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Mamma Mia! 妈妈咪呀! 1

Mamma Mia! 妈妈咪呀! Mamma Mia!: From Stage to Silver Screen 妈妈咪呀!: 从舞台走向银幕 Read the text below and do the activity that follows. 阅读下面的短文, 然后完成练习 The ever so-beloved West End musical Mamma Mia! has finally been taken from the stage to the silver screen. The international premiere of the film was held at the Odeon Leicester Square in central London, 30 June 2008. The film is a musical based on the legendary Swedish pop band ABBA s songs and it is the film adaptation of the musical of the same name. Mamma Mia! uses the music of ABBA to tell the story of Sophie Sheridan, a 21- year-old American bride-to-be trying to find out the identity of her real father so that he can give her away at the wedding. Since the premiere of the musical in London in 1999, over 30 million people have seen Mamma Mia! around the world and the theatre production has grossed $2bn (15b yuan) in earnings. Although the title of the musical is taken from ABBA s 1975 chart-topper Mamma Mia, neither the musical s nor the film s plot has anything to do with the story of the group itself. The band ABBA was the winner of the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest and following that success, their songs topped the charts worldwide until the early 1980s. The name ABBA is an acronym formed from the first letters of the group member s first names. After a week of exclusive showing in the Leicester Square Odeon, one of London s most famous cinemas, the film will be on in all cinemas across the country from 10 July. Some people say maybe it is the mature A-list cast that makes the film work so well. Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard star as the three potential dads with the Oscar winner Meryl Streep starring as the mum of the bride-to-be. A film critic said the film is truly wonderful. It is sharp, hilarious and very beautifully shot. If you are a fan of ABBA, a fan of the musical, or simply just a fan of Pierce Brosnan, then the film Mamma Mia!is a must. 2

Glossary 词汇表 beloved 心爱的, 受人喜爱的 stage 舞台 legendary 传奇的 bride-to-be 准新娘 give her away ( 婚礼中通常由父亲 ) 把新娘交给新郎 chart-topper ( 音乐 ) 榜首 Eurovision Song Contest 欧洲歌唱大赛 exclusive showing 独家放映 potential 可能的 hilarious 十分有趣的 musical 音乐剧 silver screen 银幕 adaptation 改编 identity 身份 grossed 总共赚得 plot 情节 acronym 缩写字 A-list cast 由重量级演员组成的演出班子 critic 评论家 shot 拍摄 1. Reading Quiz 阅读测验 Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer. 以下句子哪句是真? 哪句是假? 请圈出正确答案 1. Mamma Mia! is the name for both the musical and the film. True / False 2. The film Mamma Mia! is a tragedy based on ABBA s music. True / False 3. Mamma Mia! is a story about a bride-to-be trying to identify her real mother. True / False 4. The title Mamma Mia is originally the name of an ABBA song. True / False 5. ABBA was this year s winner of the Eurovision Song Contest. True / False 3

2. Verbs, Adjectives and Nouns 1 动词, 形容词和名词 1 Fill in the table below putting the verbs, adjectives and nouns in the right column. The first ones have been done for you. 在下表中填入正确的动词, 形容词和名词 参照第一个示范 Verbs Nouns Adjectives beloved to give somebody away to shoot musical hilarious to gross bride-to-be chart-topper potential 4

3. Verbs, Adjectives and Nouns 2 动词, 形容词和名词 2 Complete the sentences below with the right forms of the verbs, nouns and adjectives from above. 请用以上动词, 名词或形容词的正确形式完成下列句子中 1. Mamma Mia! is the name for both the and the film. 2. The song Mamma Mia by ABBA was a in 1975. 3. The film is about a trying to identify her real father so that he can. 4. The theatre production of Mamma Mia! has $2b (15b yuan) in earnings. 5. The film Mamma Mia! is on a Greek Island. 6. Pierce Brosnan stars as one of the three fathers in the film. 5

4. Wordsearch 单词搜索 Try to find the words associated with Mamma Mia! in the puzzle below. There are ten words to find. Words can be written horizontally (g), vertically (i) or diagonally (m) 请在下面的字谜游戏中, 找出与有关妈妈咪呀的英语单词 共有 10 个单词, 其组成方式可能以水平的 (g) 垂直的 (i) 或对角的 (m) 形式出现 a d a p t a t i o n j c c g j l a e h d e v s a r g h o w x f e l i x s o p o t s d d n j u i t n r t y u i s t a g e y z x c v b n i y t g b m q e r c r i t i c e e a s d f g h j y v t o l q w e r t y u i c e n o l e g e n d a r y x l v t y j t y u o p x w k e p o t e n t i a l q j d beloved identity cast plot stage critic adaptation acronym legendary potential 6

Answers 答案 1. Reading Quiz 阅读测验 Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer. 以下句子哪句是真? 哪句是假? 请圈出正确答案 2. Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives 1 动词, 形容词和名词 1 在下表中填入正确的动词, 形容词和名词 参照第一个示范 Verbs Nouns Adjectives 1. Mamma Mia! is the name for both the musical and the film. True 2. The film Mamma Mia! is a tragedy based on ABBA s music. False to give somebody away to shoot musical bride to be chart-topper beloved hilarious potential 3. Mamma Mia! is a story about a bride-to-be trying to identify her real mother. False to gross 4. The title Mamma Mia is originally the name of an ABBA s song. True 5. ABBA was this year s winner of the Eurovision song contest. False 3. Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives 2 动词, 形容词和名词 2 Complete the sentences below with the right forms of the verbs, nouns and adjectives from above. 请用以上动词, 名词或形容词的正确形式完成下列句子中 1. Mamma Mia! is the name for both the musical and the film. 2. The song Mamma Mia by ABBA was a chart -topper in 1975. 3. The film is about a bride-to-be trying to identify her real father so that he can give her away. 4. The theatre production of Mamma Mia! has grossed $2b (15b yuan) in earnings. 5. The film Mamma Mia! is shot on a Greek Island. 4. Wordsearch 单词搜索 a d a p t a t i o n c c l d a r o e s o t n t n s t a g e y i b m c r i t i c e y l o l e g e n d a r y v e p o t e n t i a l d 6. Pierce Brosnan stars as one of the three potential fathers in the film. 7