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11D9N ~ Wonderful Swiss & Italy (Switzerland: Geneva-Lausanne-Lavaux Vineyard-Montreux-Glacier 3000- Italy: Milan-Venice-Pisa-Florence-Tuscany Region-Greve in Chianti-San Gimignano-Siena-Rome) Tour Code: S11EGG-QR/EK Highlights: Switzerland: Geneva ~ City tour Lausanne ~ City Tour Lavaux wine tasting Vevey ~ Walking Tour Montreux ~ Chillon Castle, Walking Tour An experience The Golden Pass Line & Glacier 3000 Italy: Milan ~ Walking Tour Venice ~ San Marco Island Walking Tour Pisa ~ Walking Tour Florence ~ Walking Tour Greve in Chianti wine & olive oil tasting San Gimignano ~ Walking tour, Wine Tasting Siena ~ Walking Tour Rome ~ Walking Tour, Vatican City & Sistine Chapel, Colosseum & Ancient Route Specialty: Swiss Cheese & Chocolate Fondue, Risotto, Pasta in black ink sauce, Lasagna, Florentine steak, Tuscany wine, Pizza, Gelato Ice-cream Cities/Nights of Stay Switzerland: Lake Geneva (2N) Diplomate Italy: Milan (1N) Holiday Inn-Rho Veneto Region (1N) Holiday Inn Mestre Tuscany Region (2N) Wall Art Siena Vicinity (1N) Garden Rome (2N) Eurostars Roma Congress (Tourist class accommodation and confirmation based on similar standard) Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Geneva, Switzerland- Lake Geneva (via Doha by QR /via Dubai by EK) (Western dinner) Depart for Geneva, the 2 nd largest cities in Switzerland. Wellkommen in die Schweiz! Upon arrival, proceed for an orientation tour to view United Nation s Building, Jet D Eau Fountain and Floral Clock ~ one of the biggest flower clock in the world! Day 2 Lake Geneva (65km) Lausanne (14km) Lavaux vineyard (1km) Vevey (7km) Montreux (50km) Lake Geneva (Hotel breakfast/western lunch & dinner) Travel to Lausanne, the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee. Orientation tour to see the Cathedral Notre-Dame, Ouchy and Town Hall. Drive to Lavaux vineyards, a UNESCO World Heritage site stretching for about 30km from Lausanne to Chateau de Chillon. It produces mainly fruity, dry wines that can be tasted in the village cellars. Visit one of the wine cellar for some wine tasting experience. We will travel to the Pearls of the Swiss Riviera ~ Vevey. Walking tour of the Old Town to view Musee l'histoire de Vevey ~Formerly called the "Belle Maison", and it was the residence of the Bernese bailiffs, Monument de Henryk Sienkiewicz ~the famous Nobel-prize winning writer's monument and The Alimentarium ~ Nestle Food Museum. Continue journey to Montreux, a city famous for its International Jazz Festival. Entrance to the magnificent Chillon Castle, a beautiful preserved castle on the shore of Lake Geneva. Walk around Place du Marche and visit the famous Freddie Mercury statue which facing the Lake Geneva.

Day 3 Lake Geneva Gstaad (328km) Milan, Italy (Hotel breakfast/western lunch & dinner) Morning excursion on board The Golden Pass Line, one of the most picturesque in Switzerland. Starting with the Mediterranean ambiance of Montreux, the train climbs above the lake and passes through a tunnel. Come out at the other end, you will find yourself among alpine forests, bubbling mountain springs and picturesque mountain villages. Entering the Saanenland region, known throughout world thanks to fashionable Gstaad. Drive to the main cable car station in Col du Pillon, along the alpine pass route between Gstaad and Les Diablerets, the centerpiece of Glacier 3000. Take a cable car ride to the top at Scex Rouge with an altitude of 2971m. Start your tour to the View Point and enjoy a 360 panoramic view of the most beautiful alpine peaks. Then glide to the glacier on the Ice Express chairlift and walked on a marked glacier trail. Ride on Glacier 3000 specially-designed vehicle, the Snow Bus for a unique experience to enjoy a comfortable ride on the eternal snow. (Subject to weather condition and closure for annual maintenance) Travel to Milan, one of the world capitals for design and fashion in Italy. Benvenuto in Italia! Day 4 Milan (284km) Veneto Region (Hotel breakfast/western lunch & dinner) Travel to the fashionable city of Milan. Walking tour of the core of Milan to see Castello Sforza, Piazza Duomo and its famous marble made Duomo with 135 pinnacles over 2000 statues. Walk through Vittorio Emanuele Galleria shopping mall toward the La Scala Opera House, passing by Leonardo da Vinci Statue before reaching the City Hall. Entrance to Santa Maria delle Grazie~ the church and convent is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper ~ one of the most famous paintings in the world. (Subject to closure due to any special occasion.) If time permits, you will have time to shop at the nearby boutiques or in the galleria shopping mall. Day 5 Veneto Region (15km) Venice (277km) Tuscany Region (Hotel Breakfast/Western lunch & dinner) Travel to Venice pier to board on a private water taxi to San Marco Island. On arrival San Marco Island, we will start our walking tour to see the St Mark Square, St Mark Basilica, Moorish Clock Tower, Bell Tower, St Mark & St Theodore s Column and Rialto Bridge. Visit the marvelous creation of Venetian glassmaking renowned for its colorful, elaborate and skill in the glass blowing factory. Continue walking to see the Doge Palace which connected by the Bridge of Sighs to the Prison where Casanova escapes! If time/weather permits, you may ride on the famous gondola along the Venice canal or enjoy shopping at local boutiques. Return to main land on board the private taxi from San Marco Island and upon disembarking at Venice pier, we will travel to hotel in Tuscany Region. Day 6 Tuscany Region (82km) Pisa (101km) Florence (23km) Tuscany Region (Hotel breakfast/western dinner) Travel to Pisa, a city world known for its Leaning Tower. Visit Piazza dei Miracoli, a square dominated by four great religious edifices; the Duomo, the Leaning Tower ~ a freestanding bell tower of the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Camposanto ~ a holy field being established into a cemetery. Continue journey to the renaissance city of Florence. Visit Piazza Michelangelo to enjoy the panoramic view of Florence City. Walking tour to see Cathedral of Santa Maria Dei Fiore, Giotto Bell Tower, Doors of Paradise, Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza Della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio and Santa Croce Basilica. Day 7 Tuscany Region (45km) Greve in Chianti (46km) San Gimignano (40km) Siena Vicinity (Hotel breakfast/western lunch & dinner) Travel into the very heart of the Chianti vineyards stop at the Castle of Verrazzano a great tradition of winemaking where we can taste a plethora of excellent Chiantis and extra virgin olive oils.

Drive to San Gimignano, where we will stop for wine tasting of Vernaccia (white wine). This is one of the Tuscany s greatest attractions! We also have chance to see its medieval squares, town walls, streets, alleyways, and 14 towers make it unique. Travel to Siena, a historical town in Tuscany region declared by UNESCO s World Heritage. Orientation tour to view the Piazza del Campo, the Palazzo Pubblice Art Museum, Torre del Mangia ~ famous for hosting the Palio horse race and Cathedral of Siena ~ one of the great examples of Italian Romanesque architecture. Day 8 Siena Vicinity(244km) Rome (Hotel breakfast/chinese lunch/western dinner) Travel to Rome, the capital city of Italy. On arrival, enjoy a walking tour to see Piazza Navona~ a public place now a pride of Baroque Roman architecture and art history with its fountain, Pantheon~ the most complete Roman structure having survived 20 centuries of plunder, pillage and invasion, Trevi Fountain~ the largest and most ambitious of the Baroque fountains in Rome, and Spanish Step~ the longest and widest staircase in all Europe. Day 9 Rome (Hotel breakfast/western lunch/chinese dinner) Morning drive through Piazza Venezia, to see the oldest civil Renaissance buildings in Rome and Circus Maximus. Excursion to the State of the Vatican City, a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within a city of Rome. It is known as The Holy See with the world largest Roman Catholic Church inside the beautiful city wall. Enter into the city, you may step on St Peter s Square and view the beautiful St Peter s Basilica, the official residence of the Pope ~ Apostolic Palace. Entrance to the Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel. Walking tour of the Ancient Rome start with the entrance to Colosseum~ the largest amphitheatre during the Roman empire. Continue walking through Palatine Hill~ one of the most ancient parts of the city and into the oldest and most important structures in the Roman Empire~ Roman Forum. Day 10 Rome Kuala Lumpur (via Doha by QR /via Dubai by EK) (Hotel breakfast) Time to bid farewell to these beautiful destinations and bring home a wonderful memories of Italy & Switzerland! Arrivederci L Italia! Day 11 Arrive Kuala Lumpur Selamat pulang ke Malaysia! Disclaimer: We reserve the right to alter the sequence or change, amend or alter the itinerary if necessary, with or without prior notice. The group departure is subject to a minimum group size of 15 paying adults. All flights and hotels are provisional and will be subject to our final confirmation. *Valid from April 2012 till further notice* Preferred Agents:

11 天 9 晚美丽瑞士及意大利之旅 ( 瑞士 : 日内瓦 ~ 洛桑 ~ 拉沃 ~ 蒙特勒 ~ 金色山口快车 ~ 冰川 3000~ 意大利 : 米兰 ~ 威尼斯 ~ 比萨 ~ 佛罗伦萨 ~ 托斯卡纳 ~ 格雷夫在基安蒂 ~ 锡耶纳 ~ 罗马 ) 团号 :S11EGG-QR/EK 第一天吉隆坡 日内瓦, 瑞士 ( 或转机于多哈 -QR/ 或转机于迪拜 -EK) ( 晚餐 ) 从吉隆坡出发到瑞士第二大城市 ~ 日内瓦 抵达后, 观游日内瓦联合国欧洲總部 - 万国宫, 大喷泉从日内瓦湖上喷起 140 米高一柱擎天的水柱, 是世界上最大的人工喷泉 ; 由瑞士的能工巧匠别出心栽将花卉之美同钟表的制造工艺完美结合起来的花钟 第二天日内瓦湖 (65 公里 ) 洛桑 (14 公里 ) 拉沃葡萄园 (1 公里 ) 維葳 (7 公里 ) 蒙特勒 (50 公里 ) 日内瓦湖 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 早餐后, 前进到洛桑 ~ 位于日内瓦湖畔北部沿岸的中部, 是瑞士沃州的首府, 也被称为 奥林匹克首都 开始游览洛桑的圣母大教堂, 乌契湖区和旧市政厅 随后到被列为世界遗产的拉沃葡萄园 ~ 品尝当地有名的葡萄酒 接着出发到日内瓦湖畔的一个小镇 - 維葳 ; 游览維葳藝術博物館 - 在此您能更了解这个小镇的历史背景 ; 顯克維奇紀念碑 位於迪拉克酒店的花園裡, 是一位著名的諾貝爾經濟學獎得主与阿里門塔裏烏姆食品博物館 接着启程到浪漫的爵士之都 - 蒙特勒 首先到蒙特勒西边游览著名的希永城堡, 这座风景绝美的古堡却是中世纪赫赫有名的监狱, 其地牢是由天然岩石挖凿而成 漫步于市中心广场和观看面向日內瓦湖的佛萊迪 - 摩克瑞铜像 续程前往因特拉肯, 位于图恩湖与布里恩茨湖之间的一个城镇, 是前往少女峰的必经之城 第三天日内瓦湖格施塔德 米兰, 意大利 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今早, 乘搭金色山口快车欣赏瑞士美丽如画的风景 金色山口快车将瑞士风光最美的湖泊日内瓦湖 图恩湖 布里恩茨湖和琉森湖等连接在一起的路线 山口的另一端连接了瑞士中部德语区的古老城市琉森 ( 卢塞恩 ) 和西南部法语区优雅的湖畔城市蒙特勒 明丽的湖水, 雄伟的阿尔卑斯山, 悠闲的牧场, 美丽的葡萄园 您可以尽情享受多彩的风景 一路向前, 周围村庄的名字从法语变成德语, 说明您已经进入了 Saanenland 地区 该地区因为著名的旅游胜地格施塔德而闻名于世 乘坐位于格施塔德与莱迪亚布勒雷的山口皮隆缆车前往高 2971 米海拔的冰川 3000 上 开始游览冰川 3000 的景点 : 瞭望台 ~ 可以 360 度的瞭望雄伟的阿尔卑斯山 之后, 乘坐单程缆车欣赏那壮观的雪景, 抵达滑雪场, 转搭冰川 3000 独有的雪地巴士享受畅游在这终年积雪的冰川, 会是独一无二的体验 继续前往位于时尚之都米兰 ( 視乎天氣情況而定 ) 第四天米兰 (284 公里 ) 威尼托 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 前往位于时尚之都米兰 开始游览米兰的主要景点 : 斯福尔扎古堡, 主教座堂广场以及其著名的大理石雕刻成的米兰大教堂有 135 个尖塔和 2000 以上个石像 随后, 走进埃马努埃莱二世长廊一个带顶棚的商场 ; 前往斯卡拉大剧院 ~ 位於意大利米兰, 世界最著名的歌剧院之一 途经列奥纳多达芬奇的雕塑像 参观现藏于米兰圣玛利亚德尔格契修道院的 最后的晚餐 是由意大利著名艺术家列奥纳多 达 芬奇所创作, 是所有以这个题材创作的作品中最著名的一幅大型壁画 画面中的人物, 其惊恐 愤怒 怀疑 剖白等神态, 以及手势 眼神和行为, 都刻划得精细入微, 惟妙惟肖 当然不能错过在米兰附近的商店或广场里疯狂购物一番!

第五天威尼托 (15 公里 ) 威尼斯 (277 公里 ) 托斯卡纳 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今早从威尼斯乘坐水上德士前往圣马可岛 抵达后, 开始观光 : 圣马可广场, 圣马可教堂, 摩尔钟楼, 大钟楼, 圣马可与圣西奥多专栏和里亚托桥 籍此机会我们也到玻璃厂了解由大师示范制造玻璃器皿的过程 继续游览总督宫和嘆息橋 如时间或天气允许, 你可乘搭威尼斯特有的狭长小船 ( 贡多拉 ), 随意漫游美丽的威尼斯运河或逛逛当地的服饰商店 随后, 继续前往托斯卡纳 第六天托斯卡纳 (82 公里 ) 比萨 (101 公里 ) 佛罗伦萨 (23 公里 ) 托斯卡纳 ( 早 / 晚餐 ) 驱车前往意大利的文化名城 - 比萨, 因其比萨斜塔而闻名于世界 抵达后, 首先到奇迹广场 - 广场内散布着一组宗教建筑, 多摩教堂, 比萨斜塔 - 最先是作为大教堂的钟楼, 八角形洗礼堂和比萨城重要人物的陵园 - 坎波萨 继续到文化复兴的发祥地 ~ 佛罗伦萨游览 在米开朗基罗广场欣赏他的著名大维雕像及俯瞰佛罗伦萨的城市风光 徒步游览圣母百花圣殿, 乔托钟楼, 极乐之门, 旧宫, 领主广场, 老桥和佛罗伦萨圣十字圣殿 第七天托斯卡纳 (45 公里 ) 格雷夫在基安蒂 (46 公里 ) 圣吉米那诺 (40 公里 ) 锡耶纳 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 向北部前进绕过翁布里亚山到托斯卡纳, 品尝格雷夫美食及著名葡萄酒 在此可品尝到一批上等的葡萄酒和橄榄油 继续前往圣吉米那诺 - 千塔之城 您将有机会品尝当地有名的白葡萄酒也可以在途中欣赏到美丽的风景, 大教堂广场, 参观城堡的遗址 继续前往被联合国教科文组织列入中世纪历史古镇 - 锡耶纳 抵达后, 参观坎波广场, 途经当地著名的艺术博物馆, 曼琪亚钟塔和意大利的罗马式建筑 ~ 锡耶纳大教堂 第八天锡耶纳 (244 公里 ) 罗马 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 出发到罗马 ~ 意大利的首府 抵达后, 漫步在纳沃纳广场和两座闻名的噴泉 ~ 摩尔人喷泉和海神噴泉, 游览万神庙, 位于今意大利罗马, 古罗马时期的宗教建筑, 后改建成一座教堂, 是古罗马时期重要的建筑成就之一 随后游览特萊維噴泉, 西班牙广场和西班牙之阶 第九天罗马 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 前往梵蒂冈城, 是位于意大利首都罗马市西北角高地的一个内陆内飞地城邦主权国家, 为罗马天主教会中央政府以及圣座的所在地 作为世界六分之一人口的信仰中心, 梵蒂冈也是全球面积最小, 人口最少的国家 抵达后, 游览圣彼得广场, 宗座宮殿和西斯汀礼拜堂 参观罗马競技場位於今天的意大利罗马市中心, 是古罗马时期最大的圆形鬥兽场, 建於公元 72-82 年间, 是现仅存遗迹 穿行帕拉蒂尼山, 罗马七座山丘中位处中央的一座, 其为现代意大利罗马市裡所保存的最古老的地區之一, 和古罗马广场 - 是古罗马时代的城市中心, 包括一些罗马最古老與最重要的建築 第十天罗马 吉隆坡 ( 或转机于多哈 -QR/ 或转机于迪拜 -EK) ( 早餐 ) 早餐后, 送往机场乘搭飞机飞返吉隆坡 第十一天抵达吉隆坡

* 正确行程以英文为准 * * 最后确认的行程以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排 * ** 有效期 2012 四月起至另行通知 ** 代订旅行社 :