Seminar Excellent Front-line Production Manager Best Practices Section 1. Management foundation and mentality management (2 hours) Course lead in Enli

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Excellent Front-line Production Manager Best Practices The growth path of front-line production manager from qualified to good, from good to excellent. Shanghai, China 24th 25th April 2014 The Consultant: Bin Li He had been senior production executives, production centre part-time trainer, core team member of TPM activities and internal trainer in a wellknown multinational company. In early 2000, changed from production management to specialize in providing education and training to production operations related staff, the main job was to provide training to nationwide sub-companies, the core suppliers and other related enterprises; after that he worked as part-time trainer, training consultant in School of Management of a domestic enterprise. From July 2002, he worked as a professional trainer, cooperated with a number of management consultant companies engaged in management training nationwide, including internal training and public courses. As a project manager and core members, he worked with other project team members co-counselling enterprises including machinery, beer industries, etc., in which the TPM activities for a well-known enterprises in Tianjin achieved remarkable results: the downtime rate of the demonstration equipments reduced and stabilized at 1/20 of the original level, with an average increase of nearly 12% in production capacity and average savings of more than 1 million per month. Other production lines efficiency had also been improved, the demonstrated production line s OEE increased by nearly 15%. Mr. Li advocate training concept of "happy to learn and enjoy work", pursue of practical learning concepts of "learner-centred, easily understood, can remember, usable". Since engaged in professional training, more than 13,000 students attended his public courses, some typical clients include Bohai Shipyard of PetroChina, Dalian ITT Flygt Pump, ABB Shanghai, LG Chemical, LG Tongchuang, SGNEC, Tianjin Denso air-conditioning, Hisense mobile phone, Uni-President Enterprises Corp., SMC (China), Lenovo Computer, Gates Unitta, Chery Auto, Samsung, Siemens, Pepsi-Cola China, SONY Chemical, Timken, Sun Machinery, Liufeng Machinery, Sumitomo Electric, Flextronics, Suzhou Metrologic, Huiyuan Juice, Red Bull drinks, Qingdao Beer, 999 medicine, Lanbao pharmaceuticals, Shanghai Yongda elevator, Japanese state printing, Panasonic Communications, Daewoo Heavy Industries, Huaqiang Sanyo Dalian, Shenyang Astron chemical, Howden Weihai, etc.; Up to now has completed more than 230 in-house trainings for companies such as: Sany Heavy Industry, Shanghai Maglev, Dongfeng Honda Engine (Guangzhou), Dongfeng Honda Automobile Parts (Huiyang), Yutong Bus (Luoyang plant), Shandong aluminum plant of CHINALCO, Shanxi Aluminum Plant, anjiangkou aluminum of Hanjiang Group, Tradex Converting Co., Ltd., Wuxi Lihu Impeller, Asiatrak Tianjin, Qinhuangdao Dicastal Wheel, Yantai Timken, Yuasa Battery (YUASA), Punch Industry (Dalian), Philips Lighting, Makita China (Kunshan), Tianwei Baobian Group (Baoding), Tianjin Tianhai synchronizer, Suzhou Grande Electronics, hina-arab fertilizer, Weishen pharmaceuticals of CSPC, Zhongnuo pharmaceutical, Taishan beer, Swire Coca-Cola, Perfect China, Nanjing Phoenix Contact, Guangzhou Pusheng Speakers, Guangdong Jinsha Paints, Sate-Lite Foshan) Plastics, ECCO (Xiamen), Quanzhou Xinhuanghe Clothing etc. Who Should Attend? The Front-line Production Manager refers to all types of frontline production manager under department managers and plant directors. Seminar Introduction: 1. This seminar will focus on "several essential management skills of good front-line production manager", especially the new manager or "old manager" transformed from technology to management; this seminar can provide them with complete system training to improve management capabilities and effective implementation. It will then help trainees learn how to transform from "technical operations based experts" to "coach-based experts" and how to lead the team to upgrade their "soft skills" to be a great front-line manager. 2. Advocate "learner-centered, happily enjoy training learning concept", emphasize the students' participation and interactivity, easily understood, can remember, usable in the work. In-House Training Solutions If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email to discuss further possibilities. Martin Linking professional seminar

Seminar Excellent Front-line Production Manager Best Practices Section 1. Management foundation and mentality management (2 hours) Course lead in Enlightenment from a case 1. Role recognition and function What is management and managers Five basic questions of daily management Front-line production manager: What to manage? What to arrange? Simple and effective management logic Role play of front-line production manager in work Our function Achieve performance targets, coach subordinates, manage working team, manage problems and assist immediate boss Product of manager is the behavior of employees Improve your performance through the efforts of the team 2. Mentality management and career development He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching chapter 33 Case enlightenment: View self mentality management from successful folks Case enlightenment: from good to excellent No bad people, only bad attitude Any external restrictions is first from the inner self limit Learn mentality conversion, cultivate sunny psychology Analysis on "work for whom" - establish career conception Career development - GE case enlightenment Plan self career ability improvement plan Movie video material - looking for tips Section 2. Shift team building and staff management (6 hours) Course lead in Learning by Doing Experiential learning cycle: experience - reflection - improvements - practice To know and not to do is not yet to know Experience activities - guess who (2 rounds) Task: using team analysis and problem solving Objective: reproduce the actual work situation, experience and reflection on the role of division of labor, cooperation, communication, conflict, leadership in the team to solve the problem Group discussion, sharing and action to improve Extension: work coordination and communication across departments Taking down walls in the departments The three key points of internal customers view Case analysis Several steps of work coordination Role Play - situational exercises 1. Excellent team - Learn from wild goose Management objectives of shift team: efficiency, quality, cost, delivery, safety, morale and team culture How to form "order and regulation" of team management How to encourage the staff to participate in the management How to tap the wisdom of staff and train to improve capacity of staff Analysis: Effective communication skills in daily management - video material study Barriers of effective communication Praise and criticism skills - video learning Model function of team leader - video material learning Observe order and rules of shift team - discipline execution Application of target management in a team Discuss: discusses how to improve daily shift team management combined with company s actual situation? Case study: The role of "Class, school, home" mode in grass-roots team construction Team building and innovation mechanism Dynamic management mechanism The rotating management mechanism Share management mechanism Honor management mechanism Chain management mechanism Case - management tips of a first-line supervisor 2. FLY mode of staff management and staff management of post-85s/90s Thoughts caused by post-85s/90s phenomenon Know and understand the characteristics and behaviors of post-85s/90s Managers - change others or change myself? Four basic management ways to treat post-85s/90s staff management - Focus\Lift\Yahoo mode Make me happy, lift me and focus on me Four steps management practice Discussion: why employees stay in a company and work hard? Understand the psychological contract of employees About Martin Linking Martin Linking Business Consulting plans to produce more than 80 trainings and conferences and works with senior executives from the majority of the world's top 1000 companies to improve their business strategy and match their learning and training needs in one year. And we continue to grow. We also invite the leading business practitioners, industry decision makers and innovators to share insights, best business practice, and new technology at our forums. We are dedicated to give attendees cutting edge information they can use immediately. We constantly research and listen to all industry Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the seminar should circumstances require. Martin Linking

Seminar Excellent Front-line Production Manager Best Practices 3. Communication based on trust and empathy Self communication and management communication Learn the effective and ineffective communication Game - effective communication exercise Three basic elements: correct expression, effective listening, correct feedback Basic ways of communication in team management Communication skills with subordinate - face-to-face communication Communication skills with colleagues - level thinking skills Find golden key of effective communication - empathy Praise skill in communication three steps to praise BEST model of criticism POP model of report Situational exercise Case: video material study Section 3. Assist boss, be high efficient executive supervisor (3 hours) 1. Leading question, why need to assist boss Boss is your special customers Enterprise management process and architecture - break goal from the top, assure the performance upward Let boss "need" you, learn to become a valuable assistant of the boss 2. Work attitude of outstanding subordinate Make things best once Learnt to make the results, not the problem - efficient execution "Problems" end here Section 4. Work methods and creative improvement (2 hours) Experience: The improvement of a glass of water 1. PDCA management cycle to creative working improvement PDCA game - number passing on and the enlightenment Discussion: how to use PDCA to improve work? Case show: PDCA and work improvement 2. Use "Accomplish daily matter strictly" to promote team s work Key points of before the work, during the work and after the work How to understand "Accomplish daily matter strictly" Not only achieve "Accomplish daily matter strictly" by yourself, but also require your team member to achieve it Case: Haier s "Accomplish daily matter strictly" management Discussion:How to do practice "Accomplish daily matter strictly" in our team 1 tip - a quarter of an hour daily Two thinking dimension - two dimensional quartering method for the allocation of time 3 steps to improve the situation and improve efficiency level 3. Use other methods 5 - WHY method Brainstorming method E.C.R.S. principle Poka-yoke and error correction method Case show Course summary and question answering Don't easily take the working time of the boss Know to help your boss for the burden Willingness to analyze problems, thinking and try to solve the problem Case study 3. Promote personal executive ability, cultivate the habit of high efficient execution Case: what I think from an iceberg? Two basic ways of thinking of executive type supervisor Some practical ways to improve personal executive ability Video learning and discussion IBM case Workshop Schedule - Day One & Two 0830 Registration and coffee 0900 Workshop commences 1045 Morning refreshments 1115 Workshop re-commences 1200 Luncheon 1300 Workshop commences 1500 Afternoon refreshments 1530 Workshop re-commences 1730 Workshop concludes Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the seminar should circumstances require. Martin Linking

卓越基层生产主管最佳实践生产基层主管从合格到优秀 从优秀到卓越的成长之路 上海, 中国 2014 年 4 月 24 日至 25 日 咨询师 : 李斌 曾经担任著名跨国企业高级生产主管, 生产中心兼职培训师, TPM 活动小组核心成员, 内部培训师 2000 年初, 从生产管理转向专门对生产运作相关员工进行教育训练, 主要工作是在全国范围内相关兄弟公司 核心供应商及其他关联企业实施培训 ; 后在国内企业管理学院担任兼职培训师 培训顾问 2002 年 7 月始作为职业培训师, 与多家管理顾问公司合作, 全国范围内从事管理培训工作, 包括内部培训和公开课培训 作为项目经理和核心成员, 与项目组成员共同辅导的企业包括机械 啤酒等, 其中天津某著名企业的 TPM 活动, 取得显著效果 : 示范设备故障停机率降低并稳定在原来的 1/20, 平均产能提升接近 12%, 月平均节约 100 多万元, 其他生产线效率也得到改善, 示范生产线的 OEE 水平提高近 15% 李老师倡导 快乐学习 享受工作 的培训理念, 追求 以学员为中心 听得懂 记得住 用得上 的实用学习理念 从事职业培训工作以来, 公开课学员累计已超过 13000 人, 部分代表性客户如中石油渤海修船厂 大连 ITT 飞力泵业 上海 ABB LG 化学 LG 同创 北京首钢日电 天津电装空调 海信手机 统一工业 SMC ( 中国 ) 联想电脑 盖茨优霓塔 奇瑞汽车 三星电子 西门子 百事可乐中国 索尼凯美高 铁姆肯 太阳机械 六丰机械 住友电工 伟创力电子 苏州码捷 汇源果汁 红牛饮料 青岛啤酒 三九药业 蓝宝制药 上海永大电梯 日邦印刷 松下通信 大宇重工 大连华强三洋 沈阳阿斯创化工 威海豪顿华工程等 ; 截止目前入厂内部培训企业已完成 230 多家, 服务的部分代表性客户如 : 三一重工 上海磁悬浮 东风本田发动机 ( 广州 ) 东风本田汽车零部件 ( 惠阳 ) 宇通客车 ( 洛阳工厂 ) 中国铝业集团山东铝厂 山西铝厂 汉江集团丹江口铝业 特瑞胶黏配件有限公司 无锡蠡湖叶轮制造 亚实履带天津公司 秦皇岛戴卡轮毂 烟台铁姆肯 汤浅蓄电池 ( YUASA ) 大连盘起工业 飞利浦照明 牧田中国 ( 昆山 ) 天威保变集团 ( 保定 ) 天津天海同步器 苏州群鑫电子 中国 - 阿拉伯化肥 石药集团维生制药 中诺制药 泰山啤酒 太古可口可乐 完美中国 南京菲尼克斯电气 广州普笙音箱 广东鲸鲨制漆 顺德赛特莱特塑胶制品 厦门 ECCO( 丹麦 ) 鞋业 泉州新黄河服装等 研讨会参加对象 : 本大纲所提 生产基层主管 泛指部门经理 车间主任以下的所有类型基层生产环节主管 研讨会提示 : 1 本研讨会围绕 优秀基层主管必备的几项管理技能技巧, 特别是新任主管或从技术转型管理的 老主管, 本研讨会可以为他们提供完整 系统的基于管理能力提升与有效执行的训练 从而帮助学员学习如何从 技术操作型能手 转变为 基层教练型能手, 如何提升自己带领团队的 软技能 做一名优秀的基层主管 2 倡导 以学员为中心快乐享受培训的成人学习理念, 强调学员的参与性和互动性, 研讨会中听得懂 研讨会后记得住, 工作中才有可能用得上 内训方案 : 如果公司有很多人有类似的培训需要, 那么您不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案 培训将在贵公司现场举行 并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行 请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能 : 电话 :+86 28 8532 7678 电邮 马汀令可专业研讨会

研讨会 卓越基层生产主管最佳实践 第一部分 管理基础与心态管理 (2 小时 ) 课程导入 - 案例启示 1 角色认知与作用 什么是管理与管理者 日常管理的 5 个基本问题 生产基层主管 : 管什么? 理什么? 简单有效的管理逻辑 生产基层主管在工作中的角色扮演 我们的作用 达成绩效目标 教练下属成长 管理工作团队 问题管理 辅佐顶头上司 管理者的产品是员工的行为表现 通过团队的努力提升你的绩效 2 心态管理与职业化成长 胜人者有力, 自胜者强 --- 老子 道德经 第 33 章 案例启示 : 从成功人士看自我心态管理 案例启示 : 从优秀到卓越 没有不好的人, 只有不好的心态 任何外部限制都首先来自内心自我限制 学会心态转换, 培养阳光心态 关于 为谁工作 的分析 - 树立职业观 职业成长 --GE 案例的启示 规划自我职业能力提升计划 电影视频材料 寻找秘诀第二部分 班组建设与人员管理 (6 小时 ) 导入 : 体验式学习 Learning by Doing 体验学习循环 : 体验 - 反思 - 改进 - 实践 知而不行, 不可谓真知 体验活动 - 猜猜是谁 ( 二轮 ) 任务 : 利用团队分析和解决问题 目的 : 重现实际工作情形, 体验和反思分工 合作 沟通 冲突 领导等在团队解决问题中的作用 小组讨论 分享发表与行动改善引申 : 工作协调与跨部门沟通 推倒部门墙 内部客户观的三要点 案例分析 工作协调的几个步骤 Role Play-- 情境演练 1 优秀的班组 大雁的启示 班组管理的目标 : 效率 质量 成本 交期 安全 士气及班组文化 如何形成班组管理的 秩序与规则 如何发动员工参与管理 如何挖掘员工的智慧培养员工提升能力解析 : 日常管理中有效沟通技巧 --- 视频材料学习 有效沟通的障碍 表扬与批评的运用技巧 视频学习 班组长的示范作用 视频材料学习 遵守班组秩序与规则 纪律执行力 目标管理在班组中的应用讨论 : 结合公司实际探讨如何改善日常班组管理? 案例学习 : 班 - 校 - 家 模式在基层团队建设中的作用 班组建设与创新机制 活力管理机制 轮值管理机制 分享管理机制 荣誉管理机制 链锁管理机制案例 一名一线主管的管理秘诀 2 员工管理 FLY 模式与 85/90 后员工管理 85/90 现象引发的思考? 了解并理解 8590 后的特点与行为方式 管理者 -- 改变别人还是改变自己? 对待 8590 后的四种基本管理方式 关怀式沟通, 沟通式管理 员工管理 -FLY 飞翔模型 (Focus\Lift\Yahoo) 快乐我 提升我 关注我 四步曲管理实践 讨论 : 员工为什么愿意留在一家公司且努力做事? 了解员工的心理契约 关于马汀令可 马汀令可商务咨询计划每年组织超过 80 场的培训和会议, 与全球 1000 强公司的高层经理一起提高他们的商务战略, 满足他们的学习和培训需求 并且我们在不断成长 我们邀请领先企业的管理者, 决策者和创新者在我们的活动中分享他们的思想观念, 最佳商业实践和新技术 我们致力于为我们的客户提供即刻可用的前沿信息 我们不断地研究和聆听所有行业的声音来保证我们提供商业信息的及时性和前沿性 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 马汀令可

研讨会 卓越基层生产主管最佳实践 3 基于信任与同理心的管理沟通 自我沟通与管理沟通 认识沟通的有效与无效 游戏 有效沟通演练 三个基本要素 : 正确的表达 有效的倾听 正确的反馈 班组管理中沟通的基本方式 与下属沟通的技巧 --- 面对面沟通 与同事的沟通 --- 水平思考技巧 找到有效沟通的金钥匙 同理心 沟通中表扬的技巧 表扬三步曲 批评的 BEST 模型 向上汇报的 POP 模型 情景演练 Role Play 案例 : 电影视频资料学习第三部分辅助上司, 高效执行 (3 小时 ) 1 引题 为什么要辅佐上司 上司是你的特殊顾客 企业管理的流程与架构 目标从上分解, 绩效向上保证 让上司 需要 你 -- 学会成为上司的左膀右臂 2 优秀下属的工作心态 把事情一次做到最好 学会制造结果而不是制造问题 高效执行 问题 到我这里结束 不轻易占用上司的工作时间 懂得为上司分忧解难 自动自发地分析问题 思考问题和尝试解决问题 案例学习 3 提升执行技巧, 培养高效执行的习惯 案例 : 我从冰山想到的? 执行型主管的 2 种基本思维方式 提升个人执行力的几个可操作的实务方法 黄金十招 电影视频资料学习与讨论 IBM 案例 第四部分工作方法与创意改善 (2 小时 ) 体验 : 一杯水的改善 1 PDCA 管理循环与创意工作改善 PDCA 游戏 数字传递及其启示 讨论 : 实践中如何活用 PDCA 改善工作? 案例展示 :PDCA 与工作改善 2 利用 日清日高 推动班组工作 班前 班中 班后工作要点 如何理解 日清日高 工作法 不仅自己做到日清日高, 要求班组成员做到日清日高 案例 : 海尔的日清管理 讨论 : 我们的班组如何实践日清管理 1 条锦囊妙计 每日一刻钟 2 个思考维度 二维四分法寻找时间的分配 3 步改善现状提升效率水平 3 其他方法活用 5-WHY 法 头脑风暴法 (BrainStorm) 活用 活用 E.C.R.S. 原则 防错 防呆与纠错法 案例展示研讨会总结与问题回答 研讨会时间表 ----- 第一天和第二天 0830 签到及早茶 0900 研讨会开始 1045 上午休息 1115 研讨会继续 1200 午餐 1300 研讨会开始 1500 下午休息 1530 研讨会继续 1730 研讨会总结 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 马汀令可

Excellent Front-line Production Manager Best Practices SH20140424-2-Sales Contract-Please Complete in Capital Letters and Black Ink Sales Contract Please complete this form immediately and fax back to Whitney Shen Fax No: +86 28 8532 6768 Fee Per Delegate Two Days Seminar Fee RMB 5995 per person All the registered delegates are entitled for a set of documentation free of charge. Register Now Contact: Whitney Shen Tel: +86 28 8532 7678 Fax:+86 28 8532 6768 Email: Business Opportunities An exhibition space is available at the conference. Sponsorship opportunities covering lunch, evening receptions and advertising in documentation packs are also available. Please contact Ms. Whitney Shen at +86 28 8532 7678. Payment Method DOCUMENTATION RMB 500 If you are unable to attend the seminar but wish to receive copies of the seminar documentation, please complete the sales contract, tick this box and return the contract with payment details. Our payment terms are 5 working days on receipt of invoice and full payments can be made by bank transfer. Full Payment is required within 5 working days 4402928009022523952 Authorization (Signatory must be authorized to sign on behalf of contracting organization.) This booking is invalid without a signature. Terms & Conditions: 1. Fees are inclusive of program materials and refreshments. 2. Payment Terms - Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment is required within five (5) working days upon the issuance of invoice. Payment must be received prior to the conference/ training date. A receipt will be issued on payment. Due to limited conference/training seats, we advise early registration to avoid disappointment. We reserve the right to refuse admission if payment is not received on time. 3. Client s Cancellation/substitution - Provided the total fee has been paid, client s cancellation must be received in writing by MAIL or FAX four (4) weeks prior to the event in order to obtain an 85% credit to attend for any future Martin Linking Events. Under such circumstances, Martin Linking will retain the other 15% service fee to cover expenses for prior cost that has already been incurred upon the acceptance of registration.all bookings carry a 50% cancellation liability immediately after a signed sales contract has been received by Martin Linking. 4. If, for any unexpected circumstances or reasons that Martin Linking decides to postpone this event, the client hereby indemnifies and holds Martin Linking harmless from any cost incurred in by the client. The event fee will not be refunded, but can be credited to future Martin Linking s events. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the content without notice. 5. Copyright etc. - All Intellectual Property rights in all materials produced or distributed BY Martin Linking in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication,publication or distribution is strictly prohibited. 6. Important note: In the event that Martin Linking permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, (Including, but not limited to any force majeure occurrence) and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date nor is merged with another event, the client shall receive a refund for the amount that the Client has paid to such permanently cancelled event. Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited