Microsoft PowerPoint - SINOPEC English - vtc_ ppt

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市 场 综 述 三 季 度, 上 海 投 资 市 场 交 易 量 持 续 攀 升, 共 有 八 宗 主 要 交 易 达 成, 交 易 金 额 共 计 人 民 币 160 亿 元, 环 比 增 长 59% 投 资 者 尤 其 是 国 际 投 资 者, 逐 渐 增 购 租 金 收 入 稳 定 的 核 心



SINOPEC Our products & Services Exploration, production and trading of crude oil and natural gas Oil refining Trading, transportation, distribution and marketing of petroleum and petrochemical products. SINOPEC is the 1 st company in China that was listed in Hong Kong, New York, London, and Shanghai SINOPEC is the 2 nd largest producer of crude oil and natural gas in China SINOPEC is the 3 rd largest refiner in the world. Our main products include: gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, lubricants, asphalt and other petroleum products. SINOPEC is the 4 th largest ethylene manufacturer in the world.

SINOPEC High Quality Petroleum Products With 28,801 service stations, we own the largest retail network of oil products in China. Our products have been widely used in China s Space Program The Formula One race track in Shanghai Petrochemical Partner of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. ( in the construction of gymnasia) Products of SINOPEC (Hong Kong) service stations have superior quality that exceed the requirement of Hong Kong SAR Government.

SINOPEC VIP Card - Discount Offer VTC Staff Recreation Club members and VTC staff are eligible to apply for the SINOPEC VIP Card. By presenting the SINOPEC VIP Card, card holders can enjoy an instant discount offer as follows: Premium Gasoline - SINO X POWER: $1.60/L Normal Gasoline - SINO POWER: $1.60/L The same rebate rate is given to every purchases, no matter the amount or the value of fueling. Application is simple and fast. (About 4 weeks) Enquiry Hotline: 2495 3338

SINOPEC VIP Card Q&A 1) If I apply for the SINOPEC VIP Card, what shall I do? SINOPEC VIP Card Eligibility Registered owner of HK Vehicle Registration Document (car owner) Photocopies needed for application Payment Method Use in VTC Staff Recreation Club members VTC staff Applicants /Non-applicants HK Vehicle Registration Document Residential proof(e.g. Electricity bill). Valid VTC Staff Recreation Club membership card, or VTC staff card By Cash or Credit Card after fueling. Can be used in some SINOPEC stations (Please refer the address, about 25 stations )* Please complete and mail the completed application form with the above photocopies to the following address: Sinopec (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Gloucester Road Post Office P.O.Box No.28377 Retail Dept - Oil Card App

SINOPEC VIP Card - Q&A 2) I want to apply the SINOPEC Cards, but I am not the registered owner of the vehicle. Am I eligible to apply the card? We understand that many drivers are not the registered owners of their vehicles. The registered owners may be their family members or their companies. To simplify the application process, we still accept the application even the applicants are not the registered vehicles owners. 3) Can I apply for more than one vehicle? Yes, you can 4) I have posted the application form with photo copies, when will I receive the cards? Usually we may need 3-4 weeks to process each application 5) Where are the SINOPEC Oil Station? You may find the station address in the next page. Please read the remark carefully. Owing to the information system upgrading and merging, SINOPEC VIP Card cannot be used in all SINOPEC Oil Stations.


龍龍龍 香港區 中石化油油油油站站站站地地地地址址址址 麥當勞道油站 香港半山中區麥當勞道 堅尼地道油站 香港灣仔堅尼地道 山頂道 油站 香港山頂道 薄扶林油站 香港薄扶林道 號 蒲飛路巴士總站 英皇道油站 香港鰂魚涌英皇道 北角官立小學 堅拿道西油站 香港銅鑼灣堅拿道西 堅拿道天橋底 柴灣油 氣 站 香港柴灣創富道 號 ( 近杏花村油庫 ) 九龍 區 九龍灣油 氣 站 九龍九龍灣宏展街 國際展貿中心傍 太子道西油站 九龍旺角太子道西 近帝京酒店 窩打老道油站 九龍九龍塘窩打老道 九龍塘油 氣 站 九龍歌和老街 ( 近畢架山峰, 歌和老街公園對面 ) 新新新新界界界界區 東涌油 氣 站 大嶼山東涌新市鎮喜東街 近映灣園 期 錦繡花園油站 新界元朗錦繡花園大道 大埔滘油 氣 站 新界大埔滘大埔道 鹿茵山莊附近 凹頭油 氣 站 新界凹頭回旋 掃管笏油站 新界屯門掃管笏路 灰沙圍油站 新界元朗青山公路灰沙圍 壆圍油站 新界元朗壆圍 號 近錦繡花園 粉嶺油站 新界粉嶺新運道 號 近粉嶺泳池 石崗油 氣 站 新界元朗石崗錦田路 近錦田診所 機場 上水油站 新界上水新豐路 青衣油 氣 站 新界青衣島青衣路 號 近衡和化學廢料處理廠 葵涌油 氣 站 新界葵涌青山公路 大埔油站 新界大埔汀太路 屯門油站 新界屯門屯仁街 元朗林錦油站 新界元朗林錦公路 黃金海岸油站 新界屯門青山公路 掃管笏段 號 近黃金海岸 小瀝源油 氣 站 新界沙田小瀝源源安街 號 近小瀝源警署 屏山油 氣 站 新界元朗屏山唐人新村路 號 藍地油 氣 站 新界屯門藍地福亨村路 ( 近妙法寺 ) 粉嶺南油 氣 站 新界粉嶺一鳴路 號 近祥華村, 花都廣場 天水圍油 氣 站 新界元朗天水圍屏廈路 號 ( 近田廈路交界 ) 八鄉油站 新界元朗八鄉錦田路 近八鄉警署