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參 加 第 二 次 pesta 的 我, 在 是 次 交 流 營 上 除 了, 與 兩 年 沒 有 見 面 的 朋 友 再 次 相 聚, 加 深 友 誼 外, 更 獲 得 與 上 屆 不 同 的 體 驗 和 經 歴 比 較 起 香 港 和 馬 來 西 亞 的 活 動 模 式, 確 是 有 不 同 特

1. 請 先 檢 查 包 裝 內 容 物 AC750 多 模 式 無 線 分 享 器 安 裝 指 南 安 裝 指 南 CD 光 碟 BR-6208AC 電 源 供 應 器 網 路 線 2. 將 設 備 接 上 電 源, 即 可 使 用 智 慧 型 無 線 裝 置 進 行 設 定 A. 接 上 電 源

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90382 903820 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 Chinese, 2011 90382 Listen to and understand spoken language in Chinese in less familiar contexts 2.00 pm uesday Tuesday 2 November 2011 Credits: Six Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet. If you need more room for any answer, use the extra space provided at the back of this booklet. Check that this booklet has pages 2 8 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. Achievement Criteria Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate good understanding of spoken texts in Chinese, in less familiar contexts. Demonstrate very good understanding of spoken texts in Chinese, in less familiar contexts. Overall level of performance Demonstrate excellent understanding of spoken texts in Chinese, in less familiar contexts. New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

2 You are advised to spend 50 minutes answering the questions in this booklet. Listen to TWO passages. You will hear EACH passage FOUR times: The first time, you will hear the passage as a whole. The second and third times, you will hear the passage in sections, with a pause after each. The fourth time, you will hear the passage again as a whole. As you listen, you may make notes in the LISTENING NOTES boxes provided. FIRST PASSAGE: Travelling in New Zealand / 去新西兰旅游 Listen to four friends talking about a trip to New Zealand. Question One, Question Two, and Question Four are based on this passage. You now have 90 seconds to read the questions. Glossed Vocabulary 博物馆 bówùguǎn museum 毛利 máolì Māori 比赛 bǐsài competition / match 南半球 nánbànqíu Southern Hemisphere 高空弹跳 gāokōngtántiào to bungy jump 上网 shàngwǎng to go on the internet LISTENING NOTES

3 QUESTION ONE Use Section (a) and Section (b) to answer this question. Create a wish list for Liming and Lanlan. Describe what each of them wants to do in New Zealand and explain why they are interested in these activities. 请列出李明和兰兰的兴趣, 他们希望在新西兰做什么活动, 以及他们为什么对这些活动感兴趣 Liming s interests and hobbies 李明的兴趣和爱好 Activities that Liming wants to do 李明想做的活动 Why Liming wants to do these activities 为什么李明想做这些活动 Lanlan s interests and hobbies 兰兰的兴趣和爱好 Activities that Lanlan wants to do 兰兰想做的活动 Why Lanlan wants to do these activities 为什么兰兰想做这些活动

4 QUESTION TWO Use Section (c) and Section (d) to answer this question. Create a wish list for Xiaoliang and Xinwen. Describe what each of them wants to do in New Zealand and explain why they are interested in these activities. 请列出小亮和新文的兴趣, 他们希望在新西兰做什么活动, 以及他们为什么对这些活动感兴趣 Xiaoliang s interests and hobbies 小亮的兴趣和爱好 Activities that Xiaoliang wants to do 小亮想做的活动 Why Xiaoliang wants to do these activities 为什么小亮想做这些活动 Xinwen s interests and hobbies 新文的兴趣和爱好 Activities that Xinwen wants to do 新文想做的活动 Why Xinwen wants to do these activities 为什么新文想做这些活动


6 SECOND PASSAGE: Weather Forecast / 天气预报 Listen to more information from the friends. Question Three and Question Four are based on this passage. You now have 60 seconds to read the questions. Glossed Vocabulary 气温 qìwēn temperature 阴天 yīntiān cloudy day QUESTION THREE Use Section (a), Section (b), and Section (c) to answer this question. The four friends have done some research on the weather during the week they will be in New Zealand. Listen to the weather forecast and complete the chart below in English. 这四个朋友打算针对新西兰的气候做个调查 请仔细听天气预报, 然后用英文填满以下的天气预报表格 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Auckland Sunny Cloudy Temperature 22 28 19 23 Wellington Rainy Windy Temperature 15 17 12 14 LISTENING NOTES

7 QUESTION FOUR Use all the information in BOTH passages to answer this question. You will hear the first passage again after the final reading of the Second Passage. Based on the information you have provided in Question One and Question Two and the weather forecast chart you have completed in Question Three, design a group itinerary for the four friends so that each person can have an opportunity to enjoy the activities they would like to do in New Zealand. 根据你在第一题和第二题提供的答案, 以及第三题的天气预报, 请替这四个朋友计划一个新西兰之行计划表 这个行程表必须要让所有的人都能从事他们想做的活动 Activity / Activities 活动 Reason / Reasons 为什么 Monday: Wellington Tuesday: Wellington Wednesday: Wellington Thursday: Auckland Friday: Auckland

8 QUESTION NUMBER Extra space if required. Write the question number(s) if applicable. 90382