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Development of Railway Multimodal Transportation in Northeast Asia and Central Asia Dong, LIU Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China 2017.09.18

一 中国国际铁路多式联运基本情况 Situation of International Railway Multimodal Transportation in China

1. 跨境铁路建设情况 Situation of border port railway construction

1. 跨境铁路建设情况 Situation of border port railway construction 在东北亚和中亚地区, 中国共计贯通了跨境铁路 6 条, 主要涉及阿拉山口 霍尔果 斯 二连浩特 满洲里 绥芬河 珲春等边境口岸 In northeast Asia and central Asia, there is six border port railway lines, which mainly concentrated in the border port cities, such as Alataw Pass, Horgos, Erenhot, Manchuria, Suifenhe and Hunchun. 4 个边境口岸实现铁路连通至内地城市, 但境外铁路尚未衔接 There is four border port railway lines which connect to the inland cities, but the railway lines in the near country has not been connected yet 运输货类包括金属矿石 木材 石油 有色金属 矿建材料 钢铁 Goods category mainly includes: Metal ores, Timber, Oil, Non-Ferrous metals, Mineral materials, and steel

2. 海铁联运情况 The situation of Sea-rail intermodal transportation 中国共计拥有具备一类开放口岸的主要沿海港口共计 23 个, 其中, 实现铁路直接连接重要港区的港口 共计 10 个 There are 23 major sea ports with first-class open port in China, and 10 major sea ports is connected by railway lines directly 集疏港铁路中, 一级 二级铁路比例为 61.8%, 电气化铁路里程比例为 48.1% The proportion of first and second level sea port railway is 61.8%, and the proportion of electrified sea port railway is 48.1%.

2. 海铁联运情况 The situation of Sea-rail intermodal transportation 十三五 港口集疏运系统建设方案 Construction planning of Sea Port Road and railway in the 13th five years 至 2020 年, 港口集疏运铁路建设项目 73 个, 总里程 1950 公里 To 2020, China will built 73 sea port railway construction projects, about 1,950 kilometers totally 沿海和内河主要港口铁路进港率分别达到 80% 和 70%, 港口多式联运效率进一步发挥 The proportion of sea ports and river ports which connected by railway will be 80% and 70% respectively, the efficiency of Sea-rail intermodal can be developed further

Rotterdam 3. 中欧班列情况 The situation of China-Europe Train 至 2016 年末, 中国有 38 个城市陆续开通了至欧洲 中亚货运班列, 运行线路达 62 条, 已开通中欧 班列的城市多为港口城市或内陆物流节点城市 By the end of 2016, 38 cities in China have opened China-Europe trains to Europe and Central Asia, with 62 running routes, and the city that has opened the China-Europe Train are mainly concentrated in seaport port cities or inland logistics cities 重庆 成都 郑州 西安 武汉 苏州 义乌 营口 哈尔滨 大连 青岛 连云港 长沙 兰州 东莞等 15 个城市已经实现了常态化运营 There is 15 cities have achieved normalized operation of China-Europe Train 位于欧洲的终点城市主要集中在莫斯科 汉堡 杜伊斯堡 罗兹和鹿特丹 The destination cities in Europe are mainly concentrated in Moscow, Hamburg, Duisburg, Rhodes and

3. 中欧班列情况 The situation of China-Europe Train 中欧班列建 设发展规划 Development planning for the China-Europe train

3. 中欧班列情况 The situation of China-Europe Train 根据该规划, 未来中国国际铁路多式联运将形成西 中 东三大通道 According to the planning, there will be west corridor, middle corridor, and east corridor for international railway multimodal transportation in China 西通道 : 新疆阿拉山口 ( 霍尔果斯 ) 口岸出境, 经中亚 西亚地区部分国家, 至欧洲 West corridor:from the border port of Alataw Pass (Horgos) in Xinjiang, through Central Asia cities and Western Asia cities to Europe 中通道 : 从内蒙古二连浩特口岸出境, 通过俄罗斯西伯利亚铁路至欧洲 Middle corridor :From the border port of Erenhot in Inner Mongolia, through Russian railway to Europe 东通道 : 从内蒙古满洲里口岸出境, 通过俄罗斯西伯利亚铁路至欧洲 East corridor: From the port of Manchuria in Inner Mongolia, through the Russian railway to Europe

3. 中欧班列情况 The situation of China-Europe Train Khorgas Alataw Pass Manchuria Erenhot Shenyang Yingkou Dalian Tianjin Lanzhou Qingdao Zhengzhou Xi an Lianyungang HefeiSuzhou Chengdu Wuhan Chongqing Yiwu Ningbo Changsha Xiamen Guangzhou Dongguan Qinzhou Shenzhen Inland source node Important sea port node Border port node 中欧班列枢纽节点 (Hub node) 内陆主要货源节点 (Inland main source node) 主要铁路枢纽节点 (railway hub node) 沿海重要港口节点 (Important sea port node) 沿边陆路口岸节点 (border port node)

4. 中欧陆海快线情况 The situation of China-Europe land-sea express 中欧陆海快线示意图 2014 年 12 月, 中国联合匈牙利 塞尔维亚 马其顿 希腊建设中欧陆海快线 In December 2014, China-Europe landsea express was promoted by China together with Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece. 中欧陆海快线起自希腊比雷埃夫斯港, 北至匈牙利布达佩斯, 直接辐射人口约 3200 万 China-Europe land-sea express extend from Greek Piraeus port in the south, to Hungary Budapest in the north, which provide directly transportation service for 32 millions people.

4. 中欧陆海快线情况 The situation of China-Europe land-sea express

and east corridor 4. 中欧陆海快线情况 The situation of China-Europe land-sea express 中欧陆海快线 :China-Europe land-sea express 中国 - 南海 - 马六甲海峡 - 孟加拉湾 - 印度洋 - 阿拉伯海 - 曼德海峡 - 红海 - 苏伊士运河 - 地中海 - 比雷埃夫斯港 - 贝尔格莱德 - 布达拉斯 China - the south China sea - Malacca strait - the bay of Bengal - The Indian Ocean - The Arabian sea - Mandela strait - the red sea - the Suez Canal - the Mediterranean - Piraeus - Belgrade - Protaras 传统航线 :customary Maritime transport route 中国 - 南海 - 马六甲海峡 - 孟加拉湾 - 印度洋 - 好望角 - 南大西洋 - 西非海岸 - 北大西洋 - 欧洲腹地 China - south China sea - Malacca strait - the bay of Bengal - the Indian Ocean - Cape of Good Hope - south Atlantic - west Africa coast - north Atlantic - European hinterland 中欧班列 :China-Europe Train 西中东三条通道 West corridor, middle corridor,

4. 中欧陆海快线情况 The situation of China-Europe land-sea express 传统海运具有价格优势, 是中欧班列运价的 1/2 左右, 是陆海快线运输的 2/3 左右 Traditional Marine has price advantage, the price is about 1/2 of the China-Europe Train, and 2/3 of the land-sea express 中欧班列更具有速度优势, 运输时间是传统海运的 1/2 左右, 是陆海快线运输的 3/5 左 右 China-Europe Train has speed advantage, the travel time is about 1/2 of the traditional marine, and 3/5 of the land-sea express

4. 中欧陆海快线情况 The situation of China-Europe land-sea express 上海至欧洲中部运输指标对比 (Transportation indicators comp comparison from Shanghai to middle Europe) 主要指标 main indicators 渝新欧 China-Europe train 陆海快线 China-Europe landsea express 传统海运 The traditional Marine 运距对比 Distance comparison 时间对比 Time comparison 运价对比 Freight comparison 11179km 16days 4800$ 14654km 26days 3100$ 20212km 32days 2300$

5. 跨境铁路规划情况 The planning of cross-border railway 中俄签署 关于共同开发滨海 1 号和滨海 2 号国际交通走廊的谅解备忘录 In 2017, China and Russia have signed The memorandum of understanding for corridor1 and corridor 2 construction in the Northeast region of China and Far East region of Russia

5. 跨境铁路规划情况 The planning of cross-border railway 加强中国东北地区和俄罗斯远东地区的公路 铁路和港口等基础设施建设 The memorandum of understanding aims at promoting infrastructure construction of road, railway and sea port in the Northeast region of China and Far East region of Russia 通道建成后, 将大幅度提升中国东北地区和俄罗斯远东地区的运输效率和能力 After corridors construction, the transportation efficiency and capacity in the Northeast region of China and Far East region of Russia will be enhanced

5. 跨境铁路运输规划情况 The planning of cross-border railway

5. 跨境铁路运输规划情况 The planning of cross-border railway

6. 信息互联互通 The interconnection of information platform

6. 信息互联互通 The interconnection of information platform

二 东北亚和中亚地区铁路多式联运发展建议 Suggestion on Development of Railway Multimodal Transportation in Northeast Asia and Central Asia

1. 提升基础设施保障能力 Improving infrastructure supporting capacity 加强规划指导 Enhance planning guidance 积极推动沿线国家共同制定区域铁路网规划, 逐步完善东北亚 中亚地区铁路基础设施网络 Drawing up regional railway network planning,improving railway infrastructure network in Northeast Asia and Central Asia

1. 提升基础设施保障能力 Improving infrastructure supporting capacity 加强物流枢纽设施建设 Build logistics hub facilities 围绕铁路枢纽节点打造一批具有多式联运功能的大型铁路综合 物流基地 Building a number of large-scale railway multimodal transportation logistics hub, around the railway hub 加强与港口 机场 公路货运站以及产业园区的统筹布局和联 动发展, 推动多式联运体系建设 Strengthening the overall layout and linkage development of ports, airports, road freight stations and industrial parks, to construct multimodal transportation system

2. 创新运输组织模式 Innovating transportation organization model 提供全程物流服务 Provide full course logistics service 围绕铁路运输全流程, 强化运输 仓储 配送 检验检疫 通关 结算等环 节高效对接, 提供一站式综合服务 Promoting each links of the whole process of railway transportation to join together, includes transportation, warehousing, distribution, inspection and quarantine, customs clearance, settlement, providing one-stop service

2. 创新运输组织模式 Innovating transportation organization model 提供全程物流服务 Provide full course logistics service 建立客户服务中心, 提供业务受理 单证制作 报关报检 货物追踪 应急处置 代理采购 保险理赔 货物质押等增值服务 Setting up customer service center which can provide value-added services, such as business acceptance, documentation, customs declaration, cargo tracking, emergency disposal, agency procurement, insurance claims, cargo pledge

2. 创新运输组织模式 Innovating transportation organization model 构建统一的规则体系 Build an unified rule system 建立统一互认的单证格式 货物安全 保险 理赔 通关便利 数据共享等相关规则, 提 高运行质量和效率 Establishing unified and mutual recognition rules to improve the quality and efficiency of operation, include document format, cargo security, insurance claims, customs clearance facilities, data sharing. 根据运量变化情况, 建立灵活的全程定价机制 According to the change of transportation volume, setting up flexible process pricing mechanism.

2. 创新运输组织模式 Innovating transport organization model 依托东北亚物流信息服务网络 (NEAL-NET), 整合相关国家政府部门 企业信息资源 Basing on the NEAL-NET, integrating relevant information resources of government departments and enterprise 构建沿线国家铁路 海关 检验检疫等信息系统 构建信息服务平台 Building information platform 的电子数据交换与信息共享 Setting up the electronic data exchange mechanism and information sharing mechanism, including the area of railway, customs, inspection and quarantine

3. 推进便利化大通关 Promoting transport facilitation 加强海关国际合作 Strengthen cooperation of customs 完善国家间海关国际合作机制, 推进信息互换 监管互认 Improving customs international cooperation mechanism, enhancing information exchange, supervision mutual recognition 加强物流节点的多式联运监管中心建设, 推进一次申报 起运地 ( 出境地 ) 一次查验 Improving multimodal transport supervision center in the logistics hubs, setting up one-time declaration and inspection mechanism 加快推进物流监控信息化设施建设 Constructing Information facilities for the logistics monitoring

3. 推进便利化大通关 Promoting transport facilitation 推进检验检疫一体化 Promote the integration of inspection and quarantine 加强沿线国家检验检疫国际合作, 推进疫情区域化管理和互认, 打造无特 定动植物疾病绿色通道 Strengthening the national cooperation of inspection and quarantine, promoting the epidemic area management and mutual recognition, creating no specific animal and plant disease green channel 建立检验检疫信息化系统, 实现数据共享 Establishing the inspection and quarantine information system, achieving data sharing

3. 推进便利化大通关 Promoting transport facilitation 8. 增强口岸对外开放 Enhance border port opendoor to outside 加强与沿线国家 ( 地区 ) 间的口岸交流合作 Strengthening cooperation of the border ports along the country 加强边境口岸设施建设, 提高进出境通关能力 Strengthening the border port facilities construction, and improving the ability of entry and exit clearance 优化口岸监管 执法 通关流程, 提高口岸智 能化水平 Optimizing the process of port supervision, law enforcement, customs clearance, improving the intelligence level of the border port