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Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa HOMAGE TO THE BUDDHA Homage to Him, The Blessed One, The Worthy One, The Perfectly Enlightened One! OPENING REVERANCE We reverence the Buddha, the perfectly Enlightened One, the Shower of the Way. We reverence the Dhamma, the teaching of the Buddha, which leads from darkness to light. We reverence the Sangha, the Fellowship of the Buddha s disciples, that inspires and guides. 礼佛顶礼世尊应供三藐三佛陀顶礼世尊应供三藐三佛陀顶礼世尊应供三藐三佛陀礼三宝我们顶礼佛, 圆满正觉者, 修道的导师我们顶礼法, 佛陀所教法, 从黑暗至光明的指标我们顶礼僧, 佛陀之弟子, 鼓励与领导大众 TI-SARANA THREE REFUGES 三归依 Buddhaü Saranaü Gacchàmi To the Buddha for refuge I go. 我归依佛 Dhammaü Saranaü Gacchàmi To the Dhamma for refuge I go. 我归依法 Sanghaü Saranaü Gacchàmi To the Sangha for refuge I go. 我归依僧 Dutiyampi Buddhaü Saranaü Gacchàmi Dutiyampi Dhammaü Saranaü Gacchàmi Dutiyampi Sanghaü Saranaü Gacchàmi Tatiyampi Buddhaü Saranaü Gacchàmi Tatiyampi Dhammaü Saranaü Gacchàmi Tatiyampi Sanghaü Saranaü Gacchàmi For the second time to the Buddha for refuge I go. For the second time to the Dhamma for refuge I go. For the second time to the Sangha for refuge I go. For the third time to the Buddha for refuge I go. For the third time to the Dhamma for refuge I go. For the third time to the Sangha for refuge I go. 我再次归依佛我再次归依法我再次归依僧 我三次归依佛我三次归依法我三次归依僧 PANCA SILA FIVE PRECEPTS 五戒 Pànàtipàtà Veramani Sikkàpadaü Samàdiyàmi I undertake to abstain from taking life. 我自愿修持不杀生戒 Adinnàdànà Veramani Sikkàpadaü Samàdiyàmi I undertake to abstain from taking the not-given. 我自愿修持不偷盗戒 Kàmesu Micchàcàrà Veramani Sikkàpadaü Samàdiyàmi I undertake to abstain from sexual misconduct. 我自愿修持不邪淫戒 Musàvàdà Veramani Sikkàpadaü Samàdiyàmi I undertake to abstain from false speech. 我自愿修持不妄语戒 Suràmeraya Majja Pamàdatthànà Veramani Sikkàpadaü Samàdiyàmi I undertake to abstain from taking intoxicants. 我自愿修持不饮酒戒 THE POSITIVE PRECEPTS With deeds of loving kindness, I purify my body. With open-handed generosity, I purify my body, With stillness, simplicity and contentment, I purify my body. With truthful communication, I purify my speech. With mindfulness clear and radiant, I purify my mind. 五善我愿以慈悲功德, 清净我身我愿以宏量布施, 清净我身我愿以朴素知足的生活方式, 清净我身我愿以真诚代人, 清净我口我愿以坚定光明的意志, 清净我意 1/6

SALUTATION TO THE THREE JEWELS 赞叹三宝 BUDDHA VANDANA 赞叹佛宝 Iti pi so bhagavà arahaü sammàsambuddho Such indeed is He, the Richly Endowed: 如是世人所尊者 : 应供 正遍知 明行足 善逝 世间 satthà deva-manussànam buddho bhagavà-ti Worlds, Guide Unsurpassed of Men to Be Tamed, The Teacher of Gods and Men, the Awakened One Richly vijjà-carana sampannosugato The Free, the Fully and Perfectly Awake, Equipped with Loka vidå, anutarro purisa-damma-sàrathi Knowledge and Practice, the Happily Attained, Knower of the 解 无上士 调御丈夫 天人师 佛 世尊! 愿至寿终, 一生归依佛! Endowed. Buddham jãvita-pariyamtaü saranaü gacchàmi All my life I go for refuge to Awakened One. DHAMMA VANDANA 赞叹法宝 Svàkkhàto bhagavatà Dhammo Well communicated is the Teaching of the Richly Endowed 世尊所教法, 完美传授, 即时见报, 无时限, 亲切如个人邀请, Sanditthiko akàliko ehipassiko One, Immediately Apparent, Perennial, of the Nature of a Opanayiko paccattam Personal Invitation, Progressive, to be understood individually, 次第分明, 为智者各自明了而说. Veditabbo vi åhi ti Dhammam jãvita-pariyamtaü saranaü gacchàmi by the wise. All my life I go for refuge to the Truth. 愿至寿终, 一生归依法! SANGHA VANDANA 赞叹僧宝 Supatipanno bhagavato sàvakasaõgho Ujåpatipanno bhagavato sàvakasaõgho àyapatipa o bhagavato sàvakasaõgho Samicipatipanno bhagavato sàvakasaõgho Yadidaÿ cattàri purisayugàni attha purisapuggalà âhuneyyo, pàhuneyyo, dakkhineyyo a jalikaraniyo annutaram pu akkhettaü lokassà ti Saõghaü jãvita-pariyamtaü saranaü gacchàmi Happily proceeding is the Brotherhood of Hearers of the Richly Endowed One, uprightly proceeding methodically proceeding.correctly proceeding, namely these four pairs of Individuals, these eight Persons. This Brotherhood of Hearers of the Richly Endowed One is worthy of worship, worthy of salutation with folded hands, an incomparable source of goodness to the world. All my life I go for refuge to the Brotherhood 快乐修行的佛弟子, 昂然修行的佛弟子, 井然修行的佛弟子, 正确修行的佛弟子, 此乃四双八辈的圣者, 值得我们的礼拜, 值得我们以合掌顶礼, 世间无上善的源头. 愿至寿终, 一生归依僧! REVERANCE TO THE THREE JEWELS We reverence the Buddha, and aspire to follow Him. The Buddha was born, as we are born. What the Buddha overcame, we too can overcome; What the Buddha attained, we too can attain. We reverence the Dhamma, and aspire to follow it; with body, speech and mind, until the end. The Truth in all its aspects, the path in all its stages, We aspire to study, practice, realize. We reverence the Sangha, and aspire to follow it; The fellowship of those who tread the way. As, one by one, we make our own commitment, An ever-widening circle, the Sangha grows. 念三宝我们礼敬佛, 愿永追随. 佛陀降世, 我们也生此世界. 佛陀所降服的, 我们毕竟也能降服. 佛陀所成就的, 我们毕竟也能成就. 我们礼敬法, 愿以身 口 意追随至涅盘. 真理的所有层次, 正道的所有次第, 我们誓愿一一学习, 修行与成就. 我们礼敬僧, 愿永追随. 同道修持众生的友谊, 加以我们每人对修行所作的承诺, 愿 2/6

能使僧团增长, 利益四方. OFFERINGS TO THE BUDDHA 供佛 Padipa Påja Offering of Lights 供灯 Ghana-sàrappa-dittena Reverencing the Buddha, we offer candles: 顶礼佛. 在此, 我们上供蜡烛. 我们向光明供灯. 愿佛陀大明 Dipena tamadhamsinà To Him, who is the light, we offer light. Tiloka dãpam sambuddhaü From His greater lamp, a lesser lamp we light within us: 灯点燃我们这小灯, 使到菩提的明灯照亮我们的心灵. Påjayàmi tamo nudaü The lamp of Bodhi shining within our hearts. Sugandha Påja Offering of Incense 供香 Ghana-sambhàra-yuttena Reverencing the Buddha, we offer incense: 顶礼佛. 在此, 我们上供香. 它的香味熏染空气. 愿比此香味 Dhupenàhaü sugandhina Incense whose fragrance pervades the air. Påjaye påjaïãyaü taü The fragrance of the perfect life, sweeter than incense, Spreads 更美妙的正道香味熏染十方世界. Påjà bhàjana muttamaü in all directions throughout the world. Puppha Påja Offering of Flowers 供花 Vanna-gandha-gunopetaü Reverencing the Buddha, we offer flowers: 顶礼佛. 在此, 我们上供花. 今天灿烂 清香的花, 明日就谢 Etaü kusuma-santatiü Flowers that today are fresh and sweetly blooming, Påjayàmi munindassa Flowers that tomorrow are faded and fallen. 了 凋落. 当念, 我们的身体和花一样也会衰退. Siri-pàda-saroruhe Our bodies too, like flowers, will pass away. Påjemi Budhham kusumena nena Pu ena-metena ca hotu mokkham Pupphaü milàyàti yathà idam me Kàyo tathà yàti vinàsa bhàvaü Pànãya Påja Offering of Water 供水 Adhivàsetu no bhante Pànãyam pari kappitaü O Lord! The Blessed One, please accept this water, as an 慈悲的世尊, 愿您接受此水为供品. Anukampaü upàdàya Patiganhàtu muttamaü offering to you, out of great compassion on us. Panaka Påja Offering of Fruit Juice 供果汁 Adhivàsetu no bhante Panakam pari kappitaü O Lord! The Blessed One, may this fruit juice be kindly 慈悲的世尊, 愿您接受此果汁为供品. Anukampaü upàdàya Patiganhàtu muttamaü accepted by You, out of great compassion on us. Ahàra Påja Offering of Food 供食物 Adhivàsetu no bhante Bhojanam pari kappitaü O Lord! The Blessed One may this food be kindly accepted by 慈悲的世尊, 愿您接受此食物为供品. Anukampaü upàdàya Patiganhàtu muttamaü You, out of great compassion on us. SHARING OF MERITS May the merit gained In my acting thus Go to the alleviation of the suffering of all beings. My personality throughout my existences, my possessions 回向但愿此功德, 回向给所有众生, 愿他们离苦得乐. 我的生命, 我的所有, 我的过去, 现在, 未来的功德, 我愿意毫无私心的奉献出来, 为众生谋求福利. 3/6

Ettàvatà ca amhehi Sambhatam pu a sampadaü Sabbe devà anumodantu Sabba sampatti siddhiyà Ettàvatà ca amhehi Sambhatam pu a sampadaü Sabbe sattà anumodantu Sabba sampatti siddhiyà And my merit in all three ways, I give up without regards to myself, For the benefit of all beings. May all gods share in this merit which we have thus made, so that they may experience all kinds of happiness. May all creatures share in this merit which we have thus made, so that they may experience all kinds of happiness. 但愿此功德, 回向给所有天神, 愿他们能得到种种快乐. 但愿此功德, 回向给所有众生, 愿他们能得到种种快乐. (repeat this verse three times) Idam me àtinam hotu Sukhità hontu àtayo Let this merit accrue to our relatives and may they be happy 但愿此功德, 回向给我们的亲人, 愿他们能得到种种快乐. (repeat this verse three times) Kàyena vàcà cittena Pamàdena mayà kataü Accayaü khama me bhante Bhåri pa a Tathàgata RECTIFICATION OF FAULTS The evil which I have heaped up, Through my ignorance and foolishness, Evil in the world of everyday experience, As well as evil in understanding and intelligence, All that I acknowledge to the Buddha. May the Lord receive this kindly, Just as it is, with its many faults! What is not good, O Blessed One, I shall not do again. DEDICATION We dedicate this place to the Three Jewels: To the Buddha, the Ideal of Enlightenment to which we aspire; To the Dhamma, the Path of the Teaching which we follow; To the Sangha, the spiritual fellowship with one another which we enjoy. Here may no idle words be spoken; Here may no unquiet thought disturb our minds. To the observance of the Five Precepts We dedicate this place; To the practice of Meditation, We dedicate this place; To the development of wisdom, We dedicate this place; To the attainment of Enlightenment, We dedicate this place. 忏悔因为贪 嗔 痴所作的恶业, 每天平时所作的恶业, 和因误解与愚蠢所作的恶业, 我一一向佛忏悔. 希望佛陀能以慈悲接受我的过失. 我在佛前发誓不会重犯这些过错. 功德回向我们把此地奉献给三宝. 奉献给佛, 我们想往的圆觉理想. 奉献给法, 我们修行的教义正道. 奉献给僧, 我们享用的精神支柱. 但愿在此, 没有虚言. 但愿在此, 没有恼人的心念. 为了修持五戒, 我们奉献此地. 为了修持禅定, 我们奉献此地. 为了修持智慧, 我们奉献此地. 为了成就正觉, 我们奉献此地. 4/6

Sabbapàpassa akaranaü Kusalassa upasampada Sacitta pariyodapanaü Etam Buddhàna sàsanaü. ADVICE OF ALL THE BUDDHAS Not to do evil; To cultivate the good; To purify the mind; This is the Teaching of the Buddhas. 诸佛教诲诸恶莫作诸善奉行自净其意是诸佛教 Karanãyam attakusalena Yaÿ taÿ samtaÿ padaÿ abhisamecca Sakko ujå ca såjå ca Suvaco c assa mudå anatimànã Santussako ca subharo ca Appakicco ca sallahukavutti Santindriyo ca nipako ca Appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho Na ca khuddaÿ samàcare ki ci Yena vi å pare, upavadeyyuÿ Sukhino và khemino hontu Sabbe sattà bhanvantu sukhitattà Ye keci pàna bhåtatthi Tasà và thàvarà va anavasesà Dãghà và ye mahantà và Majjhimà rassakànuka thålà Ditthà và yevà aditthà Ye ca dåre vasanti avidåre Bhåtà và sambhavesã và Sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhitattà Na paro paraÿ nikubbetha natima etha katthacinaÿ ka ci Byàrosanà patighasa à ïa am- a assa dukkhamiccheyya Màtà yathà niyaÿ puttaÿ àyusà Ekaputtaÿ anurakkhe Evampi sabba bhåtesu Mànasaÿ bhàvaye aparimànaÿ Mettànca sabba lokasmiÿ Mànasaÿ bhàvaye aparimànaÿ Uddham adho ca tiriya ca Asambadhaÿ averaÿ asapattaÿ THE DISCOURSE ON LOVE Skilled in good, wishing to attain a state of calm, so should one behave: able, upright, perfectly upright, open-minded, gentle, free from pride. Contented, easily supportable; with few duties of light livelihood; controlled in senses, discreet, reserved, not greedily attached to family. One should not commit a slight wrong, that wise persons might censure; that there be happiness and security. May all beings be happy-minded. Whatever beings there are: Timid, strong, and all other, long or huge, average, short, or large; Seen or unseen, living near or far, born or coming to birth: May all beings be happy-minded. Let one not deceive another, nor despise anyone anywhere. Neither in anger or ill-will, Should one wish another harm. As a mother would risk her own life to protect her only child, so should one, to all living beings, cultivate a boundless heart. Let one s love pervade the whole world, without any obstructions, above, below and across, free from obstruction, enmity, hostility. 慈经善于行善并且希望得到安祥的人应该如此做人 : 能干 正直 非常正直 温顺 温和 谦虚 知足 容易被护 生活简单 有正当职业 有自制力 不轻率 含蓄 不贪恋眷属任何怎样微小的过错 被智者谴责的过错, 他都不会犯. 他会培养此心念 : 愿所有众生快乐与安祥! 愿所有众生心里充满快乐! 不论那一类的众生 : 衰弱或强壮的 长 胖或中等的 短 小或大的 看得到或看不到的生活在附近或远方的 已出生的或未出生的 : 当愿所有众生, 无有例外, 心里充满快乐! 愿无人欺骗他人或鄙视他人, 就算生气或怀恨, 也不希望他人受到伤害. 就如母亲毫不顾命的保护她唯一的孩子, 他应培养对所有众生持无量心. 让他的慈心透彻整世界 上方, 下方, 所有方向 无有障碍 仇恨 敌意. 5/6

Tittha caraÿ nisinno và Sayànovà yàvat assa vigatamiddho Etaÿ satiÿ adhiññheyya Brahmam etaÿ viharaÿ idha mahu Ditthi ca anupagamma sãlavà Dassanena sampanno Kàmesu vineyya gedhaÿ na hi jàtu Gabbhaseyyaÿ punareti ti Standing, walking, sitting, or lying down; whenever awake, one should develop mindfulness, as this is the highest abode. Not falling into error, virtuous, and endowed with insight; giving up attachment to sense-desires, one is not again subject to birth. 无论站着, 走着, 坐着或躺着, 只要是醒着, 他应保持正念, 因为这是最高的心念. 不堕落于邪见, 正直和充满智慧, 放弃執着于欲望, 此人必定不会再进入母胎受生. 6/6