Microsoft Word - 8D6N Winter Serenity of Korea & Jeju _GV10_

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8D6N Winter Serenity of Korea & Jeju Jeju National Museum Yongduam Rock Mysterious Road Tap-dong street Manjanggul Cave Seongsan Sunrise Peak Seongeup Folk Village Tangerine Orchard Jeju Glass Castle Teddy Bear Museum Trick Art Museum O Sulloc Tea Museum Cheonjeyeon Waterfall Yakcheonsa Temple Korean Traditional Cultural Experience Center Tour Highlights Yeoju Premium Outlets NANTA Show Horse riding & ATV ride Korean Strawberry Farm Namsangol Hanok Village Everland Theme Park Blue House Ginseng Monopoly Showroom Skin Care Course Amethyst Factory Seaweed Museum Myeongdong Dongdaemun Natural Health Showroom Sinchon Ladies Street Accommodation Jeju: Jeju Pacific Hotel or similar class X 3N Kangwondo: Yongpyong Ski Resort or similar class X 1N Seoul: Capital Hotel or similar class X 2N Meals Remarks 6 Mandarin-speaking tour guide 5 Sequence of itinerary is subjected to 5 change without prior notice. Day Itinerary Details Meals 1 Singapore Incheon Meals on Board 2 Gimpo Jeju Island Jeju National Museum is a historical museum that displays, preserves and studies Jeju Island s historical and cultural assets. Jeju National Museum houses various remains excavated from ruins, including meaningful relics from the prehistoric age through to the Joseon Dynasty. Yongduam Rock is a volcanic rock created from a volcanic eruption that took place about two million years ago in Jeju. This is an important tourist attraction in Jeju because of its unique shape and is visited by huge groups of tourists every year. Mysterious Road in Jeju is where cars roll uphill with the engine turned off. This is an illusion. Due to the lack of a true horizon, subconsciously our judgement of a slope is misled by the false horizon in that area. Tap-dong Street: It houses everything from small and large hotels, to restaurants of various range and cuisines, amusement parks, theaters, performance centers and night clubs. The shopping area of Jeju. 3 Jeju Island Sightseeing Manjanggul Cave is one of the finest lava tunnels in the world, and is a designated natural monument. It has a variety of interesting structures, including 70cm lava stalagmites and lava tube tunnels. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. Seongsan Sunrise Peak is the most famous place for seeing the sunrise on Jeju Island and attracts a large crowd of tourists throughout the year. Seongeup Folk Village showcases the unique culture of Jeju Island. Cultural properties in the folk village have been handed down from generation to generation and include treasures such as Confucian shrines, ancient government offices, stone statues, large millstones (pulled by horses or ox), fortress ruins, and stone monuments. Visit a Tangerine Orchard (seasonal) where you will see real mandarin orange plants and have first hand experience in plucking the oranges fresh from the plants. Continue another thrill of the day with Horse riding or ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) riding. The Trick Art Museum is the first museum in Korea to show optical illusion art. Exhibitions consist of seven themed sections: Parody Zone (showing famous paintings and sculptures), Animal Zone, Jurassic Zone, Aquarium Zone, Egypt Zone, Magic Zone, and Illusion Zone. Each work looks differently when seen from different angles or spots. 4 Jeju Island Sightseeing Jeju Glass Castle is a glass art theme park featuring over two hundred and fifty models. These include the world s very first all-glass labyrinth, the world s largest glass ball and largest glass diamond, a glass stonewall, a mirror lake, and a glass bridge. Teddy Bear Museum is all about teddy bears. The Mona Lisa teddy bear and the teddy bears of the The Last Supper (Leonardo Da Vinci) will catch your eyes especially.

O Sulloc Tea Museum teaches visitors about Korea s traditional tea culture. The entire building takes the shape of a green tea cup. Not only can visitors enjoy unique O Sulloc teas, but they can relax next to the lotus pond in the indoor garden and enjoy the views of the nearby green tea fields and the surrounding landscape. Cheonjeyeon Falls, nicknamed 'The Pond of God', consists of 3 parts. Around the falls, a variety of plant life thrives, such as the rare solipnan reeds. To the east, there is a cave where cold water pours from the ceiling to create a waterfall. The water from the first waterfall becomes the second and third waterfalls, and then flows into the sea. The architectural style of Yakcheonsa Temple is reminiscent of that of Buddhist temples of the early Joseon Dynasty. Measuring an impressive 30m high and spanning a total area of 3,305 sqm, it is the largest temple in the East. Without a dialogue, but through rhythmic banging of knives, pots and pans, NANTA Show tells the story of four crazy chefs who have been set the impossible task of making a wedding banquet in just one hour. What follows is pure musical mayhem, and they even manage to fit in a love story! 5 Jeju Gimpo Airport Ski Resort Yeoju Premium Outlets is Korea s very first and only authentic premium designer outlet operated by Shinsegae Chelsea. Take advantage of the year-round discounts of 25-65% or more on over 120 popular luxury brands including Burberry, Coach, Diesel, Gucci, and Ferragamo, and lifestyle and beauty brands such as Royal Copenhagen, Clinique, MAC and Estée Lauder. Everland Theme Park is South Korea's largest theme park. The park is home to over 40 heartpounding rides and attractions. In addition to Safari World and Herbivore Safari, other great spots for family fun are the Snow Sled (the longest of its kind in Korea), Caribbean Bay (an outstanding water park) and Everland Speedway (a racing track). Full of exciting attractions and entertainment, Everland is one of the most popular places in Korea for families, friends, and couples. 6 Ski Resort Seoul Ski Resort - You will be able to enjoy skiing activities today. Experienced snowboarders can choose to try out difficult stunts, or you can just admire the snow and the beautiful scenery. (includes half-day rental fee for ski equipment & ski suit but excludes gloves) Korean Strawberry Farm Experience - Strawberry Picking Fun (500g strawberry per room) Korean Traditional Cultural Experience Center is where you can learn about the making of kimchi and taste them, and learn about ginseng and try the ginseng juice. Here, you will be able to wear Hanbok, a Korean traditional costume. 7 Seoul City Sightseeing In Namsangol Hanok Village, you will see five traditional houses. These houses were rebuilt after the traditional houses of Joseon Dynasty and belong to those of various social classes, ranking from peasants to the king. The furniture in the house is situated to help guests understand the daily life of the past. The signature markings of the Presidential Residence of Cheongwadae are its blue tiles, thus commonly known as the Blue House. It is the first thing that catches one's attention upon entering the premises. The blue tiles and the smooth roof blend beautifully with Mt. Bugaksan in the backdrop. Ginseng Centre - Get the opportunity to learn the traditional Korean Ginseng growth and effects. Cosmetic Skin Care Lesson - Have the opportunity to learn the technique of skin care and check out the cosmetics on sales! Amethyst Factory - Get to see a wide selection of jewellery. Seaweed Museum - Seaweed is grown on the rocks, and it is toasted dry to become the seaweed that we know of and come to love. In this museum, you will be able to see for yourself the manufacturing process of the seaweed. From the towering super stores of Migliore, Lotte Department Store, Avatar and High Harriet to the cozy, mom-and-pop shops lining the side streets, Myeongdong has something for everyone. Everything is within walking distance and there is an endless list of restaurants and cafes for hungry shoppers to escape to for a break. Dongdaemun is one of Korea s most representative markets and is the largest of its kind in Asia. There are over 5,000 shops located in this district, selling various fabrics, materials, accessories, wedding products, and more. 8 Incheon Singapore Spend some time in the Natural Health Showroom and learn how you can improve your body

conditions. At Sinchon Ladies Street, you can find everything, including Sinchon Hyundai Department Store, discount marts, innumerable trendy stores to shop at, and every kind of restaurant and bar that you could imagine. Some other popular hotspots are the noraebang (karaoke rooms), DVD cafes, PC cafes, and plenty of other places where young people relax and have fun. The area is youthful and full of energy. Transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore with fond memories of South Korea! update:25jul 2012

8 天韩国济州白色恋曲 济洲龙头岩神奇之路综合市场城山日出峰城邑民俗村济州国立博物馆 行程特色济洲玻璃城泰迪熊馆滑雪场骊州名牌直销中心首尔万丈窟 请参考英文行程膳食 6 早餐 5 午餐 5 餐 住宿 注明 行程如有更改, 请以当地旅行社安排为标准. 华文解说 本行程的安排也将已英文行程为参考. 天数 1 新加坡 / 仁川 2 仁川 / 首尔 / 济洲 3 济洲市区游 4 济洲市区游 行程 济州国立博物馆,2001 年 6 月 15 日开业, 是一个历史的博物馆, 显示器, 蜜饯和研究济州岛的历史和文化资产 济州国立博物馆的房屋从废墟中挖掘出来, 有意义的文物, 包括从史前时代到李氏王朝的各种遗迹 它拥有独特的传统文化, 并每年举行专题展览 龙头岩 :200 万前年熔岩喷发后冷却而形成的岩石, 高 10 米, 长 30 米, 看上去像是在龙宫生活的龙欲飞上天时突然化作石头一般 正是由于岩石一端颇似龙头, 故得名龙头岩 这里也有个传说, 讲一条龙想升天, 但最终未能如愿 所以, 现在岩石只剩下了龙身体的部分, 而龙头在台风时被雷电击落了 神奇公路 : 这条路是一段斜坡路, 但是放在路面上的空罐都会沿着上坡方向迅速滑动, 拉开手闸的汽车也会自动沿上坡行进, 其实这是一种错觉现象斜坡因为周围的树林和田野等环境, 在视觉上给人一种上坡的感觉, 这段长 100 公尺的道路牵动了人的好奇心, 在这常可看到旅客下车放空罐试验的场景 济州综合市场逛街那里分别售卖各种衣服饰品 海产和纪念品值得一逛 万丈窟 ( 만장굴 ) 是世界上最好的熔岩隧道之一, 被指定为天然纪念物 是从繁忙的地面喷出深的熔岩流表面时形成的熔岩隧道 万丈窟有各种有趣的结构, 里面包括 70 厘米熔岩石笋, 熔岩隧道 唯一的 13422 米万丈窟 1 公里, 是向游客开放 隧道内维持在 11 21 的温度, 营造一个舒适的氛围 有珍稀动物, 如蝙蝠, 生活在隧道, 这使得这条隧道的研究人员以及有价值的 城山日出蜂 : 为汉孥山 360 个火山之一, 是世界最大的突出于海岸的火山口, 由此地观看日出 美不胜收, 不禁令人叹为观止, 神凝形似, 另可观赏海女潜水采集的情景 城邑民俗村 : 位于汉拿山麓, 是完全保存了韩国传统的一处民俗村 这里有许多文化遗产, 很好地保留了古代村庄的原貌, 因而被指定为民俗村并受到保护 观光农园 : 除观看桑黄蘑菇和橘子的种植过程外, 游客还能直接购买产品 品尝桑黄与蜂蜜调兑的茶和金橘的美味 济洲玻璃城 : 走进韩国济州岛玻璃城, 仿佛梦游到了童话世界 这个以玻璃为主题的公园兼博物馆里, 一切都是玻璃做的 在玻璃城里展示着来自世界各国, 特别是意大利 捷克 日本和中国的玻璃作品 泰迪熊博物馆 : 是世界首个可以观赏野生动物, 水生动物, 花鸟等缝制玩具, 是其最大的特征 大可分为 A 栋和 B 栋, 共两层, 可以看到大象 老虎等动物玩具和各种模式的泰迪熊, 另外还可以欣赏海豚 鳄鱼等水中动物玩具, 并可拍照 另外还展示电影游行, 希腊神话泰迪熊 天帝渊瀑布 : 作为济州名景之一, 不仅瀑布直泻 22 米而下的景观为人称道, 瀑布所在公园的景致也值得一看 漫步于林荫道的浪漫与惬意前往不要错过哦 膳食机上用餐午餐晚餐

乱打秀 : 乱打秀, 在韩国非常有名, 还曾进行过世界巡演 乱打 其实就是在厨房进行的锅碗瓢盆协奏曲, 它融合杂技 哑剧 打击乐 小品等于一身. 不需要听的懂韩文, 是以宴会场的厨房为主要场景, 三位厨师在临危受命下要在一小时里完成全套料理, 中间穿插愚笨外甥的差错, 最终完成使命的喜剧 天数 5 济洲 / 滑雪场 6 滑雪场 / 首尔 7 首尔市区游 行程 爱宝乐园 : 是一个集合了休闲 娱乐 教育与文化的国际性度假胜地. 有 24 年的历史的欢乐世界, 由五个主题构成, 随着不同的季节而展开不同的庆典及特别的活动 游乐区内有 40 种游戏设施让您自由选择, 如龙卷风, 天玄地转, 飞鹰堡,360 度云霄飞车, 魔术地毯, 一到冬天还有滑雪橇等等多姿多彩刺激无比的尖端游戏可共您参加 乘坐客车游览于众不同的 野生动物园 观看狮子 老虎 长颈鹿 熊等等动物 在这里还有一个一年四季盛开着不同花朵的 四季花园 一定能让您乐而忘返 Premium Outlet: 这裹有来自世界各地 280 多种著名品牌首饰 皮包 皮鞋卖店, 因价格比市面上的名牌便宜, 在韩国故有名牌打折街之称喜爱名牌的旅客, 不妨在此好好采购一番 滑雪场 : 滑雪度假村具有为了滑雪板玩家及家庭滑雪特别准备的滑雪道, 不但提供初 / 中级者的专用滑雪道, 让非熟练的初级滑雪者也能体验动感的滑雪乐趣 ( 包括半天的滑雪器材和滑雪租赁费, 不包括手套 ) 草莓农场 : 那里的人可以挑选自己从地面农场或水耕板场的草莓 自制泡菜 : 由专业导师指导, 学习制作韩国泡菜, 还可学习如何穿着韩服, 了解韩国的传统文化以及拍照留念 人参专卖店 : 所卖的产品, 非一般商店可以买到的, 所以品质也较有保障, 韩国高丽参经世界各大医学院及医学博士, 多年来的研究发现, 具有消除疲劳 止喘 防癌 抗癌 御寒 防止老化 美颜防止皮肤病 保肝解酒 促进脑机能 壮阳的功能 且对糖尿病 贫血 高血压 心脏病 胃肠不好容易感冒等症状有不错的效果, 其养身治病的功效在韩国和中国民间广为流传, 所以被誉为东方灵草灵物的 高丽人参 紫水晶加工场 : 紫水晶因有安神 聚财 避邪的功能, 韩国产的紫水晶以颜色鲜明 光泽好 透明度高 等诸多优点, 闻名于世界各地 明洞 : 位于首尔中区, 是韩国代表性的购物街, 不仅可以购买服装 鞋类 杂货和化妆品, 还有各种饮食店, 同时银行和证券公司云集于此 这里还有阿瓦塔 (Avata) 和美利来等大型购物中心, 附近还有乐天百货店 明洞就像是围棋盘一样, 两旁有许多巷子可逛, 有许多具特色的服饰艺品店 乱打秀 : 乱打秀, 在韩国非常有名, 还曾进行过世界巡演 乱打 其实就是在厨房进行的锅碗瓢盆协奏曲, 它融合杂技 哑剧 打击乐 小品等于一身. 不需要听的懂韩文, 是以宴会场的厨房为主要场景, 三位厨师在临危受命下要在一小时里完成全套料理, 中间穿插愚笨外甥的差错, 最终完成使命的喜剧 海苔博物馆 : 海苔是韩国 3 大水上食品也是韩国人喜欢的一个食品 在海苔博物馆一半是工厂一半是紫菜博物馆所以您可以自己亲眼看到紫菜制作过程 8 仁川 / 新加坡 膳食早餐晚餐 早餐午餐 早餐 停留韩国著名的健康中心 - 护肝宝, 了解更过关于韩国的健康产品 新村女人街 : 主导韩国大学文化的新村地区, 正如其名, 是主导最新潮流的前卫文化街 每天来往人流大部分是大学生和年轻人, 因而针对大学生和年轻人的大排档等各式餐饮厅 风格独特的咖啡馆 小型剧场 书店等文化空间丰富多彩 手工艺品和各种鞋帽 让你爱不释手欲罢不能