Qixing brief

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Contents 目 录 I Brief of Shandong Qixing Iron Tower 公 司 简 介 II Major Products 主 要 产 品 III Qualification& Certificates 资 质 & 证 书 IV Typical Projects and



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Contents 目录 I Brief of Shandong Qixing Iron Tower 公司简介 II Major Products 主要产品 III Qualification& Certificates 资质 & 证书 IV Typical Projects and Market 主要业绩和市场 V Technique& Fabrication 技术和生产 VI Quality Control & Testing 质量控制 & 检验

I. Brief of Shandong Qixing Iron Tower 齐星铁塔简介 Established in 2002, our company is located in Zouping County of Shandong province, we are only 200KM far from Qingdao Seaport. We now cover an area of 153,000 square meters. we have totally 1015 employees, including 99 excellent full-time technicians, 48 senior engineers and 6 professors as an expert committee. 成立于 2002 年, 位于山东省邹平县, 距离青岛港 200 公里, 占地面积 15.3 万平方米 我们有总共 1015 名员工, 其中包括 99 名优秀的全职技术人员,48 名高级工程师, 和 6 名教授组成的专家委员会

I. Brief of Shandong Qixing Iron Tower 齐星铁塔简介 Registered capital RMB 109 million, total assets RMB 827 million. The first iron tower factory listed on Shenzhen stock exchange and the code is:002359 注册资本 1.09 亿元人民币, 总资产 8.27 亿元人民币, 是第一家在深圳证券交易所上市的铁塔企业, 股票代码 :002359 Our products are transmission line towers, telecom towers, substation structures, parking systems,steel structures, etc. 我们的产品包括输电塔 通讯塔 变电站架构 立体停车设备 钢结构厂房等 With first rate CNC machines, our annual production capacity has reached to 130 000mts,in which 110 000mts for angular tower, 20 000mts for tubular tower. 凭借国内领先的设备, 我们年产量 13 万吨, 其中角钢塔年产量 11 万吨, 钢管塔 2 万吨 We provide scope of services as design, fabrication, galvanization, inspection, transportation, site erection guiding. 服务包括设计 制造 镀锌 检验 运输 现场安装督导

I. Brief of Shandong Qixing Iron Tower 齐星铁塔简介 Sale Income within 3 years ( 近三年销售收入表 ) RMB: Million ( 人民币 : 百万 ) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2008 2009 2010 Total Sales Income 年销售额 Total Export Income 年出口额

II. Major Products 主要产品 www.qxtt.com Transmission Line Towers 电力铁塔 Telecom Towers 微波通信塔 Monopoles 钢管杆

II. Major Products 主要产品 Steel Structure Plant 钢结构厂房

II. Major Products 主要产品 Substation Structures 变电站架构 Wind Power Lattice Tower 风电塔塔架

III. Qualification &Certificates 资质和认证 资质和认证 1.We got Manufacturing license of 500KV transmission line towers in 2005 by China State General Administration for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine and 750KV transmission line tower manufacturing qualification in 2008 by China State Grid Corp. 2005 年取得国家质检总局颁发的 500KV 输电塔生产许可证,2008 年获得国家电网 750KV 输电铁塔生产资质认证 2. Got Manufacturing License of Microwave & Telecom Towers in 2005 2005 年取得国家质检总局颁发的广播 通信铁塔和桅杆产品生产许可证 3. Got License for National Defense Network Telecom Towers in 2004 2004 年取得了总参批准的进入国防通信网用通信塔供应许可证 4. ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS18001:2001 公司已经建立质量管理体系, 环境管理体系, 职业安全与健康三个国际认证体系并通过中国质协认证中心审核 5. In 2009,2010 and 2011, got AAA credit rating from Agricultural Bank of China, got A credit rating from Bank of China. 2009 2010 2011 年, 分别获得了中国农业银行 AAA 的信用等级, 同时获得了中国银行 A 级信用等级 6. From 2008,we got Class A rating for import and export regulation by China Customs 2008 年起, 获得了中国海关 A 类进出口企业管理资质

III. Qualification &Certificates 资质和认证 资质和认证 ISO 9001:2008 ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS18001:2001

III. Qualification &Certificates 资质和认证 资质和认证 License for Manufacturing Transmission Line Towers License for Manufacturing Telecom Towers License for Manufacturing 500kv Transmission and Substation Tubular Towers License for Manufacturing 220kv Monopoles

IV. Typical Achievement 主要业绩 Overseas business with Fortune 500 Powers i.e. Reliance, ABB. 同世界 500 强的业务合作, 如印度信实集团,ABB 等 The authentic supplier to China State Grid Corp., South Power Grid Corp., and ZTE. 通过中国国家电网 南方电网 中兴通讯的认证的长期供应商 Main countries and regions we exported to: India, Myanmar, Iraq, Spain, Ethiopia, Libya, Hong Kong, Zambia, Rwanda, Angola, Dominica, Senegal, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Tanzania, Madagascar,Equatorial Guinea, Mauritania, Mongolia, Australia, Russia, Gabon, Nigeria, etc. 产品主要出口 : 印度 缅甸 伊拉克 西班牙 埃塞俄比亚 利比亚 香港 赞比亚 卢旺达 安哥拉 多米尼加 塞内加尔 特立尼达和多巴哥 委内瑞拉 坦桑尼亚 马达加斯加 赤道几内亚 毛里塔尼亚 蒙古 澳大利亚 俄罗斯 加蓬 尼日利亚等近 30 个国家或地区

IV. Business Partners 主要合作伙伴 Fortune 500 Powers cooperating ( 正在合作的 500 强企业 ) :

IV. Major Markets 主要市场 www.qxtt.com Market Area ( 市场区域 ):

IV. Typical Projects in Overseas Market 海外市场主要业绩 www.qxtt.com 2006, 5000MT of 230KV transmission line towers to Myanmar, designed and fabricated by our factory 出口缅甸 230KV 输电塔 2007, 4000MT of 132kv transmission line towers for Iraq Rebuilding Project Supported By United Nations, designed and fabricated by our factory. 供应伊拉克 132KV 输电塔

IV. Typical Projects in Overseas Market 海外市场主要业绩 www.qxtt.com 2007~2008,2600 set (31000MT) of Telecom Towers Exported to Reliance (India) 2007-2008 年, 出口印度通信塔 31000 吨

IV. Typical Projects in Overseas Market 海外市场主要业绩 www.qxtt.com 550 sets of Telecom Tower Exported to Ethiopia, 2008 埃塞俄比亚通信塔工程 270 sets of transmission line towers to Spain,2008 西班牙输电塔项目 240 sets of telecom towers to Nigeria,2009 尼日利亚通讯塔项目

IV. Typical Projects in Overseas Market 海外市场主要业绩 300 sets of telecom tower exported to Gabon, 2010 加蓬通讯塔项目 2000 sets of transmission line towers to Myanmar, 210 sets to Mongolia, 300sets to Russia, 2010 缅甸蒙古俄罗斯输电塔项目

www.qxtt.com IV. Typical Projects in China 国内主要业绩 2007, supply of 8400 tons of 500KV towers to South Grid Corp. of China in Yunnan Province. 2007年 供应南方电网云南500KV线路铁塔8400吨 2008, supply of 16000T 750KV transmission line towers to China State Grid. 2008,供应国家电网750KV铁塔16000吨 2009, supply of 48000T of transmission line towers of 750KV,500KV and 220KV to China State Grid. 2009年 供应国家电网750KV及以下铁塔48000吨 2010, supply of 15000T of direct current transmission line towers of ±660KV and 13000T of ±400KV seperately for Ningdong--Shandong lines and Qinghai--Tibet lines to China State Grid. 2010年 中标宁东-山东±660KV直流铁塔15000吨 青海-西藏 ±400KV直流铁塔13000吨

IV. Typical Projects in China 国内主要业绩 24 sets of reactor support of ±800KV converter stations in Shanghai and Sichuan for ABB projects,2008 ABB 中国上海和四川正负 800 千伏换流站电抗器钢结构支撑

V. Technique& Fabrication 技术和制造 Exclusive Provincial Technical R & D Center in tower industry in China 中国铁塔行业唯一的省级重点技术研发中心 Regarding telecom tower design, we cooperate with Ramboll and Shanghai Posts & Telecommunications Design Institute Co., Ltd (SPTDIC) to offer world-leading telecom tower design and optimization service. 同丹麦拉姆波尔设计院和上海邮电设计院合作, 提供世界领先的通讯塔设计和优化服务 Standard adopted: China National Standard GB in material, design, fabrication, hot dip galvanization and inspection which is equivalent to related international standards such as ISO, etc. 采用等同于国际标准的中国国家标准设计 制造和检验产品, 如 ISO 等

V. Technique& Fabrication 技术和制造 Material warehouse and product site 原材料储备和货场一角

V. Technique& Fabrication 技术和制造 Most advanced fabrication machines in the world imported from Italy 意大利引进世界最先进的生产设备

VI. Quality Control & Testing 质量控制 Steel mechanical property Testing 钢材机械性能测试 Steel Chemical analysis 钢材化学分析试验 Welding Inspection 焊接检验 Prototype 样塔试装 Inspection of the Galvanized Parts 锌层厚度检验 With third party inspector 第三方检验

Qixing Iron Tower Company Thank you! Website: www.qxtt.com www.qxtt.cn 1.For Transmission Line Towers, Wind Towers and Substation Structures Ms. Brianna Wang TEL: +86-543-4305101 FAX: +86-543-4305101 EMAIL: qxtower2010@gmail.com ---------------------------------------- 2.For Telecom Towers Ms. Janet Fu TEL: +86-543-4305155 FAX: +86-543-4305101 EMAIL: qxtelecomtower@gmail.com 3.For Steel Structures Mr. Steven Chen TEL: +86-543-4305101 FAX: +86-543-4305101 EMAIL: qxss2011@gmail.com ------------------------- 4.For Overseas Branches Department Mr.Li TEL: +86-543-4305290 FAX: +86-543-4305101 EMAIL: qxoverseas2010@gmail.com