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2013 1 137 * 510632 Key Words Northern Dynasties Period tile inscriptions capital-sites every article should have its maker s name engraved on it Abstract The Book of Rites The Proceedings of Government in the Different Months says Every article should have its maker s name engraved on it for the determination of its genuineness. When the production is not what it ought to bethe artificer should be held guilty and an end be thus put to deception. Ancient people often left over inscriptions on tiles. This had influence in the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Northern Dynasties Period tile inscriptions have been discovered mainly on the DatongLuoyangLinzhang and Taiyuan capital-sites of that time. Their studies provide important data for archaeology of Northern Dynasties Period and are helpful to the all-round understanding of Northern Dynasties society. 1 1995 1996 3 2003 4 130 169 109 60 3 5 1930 2 2006 120 6 * 12BKG011

138 1 ~ 15 15 250 691 105 1962 140 7 491 1963 16 911 34 16 18 663 248 868 43 27 5 22 8 1171 17 130 1 ~ 3 12 10 2 2 14 9 18 169 10 60 8 50 8 2 6 85 3 3 11 1202 1. 1957 3 2. 3. 21 17 12 1976 1977 19 420 13 20 14 21 15

139 34 22 23 35 24 25 1977 26 27 36 435 37 28 29 38 30 31 32 39 33 40 496 41

140 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1929 52 53

141 54 1963 4 20 58 59 6 200 60 1500-1 61 55 56 1. 8 ~ 3. 5 57 62 1 ~ 3 63

142 1 7 2 64 65 66 493 74 67 68 1957 69 1970 70 71 72 73 250 1. 420 75 2 2.

143 4. 76 77 78 5. 3. 80 81 79 82 83 84

144 92 85 208 93 86 T1053 1 T3043 4 87 95 1363 88 89 90 91 94

145 1 96 1. 97 b. 98 6. 7 1979 1994. 1996.. 99 7. 12 2.. 2007 3a.. 1995. 2001 3.... 2000. 4.. 2005 4. 5 1962 9... 1930.. 8.. 1973 4. 9. 14. 10. 1999 3. 11.. 2003.. 1963 1. 13.. 1983 4..

146 1999. 15.. 1997. 16.. 2000 1. 17.. 36. 1974.. 2000. 18.. 37. 1974. 2008 3. 19a.. 39... 1976 11. 2008. b... 40.. 1983. 20.. 1980. 21a... 42. 1959. 1958. b... 2006. 22.. 1985 3. 23a.. 2003. 2007 3. b.. 45 1995 1997. 2008. 24 17. 25.. 2006. 26.. 1980 12. 27a... 2007-11 - 21. b... 2007 5. 28.. 1993.. 2006 10. 29.. 1979. 30.. 50. 2006. 31. 2006. 32 9. 33. 1974. 34. 1982. 35 2006. 38. 1974. 1980. 41.. 1960. 43. 2006. 44 1150 1.. 1981. 46. 1959. 47.. 1979... 48.. 1996. 49. 1960.. 1986. 51. 1974... 1962. 52..

147 2007. 53.. 80. 2006. 54 7. 55.. 1963. 56. 1973. 57a.... 2000. b. 35. 58 84.. 2007... 1989 2... 59 7. 2010 4. 60. 1959. 61.. 2006-02 - 24 8. 1963 5. 62 10. 63 9. 64 11. 65. 58. 66. 88. 1974.. 1983 8. 67.. 1989. 68 55. 69. 1987.. 1965. 70.. 1965. 71. 1974. 72. 1974. 73. 93 1995 1996. 1997 3. 74. 1974. 75. 1972. 76. 2006. 77 13. 78.. 95.... 2005. 1999. 79 1972. 81. 1971. 82.. 2003 11. 83... 2006. 85 86.. 87a... 20037. b.. 2001. 2002. 89.. 1987. 90.. 91.. 1980. 92. 1992.. 55 94 7. 96.. 2000 36 33.

148 97. d... 2002 2007. 2011. 98 96 130 174175. No. 4. 99a.. Ⅱ. 12. b... 2000. c... 2002.. 櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺櫺 13 1.. 1998. 2003 592 ~ 606. 2.. 1998. 2003 148 ~ 171. 3.. 1997. 2001 100 ~ 124. 4.. 1997. 2001 689 ~ 712. 櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜 88 9 7 4. 10 52. 11 7 1. 12 7 1. 13a. 7 245 ~ 246. b. 5 5. 14 7 2. 15 7 6. 16 7 246 ~ 248. 17 5 2. 18 7 10. 19 6. 2004 20.. 1997 31 95LG11H3 18 95LG11H3 7. 2000 11 1. 20 194. 21 5 13. 22. 1996. 1997 6 3. 23 1911. 24a. 7 249. b. 19 38. 25.. 1990 3. 26 1 282. 27. M1.. 2001 146 ~ 152. 28... 1992 225 ~ 227. 29... 1980. 30.. 32.. 3040. 1997 74 ~ 75. 33. 1958 1961. 1987 10.