours of Beijing and cooking classes Adlyn Adam Teoh's "Hias Gourmet" offers fantastic food walks through Beijing's food markets, as well as an extensive list of cooking classes. For more information and booking, go to their website: http://www.hiasgourmet.com/ CHINESE RESTAURANTS Baihe Courtyard 百合素餐厅 Vegetarian restaurant serving the mock meat Buddhist cuisine is famous for. 23A Caoyuan Hutong, Dongzhimennei North Alley, Dongcheng 东城区东直门北小街草园胡同甲 23 号 6405 2082 Black Sesame Kitchen An intimate setting where you can watch the food made beofre you. Catered for an authentic Chineses food experience for foreigners. No 3 Heizhima Hutong (inside Nanluoguxiang), Dongcheng District 东城区黑芝麻胡同 3 号 ( 南罗鼓巷内 )1369 147 4408 Crescent Moon This Xinjiang restaurant serves the best lamb skewers in the city. 16 Liutiao Hutong, North Dongsi St., Dongcheng District 东城区东四北大街六条胡同 16 号 6400 5281 Din Tai Fung 鼎泰丰 Truly the best steamed dumplings around. D6001/6F Huamao Center, 87 Jianguo Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路 87 号华贸中心 6 层 D6001 5166 3328 Duck de Chine No.98 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District 东城区金宝街 98 号 6521 2221 MARKETS Don t forget to bargain... Gao Bei Dian Antique Furniture Street 高碑店古家具村 Not the real thing, of course, but good quality reproductions! 435 Gaobeidian Village, Chaoyang District 朝阳区高碑店村 435 号 8576 5110 Pan Jia Yuan 潘家园 The place for old Beijing stuff - old books, ornaments, furniture... No 18 Huawei Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区华威里 18 号 6775 2405 The Pearl Market 红桥市场 Speacializing in... pearls! All shapes, sizes and colours. No 36 Tiantan East Rd., Chongwen District 崇文区天坛东路 36 号 6711 8984 Ya Show Market 雅秀市场 For all things fake! Along with knick-knacks, silk and tailored clothing. 58 Gongti North Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路 58 号 6416 8945 Sanyuan Food Market 三源里菜市场 Freshest produce, meats and seafood in Beijing 8 Zuojiazhuang St., Chaoyang District 朝阳区左家庄西街 8 号 Laitai Flower Market 来台花卉市场 Go to the basement for your flower, potted plants, and fertilizer needs. Ground floor is decoration-central for any holiday. 9 Maizidian Rd., (Ladies Street), Chaoyang District 朝阳区女人街麦子店西路 9 号 6463 6145 13 10

Shopping continued... Beijing Postcards Historic snapshots of Beijing and beautiful antique maps. 85-1 Nanluoguxiang, Dongcheng District 东城区南锣鼓巷 85-1 号 135 0109 8794 Brand New China 薄荷糯米葱 Great for contemporary Chinese stuff. NLG-09a, Sanlitun Village North, Sanlitun St., Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯 VILLAGE 北区 NLG-09a 号 Lost and Found 失物招领 Home furnishing store offering semi-antique and one-of-a-kind midcentury pieces with a modern twist. Visit the nearby Lama temple. No 42 Guozijian St., Dongcheng District 东城区国子监街 42 号 6401 1855 Paloma Sanchez Joaillerie d Art Spanish gemologists s designs of white and yellow gold set with precious stones for those special occasions... A115, 81 North Sanlitun Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯北路 81 号 A115 5208 6050 Qianmen Antique Carpets 前门地毯厂 1F, Bldg 3 Tiantan Mansion, 59 Xingfu St., Chongwen District 崇文区幸福大街 59 号天坛公馆 3 号楼 1 层 6715 1687 Suzhou Cobblers For beautiful embroidered slippers and bags ~ Aman at Summer Palace 颐和园宫门前街 1 号 5987 9999 ~ BNC (aka Brand New China) NLG-09a, Sanlitun Village North 三里屯 Village 北区地下一层 NLG-09 6416 9045 Ubi Gallery Ubi 艺廊 Contemporary jewellery and ceramics gallery. No 39 Yangmeizhu St., Xicheng District 西城区, 大栅栏杨梅竹斜街 39 号 Wusi Street 五四大街 For all your art supplies cravings! The many shops that line the street sell everything from pigments and pencils to easels and canvas. Wusi St., Dongcheng District (across from the National Art Museum) 东城区五四大街中国美术馆对面 Zhangyiyuan Tea Shop Dating back to the Qing Dynasty, one of China's oldest purveyors of tea. Located in our neighbour - Dashila'r 西城区大栅栏 22 号 SPAS Lily s Nails No 2049, 2F, 3.3 Mall, No 33 Sanlitun North Rd., Chaoyang 朝阳区三里屯北街 33 号 3.3 大厦 2 层 2049 号 5136 5829 Bodhi 菩提树休闲会所 17 North Gongti Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路 17 号 6413 0226 Dragonfly 悠庭保健会所 6 Baijiazhuang Rd., 1F of Yiyu Hotel, Chaoyang District 朝阳区白家庄路 6 号逸羽酒店一层 6593 6066 Oriental Taipan 东方大班保健休闲会所 1 Xindong Rd., Chaoyang District 朝阳区新东路 1 号沈记靓汤地库 8532 2177 11 12