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Chapter 20 The Reproductive Systems 邱美妙 2016-12-26

The Reproductive Systems Functions: Produce 配子 (gametes) Ensure 授精 (fertilization) In women, provide a site for the developing embryo-fetus

Male reproductive system

Meiosis 精子生成 (Spermatogenesis) Spermatogenesis takes place in the 睪丸 (testes). 從青春期開始終其一生都在進行 精原細胞 (spermatogonia): 幹細胞 Each 精母細胞 (primary spermatocyte) produces four functional sperm cells. 睪固酮 (testosterone) are directly necessary for sperm production

精細胞生成 (Spermatogenesis) 精母細胞 精原細胞 精子 5

精原細胞 初級精母細胞 次級精母細胞 精細胞 精子

Sperm cell: Head Middle piece 圍繞著粒線體 (mitochondria), 製造 ATP 鞭毛 (Flagellum) 頂體 (Acrosome) 內含溶解酶與消化酵素

精子生成 (spermiogenesis) 頂體 粒線體 8

Testes( 睪丸 ) The function of the testes : 1.production of sperm 2.production and secretion of androgens( 雄性激素 ) (male sex hormones), the most common being testosterone( 睪固酮 ) Testes located in the 陰囊 (scrotum) Sperm develop successfully at approximately 3 Celsius below normal body temperature

Male reproductive system 輸精管 儲精囊 前列腺 陰莖 副睪 睪丸 陰囊 10

胚胎時睪丸的下降 11

Seminiferous Tubules( 曲細精管 ) Seminiferous tubules contain two types of cells: 1. Sustentacular cells(sertoli cells)( 支持細胞 ) nondividing support cells that assist with sperm development; connected to each other by tight junctions and form the blood-testis barrier 2. A population of dividing germ cells that continuously produce sperm beginning at puberty

Testes( 睪丸 )

Interstitial Space Spaces external to and in between seminiferous tubules Interstitial cells( 間隙細胞 ) reside in these space and produce hormones called androgens Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Interstitial cells Seminiferous tubule Tubule lumen Sustentacular cells Sperm cells 間隙細胞 Spermatids Spermatogonia Figure 28.13 (b) Seminiferous tubule, cross section LM 250x b: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Photo by Dr. Alvin Telser

精細胞生成細胞 (spermatogenic cells)& 支持細胞 (Sertoli cells) 支持細胞 15

Male Reproductive System 附睪 (Epididymis) a long coiled tube on the posterior surface of a testis Site of sperm maturation 管壁的平滑肌層逐漸增加, 作用是射精時將精子推往輸精管 輸精管 (Ductus (vas) deferens) carries sperm from the epididymis into the abdominal cavity through the 鼠蹊管 (inguinal canal); 到達膀胱後方進入射精管 ( ejaculatory duct) 管壁是發達的平滑肌層 精索 (spermatid cord): 內含輸精管 神經和血管 ----- 疝氣 (hernia) 輸精管結紮術 (vasectomy)

Spermatic Cord( 精索 ) The spermatic cord originates at the inguinal canal. It consists of the following: Testicular artery( 睪丸動脈 ) branch of the abdominal aorta Pampiniform plexus( 蔓狀靜脈叢 ) a network of veins surrounding the testicular artery Cremaster muscle( 提睪肌 ) and fascia formed from muscle fiber extensions of the internal oblique muscle Autonomic nerves travel with plexus and connect to the testes

Spermatic cord( 精索 ) 副睪 睪丸

Ducts( 導管 ) in the Male Reproductive System Beginning at the testis and extending through the penis, the ducts are: Rete testis( 睪丸網 ) Efferent ductules( 輸出小管 ) Epididymis( 附睪 ) Ductus deferens( 輸精管 ) Ejaculatory duct( 射精管 ) Urethra

Ducts in the testis: --rete testis( 睪丸網 ) --efferent ductile( 輸出小管 ) 輸精管 輸出小管 睪丸網 Epididymis( 附睪 )

Ducts( 導管 ) in the Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System 射精管 (Ejaculatory ducts) 接收來自輸精管的精子與儲精囊的分泌物 進入尿道 (urethra) 儲精囊 (Seminal vesicles) 位於膀胱 (urinary bladder) 後方 分泌物經排管進入射精管 ( ejaculatory duct) 分泌物呈弱鹼性, 富含果糖 (fructose ) 提供精子能量來源 含平滑肌

前列腺 攝護腺 (Prostate gland ) 位於膀胱下方 ; 包圍尿道 (urethra) 第一段 分泌物包含檸檬酸 (citric acid),prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 包含平滑肌 (Smooth muscle) 攝護腺肥大 (prostatic hypertrophy) 尿道球腺 (Bulbourethral gland) 位於前列腺下方 ; 分泌入尿道 (urethra) 分泌物呈弱鹼性

輸精管 儲精囊 前列腺

儲精囊 輸精管壺腹 前列腺 尿道球腺

陰莖 (Penis) 圍繞著尿道 包含三個部分根部 ( root), 體部 (body) & 龜頭 (glans penis) 引導尿液與精液通過 根部 (Root): 連接於體壁坐骨的近端部分 體部 (Body): 包含三個有勃起性的海綿組織 背側 : 陰莖海綿體 (corpora cavernosa penis) 中間腹側 : 尿道海綿體 (corpus spongiosum penis)- 包圍尿道 龜頭 (Glans penis): 尿道海綿體末端膨大的部分, 有尿道外開口 (external urethral orifice) 龜頭表面覆蓋的皮膚為包皮 (prepuce) 26


The penis has three masses of erectile tissue. 內含平滑肌以及血管竇, 不規則的動靜脈吻合血管通道 Sexual stimulation: 副交感神經衝動 +NO(nitric oxide) 釋出, 造成動脈管壁放鬆大量血液進入血管竇, 於是造成勃起作用 交感神經衝動 : 生殖管道 ( 輸精管 儲精囊 ----) 內平滑肌收縮蠕動, 造成射精作用 (ejaculation) Semen: 包含精子 (sperm) and 儲精囊 (seminal vesicles), 前列腺 (prostate gland), and 尿道球腺 (bulbourethral glands) 的分泌物 The ph is about 7.4; purpose

Female reproductive system

Meiosis 卵子生成 (Oogenesis) 卵子生成發生於卵巢 (ovaries), 開始於青春期 Each 初級卵母細胞 (primary oocyte) produces one functional ovum and three non-functional polar bodies. FSH, LH, and estrogen are necessary for ovum production and ovulation (see Table 20 3).

Female Reproductive System Consists of the 卵巢 (ovaries), 輸卵管 (fallopian tubes), 子宮 (uterus), 陰道 (vagina), and 外生殖器 (external genitals). 卵巢 (Ovaries) (paired) 位於骨盆腔內子宮兩側 卵巢濾泡 ( ovarian follicles) : 初級卵母細胞 + 濾泡細胞 成熟濾泡 graafian follicle: LH 刺激而排卵 排卵之後的濾泡改稱為黃體 (corpus luteum), 分泌黃體素 (progesterone ) 與雌性素 (estrogen)

輸卵管 卵巢 子宮 子宮頸 陰蒂 陰道

Stages of Follicle Development Primary follicle: secrete estrogen

Vesicular Follicle Also called a mature follicle or a Graafian follicle Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Antrum Corona radiata Zona Secondary pellucida oocyte Ovulation( 排卵 ): ---a peak in LH secretion ---secondary oocyte +zona pellucida + corona radiata LM 100x Figure 28.4 (e) Vesicular follicle Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold

Corpus Luteum( 黃體 ) Following the rupture of the vesicular follicle and the expulsion of the oocyte (ovulation), the remnants of the follicle (minus the oocyte) become the corpus luteum. Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Corpus luteum The corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogen, which stimulate the growth of the uterine endometrium LM 25x Figure 28.4 (f) Corpus luteum The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc./Photo by Dr. Alvin Telser

卵巢週期 成熟濾泡 黃體 排卵 39

Ovarian cycle( 卵巢週期 ) 濾泡期 排卵 黃體期

Ovulation( 排卵 ): ---a peak in LH secretion

Ovarian hormone levels

輸卵管 (Fallopian tubes) (paired) each extends from an ovary to the uterus. 繖部 (Fimbriae): 靠近卵巢的指狀突起, 將卵子掃入輸卵管 纖毛上皮 (ciliated epithelium) and 平滑肌 (smooth muscle) The fallopian tube is the usual site of 受精 (fertilization). 子宮外孕 (ectopic pregnancy)

輸卵管 子宮 卵巢 陰道 44

Uterine Tube(oviduct)( 輸卵管 ) 纖毛上皮 45

子宮 (Uterus) (single) 底部 (Fundus) 體部 (Body) 子宮頸 (Cervix) 子宮肌膜 (Myometrium) 由平滑肌組成 子宮內膜 (Endometrium) the lining, highly vascular: 基底層 (Basilar layer) 功能層 (Functional layer) 月經週期中雌性素與黃體激素影響

子宮內膜 Wall of the Uterus Perimetrium outermost layer Myometrium( 子宮肌膜 ) Endometrium( 子宮內膜 ) 子宮肌膜 子宮外膜 48

Layers of Endometrium( 子宮內膜 ) Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Lumen of uterus Functional layer (stratum functionalis) changes thickness during the uterine cycle and is shed as menses Functional layer Epithelium Uterine glands Endometrium Basal layer (stratum basalis) ---deeper layer ---the permanent layer that undergoes little change during the uterine cycle Basal layer Myometrium LM 45x (c) Uterus b,c: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Photo by Dr. Alvin Telser

Menstrual cycle( 月經週期 ) 腦下垂體分泌 FSH and LH ovarian hormone(estrogen and progesterone) 子宮內膜 (endometrium) 變化 (menstrual cycle) 分為月經期 (3-4 天 ), 濾泡期 (8-10 天 ), and 黃體期 (14 天 ) 濾泡期 (follicular phase): FSH 刺激卵巢內濾泡快速生長, 濾泡細胞分泌雌性素 (estrogen) 刺激子宮內膜功能層的細胞分化 排卵 (ovulation): LH 激增造成排卵 黃體期 (luteal phase): 黃體分泌黃體素 (progesterone) 子宮內膜功能層 (functional layer) 增厚許多, 腺體細胞內開始聚集 glycogen and glycoproteins 50

Menstrual cycle Menstrual phase( 月經期 ): 如果卵子沒有受精或是胚胎無法著床, progesterone and estrogen 減少,progesterone 量降低將造成下列事件 1. spiral arteries 的肌肉痙攣收縮, 阻斷正常血流 2. 動脈細胞合成 prostaglandin 的量增加, 造成強烈血管收縮及局部組織缺氧, 於是組織瓦解, 由於 basal layer 不受 progesterone 的影響, 所以沒有變化 51

Hormonal Changes in the Female Reproductive System

陰道 (Vagina) 從子宮頸 (cervix) 延伸到陰道開口 ( vaginal orifice) 受到雌性素 (estrogen) 刺激, 上皮細胞合成肝醣 (glycogen), 當細胞剝落, 細菌將 glycogen 代謝成乳酸, 造成陰道酸性環境, 得以抵抗病菌 Normal flora (microbiota) 陰道內正常的微生物產生弱酸環境, 抑制病原體生長

外陰部 (External genitals) (vulva): 陰蒂 (Clitoris) a small mass of 勃起組織 (erectile tissue),anterior to the urethral orifice: 大陰唇 (Labia majora )and 小陰唇 (Labia minora) paired folds of skin that cover the urethral and vaginal openings: 前庭腺 ((Bartholin s (vestibular) glands) open at the vaginal orifice

External Genitalia 陰阜 The space between the labia minora is the vestibule. 小陰唇 大陰唇

前庭腺 clitoris( 陰蒂 )

Mammary Glands 懷孕時, 排管末端增生 到了懷孕末期, 由於泌乳激素 (prolactin) 作用, 輸乳腺與輸乳管膨大且聚集 colostrum( 初乳 ), 結締組織內出現大量 plasma cells, 產生 IgA, 同時併入 colostrum 分娩之後, 製造大量乳汁, 乳汁內的主要成分為 proteins and lipids 斷奶之後大部分的 alveoli 退化, 整個排管系統恢復懷孕前的外觀 57

輸乳管 輸乳腺