USING MAYA ANIMATION Keyset set Maya sets partitions MEL MEL copykey cutkey pastekey scalekey snapkey keytangent bakeresults MEL Command Reference Edi

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USING MAYA ANIMATION Keyset set Maya sets partitions MEL MEL copykey cutkey pastekey scalekey snapkey keytangent bakeresults MEL Command Reference Edit > Keys > Cut Keys Edit > Keys > Cut Keys 62

EDITING KEYS 9 1 2 Edit > Keys > Cut Keys 3 Hierarchy Selected Maya Below Maya Channels All Keyable From Channel Box Driven Channels Control Points 45 NURBS CVs NURBS Control Points Edit > Keys > Cut Keys CVs 63

USING MAYA ANIMATION CV Control Points Edit > Keys > Cut Keys CV Control Points CVs CV CV-intensive Control Points Shapes Time Range Shapes Shapes All Start/End Start Time End Time Time Slider Time Slider Start Time End Time Help Images Method Start/End Start/End Cut Keys Options Start/End Time Slider Keys Segments Maya Adjustment Segments None 64

EDITING KEYS 9 Collapse Connect Collapse 4 Cut Keys (Edit > Keys > Copy Keys ) (Edit > Keys > Copy Keys) 1 2 Edit > Keys > Copy Keys Copy Keys Options 3 Hierarchy Selected Below Maya 65

USING MAYA ANIMATION Channels All Keyable From Channel Box Driven Channels Control Points 45 NURBS CVs NURBS Control Points Edit > Keys > Copy Keys CVs CV Control Points Edit > Keys >Copy Keys CV Control Points CVs CV CV-intensive Control Points Shapes Time Range Shapes Shapes All Start/End Start Time End Time Time Slider Time Slider Start Time Start/End 66

EDITING KEYS 9 End Time Help Images Method Start/End Cut Keys Options Start/End Time Slider Keys Segments Maya 4 Copy Keys 1 2 Edit > Keys > Copy Keys (Edit > Keys >Paste Keys ) (Edit > Keys > Paste Keys) 67

USING MAYA ANIMATION 1 2 Edit > Keys > Paste Keys Paste Keys Options 3 Time Range Start Time Start/End Time End Time Clipboard Adjustment 4 / 8 18 10 Current Clipboard Time Offset Value Offset Copies Help Images Help Images Clipboard Adjustment Preserve Scale Fit Start/End 68

EDITING KEYS 9 Paste Method Insert Replace Start/End Clipboard Merge Replace Region Paste Method Replace Time Range Entire Curve Entire Connect 4 Paste Keys 1 2 Edit > Keys > Paste Keys animimportexport File > New and File > Open 69

USING MAYA ANIMATION (Edit > Keys > Delete Keys ) (Edit > Keys > Delete Keys) MEL MEL Cut Keys-clear 1 2 Edit > Keys > Delete Keys 3 Delete Keys Options Objects Selected All Hierarchy Selected Below Channels All Keyable From Channel Box Driven Channels 70

EDITING KEYS 9 45 Control Points Shapes Time Range NURBS CVs Shapes Shapes All Start/End Start Time End Time Time Slider Time Slider Start Time End Time Help Images Method Start/End Start/End Cut Keys Options Start/End Time Slider Keys Segments Maya 4 Delete Keys 71

USING MAYA ANIMATION 1 2 Edit > Keys > Delete Keys Edit > Key > Scale Keys > Scale Keys Edit > Keys fixed 10 1 2 Edit > Keys >Scale Keys 3 Scale Keys Options Objects Selected All Hierarchy Selected Below Channels 72 All Keyable

EDITING KEYS 9 From Channel Box Driven Channels Control Points Shapes Time Range 45 NURBS CVs Shapes Shapes All Start/End Start Time End Time Time Slider Time Slider Start Time End Time Method Start/End Start/End Scale/Pivot multiplier Time Pivot 73 Start/End New Start/End Times Time Scale/Pivot Value Scale/Pivot 73

USING MAYA ANIMATION New Start/End Times 4 Scale Keys Start/End 1 2 Edit > Keys > Scale Keys Time Pivot 12 24 Time Pivot Time Pivot 1 2 Edit > Keys > Scale Keys- Scale Keys Options 3 12 24 Start/End Time Range 4 24 Scale/Pivot Method 74

EDITING KEYS 9 24 5 Scale Keys 12 24 0 6 Snap Select Unsnapped Graph Editor Snap Time Slider Edit Keys > Snap Edit > Keys > Snap Keys - (Edit > Keys > Snap Keys) 1 2 Edit > Keys > Snap Keys 75

USING MAYA ANIMATION Snap Keys Options 3 Objects Selected All Hierarchy Selected Below Channels Channel Box All Keyable From Channel Box Driven Channels Control Points Shapes Time Range 45 NURBS CVs Shapes Shapes All Start/End Start Time End Time Time Slider Time Slider Start Time Start/End 76

EDITING KEYS 9 End Time Snap Start/End Times Vaules Both Snap Times to Multiples of Snap Values to Multiples of Bake Simulation Maya Edit > Keys >Bake Simulation (Edit > Keys > Snap Simulation) 1 2 Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation Bake Simulation Options 3 Hierarchy Selected 77

USING MAYA ANIMATION Below Channels Channel Box All Keyable From Channel Box Driven Channels Control Points Shapes Time Range 45 NURBS CVs All Start/End Start Time End Time Time Slider Time Slider Start Time End Time Sample By Start/End Start/End Maya Sample By Time Unit Maya 1 Keep Unbaked Keys 78

EDITING KEYS 9 Sparse Curve Bake Disable Implicit Control IK 1 2 Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation IK IK joint 1 IK joint3 IK joint 3 IK 1 79

USING MAYA ANIMATION 2 Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation Bake Simulation Options 3 Sample By 4 4 4 Disable Implicit Controls joint1 IK 80

EDITING KEYS 9 5 Bake Maya Sample By 4 81