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37 Vol. 37, No. 203 ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA Jan., 2 0 3 doi: 0.754/203.54 杨元昊 杨娟宁 贺玉良 李海滨 2 周继术 陈 李 冰 蕾 王艳玲 王绿洲 2 (.,, 70086; 2., 7200) : (Silurus lanzhouensis), (Silurus asotus) (Cyrinus carpio) : ph (P>0.05), (P<0.05); ph (P>0.05), (P<0.05),, : y=0.365x+25.339(r=0.97);, : y=0.6279x 0.0929(R=0.9);, : y=2.404x 4.55(R=0.97) 7, 3, 96.08%,,,, : ; ; ; ; 中图分类号 : Q74 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 000-3207(203)0-0054-08,, 9 [],, (Silurus lanzhouensis)(silurus asotus),, [2] [, 3],,,,,, [, 3] 粦 [4] 977 (S. lanzhouensis),,, [5, 6],, (Cyrinus carpio),,. 20 8 0,,, 24 7 8,, 2h,, 收稿日期 : 202-05-25; 修订日期 : 202-2-0 基金项目 : (20K0-3); (20-2); (CARS-46-52) 通信作者 : (975 ),, ;, ; E-mail: yangyh_

: 55 2 7, ph, 3 : (629±258) (542± 54) (786±50) g; 7, (TPA), : (696±258) (520±87) (750±5) g.2,, TPA 2.0 cm 2.0 cm 2.0 cm 7,, 2, 50 3,.3 ph [7] [8] [9] [0] UV250 558 nm [], ; [2,3], OLYMPUS BX5 0 40 TA-XT-PLUS (TPA) P6, (Pre-test speed) mm/s; (Post-test speed) mm/s; (Test speed) mm/s; 5s; (Trigger force) 5 g; (distance): 5 mm; (Data acquisition rate) 200.00 pps.4 DPS7.05 Duncan s 2 2. ph 3 ph ( ), > > 3 ph (P>0.05) 2.2 3 ( 2), > > (P<0.05), (P>0.05) 2.3 3 ( 3), > > (P>0.05), 2 表 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌肉 ph Tab. The ph values in the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio (n = 7) ± No. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 S. lanzhouensis 6.8 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.73±0.05 a S. asotus 6.8 6.4 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.67±0.2 a C. carpio 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.63±0.05 a 表 2 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌肉滴水损失 Tab. 2 The drip losses of the meat in Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio (n=7, %) No. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 ± S. lanzhouensis 2.60 5.85 4.34 3.25 4.34 2.47 3.4 3.75±.8 a S. asotus 2.0 3.75 2.92 3.52 2.34 4.6 3.69 3.20±0.80 ab C. carpio 3.4 2.72 2.78 2.46 2.69 2.72 2.85 2.75±0.20 b 表 3 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌肉熟肉率 Tab. 3 The cooked meat percentages of meat in Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio (n=7, %) No. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 ± S. lanzhouensis 72.80 69.69 70.89 72.03 72.66 75.7 72.3 72.20±.70 a S. asotus 69.59 74.38 77.99 77.50 76.44 72. 73.65 74.52±3.04 a C. carpio 79.07 74.82 79.34 77.02 78.88 80.55 75.66 77.90±2. b

56 37 (P<0.05) 2.4 3 ( 4), > > (P<0.05), (P> 0.05) 2.5 3 ( 5), >> (P>0.05), (P<0.0) 2.6 3 ( 6), >> (P<0.0), (P>0.05) 2.7 3 ( 7), >> (P>0.05), (P<0.05) 2.8 3 ( 8) 8, 3 >> 60.% 32.8%, (P<0.05), (P>0.05);, 2.6% 3.2% 5.8% 43.4% 32.8% 25.0%, 3, (P<0.05), (P>0.05); 表 4 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌肉失水率 Tab. 4 Water losses in the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio (n=7, %) ± No. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 S. lanzhouensis 24.08 26.89 24.79 24.00 23.47 2.76 22.89 23.98±.6 a S. asotus 29.8 2.30 4.3 4.7 7.04 6.66 7.72 8.26±5.73 b C. carpio 5.2 6.67 3.24 4.03 8.92 0.5 4.52 4.72±2.65 b 表 5 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌肉胶原蛋白含量 Tab. 5 Collagen content in the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio (n=7, mg/g) ± No. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 S. lanzhouensis 0.027 0.04 0.026 0.06 0.07 0.029 0.050 0.037±0.08 a S. asotus 0.004 0.040 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.008 0.02 0.0±0.03 a C. carpio 0.930.72 0.976.078.084 0.89 0.85 0.982±0.37 b 表 6 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌纤维直径统计结果 Tab. 6 The diameters of the muscle fiber of Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio (n=7, μm) No. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 ± Means±SD S. lanzhouensis 67.75 58.22 54.64 49.4 5.04 46.78 54.37 54.60±6.9 a S. asotus 67.28 65.75 66.2 66.7 64.57 63.4 66.50 65.72±.42 b C. carpio 58.08 59.63 52.89 60.04 6.4 64.56 60.54 59.55±3.54 a Tab. 7 表 7 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌原纤维耐折力统计结果 The folding strengths of muscle fibers in the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio (n = 7, μm) No. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 ± Means±SD S. lanzhouensis 44.48 45.5 42.5 43.82 4.04 42.88 4.45 43.00±.55 a S. asotus 43.40 44.25 44.63 47.79 43.85 46.38 4.4 44.53±2.07 a C. carpio 40.54 40.6 40.66 40.28 4.44 39.8 43.36 40.80±.3 b

: 57 (P>0.05);, >>, 3 (P>0.05), > >, (P>0.05), (P<0.0) 2.9 ( 9) 9, (R 0.97 0.97), (R 0.57, 0.78 0.59); (R 0.70 0.80); (R 0.63 0.65), (R= 0.9); (R=0.99), : y=0.365x + 25.339(R=0.97); : y= 2.404x 4.55(R=0.97); : y=0.6279x 0.0929(R=0.9); y=0.9288x+3.33(r=0.99) 2.0,, 7 7 7 7, DPS ( 0 ) 0,, 3,, 96.08% 3 7, 3 7, (PC ) Item Tab. 8 表 8 兰州鲇 鲇 黄河鲤肌肉质构品质测定结果 Texture properties in the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio ( n=7) Hardness (g) Adhesiveness (g.sec) Cohesiveness Springiness Gumminess (g) Chewiness (g) Resilience S. lanzhouensis 33.3±26.2 a 9.75±8.55 a 0.498±0.072 a 0.95±0.023 a 47.±43.0 a 39.7±39.2 a 0.220±0.049 a S. asotus 50.7±83. b 2.44±7.03 a 0.440±0.06 ab 0.93±0.056 ab 205.±7.6 a 88.2±73.8 a 0.208±0.043 a C. carpio 46.0±85.6 ab 7.24±5.38 a 0.375±0.04 b 0.863±0.050 b 46.6±8.5 a 26.7±.9 a 0.76±0.062 a Item Tab. 9 表 9 兰州鲇质构指标之间的相关性分析 The correlation analysis of texture properties in the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis Hardness Hardness Adhesiveness Springiness Cohesiveness Gumminess Chewiness Adhesiveness 0.57 Springiness 0.02 0.5 Cohesiveness 0.78 0.70 0. Gumminess 0.97 0.44 0.04 0.63 Chewiness 0.97 0.40 0.08 0.65 0.99 Resilience 0.59 0.80 0.6 0.9 0.40 0.4 Resilience Item Characteristic value Tab. 0 表 0 相关矩阵的特征值 The eigenvalues of the correlated matrix Percentage (%) Accumulative percentage (%) 4.43 63.3 63.3 2.22 7.43 80.74 3.07 5.34 96.08 4 0.24 3.42 99.50 5 0.03 0.4 99.9 6 0.004 0.07 99.98

58 37 表 规格化特征向量 Tab. Normalization of eigenvectors Item PC PC 2 PC 3 Hardness 0.45 0.26 0 Adhesiveness 0.35 0.42 0.32 Springiness 0.02 0.8 0.94 Cohesiveness 0.43 0.28 0.05 Gumminess 0.42 0.43 0.02 Chewiness 0.42 0.42 0.3 Resilience 0.37 0.54 0.03 63.3%, ;, ; 2(PC 2 ) 7.43%, ; 3(PC 3 ) 5.34%, 3 7, 3 3.,, [6],,, 7.4%, [4] (5.20%) 4.5%, 2.22%, [4] (.63%), (C. carpio) [5] (3.47%) ;.29% 80.4%, 8 7.29% (), [4] (58.3%) ; 8 30.24%, FAO/WHO, 4 24.62%(), 65.2%,, ph,, ph ; ph, ph,,,,,,,, 3 > >,,,,,,,,,,,, [0], (0.037±0.08)%, (0.0±0.03)%, (P>0.05), (P>0.05),,,,, (54.60±6.9) μm, (65.72±.42) μm (59.55±3.54)μm [3] (33.84 μm), (P<0.0), (0.982±0.37)% [6] (0.93%) [7] (.39%) [8] (.78%),,, 3.2,,,,,,, 7 4 ( ;

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: 6 QUALITY EVALUATION OF THE MEAT OF SILURUS LANZHOUENSIS, SILURUS ASOTUS AND CYRINUS CARPIO YANG Yuan-Hao, HE Yu-Liang, ZHOU Ji-Shu 2, LI Lei, WANG Lü-Zhou, YANG Juan-Ning, LI Hai-Bin, CHEN Bing and WANG Yan-Ling 2 (. Fisheries Research Institute of Shaanxi Province, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Supervision & Test Center for Fisheries Environment and Quality of Fishery Products of Ministry of Agriculture, Xi an 70086, China; 2. College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 7200) Abstract: The meat quality of Silurus lanzhouensis, Silurus asotus and Cyrinus carpio, including ph value, drip loss, percentage of water loss, the rate of meat cooking, collagen content, muscle fiber diameter, folding strength of muscle fiber and texture properties of the meat, were compared in this research. The meat drip loss, muscle fiber diameter and hardness of Silurus lanzhouensis were significantly different from those of Silurus asotus and drip loss, the rate of cooked meat, percentage of water loss, collagen content, folding strength of muscle fiber, cohesiveness and springiness of Silurus lanzhouensis were significantly different from those of Cyrinus carpio(p<0.05). Furthermore, ph value, drip loss, the rate of cooked meat, collagen content, folding strength of muscle fiber, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, springiness and resilience showed no significant difference between the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis and Silurus asotus, and ph value, muscle fiber diameter, hardness, adhesiveness, resilience, gumminess, chewiness showed no significant difference between the meat of Silurus lanzhouensis and Cyrinus carpio(p>0.05). The meat chewiness and gumminess were significantly correlated with meat hardness, the correlation functions being y=0.365x+25.339 (R=0.97) and y=2.404x 4.55(R=0.97) respectively. The meat resilience was significant correlated with the meat cohesiveness, the correlation functions being y=0.6279x 0.0929(R=0.9). At the same time, the principal component analysis was performed based on 7 parameters of textural profile analysis (TPA), and 3 factors were extracted with their accumulative contribution to variance being about 96.08%, of which the muscle hardness was the dominant factor. The appearances of Silurus lanzhouensis and Silurus asotus were distinctly very similar in forms, both in fresh quality characteristics, but there were also some differences, probably being related to special germplasm characteristics of these two fishes. Key words: Silurus lanzhouensis; Silurus asotus; Cyrinus carpio; Meat quality; Principal component analysis