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2009 3 249 285 傳授與融合 太極五真人頌 研究 一 前言 -249-

(homologizing) (John Kieschnick) (Robert Campany) (John R. McRae) (Bernard Faure) 987 34-36 2002 3-58 2006 58-84 2005-46 -250-

2 (reading strategy) (school) (confraternity) (Angelika Cedzich) 2 参 John Kieschnick, The Eminent Monk: Buddhist Ideals in Medieval Chinese Hagiography (Honolulu: Hawai i University Press, 1997); Robert Campany, To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth: A Translation and Study of Ge Hong s Traditions of Divine Transcendents (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002). Lu Yang, Narrative and Historicity in the Buddhist Biographies of Early Medieval China: The Case of Kumarajiva, Asia Major 17.2 (2004): 1-43. Bernard Faure, The Rhetoric of Immediacy: A Cultural Critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991), p. 28; Morten Schlütter, Chan Buddhism in Song Dynasty China (960-1279): The Rise of the Caodong Tradition and the Formation of the Chan School (Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1998), p. 19; John R. McRae, Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), pp.1-21, 隽 鈎 2006 330-368 -251-

3 (Michel Strickmann) (Isabelle Robinet) 4 5 6 3 Angelika Cedzich, review of Early Daoist Scriptures, by Stephen R. Bokenkamp. Journal of Chinese Religions 28 (2000): 165-167. 4 Isabelle Robinet, Taoism: Growth of a Religion, trans. Phyllis Brooks (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997), p. 116. 5 Cedzich, pp. 165-167. 6 (Michel Strickmann) Michel Strickmann, The Mao-shan Revelations: Taoism and the Aristocracy, T oung Pao 63 (1977): 1-63. 977 333-369 (Stephen Bokenkamp) Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Sources of the Ling-pao Scriptures, in Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R. A. Stein, ed. Michel Strickmann (Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1983), 2: 434-486. -252-

7 62 982 990 38-82 200 Ōfuchi Ninji, On Ku Ling-pao-ching, Acta Asiatica: Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture 27 (Tokyo: Toho Gakkai, 974): 33-56. 998 485-506 997 73-28 (47) 27 2008 275-29 2009 2 49-72 7 3-58 58-84 6 2002 83-06 0 200 49-50 2008 Bokenkamp, Sources of the Ling-pao Scriptures, pp. 434-485; Ko Ch ao-fu and Ko Hung, in The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, ed. William H. Nienhauser, Jr. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986), pp. 479-482; Death and Ascent in Lingpao Taoism, Taoist Resources 1.2 (1989): 1-20; Lu Xiujing, Buddhism, and the First Daoist Canon, in Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200-600, ed. Scott Pearce, Audrey Spiro and Patricia Ebrey (Cambridge: Havard University Press, 2001), pp. 181-199; The Prehistory of Laozi: His Prior Career as a Woman in the Lingbao Scriptures, Cahiers d Extrême-Asie 14 (2004): 403-421; The Silkworm and the Bodhi Tree: The Lingbao Attempt to Replace Buddhism in China and Our Attempt to Place Lingbao Daoism, in Ancient and Medieval China, vol. 1 of Religion and Chinese Society, ed. Jonh Lagerwey (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press; Paris: École française d Extrême-Orient, 2004), pp. 317-339. -253-

(genealogy) 8 二 早期道教經典所見的 五真人頌 及其內容 P. 9 10 8 9 999 2445-2446 10 (HY30) 995 42 39 9a-0a P. P. -254-

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 222 12 (HY427) 58 8a 13 39 9a 14 8a 15 39 9a 16 39 9a 17 8b 39 9b 2445 18 39 9b 19 8b 20 39 9b 21 8b 22 39 9b 23 8b 24 39 0a 25 2445-255-

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 26 8b 2445 27 2445 28 29 8b 39 0a 30 8b 39 0a 31 2445 32 33 8b 39 0a 34 39 0a 35 9a 39 0a 2445 36 2445 37 39 9b 38 39 9a 40 39 9b 2445 41 9a 42 39 9b 2445 43 39 9b 2445 44 39 9b 45 9a 46 47 2445 48 9a -256-

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 49 2445 50 9a 2445 51 2445 52 2446 53 9b 54 2446 55 9b 56 2446 57 9b 58 2446 59 60 61 62 63 9b 覩 64 (HY528) 6 23b-25a -257-

65 66 三 太極真人與傳承體系 65 Symposium on Foundations of Taoist Ritual, Seminar für Sinologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dec 9-11, 2007, p. 9 66 2b -258-

67 68 69 70 71 67 (HY42) 4b 68 437-442 69 (HY425) 6b 70 (HY344) 0 8a 71 (HY346) 0 5a -259-

72 73 74 72 廻 32 0a-b 廻 73 (HY426) 7a 32 4a-b 74 (HY435) a-b 32 6b 32 5b (HY00) 35 5 a-2a -260-

四 太極真人徐來勒與葛玄 75 76 77 32 7a-b 33 a 炁 炁炁 32 5a-b 75 (HY67) 5 a 76 (HY06) 4 3a-b 77 7a -261-

78 P. 経 79 78 8a 32 0a-b 79 2449-262-

80 81 82 80 0a-b (HY026) 37 6 9a-b 3 b-2a (HY2) 4 2 5a-6b 81 996 7 82 974 6 42 9-263-

83 P. P. 83 0b -264-

84 85 P. P. 84 39-40 85 P. P. 43-265-

86 P. P. P. 86 2 6a-b -266-

87 P. (397-40) P. (348) (344) (283) (344) P. 87 6 6a-b -267-

88 88 3 b-2b -268-

五 太上玄一三真人 89 89 2-3 34 4b-5a -269-

90 91 92 93 94 90 7a-b 91 Max Kaltenmark 985 82-84 92 893 Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen, eds., Antiquity through the Middle Ages, vol. 1 of The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004), pp. 109-111. 93 (HY769) 30 7 28b 94 3 b-2a -270-

六 正一真人張天師 95 96 97 98 99 100 95 65-68 96 Stephen Bokenkamp, The Salvation of Laozi: Images of the Sage in the Lingbao Scriptures, the Ge Xuan Preface, and the Yao Boduo Stele of 496 C.E. 2002 287-34 97 (HY532) 6 2a-b 98 20a 9a-b 99 (HY67) 9 4a-b 43 0a-b 100 4a -271-

101 102 103 104 105 101 a-b 102 2a-b 103 决 b-2a 104 0b-a 105 (HY23) 54 5a-b -272-

106 107 108 109 崐崘 110 106 Stephen Bokenkamp, The Prehistory of Laozi: His Prior Career as a Woman in the Lingbao Scriptures, Cahiers d Extrême-Asie 14 (2004): 411. 107 2 a 108 (HY65) 8 5 9b-20a 5 3b 109 2a 5b 22b 110 (HY07) 4 7a -273-

111 七 五真人頌 在經典中之意義 P. 112 P. 113 P. P. 114 111 5b 112 2443-2444 113 2445-2450 114 639-274-

呪 -275-

115 116 八 結論 115 925 52 34c 4-6 116 25-26 -276-

117 117 4 2 (2005) -55 (465-520) -277-

(fictional remembering of origins) 118 118 Faure, p. 28. -278-

119 120 121 迹 122 119 2 3a-b 120 3b 121 122 25a -279-

傳授與融合 太極五真人頌 研究 關鍵字 : 道教太極真人靈寶傳承徐來勒葛玄 -280-

Transmission and Syncretism: A Study of the Songs of Five Perfections of the Grand Ultimate HSIEH Shu-wei In ancient Lingbao scriptures, the transmission process is an often-mentioned issue. Transmission provides Lingbao with a fundamental mode of viewing its own historical origin. This essay thus puts emphasis on the pedigree itself as a functional medium of interpretation, with its transformations, reconstructions and alterations in the historical process. The pedigree itself is like a skeleton, and its author is able to polish and modulate the original text so as to form a more persuasive and authoritative one. The pedigree is often annexed to the canon as a way to account for the transmission process as well as to endorse its legitimacy. However, the pedigree is not a fixed text, but something that can be expanded through time, even connecting the transmitted dharma lineage and its author, and adding classic myths to enrich the original text. That is, the pedigree is a supplementary, flexible structure, capable of being shaped and revised to tally with the religious situation or other purposes. Therefore, the pedigrees preserved in the Lingbao scriptures are likely to be multilinear, with their changes and extensions still recognizable through the passage of time. As a historical process constantly in the making, the formation of pedigrees attempts to build a simulacrum of an historical paradigm of legitimacy that can be traced to a singular origin, thus to present an orthodox lineage. In this manner, Ge Xuan was raised from a Daoist to a Master of both Buddhism and Daoism, a teacher in both sacred and worldly realms. Furthermore, the lineage scheme could be simplified to a single-line diagram that is, the Ge family in terms of lineal successions of masters. Through the Songs of Five Perfections, this essay investigates the construction of transmission, and by comparing different versions, it explores the order of signification of the Lingbao scriptures. Finally, it also examines the role of Perfection of the Grand Ultimate, as well as Ge Xuan, the origin and importance of the three Perfections and the Celestial Master. Through studying from a critical perspective the development of the pedigrees, their meaning, construction, and modes of transmission in the ancient Lingbao scriptures, we can also reflect upon the connection between Lingbao and other schools, and, beyond that, the relation between Lingbao and Buddhism. Keywords: Daoism Perfections of the Grand Ultimate Lingbao transmission Xu Laile Ge Xuan -281-

徵引書目 HY426 995 HY425 995 2006-2 998 200 HY435 995 HY07 4 995 HY06 4 995 HY346 0 995 HY528 6 995 HY344 0 995 HY67 9 995 HY532 6 995 995 996 2002 2006 999 4 2 2005-55 HY65 8 995 HY2 4 995-282-

974 HY427 58 995 HY38 0 995 HY026 37 995 2006-2 HY67 5 995 HY00 35 995 HY42 995 HY30 42 995 HY23 54 995 52 925 Symposium on Foundations of Taoist Ritual, Seminar für Sinologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dec 9-11, 2007 27 2008 275-29 2009 2 49-72 2008 2 27-28 0 200 49-50 2008 HY769 30 995 隽 鈎 2006 Kaltenmark, Max 985 997 990-283-

2002 2005 977 987 Bokenkamp, Stephen. Sources of the Ling-pao Scriptures. In Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R. A. Stein. Ed. Michel Strickmann. Vol. 2. Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1983.. Ko Ch ao-fu and Ko Hung. In The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature. Ed. William H. Nienhauser, Jr.. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986, pp. 479-482.. Death and Ascent in Ling-pao Taoism. Taoist Resources 1.2 (1989): 1-20.. Lu Xiujing, Buddhism, and the First Daoist Canon. In Culture and Power in the Reconstitution of the Chinese Realm, 200-600. Ed. Scott Pearce, Audrey Spiro and Patricia Ebrey. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001.. The Salvation of Laozi: Images of the Sage in the Lingbao Scriptures, the Ge Xuan Preface, and the Yao Boduo Stele of 496 C.E. 2002. The Prehistory of Laozi: His Prior Career as a Woman in the Lingbao Scriptures. Cahiers d Extrême-Asie 14 (2004): 403-421.. The Silkworm and the Bodhi Tree: The Lingbao Attempt to Replace Buddhism in China and Our Attempt to Place Lingbao Daoism. In Ancient and Medieval China. Vol. 1 of Religion and Chinese Society. Ed. John Lagerwey. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press; Paris: École française d Extrême-Orient, 2004. Campany, Robert. To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth: A Translation and Study of Ge Hong s Traditions of Divine Transcendents. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. Cedzich, Angelika. Review of Early Daoist Scriptures, by Stephen R. Bokenkamp. Journal of Chinese Religions 28 (2000): 165-167. Faure, Bernard. The Rhetoric of Immediacy: A Cultural Critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991. Kieschnick, John. The Eminent Monk: Buddhist Ideals in Medieval Chinese Hagiography. Honolulu: Hawai i University Press, 1997. Lu, Yang. Narrative and Historicity in the Buddhist Biographies of Early Medieval China: The Case of Kumarajiva. Asia Major 17.2 (2004): 1-43. McRae, John R. Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. Ōfuchi Ninji, On Ku Ling-pao-ching. Acta Asiatica: Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture 27-284-

(1974): 33-56. Robinet, Isabelle. Taoism: Growth of a Religion. Trans. Phyllis Brooks. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997. Schipper, Kristofer, and Francisus Verellen, eds. Antiguity through the Middle Ages. Vol. 1 of The Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. Schlütter, Morten. Chan Buddhism in Song Dynasty (960-1279): The Rise of the Caodong Tradition and the Formation of the Chan School. Ph. D. diss., Yale University, 1998. Strickmann, Michel. The Mao-shan Revelations: Taoism and the Aristocracy. T oung Pao 63 (1977): 1-63. -285-