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ARIS Platform ARIS ARIS Architecture of Integrated Information System Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. August-Wilhelm Scheer ARIS () 2

IDS Scheer AG International Presence >> Partners and subsidiaries in more than 50 countries >> Internationalization is the key to success 3 IDS Scheer AG Overview Founded 1984 by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. August- Wilhelm Scheer Board of Management: Helmut Kruppke (CEO), Dr. Wolfram Jost, Herbert Kindermann Strong Partnerships Revenue [million EUR] Revenue 2004 280.2 million EUR 4

ARIS Application Scenarios Implementation of Standard Business Management Software Business Process Management (BPM) Corporate Performance Management (CPM) Enterprise Architecture/ IT Service Management/ITIL Quality Management Internal Controls, Risk and Compliance Management Workflow Management Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Process Cost Management Corporate Reality Service-Oriented Architecture/ BPEL and Web Services Software Development/ Software Engineering 5 Holistic BPM with ARIS Who? BPM organization Via? Procedure model BPM Company-specific ARIS Value Engineering How? Integrated method With? Tools Why? Definition of goals Architecture of integrated information systems Company-specific 6

ARIS Platform ARIS Process Performance Manager ARIS Audit Manager ARIS BSC Solution ARIS Business Optimizer ARIS for SAP NetWeaver ARIS UML Designer ARIS Business Architect ARIS Business Designer ARIS Toolset ARIS Business Publisher 7 Leading Position in BPM >> The Number 1 BPM Tool Worldwide << The number one BPM software worldwide More than 10 years of innovation Available in more than 25 languages More than 50,000 ARIS installations worldwide Winner of leading tool evaluations Patented technology Completely Web-based Supports numerous standards (EPK, BPEL, BPML, UML, etc.) Worldwide support and helpdesk award winner Since 1995 Study ranks IDS Scheer in a global leading position in the field of Business Process Management. Research Note January 2004 8

9 ARIS Platform Customers (Selection) >> References << 10

ARIS Platform Easy Web-based and intuitive handling due to an optimized user interface Smart Strong customizing potential, maximum impact Powerful High productivity and reusability due to a central repository 11 12

(Business Total Solutions) 13 (Process) (Goals) (Activities) (Business Process) (Business goals) (Processes) 14

Definition of BPR BPR is a structured approach to analyzing and continuous improving fundamental activities of a company s operation. Characteristics of BPR 1.Fundamental,radical,dramatic,change,process. 2.Process-oriented,=/ functional-oriented. 3.IT plays a significant role as enabler. 4.Organizational restructuring is necessary. 15 90 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 16

ARIS [Organization] [Data] [Process] [Function] 17 18

1. (Requirement Definition) 2. (Design SpeCification) 3. (Implementation) 19 20

21 ( ) 22

1. (Entity Type) : 2. (Attribute) 23 3. (Relationship Type) 24

3.4 / (Value-added added Chain Diagram,VAD) : 25 3.5 / - (Extended Event- driven Process Chain Diagram,eEPC) 26

27 28

29 1. "?" 2. "?" 3. "?" 4. "? 5. 6. 30