02 Senior Pastor s Message To Die is GAIN By Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam A normal person thinks death is a loss. It is not a gain. But God through

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Associate Pastor s Message 017 nov issue 154... Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain {John 12:24)

02 Senior Pastor s Message To Die is GAIN By Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam A normal person thinks death is a loss. It is not a gain. But God through the miracle of His creative work of our world has given us examples to understand that through death or by dying, one gains to be better and be more productive. EXAMPLES FROM NATURE THAT HELP US UNDERSTAND THAT TO DIE IS GAIN 1. Seeds that are planted Seeds buried in the ground die as seeds, but rise to become plants and trees and become more productive and fruitful. Jesus said, Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain (John 12:24). In God s economy believers who die to self (the carnal life) have more to gain in this life and in the life to come. 2. The caterpillar The caterpillar by going into a cocoon dies as a caterpillar, only to be transformed into a beautiful butterfly. This is gain, not loss. In the same way, God takes you through the process of dying to self that you may be more Christlike in your character, changing you to be a better person and prepared for Heaven. 3. Animals that shed their skins and hair go through a process of dying to the old. The new skins or hair allow the animals to be stronger and colourful. Snakes become more lustrous and bigger after shedding their skin. The change for the better will not happen if there is no giving up of the old or dying to the former life, so that the new nature may live. The Bible says, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). The Bible says, For the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). As born again believers we should not fear death because Jesus paid the price for sin. Jesus conquered death through His resurrection. Through death, we enter into victory, blessings and everlasting life. Look forward to dying to self, because in dying, we live a more fruitful life. Scriptures say, O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:55-58). FOUR WONDERFUL FACTS OF GAINING THAT WOULD ONLY COME BY DEATH The apostle Paul said, So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). 1. From corruption to incorruption The body is sown in corruption. We age and slowly lose our natural faculties, like eyesight, hearing, strength and so on. For the body to come out of corruption, it has to die, so it can be resurrected without corruption. 2. From dishonor to honor Death and burial is most dishonorable, seeing someone put in the casket, buried in the ground and returned to dust. To come to the place of honor, we must die in Christ to be raised up with Him to glory. 3. From weakness to power As long as we live in this body, we are subject to sicknesses, diseases and limitations beyond our control. Dying brings us out of weakness to a place of power and authority. The Bible says, and if children, then heirs heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together (Romans 8:17). 4. From natural to spiritual We have a physically natural body on earth that is subject to this world. But when we die, we become a new creation to live the abundant life in Christ. This is what Jesus did for us when He died and rose again from the dead. Living the Christian life is a process of dying daily so that the power of Christ can work through us. Paul says, I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily (1 Corinthians 15:31). We can and need to experience God s grace, mercy, authority through dying on a daily basis. For Christlikeness to emerge through our life, the old life must die. The Old Life Consists Of The Works Of The Flesh The Bible says, Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery,fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 Nov Message Issue 03 things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). We experience the power of God when we nail the carnal life on the cross. We need to die to our old life. Christ cannot live in you, if sin reigns in your life. It is only one life, it is either Christ s or yours! What Jesus says about the cross in the Gospels And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me (Matthew 10:38). If you are not counted worthy, you are not a disciple of Jesus. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple (Luke 14:27). When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me (Mark 8:34). in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21). Paul says if we die daily to the works of the flesh, like anger, hatred, jealousy, selfishness, pride and division to name a few, we will have victory over the fleshly carnal lifestyle and find peace and joy The same Scripture in the Contemporary English Version says, People s desires make them give in to immoral ways, filthy thoughts, and shameful deeds. They worship idols, practice witchcraft, hate others, and are hard to get along with. People become jealous, angry, and selfish. They not only argue and cause trouble, but they are envious. They get drunk, carry on at wild parties, and do other evil things as well. I told you before, and I am telling you again: No one who does these things will share in the blessings of God s kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21). Paul adds, I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20). You don t debate with the natural man, he does not understand the spiritual or the ways of God. The natural man in you must be crucified. We cast out evil spirits but not carnality. We must crucify the carnal life (the flesh). It is easier to cast out demonic spirits than to get backslidden believers to crucify the flesh. The carnal man (the flesh) must be put on the cross in the name of Jesus Christ, for that s where a sinful life belongs. WE ARE A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST The Bible says, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all Jesus says if you do not carry the cross, you cannot follow Him. You cannot live the Christian life without carrying the cross. It is not how much of the Word you know. Knowledge puffs up. But what gives you victory in Christian living is dying to self and allowing Christ to live in you. The Bible says, Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption (1 Corinthians 15:50). Flesh is the life you came into the world with. You will not enter into the blessings of God s kingdom without a born again experience. But if you die as a born again, you do not just lay down a fleshly body. When you put on Christ, you will experience the power of Christ s resurrection. This is your hope. The vital question is not whether you said the sinner s prayer. But, are you born again? Are you living the crucified life? To experience Christ s resurrection, you must confess, repent of your sin and confess Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. It is not a matter of trying to be righteous. If so, Jesus died in vain. Believe and obey the Lord Jesus Christ! + All Bible Quotations are in the New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated.

04 Watoto Operation Senior Children s Pastor s Saturation Message Choir A Powerful Witness For Jesus And A Reminder Of The Impact of Missions On 5 October 2013, the Calvary family was touched and inspired by the powerful witness for Jesus by the Watoto Children s Choir at the Sunday Worship Service at Calvary Convention Centre (CCC). The Carpenter s Workshop children relished the opportunity of being able to worship together with their parents, and applauded enthusiastically with the adult congregation for the 22 Watoto children (ages 7 to 11) and their ministry.

Associate Missions Pastor s Challenge Message 05 It is unthinkable to cut back on our mission s commitments. Pastor Steven Kum The Watoto kids sang and danced their hearts out for God who had not forgotten them! They sang songs like, Not Alone and Lord, I Need You with conviction for many of them had been abandoned by their parents! Their testimonies are full of praise and gratitude for God who provided food for their empty stomachs, nice beds to sleep in, schooling and the Watoto family to whom they now belong. The love of God has transformed their lives, forever! The Watoto Children s ministry was established by the Watoto Church in Kampala about 20 years ago (1994) in response to needs faced by thousands of Ugandan children orphaned by war and disease. Today more than 2,000 of these orphans are being cared for in children s villages to be future leaders not only in Uganda but the whole of Africa. The Children s Choir is made up of selected children from these homes. They travel around the world testifying of the powerful transformation of Jesus in their lives and in so doing remind churches of the impact of missions. At the close of the Watoto Children s Choir, Missions Director, Associate Pastor Steven Kum challenged the Calvary family to continue to prioritise missions. + Clockwise from top left: Proclaiming the Gospel in song; A prayer in song, Lord, I need You ; Congregation singing along with the Watoto Children s Choir; Swift & agile dance moves Let Us Continue to Bring God s Love into Many Lives What a powerful reminder of the impact of missions the Watoto Children s Choir brought to us. The power of the Gospel of Jesus to impact and transform lives is why Calvary Church prioritizes missions. The desire to reach and build young lives is why we established Calvaryland and support children s works both locally and overseas. Children who faced a bleak and hopeless future now have new hope through faith in Jesus. And in so doing, the future of nations are changed for the better. But Calvary Missions does not only touch lives of children. We also greatly rejoice in: Seeing lives changed and churches established through the ministry of missionaries sent from our church as well as those we support. Helping men, women and in crises. Building churches to be lighthouses and beacons of hope in needy communities. BY ASSOCIATE PASTOR STEVEN KUM Training workers for the ministry. Sponsoring evangelistic activities, campaigns and seminars. Providing humanitarian aid in times of natural disasters. Therefore it is unthinkable to cut back on our mission s commitments. Personally, how can we hold back our Faith Promises and other missions giving? As we have given, we have never seen any lack. As a church, He has provided abundantly for our needs even as we have been faithful in our missions commitments. The completion of the CCC is but one clear example of His faithfulness. God has kept His promise and has given back to us far beyond what we have given towards His work. He has given pressed down, shaken together and running over! What a great privilege to partner with Him. Let us continue to be channels of God s transforming power, love and hope to a needy world. +

06 Chinese Senior Pastor s Evangelistic Message Event Way The to Joyful Living (John 14:6) Clockwise from main pic: Pastor Ho Hoi San s powerful singing enthrals the audience; A presentation by Chinese Choir; Ministry at altar; Pastor Timothy and Pastor Peter welcoming the audience

Associate Pastor s 中文布道活动 Message 07 Clockwise from top to left: Special dance presentation; Audience enjoys Pastor Ho s ministry; Enjoying refreshments after service; Children s ministry - Lanterns parade at CCC Plaza; Praying for kids; Kids responding to altar call THE WAY TO JOYFUL LIVING God blessed the Chinese Evangelistic Event (CEE) held on 21-22 September at the Calvary Convention Center (CCC) Theatrette 3. There was a good turnout and the Theatrette was fully packed on the second night. There was a total of 731 in attendance for the two nights, out of which 109 were new visitors. Pastor Ho Hoi San delighted the audience with his trademark repertoire of songs and inspiring testimonies of transformation, from a drug addict behind bars to be a pastor- evangelist. He testified how God blessed him with a wonderful family and more recently, he has become a grandpa. Pastor Ho s life testimony certainly shows that The Way To Joyful Living is only through Jesus. BY THONG OI SHANG Praise God for 51 responses for salvation. And many needs were met through prayer. One of the salvation respondents came back for the Sunday Worship Service and testified how the Lord strengthened him physically and now he does not depend on his walking stick anymore. Praise God too for His blessings upon the children ministry held concurrently. Thank God for the Chinese ministry team that worked hard unitedly for the success of this event. + 喜乐生活的道路 谢神祝福了在 9 月 21 至 22 日在加略山感会议中心 (CCC ) 的影剧院举行的中文布道活动 ( CEE ) 有很多人出席两晚的聚会, 第二晚的到会者挤满了整间影剧院 两晚总共有 731 人出席, 其中 109 人是新访客 何海山牧师以成为他标志的歌曲带给到场者欣喜体验和他鼓舞人心的生命见证, 从一名吸毒者身陷囹圄转化为一位牧师传道, 使大家深受感动 他见证神如何赐福给他一个美好的家庭, 并在最近, 他已经成为了外祖父 何牧师的生命见证无疑地显明出 喜乐生活的道路 唯有藉着耶稣 赞美神有 51 人回应接受主 许多需求都通过祈祷得到满足 有一位初信主者在星期日回来参加主日崇拜聚会, 并见证主如何增强他的身体, 现在他不依赖他的拐杖走路了 赞美神, 祂也祝福了同时举行的儿童事工活动 我们为中文事工团队为这布道活动的成功作出的努力和配搭感谢神 +

08 Children s Senior Pastor s Day Message Kids registering for Children s day Teachers participating in presentation Children learning a dance Appreciating BY SOON YUEN LENG GOD s Gift To Us CNC kids learning they are precious to God, Parents and Church Kids dressed up in the red and white theme colours Children s Ministry celebrated the first Children s Day at Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) on 22 September 2013 with great excitement. The theme for the celebrations was Precious Gift based on Psalm 127- Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from Him. and The children dressed in the theme colours, red and white, received a warm welcome from their teachers as they stepped into the brightly and colourfully decorated Calvary Nursery Care (CNC) Carpenters Workshop (CW) rooms. It was a very meaningful and joyous time for all the children as they understood how precious they are to God, their parents, pastors, teachers and the church family. They also learnt that God has a plan and purpose for each of them. There was a special song presentation, I Am a Promise that encouraged the children that they can be anything God wants them to be. A CW father, Bryan Mak and three CW kids presented the song to the older kids while the younger kids enjoyed a video presentation. And the nursery kids enjoyed a lesson of the same name. One of our head teachers, Sophia shared, Praise God for His wonderful presence and the joy experienced by the nursery children during the lesson time. We shared the lesson by playing a game using the letters of P.R.O.M.I.S.E. The children were excited to spell the word PROMISE. When encouraged to share, a child said he wants to be a doctor, another a policeman and so on. There was much love and joy expressed as the kids were showered with special gifts like handwritten notes of love and appreciation from their parents and party packs of goodies to take home. The children had much fun and excitement during games time and the best dressed contests. Praise and thank God for a good attendance of 371 children with 47 visitors. And we rejoice in how God touched the children. There were 42 salvations and 70 rededications. +

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 Nov Message Issue 09 Fun time at games Song presentation by Bryan Mak, Elizabeth, Isaac & Nobelle Pastor Susan exhorting kids to demonstrate they are bundles of great potential! Winner Best Dressed Contest, ages 9-11 ( Shawna Lim ) Winners of Best Dressed Contest, ages 5-6 (Sarah, Elsarine,Aaron & Jeremy)

010 Senior Bahasa Pastor s Evangelistic Message Services Alamilah Hidup Yang Bererti! BY JOANNE NG From top to bottom: Powerful altar ministry; Pastor David welcoming all present; Two powerful witnesses for Jesus; Beautiful spirit of worship; Refreshments time Pada 28 dan 29 September 2013, Gereja Calvary menjangkau mereka yang berbahasa Bahasa Malaysia melalui pelayanan Rev Djohan Handojo dari Gereja Bethany di Singapura. We thank God for the 420 people who came over the 2 evenings and were blessed! 70 responded to the altar for spiritual renewal and healing. 2 individuals rededicated their lives while 1 testified that she was delivered from bondages! One of the Altar Workers (AW) for the service was knocked down by a motorcyle on Saturday morning but he was determined to serve as AW. He felt his leg was fractured but testified that after the services God brought remarkable healing! Since then, he has also been praying in BM, and to his amazement, God gave him the biblical terms in his prayers so that he can pray more effectively. He shared with Pastor David recently that God spoke to him to be now involved in the BM Ministry to reach others! Marilah kita terus menjadi komuniti yang menginjili dan melihat ramai datang mengetahui Tuhan Yesus sebagai Juruselamat! +

Associate Pastor s Message Calvary News 2013 Nov Issue 011 FIT FOR LIFE BY CAROL WELLER The first Dimensions Extended event held at Calvary Convention Centre on Saturday, 5 October was a health talk combined with a cooking competition that created much excitement for the 139 ladies who attended the event. The speaker, Elizabeth Foo was the former Chief Dietician for General Hospital Kuala Lumpur and responsible for the development and expansion of the dietetic services for government hospitals in Malaysia. Her articles had been featured in our local newspapers and she has also appeared at various breakfast TV talk shows. Foo spoke on how to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and shared practical tips like : Proteins are like steel bars; Carbohydrates are like the building bricks ; Vitamins and minerals are like the cement that holds our bodies together. She also gave the ladies insight into how to eat well in times of health and illness. Senior Associate Pastor Petrina Guneratnam concluded the health talk with her delightful exhortation that God had meant us to enjoy tasty food right from the creation story in the book of Genesis, having created abundant produce for our enjoyment. However, our appetites are to be well managed in order to live healthy lives, body soul and spirit. Paul s exhortation in 1 Corinthians 10:31 sum it up well, so whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. During the altar time, many ladies were anointed with oil and prayed for to receive healing. The finale was the prize presentation to the three winners of the cooking competition. The judges were Foo and Maureen Yeoh, a food consultant. The dishes were judged based on taste, presentation and healthiness. The ladies were served healthy lunch besides sampling the delicious dishes prepared by the participants. Many left that day with a new determination to heed the good advice and improve their diets from here on. + Expert Dietician Elizabeth Foo Yun Mui (KMN); Senior Associate Pastor Petrina wrapping up the message; Ladies listening intently ; Ladies responding at the altar for healing; Cooking competition pics; Left to right: The winning dishes -1st Prize; 2nd Prize; 3rd Prize; Grace Yap receiving the first prize for the winning dish

012 Senior Mesej Pendita Pastor s Kanan Message Mati adalah Oleh Pendita Kanan Prince Guneratnam KEUNTUNGAN KARENA BAGIKU HIDUP ADALAH KRISTUS DAN MATI ADALAH KEUNTUNGAN (FILIPI 1:21). Seseorang yang normal akan berfikir bahawa kematian biasanya adalah suatu kerugian. Ia bukan suatu keuntungan. Tetapi Tuhan melalui keajaiban kerja kreatifnya di dunia kita, telah memberikan kita contoh-contoh untuk mengerti bahawa melalui kematian atau dengan mati, seseorang akan beruntung dengan menjadi lebih baik dan lebih produktif. CONTOH-CONTOH DARI ALAM SEMULA JADI YANG MEMBANTU KITA MEMAHAMI BAHAWA UNTUK MATI ADALAH KEUNTUNGAN 1. Benih yang ditanam Benih yang ditanam di tanah akan mati sebagai benih, tetapi bertumbuh untuk menjadi tumbuh-tumbuhan dan pokokpokok dan menjadi lebih produktif dan berbuah. Yesus berkata, Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya jikalau biji gandum tidak jatuh ke dalam tanah dan mati,ia tetap satu biji saja; tetapi jika ia mati, ia akan menghasilkan banyak buah (Yohanes 12:24). Dalam ekonomi Tuhan, orang percaya yang mati terhadap diri sendiri (kehidupan duniawi) mempunyai lebih banyak keuntungan dalam hidup ini dan dalam kehidupan yang akan datang. 2. Ulat Bulu Ulat bulu dengan penukaran kepada kepompong akan mati sebagai ulat bulu, hanya untuk berubah menjadi rama-rama yang indah. Ini adalah keuntungan, bukan kerugian. Dengan cara yang sama, Tuhan akan membawa kamu melalui proses mati terhadap diri supaya kamu akan menjadi seperti Kristus dalam sifat, mengubah kamu untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih baik dan bersedia untuk syurga. 3. Haiwan-haiwan yang bertukar kulit dan keguguran bulu mereka akan melalui proses mati terhadap yang lama. Kulit atau bulu yang baru membolehkan haiwan-haiwan menjadi lebih kuat dan berwarna-warni. Ular akan menjadi lebih berkilat dan besar selepas bertukar kulit. Perubahan kepada yang lebih baik tidak akan berlaku jika tidak melepaskan yang lama atau meninggalkan kehidupan lama, supaya sifat baru boleh hidup. Alkitab mengatakan, Jadi siapa yang ada di dalam Kristus, ia adalah ciptaan baru: yang lama sudah berlalu, sesungguhnya yang baru sudah datang (2 Korintus 5:17). Alkitab mengatakan, Sebab upah dosa ialah maut (Roma 6:23). Sebagai orang percaya yang dilahirkan kembali kita tidak perlu takut pada kematian kerana Yesus telah membayar harga dosa. Yesus menakluki kematian melalui kebangkitan- Nya. Melalui kematian, kita dapat masuk ke dalam kemenangan, berkat dan hidup kekal. Berharaplah untuk mati terhadap diri, kerana dalam kematian, kita hidup suatu kehidupan yang lebih berhasil. Firman Tuhan mengatakan, Hai maut di manakah kemenanganmu? Hai maut, di manakah sengatmu? Sengat maut ialah dosa dan kuasa dosa ialah hukum Taurat. Tetapi syukur kepada Tuhan, yang telah memberikan kepada kita kemenangan oleh Yesus Kristus, Tuhan kita. Karena itu, saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, berdirilah teguh, jangan goyah, dan giatlah selalu dalam pekerjaan Tuhan! Sebab kamu tahu, bahwa dalam persekutuan dengan Tuhan jerih payahmu tidak sia-sia (1 Korintus 15:55-58 ). EMPAT FAKTA YANG INDAH MENGENAI KEUNTUNGAN YANG AKAN DATANG HANYA DENGAN KEMATIAN Rasul Paulus berkata, Demikianlah pula halnya dengan kebangkitan orang mati. Ditaburkan dalam kebinasaan, dibangkitkan dalam ketidakbinasaan. Ditaburkan dalam kehinaan, dibangkitkan dalam kemuliaan. Ditaburkan dalam kelemahan, dibangkitkan dalam kekuatan. Yang ditaburkan adalah tubuh alamiah, yang dibangkitkan adalah tubuh rohaniah. Jika ada tubuh alamiah, maka ada pula tubuh rohaniah (1 Korintus 15:42-44 ). 1. Dari kebinasaan kepada ketidakbinasaan Tubuh ditabur dengan kebinasaan. Kita berusia dan perlahan-lahan kehilangan fakulti asli kita, seperti penglihatan, pendengaran, kekuatan dan sebagainya. Untuk tubuh keluar daripada kebinasaan, ia mesti mati, supaya ia boleh dibangkitkan tanpa kebinasaan. 2. Dari kehinaan kepada kehormatan Kematian dan pengebumian adalah yang paling tidak mulia, melihat seseorang yang dimasukkan ke dalam keranda, dikebumikan di dalam tanah dan kembali kepada debu. Untuk sampai ke kedudukan yang mulia, kita mesti mati dalam Kristus supaya dapat dibangkitkan dengan-nya dalam kemuliaan. 3. Dari kelemahan kepada kuasa Selagi kita hidup di dalam tubuh ini, kita tertakluk kepada kelemahan, penyakitpenyakit dan keterbatasan melebihi daripada kawalan kita. Kematian membawa kita keluar dari kelemahan ke suatu kedudukan berkuasa dan berwibawa. Alkitab mengatakan, Dan jika kita adalah anak, maka kita juga adalah ahli waris, maksudnya orang-orang yang berhak menerima janji-janji Tuhan, yang akan menerimanya bersama-sama dengan Kristus, yaitu jika kita menderita bersama-sama dengan Dia, supaya kita juga dipermuliakan bersama-sama dengan Dia ( Roma 8:17 ). 4. Dari alamiah kepada rohaniah Kita mempunyai tubuh fizikal alamiah di bumi yang adalah tertakluk kepada dunia ini. Tetapi apabila kita mati, kita menjadi ciptaan baru yang menjalani kehidupan yang berkelimpahan di dalam Kristus. Ini adalah apa yang Yesus lakukan untuk kita apabila Dia mati dan bangkit semula daripada maut. Hidup dalam kehidupan Kristian adalah satu proses kematian setiap hari supaya kuasa Kristus boleh bekerja melalui kita. Paulus berkata, Saudara-saudara, tiap-tiap hari aku berhadapan dengan maut. Demi kebanggaanku akan kamu dalam Kristus Yesus, Tuhan kita, aku katakan, bahwa hal

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 Nov Message Issue 013 Apa yang Yesus katakan mengenai salib di dalam Injil Barangsiapa tidak memikul salibnya dan mengikut Aku, ia tidak layak bagi-ku (Matius 10:38). Jika kamu tidak dikira layak, kamu bukan seorang pengikut Yesus. Barangsiapa tidak memikul salibnya dan mengikut Aku, ia tidak dapat menjadi murid-ku (Lukas 14:27). Lalu Yesus memanggil orang banyak dan murid-murid-nya dan berkata kepada mereka: Setiap orang yang mau mengikut Aku, ia harus menyangkal dirinya, memikul salibnya dan mengikut Aku (Markus 8:34 ). ini benar (1 Korintus 15:31 ). Kita boleh dan perlu mengalami anugerah Tuhan, belas kasihan, kuasa melalui kematian pada setiap hari. Untuk sifat seperti Kristus muncul melalui kehidupan kita, kehidupan lama mesti mati. Kehidupan Lama Mengandungi Pekerjaan Daging Alkitab mengatakan, Perbuatan daging telah nyata, yaitu: percabulan, kecemaran, hawa nafsu, penyembahan berhala, sihir, perseteruan, perselisihan, iri hati, amarah, kepentingan diri sendiri, percideraan, roh pemecah, kedengkian, kemabukan, pesta pora dan sebagainya. Terhadap semuanya itu kuperingatkan kamu--seperti yang telah kubuat dahulu--bahwa barangsiapa melakukan hal-hal yang demikian, ia tidak akan mendapat bagian dalam Kerajaan Tuhan (Galatia 5:19-21). Paulus berkata jika kita mati setiap hari untuk perbuatan kedagingan, seperti kemarahan, kebencian, iri hati, mementingkan diri, sombong dan perpecahan, kita akan mempunyai kemenangan ke atas gaya hidup kedagingan dan mendapat damai dan sukacita. Firman yang sama dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari berkata, Keinginan tabiat manusia nyata dalam perbuatanperbuatan yang cabul, kotor, dan tidak patut; dalam penyembahan berhala dan ilmu guna-guna; dalam bermusuhmusuhan, berkelahi, cemburu, lekas marah, dan mementingkan diri sendiri; perpecahan dan berpihak-pihak, serta iri hati, bermabuk-mabukan, berpesta-pesta dan lain sebagainya. Terhadap semuanya itu saya peringatkan kalian sekarang sebagaimana saya peringatkan kalian dahulu juga, bahwa orang-orang yang melakukan hal-hal seperti itu tidak akan menjadi anggota umat Tuhan (Galatia 5:19-21). Paulus menambah, namun aku hidup, tetapi bukan lagi aku sendiri yang hidup, melainkan Kristus yang hidup di dalam aku. Dan hidupku yang kuhidupi sekarang di dalam daging, adalah hidup oleh iman dalam Anak Tuhan yang telah mengasihi aku dan menyerahkan diri-nya untuk aku (Galatia 2:20). Kamu jangan berbahas dengan orang dunia, dia tidak mengerti kerohanian atau jalan Tuhan. Orang dunia, di dalam kamu mesti disalib. Kita mengusir rohroh jahat tetapi bukan kedagingan. Kita perlu menyalibkan kehidupan duniawi (kedagingan). Ia adalah lebih mudah untuk mengusir roh-roh jahat daripada mendapatkan orang yang beriman yang telah berpaling dari iman untuk menyalibkan daging. Orang duniawi (kedagingan) mesti disalibkan dalam nama Yesus Kristus, kerana di sanalah milik kehidupan yang berdosa. Alkitab mengatakan, Jadi siapa yang ada di dalam Kristus, ia adalah ciptaan baru: yang lama sudah berlalu, sesungguhnya yang baru sudah datang (2 Korintus 5:17). Kita mengalami kuasa Tuhan apabila kita menyalibkan kehidupan duniawi di atas salib. Kita perlu menanggalkan kehidupan lama kita. Kristus tidak boleh hidup di dalam kamu, jika dosa memerintah di dalam hidup kamu. Hanya satu kehidupan, iaitu sama ada milik Kristus atau kamu! Yesus berkata, jika kamu tidak memikul salib, kamu tidak boleh mengikuti-nya. Kamu tidak boleh hidup dalam kehidupan Kristian tanpa memikul salib. Ia bukan berapa banyak ayat firman yang kamu tahu. Pengetahuan akan membangga diri. Tetapi apa yang memberikan kamu kemenangan dalam hidup Kristian adalah mati terhadap diri dan membenarkan Kristus tinggal di dalam kamu. Alkitab mengatakan, Saudara-saudara, inilah yang hendak kukatakan kepadamu, yaitu bahwa daging dan darah tidak mendapat bagian dalam Kerajaan Tuhan dan bahwa yang binasa tidak mendapat bagian dalam apa yang tidak binasa (1 Korintus 15:50). Kedagingan ada bersama dengan kehidupan semasa kamu datang ke dunia. Kamu tidak akan masuk ke dalam berkat kerajaan Tuhan tanpa pengalaman dilahirkan kembali. Tetapi jika kamu mati sebagai seorang yang dilahirkan kembali, kamu bukan hanya meletakkan tubuh kedagingan. Apabila kamu memiliki Kristus, kamu akan mengalami kuasa kebangkitan Kristus. Ini adalah pengharapan kamu. Persoalan yang penting bukanlah sama ada kamu melafazkan doa orang berdosa. Tetapi, adakah kamu dilahirkan kembali? Adakah kamu hidup kehidupan yang disalibkan? Untuk mengalami kebangkitan Kristus, kamu mesti mengaku, bertobat dari dosa dan mengaku Yesus sebagai Juruselamat dan Tuhan kamu. Ia bukan satu perkara mencuba menjadi orang yang soleh. Jika begitu, Yesus mati dengan sia-sia. Percaya dan taatlah kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus! + Semua petikan Alkitab adalah dalam Terjemahan Baru melainkan jika dinyatakan sebaliknya.

014 主任牧师的信息 Senior MesejPastor s Pendita Message Bersekutu 死了就有 益处 文 古纳南主任牧师 文 古纳南主任牧师 1 从必朽坏的到不朽坏的 因我活着就是基督 我死了 就有益处 腓1:21 一个正常的人认为死亡是一种损失 它不是 一种益处 但是神藉着祂在我们世界的创造 奇迹给了我们很多例子使我们明白藉着或经 过死亡的好处是受造物可以变得更好和更有 生产力 一些从自然界的例子能帮助我们 明白死了就有益处 1 种植的种子 埋在土地里的种子作为子粒死去 但生出来 成为植物和树木 变成更加有生产力和多结 果子 耶稣说道 我实实在在地告诉你 们 一粒麦子不落在地里死了 仍旧是一 粒 若是死了 就结出许多子粒来 约 12:24 在神的秩序里对自我 属情欲的 生命 死去的信徒 在此生和来生会有更多 的益处 2 毛虫 毛虫经过茧的阶段死去 结果转变成一只美 丽的蝴蝶 这是益处 而不是损失 神以同 样的方式 带你经过向自我死去的过程 让 你的性格可以更像基督的样式 改变你成为 一个更好的人 并预备你承受天堂 3 蜕皮和脱毛的动物 都要经过一个 过程老化 死亡 新的皮或毛让动物更强壮和亮丽鲜艳 蛇在 蜕皮后变得更有光泽和身躯再增长 这种改 变不会发生 如果没有放弃旧的或对以前的 生命死去 好让新的性情活出来 圣经说 道 若有人在基督里 他就是新造的人 旧事已过 都变成新的了 林后5:17 圣经说道 因为罪的工价乃是死 罗 6:23 作为重生的信徒 我们不应该惧怕 死亡因为耶稣已经付了罪的工价 耶稣藉着 祂的复活征服了死亡 通过死亡 我们进入 胜利 祝福和永恒的生命 期待着向自我 死 因为经由死亡 我们经历更有成效的生 活 圣经说道 死啊 你得胜的权势在哪 里 死啊 你的毒钩在哪里 死的毒钩就是 罪 罪的权势就是律法 感谢 神 使我们 借着我们的主耶稣基督得胜 所以 我亲爱 的弟兄们 你们务要坚固 不可摇动 常常 竭力多做主工 因为知道 你们的劳苦在主 里面不是徒然的 林前15:55-58 四项只有经过死亡才会得益处的美事 使徒保罗说道 死人复活也是这样 所种 的是必朽坏的 复活的是不朽坏的 所种的 是羞辱的 复活的是荣耀的 所种的是软弱 的 复活的是强壮的 所种的是血气的身 体 复活的是灵性的身体 若有血气的身 体 也必有灵性的身体 林前15:42-44 所种的身体是必朽坏的 我们长大变老 我 们天生官能都在渐渐衰退 如视觉 听觉 体力等 为了身体脱离朽坏 它只得死去 以便它可以复活而不朽坏 2 从羞辱的到荣耀的 死亡和埋葬是最可耻的 看到死人入殓 埋 葬在地下 并归回尘土 要进入荣耀 我们 必须在基督里死去 然后与祂一同复活而得 荣耀 3 从软弱的到强壮的 只要我们生活在这个身体中 我们会患病 遭受疾病和超越我们所能控制的局限性 死 亡把我们从软弱中 带到一个有权力和权柄 的地位 圣经说道 既是儿女 便是后 嗣 就是 神的后嗣 和基督同作后嗣 如 果我们和他一同受苦 也必和他一同得荣 耀 罗8:17 4 从自然到属灵 我们有一个自然的身体在地上受制于这个世 界 但是当我们死去的时候 我们成为一个 新造的人 经历在基督里丰盛的生命 这是 耶稣为我们所成就的 当他受死并从死里复 活 过基督徒生活是一个天天死去的过程 使基督的能力可以通过我们工作 保罗说 道 弟兄们 我在我主基督耶稣里 指 着你们所夸的口极力地说 我是天天冒死 林前15:31 我们可以和需要藉着天天 的死去来经历神的恩典 怜悯和权柄 为了 基督的样式能藉着我们的生命显现出来 旧 的生命必须死去 旧的生命是由情欲的事组成 圣经说道 情欲的事都是显而易见的 就 如奸淫 污秽 邪荡 拜偶像 邪术 仇 恨 争竞 忌恨 恼怒 结党 纷争 异 端 嫉妒 醉酒 荒宴等类 我从前告诉你 们 现在又告诉你们 行这样事的人必不能 承受神的国 加5:19-21 保罗说 如 果我们天天都对情欲的事死去 如愤怒 仇 恨 嫉妒 自私 骄傲和纷争 仅举几例 我们会战胜肉体情欲的生活方式 并得到和 平与喜悦 当代英语版本相同的经文说道 人们本性 的慾望让他们向不道德的行为 污秽的思 想 可耻的事让步 他们崇拜偶像 行巫 术 仇恨他人 很难与人相处 人们变得嫉 妒 愤怒 和自私 他们不仅争论和惹祸 而且他们都忌妒他人 他们酗酒 纵情狂欢 和行其他邪恶的事 我从前已经告诉你们 我再次告诉你们 没有人行这些事情会与神 国的祝福有份 加5:19-21 保罗又说 道 我已经与基督同钉十字架 现在活着 的不再是我 乃是基督在我里面活着 并且 我如今在肉身活着 是因信 神的儿子而 活 他是爱我 为我舍己 加2:20 你 不与属血气的人辩论 他不明白属灵或神的 道路 在你里面的属血气的人必须被钉死在 十字架上 我们可以赶出邪灵 而非情欲 我们必须钉死属情欲的生命 肉体 赶出 邪灵比叫倒退的信徒钉死肉体来得容易 属 情欲的人 肉体 必须奉耶稣基督的名被 钉死在十字架上 因为这是有罪的生命所归 属的地方 圣经说道 若有人在基督里 他就是新造的人 旧事已过 都变成新的 了 林后5:17 当我们把属肉体的生命 钉在十字架上时 我们就经历神的能力 我 们需要对我们的旧生命死去 如果罪恶统治 你的生命 基督就不能住在你里面 只有一 个生命 不是基督的生命就是你的生命 耶稣在福音书里说道关于十字架 的事 l 不背着他的十字架跟从我的 也不配 作我的门徒 太10:38 如果你是不 配得上的话 你就不是耶稣的门徒 l 凡不背着自己十字架跟从我的 也不 能作我的门徒 路14:27 l 于是叫众人和门徒来 对他们说 若有人要跟从我 就当舍己 背起他 的十字架来跟从我 可8:34 耶稣说如果你不背起十字架 你不能跟从 他 你不能过基督徒的生活而没有背起十字 架 不是你对神的话语知道多少 知识是叫 人自高自大 但是叫你的基督徒生活胜利的 是向自我死 让基督住在你里面 圣经说 道 弟兄们 我告诉你们说 血肉之体不 能承受 神的国 必朽坏的不能承受不朽坏 的 林前15:50 肉体是你来到这个世 界的生命 没有重生的经验 你不能进入神 国的祝福 但如果你是因重生而死 你不只 是放下肉身 当你穿上基督时 你就会经历 到基督复活的能力 这是你的盼望 重要的问题不在于你是否作了罪人认罪的祷 告 而是 你重生了吗 你是过着被钉死在 十字架的生活吗 要体验基督的复活 你必 须认罪 为你的罪悔改 并承认耶稣为你的 救主和生命的主 这不在于设法成为义 如 果这样的话 耶稣的死是徒劳的 相信和顺 服主耶稣基督 + 中文团契 (十一月份) 讲员 古师母 日期 24-11-13 日 时间 早上十一点半 地点 CCC, 影剧院 B2 敬备茶点招待 申请浸礼及会籍 v 浸礼及会籍课程 日期 7-12-13 六 时间 下午二点 v 浸礼聚会 日期 7-12-13 六 时间 下午五点 地点 加略山教会(大堂) v 报名截止日期 10-11-13 日

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 Announcement April Message Issue NOV 2013 SERVICE SCHEDULE MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES @ PUBLICATIONS DamAnsara Heights Saturday 5.00pm calvary convention centre Sunday 9.00am 015 We are thankful to God for Calvarites who are serving in Publications ministry faithfully. There is still a need in areas such as reporting and editing. Both experienced and new writers are most welcomed. Training will be provided if needed. If you are inclined do call 03 89995532 {ext. 422} CHINESE FELLOWSHIP 24 November (Sunday) 11.30 AM Speaker : Senior Associate Pastor Petrina Guneratnam Topic: Thanksgiving Fellowship Venue: CCC THEATRETTE 3, B2 Refreshments will be served BAHASA MALAYSIA FELLOWSHIP 24 November (Sunday) 11.30 AM Speaker : Associate Pastor David Seah Topic : Beautifully and Wonderfully Made! (Dicipta Dengan Indah Dan Ajaib!) Venue : Room 10, Level 4, CCC Associate Pastor Timothy Ong *Nov 2 *Nov 3 Associate Pastor Steven Kum Associate Pastor David Seah Nov 16 Associate Pastor Peter Ong Nov 23 Associate Pastor Raymond Yong Nov 9 Nov 30 Senior Associate Pastor Petrina Guneratnam Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam Nov 10 Associate Pastor Steven Kum Nov 17 Associate Pastor Timothy Ong Water Baptism & Membership Class Date: 7 December 2013 (Saturday) Time: 2.00 pm Venue: DH,Worship Nursery Water Baptism Service Date :7 December 2013 (Saturday) Time : 5.00 pm Venue :DH, Sanctuary Closing Date for submission of forms: 10 November 2013, Sunday Nov 24 *Holy Communion

016 Senior Congratulatory Pastor s Message CONGRATULATIONS TO SENIOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR PETRINA! In the recent Church Growth International (CGI) meetings at Seoul, Korea, Dr.Yonggi Cho gave international recognition to our Senior Associate Pastor Petrina Guneratnam for her 43 years of faithful and dedicated pastoral ministry. Dr Cho nominated her to be a member of the CGI Board at the Board of Directors (BOD) meeting. She was well received with much appreciation by the BOD. This appointment makes her the third woman to serve on this Board of 30 members, comprising respected men and women of God in the forefront of Church Growth ministries world wide. Calvary Church congratulates Senior Associate Pastor Petrina for this honour bestowed on her. The Calvary Family is certainly blessed to have both our Senior Pastors serving together on the Board of CGI. More about CGI Church Growth International (CGI) was founded in Seoul, Korea in 1976 by Rev Dr David Yonggi Cho. It emphasizes Spiritual Church Growth for those Christians desiring to grow up into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is our highest goal in the Church as well as our individual lives as maturing followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The CGI ministry is interdenominational in order to promote love and unity in the Body of Christ. This ministry provides Biblical teachings on all aspects of Church Growth and the New Testament Home Cell System. The CGI Ministry offers International Conferences, The Church Growth Magazine (going out to 179 countries), manuals and other printed materials. The commitment of CGI is to promote spiritual maturation and numerical growth in the Body of Christ. CGI CONFERENCES CGI conferences are held annually, alternating between Seoul, Korea and the home country of the members of the Board of Directors. For 2014, the CGI will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 28 October 2 November 2014 at Calvary Convention Centre. + 2, Jalan Damansara Endah, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 03-8999 5532 email@calvary.org.my