2 Abstract This research explores the creating elements of a product data management system (PDMS) and its procedures. An example of a small-volume/mu

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1 The Product Data Management for Small-Volume/Multiple-Types of Products * Wei Hurang Yaur, Jiung Ming Huang, Jeichen Hsieh * MOST SWOT Internet/Intranet-WEB JAVA (Object Oriented) ORACLE (RDBMS) (Client/Server) (Distributed Database) IMAN/PDM (Product Data Management, PDM) Engineering Change (Collaborative Product Development, CPD)

2 Abstract This research explores the creating elements of a product data management system (PDMS) and its procedures. An example of a small-volume/multiple-types based enterprise is demonstrated to illustrate how it breaks through the current limitation, and competently creates the PDM system. The creation of a PDM system is based on the structure of MOST, and uses SWOT analytic method, by firstly diagnosing and evaluating for the enterprise. A program including the re-composition of the company organization, rebuild of computer system, staff training, data sort out, and production planning revise for the enterprise is then proposed. Documents management, parts/assemblies management, bill of material management (BOM), design change and version management are the five parts recommended in a PDM system. To deal with the design and manufacture characteristics, IMAN system is used as the environment for the PDM development. IMAN system is an Internet/Intranet-WEB and JABA based structure, which integrates with object oriented technique and ORACLE database, and will be used as the kernel for an enterprise collaboration design system supporting the works between different departments and different locations. This research also would like to provide a reference for related enterprises to create digitized collaboration business on product design, manufacture and management. Keywords Product Data Management PDM Engineering Change Collaborative Product Development CPD 1.1 (Logistic Support System) [10,22,24,35] (Mass Production) " (Build-to-Demand) (Various Small Amount of Products) " [38]

3 [11,21] (Islands of Automation) (Product Data Management System, PDMS) [1,12,15] 737 46 Engineering Change [5,29,30,33,34] 産産 80 1990 CAD/CAM/CAE/CAPP/CIM [ 2,3] (Collaborative Product Development CPD) (Supply Chain Management SCM) (Customer Relationship Management CRM) (Value Chain)[36,37] [6,7,13] e (Time-to-Market) ODM(Original Design Manufacturing ) OBM Original Brand Manufacturing 1.2 e

4 BOM ( ) (CAD ) BOM e e MOST SWOT 2.1 MOST SWOT MOST M Missions O Objectives S Strategies T Tactics SWOT S(Strengths, ) W(Weaknesses, ) O(Opportunities, ) T(Threats, )[4,19] 1

5 (Feedback) (Objectives) (Strengths) (Weakness) (Strategies) (Opportunities) (Threats) (Tactics and Skills) (Evaluation) 1 MOST ( [19] ) 2.2 ( ) [8,41]( 2) [12,40]( 3) Web Base Service Internet Intranet Extranet [16,32,39]( 4) PDMS (ERP) (SCM) [9] WEB WEB Browser Internet/Intranet (Site) (Synchronization) 5

6 2 Product Process Data People Information Team 3 [40]

7 Internet Intranet Extranet CAD SCM CAPP CAM CRM ERP CAE 4 INTRANET Database ExtraNet (PrivateInternet) FireWall User FireWall User Internet 5

8 2.3 6 UG/iMAN 2D/3D ( NC ) e (Stage 1) (Stage 2) (Stage 3) 1. UG/Solid Edge 2. 3. iman(pdms) 4. (Stage 4) (Stage 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 2.4 PDM PDM 爲 [14,18,26,27] PDM PDM 7

9 e X ( ) ( ) X (1989 ) 1993 (Y ) ( ) X 3.1 PDM e [17,23]

10 (Bill of Materials BOM) Configuration e e 3.2 SWOT X PDM CPC MOST SWOT X 8 SWOT [4,19] 3.3

11 ( ) ( ) [28] ( ) 5000 ( ) Common Parts (Reuse) ( ) E-Mail ( ) R&D- Component & Supplier Library Component Data Base Business Process BOM Standard Operation Process SOP (Quality Assurance QA) R&D R&D ( ) Visibility Double Confirm ( ) BOM&EC ( ) BOM ( ) EC ISO EC BOM EC ( ) ( ) R&D (Reuse) 9 [20] Modular Design

12 9 [20] ( ) ( ) GAP PDM X X 10 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

13 10 X MIS PDMS Information Technology 11 11 X

14 ( ) ( ) ( 6 PC 4 ) Server ( ) ( ) Internet E-Mail ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. 2. 3. 肧 4. 5. 6. 7. ( ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Invoice Packing List DOS Window X 産 Data Vault 産 BOM 産 PDM 産 PDM 産

15 ( ) PDM Internet/Intranet-WEB JAVA (Object Oriented) ORACLE (RDBMS) (Client/Server) (Distributed Database) iman(information Manager)PDM [25,44] Data Vault 12 Item M-BOM E- BOM D- BOM UG Pro/E CATIA Solid Edge Solid Work Auto CAD Excel Word 1 2 3 12 PDM 13-15 BOM 16 X F0600 A0101 B0213 E0556 O 56

16 13 Solid Edge 14 Solid Edge 2D Mfg. SOP CAE, CAD Model NC Drawing Technical Document F0600/A 15 内 M-BOM E- BOM D- BOM BOM Engineering Bill of Material EBOM Manufacturing Bill of Material MBOM EBOM MBOM / CAD

17 2D 17 16 E-BOM 17 EBOM MBOM

18 Time to Market /.. E-mail 18-21 18 19 20 21 EC 13 X [31] a0101

19 22-25 2D 3D Part Type Import PDM 22 a0101 PDM 22 a0101 a0101 20Ra0101/a 25.32 R a0101/b 80º 22-25 2D 23 a a0101/a 20R

20 80º 24 b a0101/b 25.32R 80º 25.32R 80º 25 iman a a0101/a 26 a b BOM 26 a

21 a0101/a b a0101/b 26 a b BOM X 500~1000 BOM PDM 27, 産 IMAN/PDM 踪 CAD BOM.. 13100-0003 13100-0004 S1-0001 C1-0002 C2-0001 S2-0002 C3-0001 = 05/23/2002 C4-0002 S1-0001 C1-0003 C2-0002 =06/29/2002 S2-0002 C3-0001 C4-0002 27 BOM

22 PDM CPD 6.1 ( ) Know How ( ) Check-in Check-out / ( ) Class ( ) ( ) BOM ( ) E-BOM M-BOM ( ) 户 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Know How ( ) -Visualization ( ) 3D ( ) 2D/3D ( ) ( )

23 28 1 / / Cost 2 3 Quality 4 5 6 BOM Time to Market 7 Human Resource 8 (e.g. ISO900X) 6.2 28 PDM PDM PDM

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