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Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Chinese Continuers Total marks 80 Section I Pages 2 5 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 2 hours and 50 minutes Write using black or blue pen Black pen is preferred Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries may be used Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 9 This section should take approximately 30 minutes Section II Pages 9 11 40 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 10 11 Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 12 Section III Page 12 15 marks Attempt Questions 13 14 Allow about 1 hour for this section 1050

Section I Listening and Responding 25 marks Attempt Questions 1 9 This section should take approximately 30 minutes You will hear NINE texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. You may proceed to Section II as soon as you have finished Question 9. Question 1 (2 marks) Tick the TWO additional items Xiao Ming will pack. 2 Candidate s Notes My travel checklist Clothes Toiletries Camera Chinese books Swimmers Shoes English books Question 2 (2 marks) Why is Xiao Hong crying? 2 2

Question 3 (3 marks) What do we know about Jack s learning of Chinese? 3 Candidate s Notes Question 4 (3 marks) What is the purpose of this announcement? 3 Question 5 (3 marks) What conclusions about the lifestyles of students can be drawn from the report? 3 3

Question 6 (3 marks) Summarise the main points in the news report. 3 Candidate s Notes Question 7 (3 marks) Why would the planned event appeal to the target audience? 3 Question 8 (1 mark) What is David most likely to say next? 1 (A) (B) (C) (D) 沒關係, 好朋友不用客氣 沒關係, 我和你一起去吧 沒關係, 我知道你不會來 沒關係, 那你明天來我家吃飯 4

Question 9 (5 marks) What differences in values and attitude are reflected in the conversation between Peter and his wife? 5 Candidate s Notes You may now proceed to Section II 5



BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2012

2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Chinese Continuers Section II Reading and Responding 40 marks Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 10 11 Read both texts, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the Section II Part A Answer Booklet. Question 10 (10 marks) 朋友們, 大家好! 我是大林, 你們在電視上一定見過我 今年是我第六次主持這樣的晚會, 非常高興在這裏和你們見面 我先謝謝大家來參加今天的晚會 我們晚會的門票很早就賣完了 門票錢會送給中國一些農村小學, 幫助學校圖書館買更多的書 那裏的小學生一定不會忘記你們! 今天, 中國有名的歌星王力第一次來澳大利亞為大家表演, 他要把收到的錢也送給農村小學 在晚會上, 我們會請兩名觀眾和王力一塊兒演唱你們喜歡的歌曲 最後, 王力會送給每個人一張他的最新的光碟 中間休息的時候, 每一名觀眾可以拿到一份好吃的點心和飲料 還有一件更好的事兒, 我們還會抽獎 兩位幸運的觀眾會參加 中國七日遊 不用花錢就能去中國玩兒, 多開心啊! 好了, 現在晚會開始! 主持觀眾光碟 host audience CD 抽獎幸運 draw a prize lucky 1051 9

Question 11 (15 marks) 最近, 家長們看了 虎媽戰歌 這一本書後, 說了很多的看法 看法一 : 我覺得 虎媽 說得太對了 如果要孩子成功, 長大以後能過好的生活, 他們上學的時候, 就不能交朋友, 不能有娛樂, 不能有愛好, 他們要用所有的時間讀書 我覺得 虎媽 的看法很對, 因為孩子祇要在小學 中學和大學努力學習, 以後就能找到好工作 賺很多的錢 那時候, 他們喜歡玩什麼 買什麼都可以 看法二 : 張英 有些人認為 虎媽 的教育方法最好, 有些人覺得 虎媽 太兇了 說真的, 教孩子, 沒有哪一個方法是最好的 我有兩個兒子, 教大兒子, 我用了 虎媽 的方法 教小兒子, 我讓他做他喜歡的事 他們兩個人都很成功 看法三 : 小紅 我覺得 虎媽 一點兒也不懂怎樣教孩子, 她以為父母說什麼, 孩子就得做什麼 可是, 孩子不是泥娃娃, 他們有不同的個性 有不同的愛好 有不同的天份 所以, 父母應該懂得尊重孩子, 讓他們做感興趣的事 這樣, 孩子們又可以把事情做好, 又有一個快樂的生活 這是錢能買到的嗎? 大衛 虎媽戰歌 成功泥娃娃天份尊重 Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother successful clay doll natural talent respect 10

Section II (continued) Part B 15 marks Attempt Question 12 Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answer you will be assessed on how well you: respond to the stimulus text with relevant information and ideas write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience structure and sequence information and ideas demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in Chinese Question 12 (15 marks) Answer the following question by writing approximately 250 characters in CHINESE. Read the following letter to the editor of a daily newspaper and write a letter in response. 編輯先生, 您好! 我是十二年級的學生, 很快就要考大學了 可是, 有些事讓我心裏很煩, 不能專心學習 在大學, 我想學當老師 從小到大, 除了在學校學習以外, 我沒有其它的經驗 所以, 我希望在考完試以後, 先不上大學, 用一年的時間做其它的事, 豐富我的生活 我打算去非洲做義工, 幫助那裏的小孩子學習 可是我最好的朋友準備用一年的時間去不同的國家, 一邊打工, 一邊旅遊 我很想跟他一起去, 我父母也認為這樣做挺好的 編輯先生, 我很喜歡旅遊, 但是我也想幫助別人 請告訴我應該怎麼做 大強二〇一二年十月二日 煩 unsettled 豐富 to enrich 義工 voluntary work 經驗 experiences 非洲 Africa Please turn over 11

Section III Writing in Chinese 15 marks Attempt Questions 13 14 Allow about 1 hour for this section Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate the relevance of information, opinions and ideas write text appropriate to context, purpose and audience structure and sequence information, opinions and ideas demonstrate control of a range of language structures and vocabulary in Chinese Question 13 (5 marks) Answer the following question by writing approximately 90 characters in CHINESE. Write an email to your friend explaining why you have to shorten your holiday in China. 5 Question 14 (10 marks) Answer ONE of the following questions. Write approximately 250 characters in CHINESE. (a) You have just returned from a 12-day camp where you were not allowed to use any electronic devices. Write a speech to be delivered at the school assembly in which you reflect upon your experiences at the camp. 10 OR (b) As a Year 12 student you have been invited to speak to a teacher delegation from Beijing. Write a speech in which you reflect on your personal experiences as a high school student in Australia. 10 End of paper 12 Board of Studies NSW 2012

Centre Number Student Number 2012 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION Chinese Continuers Section II Part A Answer Booklet Instructions Answer Questions 10 11 in this answer booklet Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 1052

Section II Reading and Responding Part A 25 marks Attempt Questions 10 11 Read the texts on pages 9 10 of the question paper, then answer the corresponding questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response. Question 10 (10 marks) (a) (b) (c) What is the purpose of this event? What do we learn about Wang Li? Why is the event likely to be successful, other than because of Wang Li s attendance? 2 2 3 5

Question 11 (15 marks) (a) What has prompted Zhang Ying, Xiaohong and David to write to the forum? 2 (b) 教孩子, 沒有哪一個方法是最好的 Why does Xiaohong make this comment? Justify your answer with reference to the text. 3 (c) What language techniques does David use? 4 Question 11 continues on page 4 3

Question 11 (continued) (d) How do Zhang Ying and David differ in their opinions? 6 End of Question 11 4 Board of Studies NSW 2012