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~ 11D9N ~ Turkey & Greek Islands (Turkey : Ankara - Cappadocia - Pamukkale - Kusadasi (Greece : Santorini Mykonos) - Istanbul) Tour Code: S11TGU-QR Highlights: Turkey - 3 UNESCO World Heritage* Ankara ~ Capital City of Turkey / Anit Kabir Cappadocia ~ Goreme Valley Open Air Museum*/ Gondola ride Pamukkale ~ View the impressive Cotton Castle * Kusadasi ~ Ancient City Of Ephesus / Meryam Ana Evi Istanbul ~ Unforgettable Bosphorus Cruise / Belly Dance Old Town ~ Hippodrome / Basilica of Hagia Sophia* / Sultanahmet / Topkapi Palace. Greece - Santorini ~ Panoramic view and fascinating beaches Mykonos ~ Walking tour Cities/ /Nights of Stay Turkey - Ankara (1N) Dedeman Hotel Cappadocia (2N) Goreme Kaya Hotel Pamukkale (1N) Colossae Hotel Kusadasi (1N) Surmeli Hotel Istanbul (1N) Barcelo Eresin Topkapi Greece MV Aegean Odyssey Cruise (3N) (Mykonos-Santorin) (5* accommodation and confirmation on similar standard) Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Doha Ankara, Turkey (Turkish dinner) Depart to Ankara, the capital city of Turkey the only country which embraces two continents, Asia and Europe. Hosgeldiniz to Turkey! Upon arrival, walking tour of Ankara Old Town to see the Ankara Castle, the utilization of the castle with the purposes of defence and settlement in Ankara which is the capital city of the civilization forms throughout the history has enabled the repair and the maintenance of the castle at each period and thereby to stand until today. Day 2 Ankara(310km) Cappadocia (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner) Entrance to Anit Kabir -the mausoleum of Ataturk - the greatestt leader in modern Turkey. Drive to Cappadocia The Land of Beautiful Horses. Hot Air Balloon - The only one experiencee trip on a hot air balloon drift over the unique rock formations valleys and vineyards. (Optional on own expenses) Day 3 Cappadocia (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner) Today we enjoy an adventure journey to most of the nteresting sights in Cappadocia. We enjoy a Jeep Safari tour with open-topp jeep vehicles for unobstructed views of the Love Valley, Pigeon Valley and Hunting Valley. We take you to the hard-to-find places and away from the crowds for spectacular views and the excitement of traveling off-road in the unique landscapes of Cappadocia. View the Uchisar Castle, whichh is dominated by its rock castle. Also visit the Pigeon Valley and see lots of Fairy Chimneys in Cappadocia along the way. It is a natural formation by winds and rain, to make it known to the world of tourist. Entrance to underground city of Kaymakli - built to accommodate some half a million people during the Roman occupation and is linked by underground tunnels to other cities. Next, you willl visit to carpet factory and learn the art of carpet weaving. Entrance to Goreme Valley Open Air museum and explore the moon-like landscape of this unique and ancient area with hundreds of chapels carved into the hillsides & the first religious colonies found here dated back to 373 AD. View the Pasabag Valley, contains some of the most striking fairy chimneys with twin and even triple rock caps. These fairy chimneys are named mushroom shaped fairy chimneys. Visit the local Jewelry shop and see the valuable mineral stones ~Turquoise. Day 4 Cappadocia (242km) Konya (456km) Pamukkale (Hotel breakfast/lunch with Turkish Pizza/Turkish dinner) Drive to Konya. Enjoy a typical Konya style Turkish lunch in an exotic setting of a restored ancient caravanserai - an ancient hotel with rooms for merchants and a large vaulted hall meant to kept animals in the olden days. We will make a stop and taste the local traditional yogurt with honey and poppies seeds. Visit the Mevlana Museum which is also known as the Green Mausoleum or Green Dome. It is the original tekke or lodge of the Mevlevi Whirling Dervishes, a mystical Sufi Muslim group. It contains the tomb and shrine of the 13th-century Mevlana or Rumi which remains a place of pilgrimage. Tonight soothe yourself in the thermal pool of the hotel. (Please bring along your swimwear and cap) Day 5 Pamukkale ( 190km) Kusadasi (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner)

Proceed to Pamukkale travertine (Cotton Castle), a magical and spectacular natural site, unique in the world and is well-known for its marvelous white lime cascades formed by hot mineral springs. Proceed for the coastal town of Kusadasi. Enroute, we will make a stop at Turkish Delight shop, you may sample the apple tea and purchase some Turkish dessert for your friends and family. Visit the Meryem Ana Evi (House of Virgin Mary) on Mt Koressos. Tradition has it that, John brought Virgin Mary here to spend her last days here. Day 6 Kusadasi (108km) Izmir Santorini (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch/cruise dinner) Entrance to Ephesus ~ one of the world s most outstanding archaeological sites and once a most important commercial center of the Western Anatolia. Marvel at the arcadia way, the splendid façade of the Library of Celsus and the conspicuous amphitheater, which is still in used for concerts. Visit the Turkish famous Leather factory and shopping outlet, you may enjoy a fashion show and purchase some high quality leather with reasonable price. Afternoon, we drive to the port of Izmir and board on MV Aegean Odyssey, depart from Izmir at 1900p.m. Port*(Breakfast, lunch and dinner on board) Arrival Depart Day 7 Santorini, Greece 09:30 17:00 Mykonos 21:00 05:00 Day 8 At the sea Enjoy from the facilities of the cruise Day 9 Arrival at Istanbul, Turkey on 0800a.m. (Cruise breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner with belly dance show) After breakfast, disembark form the Cruise and take the coach to Istanbul for visit to the Meryem Ana Evi (House of Virgin Mary) on Mt Koressos. Tradition has it that, John brought Virgin Mary here to spend her last days here. Visit the Basilica of Hagia Sofia, a UNESCO world heritage site and a great architectural beauty and an important monument both for Byzantine and for Ottoman Empires. It was an Eastern Orthodox Church at Byzantine period and converted to a mosque at Ottoman period after Fatih Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople. After 1935, it was converted into a museum. Hagia Sophia has always been the precious of its time. Visit the Hippodrome (Sultanahmet Square), center of ancient Byzantine civic life. It can hold up to 1000,000 spectators for a scene of chariot race in the olden days. Do not miss the Obelisk of Theodosius, bronze Serpentine Column and Column of the Constantine. Visit the Imperial Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque). It is also the masterwork of Ottoman architecture and the only mosque in the world with six minarets and famous for its magnificent paneling of blue & white Iznik tiles! Visit Grand Bazaar (closed on Sunday), one of oldest and largest indoor bazaar. With over 3000 shops here, you can find rich collection of precious hand made carpets, jewelry, leather, antiques, pottery and rugs souvenirs and etc. Tonight, enjoy the fascinating Belly Dance and Folklore dance performance. Day 10 Istanbul Doha Kuala Lumpur (Hotel breakfast) Entrance to Topkapi Palace (main entrance only), the former imperial resident of the great Ottoman Empire once ruled. Today, it served as a spectacular museum that has collections of the Chinese porcelain and imperial treasury included the world s biggest emeralds and diamonds! Enjoy an unforgettable cruise along Bosphorus Strait that separates Europe and Asia and connecting the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea and view the dramatic sights lining the shores: mosque, villages, palaces, grand wooden mansion, imposing fortresses and etc. (apple tea will be served) Free at leisure until departure transfer to airport for your flight home. Day 11 Arrived Kuala Lumpur Selamat Pulang ke Malaysia! If travel by Emirates Airlines, will be 11 Days 9 Nights Turkey & Greek Island The order of the itinerary will be as follow: Tour Code: S11TGU-EK Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Dubai Istanbul, Turkey (Turkish dinner) Day 2 Istanbul (453km) Ankara (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner) Day 3 Ankara (310km) Cappadocia (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner) Day 4 Cappadocia (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner) Day 5 Cappadocia (242km) Konya (456km) Pamukkale (Hotel breakfast/lunch with Turkish Pizza/Turkish dinner) Day 6 Pamukkale (190km) Kusadasi (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch & dinner) Day 7 Kusadasi (108km) Izmir Santorini, Greece (Hotel breakfast/turkish lunch/cruise dinner)

Day 8 Santorini (2hrs 40mins) Mykonos (Cruise breakfast, lunch & dinner) Day 9 Mykonos / Istanbul, Turkey (Cruise breakfast & lunch/turkish dinner with belly dance show) Day 10 Istanbul Dubai Kuala Lumpur (Hotel breakfast) Day 11 Arrived Kuala Lumpur Disclaimer: We reserve the right to alter the sequence or change, amend or alter the itinerary if necessary, with or without prior notice. The group departure is subject to a minimum group size of 15 paying adults. All flights and hotels are provisional and will be subject to our final confirmation. *Valid from April 2012 till October 2012* Preferred Agents:

11 天 9 晚土耳其及希腊海岛之旅 ( 土耳其 : 安卡拉 / 派姆卡里 / 库沙达斯 / 卡派多西雅 / 伊斯坦堡 // 希腊 : 圣托里尼 / 麦克诺斯岛 ) 团号 : S11TGU-QR 第一天吉隆坡 多哈 安卡拉 ( 晚餐 ) 齐集于吉隆坡国际机场, 乘搭豪华客机飞往安卡拉, 经多哈 抵达后, 步行游览安卡拉古城, 观赏安卡拉城堡, 由格拉特亚人开始建筑的防御城堡, 最后由罗马人完成 接着, 送往酒店休息及享用晚餐 第二天安卡拉 (310 公里 ) 卡派多西雅 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 早餐后, 前往参观阿塔图尔克陵墓, 它是为了纪念土耳其的国父阿塔图尔克, 而在安卡拉市内的高地上所建的陵墓 续程前往良马的国度 - 卡派多西雅 抵达后, 您可乘坐独一无二的热气球飘游在独特的山谷岩石上 ( 自费项目 ) 第三天卡派多西雅 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今早體驗乘坐敞篷吉普, 游览野生动物园, 欣赏壮观的景色 观览乌其沙城堡, 爱情谷和鸽子谷, 接着越野行驶在卡帕多西亚的独特景观 然后到凯马基尔的地下城 是拜占廷帝国早期和后来的阿拉伯人入侵时期, 遭受迫害的基督教徒的栖所 下一个景点是歌利美露天博物馆, 这里汇集了多个是库教堂, 是由当年为了躲避政治迫害而迁至卡派多西雅的基督教徒所建造 帕夏贝谷一望无际的香菇石是这里的特色, 每个石岩看起来都像戴着尖帽的仙人, 传说这里曾经住过精灵 最后参观当地的珠宝店 第四天卡派多西雅 (242 公里 ) 康雅 (456 公里 ) 派姆卡里 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 驱车前往康雅, 参观美拉那博物馆, 博物馆的前身是清真寺, 是属回教密教的美巴黎巴教派的圣地 今天将有机会品尝传统的罂粟子蜜糖酸奶! 中午时分, 将到拥有异国情调的古客栈享用康雅道地式传统料理 当时的客栈是用于款待商旅, 拱形的大厅就是置放骆驼及马匹的地方 饱餐后, 继续开往派姆卡里 第五天派姆卡里 (190 公里 ) 库沙达斯 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 今早, 前往世界珍奇的帕木克堡, 亦称为棉花城, 呈白色的梯形阶地状, 地上有许多含石灰质的温泉, 一直享有能治病的美誉 接着参观土耳其著名的皮革工厂, 不仅可欣赏服装秀, 也可购买到高品质低价格的皮革 拜访圣母玛利亚之家, 史载年迈的玛利亚在圣徒约翰的陪同下来到埃菲索斯, 并在此隐居度过了晚年 随后, 前往库沙达斯 第六天库沙达斯 (108 公里 ) 伊兹密尔圣托里尼, 希腊 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 随往参观一弗所古城 : 古罗马时期的商业及宗教镇 ; 赛尔色斯图书馆, 奥迪安及剧院, 及参观土耳其著名的皮革工厂, 不仅可欣赏服装秀, 也可购买到高品质低价格的皮革 隨后, 驱车到伊兹密尔港口乘搭爱琴海奥德赛渡轮出发到美丽的圣托里尼岛 ~ 是在希腊大陆东南 200 公里的爱琴海上由一群火山组成的岛环 圣托里尼岛环上最大的一个岛也叫圣托里尼岛, 别名锡拉岛 圣托里尼岛位于基克拉泽斯群岛的最南端, 面积约 73 平方公里, 人口约一万四千余人, 多为希腊人 ( 乘船时间是晚上七点 ) 码头 *( 早 / 午 / 晚餐在船上享用 ) 抵达 起程 第七天 圣托里尼 09:30 17:00

麦克诺斯岛 21:00 05:00 第八天沿海上享受邮轮设施 第九天早上八点抵达伊斯坦堡码头, 土耳其 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 享用早餐后, 登岸前往伊斯坦堡 抵达后, 游览圣索菲尔教堂, 它见证了数个帝国兴盛衰亡, 最终失去了其宗教意义, 于 1935 年改为圣索菲亚纪念博物馆 之后游览蓝色清真寺是苏丹亚麦一世在 1609 至 1619 年间建成 寺内有六根圆柱包围, 内有一个大花园 铺满了蓝色的伊兹尼克条纹图案瓷砖 在蓝色清真寺前, 建有古老竞枝场, 是古罗马战车竞赛的规格地点 在该广场有 3 个纪念碑 : 塞奥道西斯的 -- 奥拜里斯克方尖碑, 青铜制的蛇柱及君士坦丁奥拜里斯克方尖碑 继往香料市場 ( 如时间许可 / 星期日休息 ), 樟香, 芡蒿, 藏紅花, 薄荷, 麝香等香料的誘人之味彌漫在四周, 是土耳其最大批发市场, 集有三千多个挡位, 可在此享受购物乐趣 今晚将观赏热情的土耳其肚皮舞 第十天伊斯坦堡 多哈 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 ) 早餐后, 前往陀卡比王宫, 土耳文 TOP 和 KAPI 的意思分别为 炮台 和 门, 是昔日举行国家仪式及皇室娱乐的场所 现已改为博物馆, 馆里珍藏了了大量的瓷器和皇家宝物 继乘船游览博斯普鲁斯海峡 - 是蜿蜓穿梭在亚洲和欧洲之间著名的海峡 之后乘搭国际航班飞返家园 第十一天抵达吉隆坡 如乘搭阿联酋航空 (EK), 行程将根据以下团号 : S11TGU-EK 第一天吉隆坡 迪拜 伊斯坦堡 ( 晚餐 ) 第二天伊斯坦堡 (453 公里 ) 安卡拉 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第三天安卡拉 (310 公里 ) 卡派多西雅 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第四天卡派多西雅 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第五天卡派多西雅 (242 公里 ) 康雅 (456 公里 ) 派姆卡里 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第六天派姆卡里 (190 公里 ) 库沙达斯 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第七天库沙达斯 (108 公里 ) / 伊兹密尔圣托里尼, 希腊 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第八天圣托里尼 (2 小时 40 分 ) 麦克诺斯岛 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第九天麦克诺斯岛 / 伊斯坦堡, 土耳其 ( 早 / 午 / 晚餐 ) 第十天伊斯坦堡 迪拜 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 ) 第十一天抵达吉隆坡

* 正确行程以英文为准 * * 最后确认的行程以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排 * ** 有效期从 2012 年 4 月至 2012 年 10 月 ** 代订旅行社 :