Career development for the accounting industry is huge and broad. A professional accountancy qualification opens the door to an immense variety of car

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be free to spread your wings with ACCA

Career development for the accounting industry is huge and broad. A professional accountancy qualification opens the door to an immense variety of career choices, including employment opportunities in public practice, banking & finance, corporate & commercial, and the government sector.

think about a professional QuaLifiCation Think about ACCA ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. As the first global accountancy body entering into China, ACCA currently has over 22,000 members and 41,000 students, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. Both our reputation and influence are well-respected worldwide by employers, governments and the profession itself. We currently have 147,000 members and 424,000 students in over 170 countries, plus a network of 83 staffed offices and centres around the world to offer you support while you complete your qualification. (as of May 2011) be free to spread your wings with ACCA 2

ACCA ACCA ( ) ACCA 22,000 41,000 ACCA 170 147,000 424,000 83 ACCA ( 2011 5 ) ACCA 3

PUBLIC PRACTICE Public accountants perform a broad range of accounting, auditing, tax and advisory services for their clients, who may be corporations, governments, non-profit organisations, or individuals. be free to spread your wings with ACCA 4

ACCA is a benchmark for quality in the profession. Once you have attained the qualification, you are assured a clear path for your future. ACCA ACCA The Hon Paul Chan Mo-po MH, JP Legislative Councillor (Accountancy), HKSAR Co-Chairman Crowe Horwath (HK) CPA Limited - ACCA 5

Obtaining an internationally-recognised professional qualification such as ACCA creates tremendous opportunities worldwide, enabling you to progress your career and rise to the top. ACCA be free to spread your wings with ACCA Rosanna Choi Partner CWCC CPA - 6

ACCA's reputation for excellence in qualifications and training is acknowledged around the world, which will have a positive impact on your reputation in the profession. ACCA Roy Tsang Partner, Audit Service Deloitte China - ( ) ACCA 7

A career in accountancy is a great choice and can offer you excellent job prospects, especially in Asia Pacific, where demand is strong. A professional qualification strengthens your potential and puts you in demand in the workplace across all sectors. be free to spread your wings with ACCA Judy Wong Partner, Assurance Ernst & Young - ( ) 8

Obtaining an ACCA membership can take you to the very top. Globally, employers will understand and respect you as a professional, helping you to climb your career ladder faster. ACCA Bolivia Cheung Partner, Tax KPMG China - ( ) ACCA 9

Taking the ACCA Qualification provided me with a competitive edge to excel in the challenging business environment. This widely renowned qualification helps my career take flight. ACCA be free to spread your wings with ACCA Ada Gao Audit Associate KPMG - 10

When I finally achieved ACCA membership, it felt wonderful. ACCA William Mak Assurance Partner PwC Hong Kong - ACCA 11

ACCA opens up a wealth of opportunities and enhances the development of your employability. This worldwide qualification with global standards enables you to develop a rewarding career internationally. ACCA be free to spread your wings with ACCA Fergus Wong Director, Tax Services - Knowledge Management PwC Hong Kong - 12

The ACCA Qualification is a passport for professional accountancy career worldwide. The qualification represents quality and distinction, which is highly regarded by business around the world. ACCA Anita Hou Partner of Forensic and Investigation Services SHINEWING (HK) CPA Limited ( ) - ACCA 13