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2_ Bridegroom fast 1 - v1




45.03.02.. 2017.....,..... 2017

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4. (, ) ; 5., (,, ) ; 6. ; 7.,,. «Exploring Culture»,.,,,. (subservient and docile), (act like «one of the guys»),,,., :,,,.,,,,, (core distinction: man/woman).,,,, ( 110 79)., ( 62 66 ).. : 1. (,, ); 32

2. ; 3.,,, ; 4. (, ) (play down),, ; 5. ; 6.,, ; 7., (permissive) [G.J. Hofstede, G. Hofstede, Pedersen, 2002].,. ;,,.,,.,., / (core distinction: caring/needing care). :,,,, ( 5 16) [G.J. Hofstede, G. Hofstede, Minkov, 2010].,,. 1. 33

:,. 1. : ;,. :,,,,,,,,,,,. :,,,,,,,. :,,,,. :,. :,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,. :,, small talk. :,.,, :,,,,,.,, :,,,,. 34

» 2.1.1. / vs, «,.. (,, ),,.,,,, [,, 1978].,.,,,., : «/ ( a, ),, /,» [,, 2003]., «,, 35

»;, «,» [Brownell, Wasserstrom, 2002].,,.,.,,.... : «.,,,., -. < >,.,,» [Goffman, 1979: 14,. :, 2014: 97]...., «Playboy», «MS», «Time»,.,,..,..,, «, 95 %,,» [, 2014: 99 100].,,,,,,. 36

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,,,...,,,» [Goffman, 1963,. : Kimmel, Aronson, 2004]., : «..,» [Gregg, McDonogh, Wong, 2005: 265].., (Barlow, Furth, Xiaojiang),,, ( ): ( 家 ),., 女 ( ), 妇 ( ) 母 ( ). ( 女性, ) (1912 1949.). 1949. 女性 妇女, [Chong, 2013].,, (, ) 38

,.. «Masculinities in Chinese History»,,,,.,,. «,,, -» [Hinsch, 2013: 53]. : ; wenwu 文 ( ).,,,,.,.,. «( 文 ) ( ),,» [Louie, Edwards, 1994:138]..,,.,, «39

» [Hinsch, 2013:3].,,. 花木兰,,, ( 妇好 ), -., ( X. XX.),,,, ( 缠足 ):,,. 3-4 «-», -,., (, «金瓶梅», ).,.,., 曲艺, -,, (body problem). (Luo Yusheng, Wang Yubao)., «Luo Yusheng 40

,»., : (XII-XIV.) cross-casting ( ),,,,. (1912 1949.) cross-casting,,,,,, [Lawson, 2014]. XXI.,,.,., ( 王 玲 ) ( 统层面 的男性形象 ), ( 英 形象 ), ( 男 外 ) ( 功者形象 )., ( 反 统层面 的男性形象 ) : ( 男 内, ), ( 小男人, / /, ) ( 新新人类的男人,,,, )., - 41

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,,» [Teng, 1996;. : Chong, 2013].,,, ( 男尊女卑 ). 2.2.,. Budweiser Dove., ( ), ( )., Budweiser ( 1 ),,., (Not small. Not sipped. Not soft. Not backing down),, (small, soft).,., 43

(Not for everyone. This Bud`s for you). :,,,,., ;,. ( 4 ), ( ).,, -. : ( 根本不 ), ( 不管你怎么说, 是不会放弃的 «,»), ( 最开心的大笑 ). ( ),., (. 支持, 温暖 «,», 理解 ; ),. : ( ) ;,,,, 44

.,., ( 走 走, 人总要学着自己长大 «,,»),,,,.,,.., Dove Hair 4 :, -,,., :,.. : -, ( 有人说 他们说 人家说 «,,»), ( 头发 么短, 头发染得 么乱糟糟, 头发 么爆 - 夸张了 «аки», «ак», «аки!»),,,,, : «?», «,?» ( 你的头发, 总是被别人质疑? 45

你的头发, 什么要让别人做?) (, «,?») ( 的头发, 说了算 你的头发, 你说了算 «.»)., : ( ),,,,,..,,.,, :,,, ( ),. Dove Amazing Moments, 2016, Dove. «love story», -, :,.,,,,.,, :, (,, ),,. - 46

: be totally in love with smb, soulmate, best friend, be the part of smb`s life, need smb, love of my life, lay eyes on smb, not to follow traditions.,, (, ),,.. ( 1) Puma «伊周 femina» ( 2016.). ( 鹿晗 ), ( 刘雯 ). ( 都市型客靓厉而行 «/ ), ( 都市型客 ), ( 靓厉而行 ). :,,.,,. :,,.,,. :, -,,,., -,. 47

,,. 1. Puma («伊周 femina», ) Calvin Klein ( 2) GQ ( 2016.)., (, ), (, ). :,,., ( ),,. :,,. : (glow) (free). 48

2. CK (GQ, ),,,,, Dove Real Strength,., ( / / / ),,, ( / ). : «What makes a man stronger? Showing that he cares».,. 49

2.2.1. :. 2 3,.,,,,.,, ( )...., (,..),,. :,,. (,,, ) 50

,,., -,,.,,,..,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,. 51

2. : accomplish, ambitious, : 做 challenge, confidence, control, cool, ( ), 说了算 courage, fantastic, fearless, fight, ( ), 赢 flawless, flirt, glory, great, hard, hero, ( ), 不屈 honor, intimidate, leader, lust, ( ), 出位 motivate, perfect, power, proud, real, reliable, rich, strong, wild, willpower, ( ), 出 win; release frustration, take control, ( ), 荣 ultimate luxury. (, ), 大, ( ), 要 ( ), 力量 : sexy smart ( ( ), 进 ( ). intelligent), sexy nerdy, : 根本 不 cool hot, live die, win lose. ( ( ), 肯定, 一定 : an eye for an eye, blow (, ), smb`s mind, got no strings, hit the deck, make a scene, (women are 么, 那么 ( ), finally) making (their) mark. ( ), 过 ( ). / : 一 风 ( : hangry (hungry+angry), angreppy (angry+sleepy), sulgar, ), 获益匪浅 (sad+vulgar). ( ). : dare to rock nude : 奖牌 (nude 1) 2) ( ), 奖杯 ( ), 冠军 ). (, ), 赢 : man, guys, boys, girls, dad, Miss, Mister. ( ), 输 ( )., : 大哥 («: baseball bat, cross the» - ), field, game, runner, score, strong, 哥 (), 美女 team, touchdown, win, work out, (, 6 packs. ), 朋友们 ( ). : Compromise scares us too (Audi); It`s you who takes control (Weight Watchers); Too strong? What does that mean? Just means that I`m stronger than you are (Mini). 52

: For honor. For courage. For country; The few. The proud; This is Kate. She likes This is Hannah. She likes ; Don`t go to Tokyo. Don t tour Tokyo. And please, don t do Tokyo; Shoes: keep it clean. Sneakers: get dirty. Shoes < > Sneakers < >. : as free as us, beyond than everyone else sees, free like a bird, more fun than flying. : the best, the biggest, the deepest, the fastest, the greatest, the mightiest, the most important, the noblest; faster, higher. : can, have to, must, need (=have to). : Eat a snickers; Shave like a man; Feel you wild with side; Wherever you go don t go there. Live there; Watch more. Lie less; Be brave; Get your edge; Do something wild; Do it your way; Do whatever you want to be you; Last longer go vegan. : Do not worry what anyone else thinks. No one can define you, only you can define you; No more no less; Don t stop winning; Not just new better. : Not small. Not sipped. Not soft. : 是不会放弃的 ( ). : 没有什么比昨 的 功消失的更 快 (,, ). : 最大的 ( ), 最强装 ( ) 更快 ( ), higher, greater, the fastest, the toughest. : 必 ( ), 要 (,, 要面对 所有人对 的 定和质疑, «,»). : Turn food waste into great taste. : 你, 能创造什么?(?) 你的头发, 什 么要让别人做?(,,?) : 功很醉 人, 但不会越 越迷人 功很 短暂, 但他让你向往 一个胜利 (,., ). 53

3. 做 : are, cute, 自己 ( ), 理解 ( ), 温 collaborate, comfortable, 暖 (, ), 担心 ( ), commitment, compromise, 支持 ( ), 在 身 ( friendly, gentle, little, love, ), 关注 ( ), 感动 respect, share, sensitive, sensuous, sisterhood, ( ), 让 (, ), soulmate, touch; best friend, 享 ( ), 激动 ( ), 贵 slow and steady, healthy, 可爱 ( ), collaborative, help, competition. insecure, safely, share, together, trustworthy. : sweetheart, : 爸 (), 奶奶 ( ), darling, honey, dad/mum. 宝宝, 宝贝 (, ).,, : 谢谢让你做自己的人 : be grateful, (, thank your mom. ). ( ): It : (it) takes guts only takes a moment to turn happiness into (to be who you are), embrace hopelessness. who I am. (Would you? Please : Please turn off the faucet), - (What makes a man stronger? Showing that he cares). : need, should. : more comfortable, more sensitive, warmer, the most amazing. : Don t say grey hair isn t beautiful. Because it is. It is 54 / - : 过去的一年, 是谁一路默默支持 你?(?) : 应该 ( ). : 不必 了荣誉, 不 必 了出, 不必 了引人注目 (.. ); 知道他 一 都是 了, 了孩子 (,, ). : Share happiness! 奶奶, 欢饮回家! (,!) 新年就是要在一起! (!)

beautiful; We are not done. We are definitely not done. : Tell me about your eyes. Describe your lips. Choose beautiful. Be confident with who you are (Dove Real Beauty). : 珍惜团员 让家 最有聊 的地方 (. ). : 你任何的 功, 你得到任何的金银财富, 觉得那 一刻的 种激动心情是不能比拟的 (,, ), 感觉人是飘 在云 面的感觉 (, ). 2.2.2.,,,. :,, ; -, ( );,.,,,,.,,,.,, ;,. ( 55

), (, ).,.,,,.,,.,,,,.,,.,.,,.,, 4.. 4, 2, 1. 56 65%, 23% 12%.,

,,, (, ),, ( Debut Fragrance).,,,,,,., (Sorento, DSW), (Axe, Calvin Klein). (Mini: Too strong What does that mean? Just means I`m stronger than you are. Pantene: Strong is beautiful). : (nerdy guy),, -. / :.,,, (,, ),,. (Start loving - Chevrolet)..,..,, -. (Nike, Tsingtao, Alibaba, Dove),, (Huawei). : «one of the guys» (Dove),,, (, ); (Alibaba),. : -,. : ( ). (Nike, Huawei), (Mercedes),,,, (Dove). 57

,,,, 5., (,, ).. («Count on me» HYUNDAY; «Coming home» Lexus), / (Doritos, Dove). 16 : (6), (10). (Dove, Hyunday, Doritos),, (Dove). (While others keep our astronauts safe, we`ll help take care of our future astronauts). 5, (Procter&Gamble).,,. (That one`s for my mum, Campbells Chunky)., (Dove Amazing moments). (Dove: Beauty has no age; Love your hair). (Oreo: It`s not how you`re built, but what`s deep inside makes us all wonderfilled. 58 (Elevit, Merci)., (Orpea, Samsung). (Budweiser, Merci, Orpea), (Coca Cola, Elevit, Citroen, Glico, Samsung).. :. 22 78. (Abeille Royale). (Coca- Cola, Elevit, Orpea, Samsung, Budweiser), (Samsung) (Citroen, China`s safety).,,, (Abeille Royale).

2,. 70- XX.,,,, ; «/».,,.,,,.,, ( ),.,,,,,,.. (, (, ),,,,,..) 59

(,,, -,,..).,,,,.,,.,,..,,,,,,,. : (,, ), (, ).,, -. 60

Ю.,, 167 65.,,. C.,, ;,,,,. : -, -,,.,.,,,,.,,,,. 61

,,. (, vs,, ),., (, ), (,, ).,,.,. : -,,,. 62

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