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1 1501.10.00.00-0 2 1501.90.00.00-3 3 1502.10.10.00-7 4 1502.10.20.00-5 5 1502.90.00.00-2 6 1503.00.11.00-7 7 1503.00.12.00-6 8 1503.00.21.00-5 9 1503.00.22.00-4 10 1504.10.00.00-7 11 1504.20.00.00-5 12 1504.30.00.00-3 13 1506.00.10.00-5 14 1506.00.20.00-3 15 1506.00.90.10-6 第 0209 或 1503 節除外之熟豬油 Pig lard, other than that of heading 02.09 or 15.03 第 0209 或 1503 節除外之禽脂 Poultry fat, other than that of heading 02.09 or 15.03 第 1503 節除外之牛 羊脂, 已熬製, 酸價不超過 1 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, rendered, acid value not exceeding 1, other than those of heading 15.03 第 1503 節除外之牛 羊脂, 巳熬製, 酸價超過 1 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, rendered, acid value exceeding 1, other than those of heading 15.03 第 1503 節除外之牛 羊脂, 未熬製 Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, unrender, other than those of heading 15.03 豬 牛 羊硬脂, 酸價不超過 1 Lard stearin, oleostearin and tallow stearin, acid value not exceeding 1 豬 牛 羊硬脂, 酸價超過 1 Lard stearin, oleostearin and tallow stearin, acid value exceeding 1 豬 牛 羊脂油, 酸價不超過 1 Lard oil, oleo oil and tallow oil, acid value not exceeding 1 豬 牛 羊脂油, 酸價超過 1 Lard oil, oleo oil and tallow oil, acid value exceeding 1 魚肝油及其餾分物 Fish-liver oils and their fractions 魚類油脂及其餾分物 ( 魚肝油除外 ) Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish, other than liver oils 水產哺乳動物之油脂及其餾分物 Fats and oils and their fractions, of marine mammals 蛋黃油 Oil, egg-yolk 骨髓油 Bone-marrow oil 鱉 ( 甲魚 ) 脂肪 Fat of soft-shell turtle (terrapin) 1 / 6 B01 827 F02 B01

16 1506.00.90.90-9 17 1507.10.00.00-4 18 1507.90.00.00-7 19 1508.10.00.00-3 20 1508.90.00.00-6 21 1509.10.00.00-2 22 1509.90.00.00-5 23 1510.00.00.00-1 24 1511.10.00.00-8 25 1511.90.00.00-1 26 1512.11.10.00-4 27 1512.11.20.00-2 28 1512.19.10.00-6 29 1512.19.20.00-4 30 1512.21.00.00-4 31 1512.29.00.00-6 32 1513.11.00.00-5 33 1513.19.00.00-7 其他動物油及脂 Other animal oils and fats 粗製大豆 ( 黃豆 ) 油, 不論是否去膠質者 Crude soy-bean oil,whether or not degummed 精製大豆 ( 黃豆 ) 油及其餾分物 Refined soybean oil and its fractions 粗製花生油 Crude ground-nut (peanut) oil 精製花生油及其餾分物 Refined ground-nut (peanut) oil and its fractions 橄欖原油 Virgin olive oil 精製橄欖油及其餾分物 Refined olive oil and its fractions 其他油類及其餾分物, 僅由橄欖所提煉, 不論是否精煉但未經化學改質, 包括本節與第 15 09 節之油類或其餾分物混合者 Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, including blends of these oils or fractions with oils or fractions of heading 15. 09 粗製棕櫚油 Crude palm oil 精製棕櫚油及其餾分物 Refined palm oil and its fractions 粗製葵花子油 Crude sunflower-seed oil 粗製紅花子油 Crude safflower oil 精製葵花子油及其餾分物 Refined sunflower-seed oil and its fractions 精製紅花子油及其餾分物 Refined safflower oil and its fractions 粗製棉子油, 不論是否去除棉子醇者 Crude cotton-seed oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed 精製棉子油及其餾分物 Refined cotton-seed oil and its fractions 粗製椰子 ( 乾椰子肉 ) 油 Crude coconut (copra) oil 精製椰子 ( 乾椰子肉 ) 油及其餾分物 Refined coconut (copra) oil and its fractions B01 827 F02 B01 2 / 6

34 1513.21.10.00-1 35 1513.21.20.00-9 36 1513.29.10.00-3 37 1513.29.20.00-1 38 1514.11.00.10-2 39 1514.19.00.00-6 40 1514.91.10.00-5 41 1514.91.20.00-3 42 1514.99.10.00-7 43 1514.99.20.00-5 44 1515.11.00.00-3 45 1515.19.00.00-5 46 1515.21.00.00-1 47 1515.29.00.00-3 48 1515.30.00.00-0 49 1515.50.00.00-5 50 1515.90.90.90-9 51 1516.10.11.00-0 52 1516.10.12.00-9 粗製棕櫚仁油 Crude palm kernel oil 粗製巴巴樹油 Crude babassu oil 精製棕櫚仁油及其餾分物 Refined palm kernel oil and its fractions 精製巴巴樹油及其餾分物 Refined babassu oil and its fractions 低芥子酸之粗製油菜子油 Crude rape or colza oil of low erucic acid 低芥子酸之精製油菜子油及其餾分物 Refined rape or colza oil and its fractions of low erucic acid 其他粗製之油菜子油 Other crude rape or colza oil 粗製芥子油 Crude mustard oil 其他精製油菜子油及其餾分物 Other refined rape or colza oil and its fractions 精製芥子油及其餾分物 Refined mustard oil and fractions thereof 粗製亞麻仁油 Crude linseed oil 精製亞麻仁油及其餾分物 Refined linseed oil and its fractions 粗製玉米油 Crude maize (corn) oil 精製玉米油及其餾分物 Maize (corn) oil and its fractions 篦麻油及其餾分物 Castor oil and its fractions 芝麻油及其餾分物 Sesame oil and its fractions 其他固定性植物油脂及其餾分物 Other fixed vegetable fats and oils and their fractions 氫 ( 硬 ) 化動物油脂及其餾分物, 酸價不超過 1 Hydrogenated (hardened) animal fats and oils and their fractions, acid value not exceeding 1 硬化魚油, 酸價不超過 1 Hardened fish oil, acid value not exceeding 1 508 828 3 / 6

53 1516.10.21.00-8 54 1516.10.22.00-7 55 1516.20.11.00-8 56 1516.20.12.00-7 57 1516.20.20.00-7 58 1517.10.00.00-2 59 1517.90.10.00-3 60 1517.90.20.00-1 61 1517.90.90.00-6 62 1518.00.10.00-1 63 1518.00.20.00-9 64 1518.00.30.00-7 65 1518.00.40.00-5 氫 ( 硬 ) 化動物油脂及其餾分物, 酸價超過 1 Hydrogenated (hardened) animal fats and oils and their fractions, acid value exceeding 1 硬化魚油, 酸價超過 1 Hardened fish oil acid value exceeding 1 氫 ( 硬 ) 化植物油脂及其餾分物, 酸價不超過 0.6 Hydrogenated (hardened) vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, acid value not exceeding 0.6 氫化棕櫚油及氫化棕櫚核油, 酸價不超過 0. 6 Hydrogenated palm oil and hydrogenated palm kernel oil, acid value not exceeding 0.6 氫 ( 硬 ) 化植物油脂及其餾分物, 酸價超過 0. 6 Hydrogenated (hardened) vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, acid value exceeding 0.6 人造奶油, 液態人造奶油除外 Margarine, excluding liquid margarine 液態人造奶油 Liquid margarine 酥脆油 Shortening 其他可食用動植物油脂混合品或調製品, 第 1 516 節食用油脂或其餾分物除外 Other edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils, other than edible fats or oils or their fractions of heading 15.16 沸製亞麻仁油 Boiled linseed oil 脫水蓖麻油 Dehydrated castor oil 氧化亞麻仁油 Linoxyn 環氧大豆 ( 黃豆 ) 油 Epoxy soy-bean oil F02 F02 F02 F02 831 4 / 6

66 1518.00.90.00-4 67 1520.00.00.00-9 68 1521.10.00.00-6 其他沸製 氧化 脫水 硫化 吹製, 在真空中或惰性氣體中行聚合化或經其他化學方法改質之動 植物油脂及其餾分物, 但不包括第 1 516 節所列產品 Other animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated, sulphurised, blown, polymerised by heat in vacuum or in inert gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding those of heading No.15.16 粗製甘油 ; 甘油水溶液及甘油鹼液 Glycerol, crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes 植物蠟, 不論已否精製或著色 Vegetable waxes, whether or not refined or coloured 原列輸入規定 831 508 831 69 1521.90.10.00-7 蜂蠟 ( 黃蠟 ), 無論已否精製或著色 Bees wax (yellow wax), whether or not refined or coloured 70 9807.30.00.10-9 71 9807.30.00.20-7 第 1508.10.00.00 號所屬之 粗製花生油 Crude ground-nut (peanut) oil, of Item No. 1508.10.00.00 第 1508.90.00.00 號所屬之 精製花生油及其餾分物 Refined ground-nut (peanut) oil and its fractions, of Item No. 1508.90.00.00 F02 F02 827 827 5 / 6

輸入規定 1 1905.90.10.00-3 2 9602.00.41.00-5 3 3001.90.40.90-7 4 3002.10.00.20-6 5 3002.10.00.90-1 6 3002.90.90.90-5 盛裝藥物用之空囊 Empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use 藥用膠囊 Capsules for pharmaceutical products 其他已乾燥之腺體和其他器官, 不論是否製成粉末者 Other glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered 血漿 Plasma 其他血液分離部分及改質免疫產品, 不論是否經改質或以生物技術方法取得者 Other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological process 人類血液 ; 已調製動物血液供治療 預防疾病或診斷用 ; 毒素 微生物培養體 ( 酵母除外 ) 和類似品 Human blood; animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; toxins, cultures of micro-organisms (excluding yeasts) and similar products 823 824 6 / 6