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邮 轮 摘 要 ( 仅 供 参 考, 如 有 更 改, 不 另 通 知 ) 总 吨 位 : 151,300 吨 工 作 人 员 : 1,999 进 入 服 役 : Oct 2016 船 舱 总 数 : 1,674 长 度 : 335 米 国 籍 : 国 际 宽 度 : 40 米 楼 层 : 18 巡

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基 督 教 培 英 中 心 園 地 培 英 中 心 動 向 地 址 :# Cambie Road, Richmond, B.C. 電 話 : 傳 真 : 電 郵 網 址 :

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2012 年 4 月 至 6 月 活 動 一 覽 月 份 計 劃 / 項 目 活 動 4 月 竹 園 中 心 活 動 竹 園 中 心 開 放 日 暨 沒 有 巴 掌 日 嘉 年 華 :4 月 28 日 v 迎 新 會 :4 月 21 日 童 歡 部 落 v 義 工 服 務 :5 月 27 日 v 小


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讀 經 進 度 表 ( : 一 年 讀 經 進 度, : 二 年 讀 經 進 度 ; 完 成 後 請 圈 選 喔! ) Sun Mon Tue 西 1 西 2 西 3 西 4 雅 2 帖 前 1 帖 前 2 雅 3 雅 4 加 1 加 2 加 3 來 7 來

Love Actually 真 的 戀 愛 了!? 焦 點 主 題 2035 年 一 個 寒 冷 卻 又 放 晴 的 下 午, 爸 媽 一 大 清 早 已 上 班, 只 得 小 奈 獨 個 兒 待 在 家 中, 奢 侈 地 享 受 著 她 的 春 節 假 期 剛 度 過 了 期 考 的 艱 苦 歲

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耶 和 華 的 節 期 耶 和 華 對 摩 西 說 你 曉 諭 以 色 列 人 說 耶 和 華 的 節 期 你 們 要 宣 告 為 聖 會 的 節 期.... 耶 和 華 的 節 期 就 是 你 們 到 了 日 期 要 宣 告 為 聖 會 的 乃 是 這 些. ( 利 未 記 23:1-4 )

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Details at: www.tanbible.com 保羅腳蹤 JOURNEYS OF PAUL 聖地旅遊 HOLY LAND TOUR GREECE TURKEY ROME ITALY { SPAIN} 希臘 土耳其 羅馬 意大利 { 西班牙} ISRAEL JORDAN 以色列 約旦 2016 2017 JUNE (六月) DATE: May 13~28 (五月) LAND & SEA Cost: $ 4,390 DATE: Not Include: AIR Tickets 16-Days, 15-Nights Tour 100 Bible Sites Include All Tips, Taxes All 3 Meals 4-star Hotels Aegean Sea Cruise Not Include: AIR Tickets 14-Days, 13-Nights Tour 120 Bible Sites Include Tips, Taxes, Visas All 3 meals (daily) 4/5-star Hotels Lowest Cost Richest Experience 不包括機票 (預估 $1,400) 十六天,十五夜 包括每日三餐,小費,稅金 國語和/或英話 愛琴海和地中海遊 費用最便宜 資料最豐富 LAND Cost: (TBD) Lowest Cost Richest Experience 不包括機票 (預估 $1,100) 十四天,十三夜 120 聖經景點 國語和(或)英話 包括小費 稅金 簽證 每日三餐) 4/5 星級級旅館 費用最便宜 資料最豐富 For Details & Registration Form, visit our website: www.tanbible.com Organized by: Paul Lee Tan Prophetic Ministries, Inc. (PTPM) 北美聖經預言協會

2 2016 聖地進修旅遊團 For Details: www.tanbible.com 心中想往錫安大道的, 這人便為有福 ( 詩篇 84:5) They go from strength to strength, in Zion before God. (Psa. 84:7) Richest Experience Lowest Cost Extra Days to Relax Spiritual Renewal 迎您來到聖經之地 這是朝聖的旅程, 充滿有意義的觀光景色 當我們踏在耶稣和聖經偉人走過的土地, 聖經就活現眼前 您會得到更新 語言 : 華語並 ( 或 ) 英語 主要聖經地點聚會 景點有關的詩, 考題, 地圖, 資料 預言講座 特色 : 超過 40 年聖地教學經驗的陳宏博博士, 及長女陳純慈博士長子陳建平博士, 共同帶團 教學為主, 旅遊為輔, 活化聖經的記載 ( 每位團員一台無線耳機, 講解一無漏處 ) 超過 100 多處聖經最重要的地理景點參訪及教學, 費用最便宜 每晚有靈命及神學講座, 是一趟紮實的知性與靈性之旅. Christianity in AD 35 was a small movement with a few followers in Palestine. But 30 years later, it became a world movement. This was due almost to one man: the apostle Paul. Paul s enemies called him the man who shook the world. His life and services filled up half the Book of Acts; his epistles occupy most of the New Testament. Journey the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, travel across Greece and Rome-Italy, with this greatest apostle, as he shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ. See missions principles & strategy; learn Bible doctrine in living color. JOURNEYS OF APOSTLE PAUL Tour WHAT IS A PILGRIMAGE A Pilgrimage is different from a tour. It is a personal invitation from God a summons to know God more fully. And it is a journey to which the pilgrim joyfully responds "yes" to God's invitation. Although the PTPM Holy Land pilgrimage has an abundance of conveniences and modern traveling amenities, yet our purpose remains unchanged. We are on a journey to Bible lands to feel God s presence and to renew spiritual lives. We will see the Bible places Caesarea, Jordan River, JERUSALEM, Mount Sinai, or Corinth, Athens, Thessalonica, Philippi, Rome which we had heard of since childhood, and to share these discoveries with others upon our return. A pilgrimage can enable us to see some things more clearly in our hearts, separate ourselves from daily surroundings, and look at things in actual Biblebased perspectives. See how everyday people did extraordinary things in Bible times and apply it upon your return. A successful pilgrimage involves a commitment to leave behind one's problems, and to focus instead on learning spiritual truths. A pilgrimage is a time of prayer and to see the signposts which God has set for our turning to Him. May God fulfill the vision He placed in your heart to visit the Bible lands. Christ is the Author and Finisher of your Faith (Hebrews 12:2).

Paul passed through Macedonia and Achaia said: `I must also see Rome ( Acts 19:21) 保羅經過了馬其頓 亞該亞 又說 : ( 我 ) 須往羅馬去看看. ( 使徒行傳 19:21) 3 Day #1-2: Athens, Acropolis, Mars Hill Day #3: Corinth, Epidaurus, Mycenae Day #4: Aegean Sea, Mykonos, Delos Day #5: Patmos Island, Ephesus-Kusadasi Day #6: Rhodes, Lindos, St. Paul s Bay Day #7: Crete, Knossos, Santorini Day #8: Central Greece, Thermopylae, Delphi, Kalambaka Day #9: Meteora, Kalambaka, Berea, Thessaloniki Day #10: Amphipolis, Philippi, Kavala(Neapolis) Day #11: Black Sea, ISTANBUL Day #12: Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Bosporus Cruise Day #13: ROME: Vatican, St. Peter s Basilica, Sistine Chapel Day #14: ROME: Colosseum, Basilicas, Catacombs, St. Paul s Basilica, Trevi Fountain Day #15: Pompeii, Naples, Capri, Anacapri, Sorrento Day #16: Departure from ROME 第 1-2 日 : 雅典, 衛城, 瑪律斯山第 3 日 : 古哥林多, 埃皮達魯斯, 邁錫尼第 4 日 : 愛琴海, 米克諾斯島, 提洛第 5 日 : 拔摩海島, 以弗所 - 庫沙達西第 6 日 : 羅德島, 羅茲島, 聖保羅灣第 7 日 : 克里特島, 克諾索斯宮殿, 聖托里尼第 8 日 : 希臘中部大區, 塞莫皮萊, 德爾斐, 喀蘭巴卡第 9 日 : 空中之城 米特奧拉, 喀蘭巴卡, 庇哩亞, 塞薩洛尼基第 10 日 : 安菲波利斯, 腓立比, 卡瓦拉第 11 日 : 黑海, 伊斯坦堡第 12 日 : 藍色清真寺, 多普卡帕宮, 博斯普魯斯海峽遊輪 第 13 日 : 羅馬 : 梵蒂岡, 聖彼得教堂, 西克斯圖斯第 14 日 : 羅馬 : 鬥獸場, 古羅馬會堂, 地下墓穴, 聖彼得教堂, 許願泉第 15 日 : 龐貝城, 那不勒斯, 卡普里島, 安納卡普里島, 索倫托第 16 日 : 離開羅馬 ATHENS CORINTH EPIDAURUS THESSALONIKI 愛琴海 Aegean Sea 使徒保羅 : 你們該效法我, 像我效法基督一樣. Apostle Paul: Follow me, as I follow Christ (1 Cor. 林前 11:1) (OPTIONAL) SPAIN extension: May 28-30, 2016 ($570 all inclusive) (Includes AIR) ~Ask for Details~ I take my journey into SPAIN (Rom.15:24) (With 2015 Costs) (1) PATMOS ISLAND 拔摩海島 (1/2 day,$65) See the monastery, museum, and grotto where the Book of Revelation was written by John the Apostle. Visit pretty Scala town. (2) EPHESUS 以弗所 (1/2 day,$86) Visit this ancient capital of Asia Minor, with its many monuments, ruins, and Basilica of St. John. Enjoy Kusadasi town. (3) RHODES 羅德島, 聖保羅灣 (1/2 da, $78) Tour the fortress built by the Crusaders knights; includes Rhodes Island&St. Paul s Bay. (4) CRETE ISLAND 克里特島 (1/2 Day, $71) Paul s ship left Crete Island and was shipwrecked on its journey to Rome. Explore the Palace chambers of the great Minoan Kingdom (c4000 BC). (5) SANTORINI 聖托里尼島 (1/2 day, $10) Use cable car ($15) for the panoramic view of the Aegean Sea and its islands. (6) MYKONOS 米克諾斯 (1/2 day,$14) Visit this religious and commercial hub of the Aegean Sea; and stroll on quaint Mykonos. www.tanbible.com

2016 ~ 5/13-28 PTPM Bible Lands Tour 聖經之地旅遊團 團費 LAND (& SEA) COST: 保羅腳蹤 Journeys of St.Paul: $4,390 16- 天 days,15- 夜 nights; 100 景點 加機票 ( 預估 ) PLUS AIR FARE: $1,400 (est.) 西班牙旅遊 SPAIN Ext.(5/28-30):$570 {incl.air} INCLUDE: Tips; Border Taxes; All Breakfast, Lunches, and Dinners; 4-star Hotels; transfers, entrances. Includes Istanbul to Rome flight NOT INCLUDE: Visas, Insurance; personal Optional Shore tours ($324) Greece cruise cabin upgrade ($160) (outside cabin with window (deck 3) Single-room: $875 No triple-room reduction. Children below 10 (lodging w/ 2 adults in room): less $1,200 (Plus Tips, Taxes, Insurance, IST/FCO flight). SUBMIT THESE THREE (3) DOCUMENTS: ( First come, first served. No verbal reservations) (1) Submit Deposit: $1,000 (2) Your Color Photo (passport-size; 2 pcs) (3) Passport page: (with Photo, Issuance Date, and Birth Date; Passport MUST be valid to 12/1/2016). 2 nd payment ($2,000) due by 12/31/2015 FULL (final) payment due by 2/15/2016, Otherwise registration is considered cancelled. (See: Refund Chart) VISAS: Greece Visa: apply early for double-entry, Shengen Visa. Turkey Visa to be applied individually) Checks payable to: PTPM Ministries, Inc. Mail to: P.O.Box 797803, Dallas, Texas 75379, USA Or: c/o Grace Christian Church, Quezon City, PHIL. TRAVEL INSURANCE: 旅行保險 : 請查詢細節 Age 70+ medical clearance. 年齡 70 歲以上者需體檢証明 All must be physically fit, & can walk unassisted. 各申請人需有良好體格, 不需扶助行走 起程以前 Before Tour 因故退款辦法 REFUND (for CAUSE) 退還 退還 起程 退還 訂金 團費 以前 訂金 Refund Refund Before Refund Deposit Tour Tour Deposit 退還團費 Refund Tour 150 天 100% 100% 60 天 10% 80% 120 天 50% 100% 30 天 0% 70% 90 天 25% 90% 15 天 0% 60% * 退款以航空公司及旅行社退款日為主 費用說明 COST DISCLAIMER: 團費和其他費用 : 所有費用以 2015 年度價格估訂, 又根據每旅遊車 40 人 ( 登記人士 ) 為準 又聖經預言協會 (PTPM) 與合辨單位只充當相關旅行社的代理人, 不承擔與本此旅行風險和失誤的任何責任 RATES & COSTS: All rates and costs are based on prices ESTIMATED in 2015, and per Busload of 40 registrants. RESPONSIBILITY: PTPM & its Co-Sponsor/s, with their officers & staff, act only as agents for the various companies & service providers, whose accommodations/services are used. PTPM & Co-sponsor/s,with staff, assume no responsibility nor liability for any act/omission of trip. Lowest Cost Richest Experience 費用最便宜 資料最豐富 包括 : 小費, 出入關費, 門票, 每日三餐, 及 Istanbul to Rome 機票 ). 不包括 : 簽證, 保險費, 海岸參觀, 等 單人房加費 : $875 三人共住房不另減價 ; 兒童得到特別優惠. 2016 聖經進修旅遊團 PTPM BIBLE LANDS STUDY TOURS 保羅腳蹤團 ( 歐洲 ) JOURNEYS OF APOSTLE PAUL 5/13~28 {16 天,15 夜 ; 100 景點 } 報名單 Registration Form 中文姓名 (Chinese Name): 性別 Sex (M/F): Name: (Last) (First) (Middle) Full Address: 中文住址 年齡 Age: 電話 Tel.Home 住宅 # Mobile 手機 # 辦公室 Tel.Office # 婚姻狀態 : Married 已婚 Single 單身 Email (Required) 電子郵件 ( 必需 ): @ 護照英文姓名 FULL NAME (from Passport): 護照號碼 Passport Number: 發照日期 / 有效日期 Date of Issue/ Date of Expiry 出生日期 / 原生國籍 Date of Birth / Country of Origin 現在國籍 Nationality (Citizenship) (Revised: 2015/5/19) www.tanbible.com 以下三件事完成才確認報名完成, 至額滿為止 : ( 恕無法以口頭方式先預定 ) (1) 繳交訂金 :$1,000 (2) 附上或 email 個人大頭照兩張 (3) 附上或 email 個人護照第一頁 ( 有照片頁面 ) * 護照有效期 : 12/01/2013 以前. 歐洲團於 2/15/2016 以前需繳交全數尾款. 未繳者視同放棄參加 因故無法成行的退款辦法.( 參以下 ) 父親姓名 / 祖父姓名 Father s Name / Grandfather s Name 職業 Occupation: 所屬教會 Home Church: 希望同住室友姓名 Preferred Roommate: 首選語言 Preferred Language: 英語 English 華語 Mandarin 任何語言 Any 介紹單位 Introduce: 北美 USA 菲律賓 Philippines 其他 Others 共計 TOTAL: $ (EUROPE Tour: $4,390) + 加機票 ( 預估 )ADD AIR: $1,400 (est.) *PLUS: Fuel Surcharge/TravelTax (if any). 可選 Optional: 旅行保險 Travel Insurance ($70 estimate; information upon request). 10 歲以下兒童 Children below 10; 單人房 SingleRoom ($875) 毆洲希臘遊輪客艙升級 Greece cruise cabin upgrade (with window) ($160) 海岸參觀 SHORE TOURS: (Total: $324): Patmos ($65) Ephesus ($86); Rhodes ($78); Crete s Knossos ($71); Mykonos bus ($14) Santorini cable car ($10) SPAIN EXT 西班牙延長 (5/28-30) $570 all inclusive (incl.air from Rome roundtrip) Submit these 3 documents 以下三件事完成才確認報名完成, 至額滿為止 : (1) 繳交訂金 Deposit: $1,000 (2) 個人大頭照兩張 Your Color Photo (3) 個人護照第一頁 ( 有照片頁面 ) ( 護照有效期 : 2016-12-01 以前. Submit Passport page (must be valid to December 1, 2016) 遞交報名 :SUBMIT REGISTRATION TO (Tel.#s): PHILIPPINES: GRACE Jeanette Keh #632-352-8677 (Manila) AMERICA: LAND: Helen Tan #972-931-9066 or -9088 (Dallas, USA) AIR: Teresa Yang #817-919-1048 (USA) ASIA: CHINA-TAIWAN: Solomon Wang #886-3-320-2215 (Taipei) 確認簽名 Signature: 日期 Date: #: (Rev.: 8/22/2012) 名額有限請早報名 Register Now! Space Limited

The Apostle Paul wrote: Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you I will come by you into Spain. And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. (Romans 15:14,28-29) It is reasonable to say that St. Paul most probably visited Spain. His missionary plan had included a visit to Spain (Romans 15:14, 28-29); and early tradition confirmed it. At that time, Spain was very closely linked to Rome. And maybe some of the converted Pretorium guards, that were with Paul in Rome, were also sent to Spain, where they testified to others. One plausible route for Paul s visit would be to enter Spain at Tarragona (Tarraco), and then passing down the coast of Cadiz, and then leaving from the port of Emporis near Barcelona. It is meaningful to conclude our Footsteps of St.Paul tour in Spain, which was then the furthest reaches of the known world. As we visit Tarragona and Barcelona, we can appreciate how the greatest apostle Paul had followed Christ s Great Commission to spread the message of Christianity to the ends of the (Roman Empire) world. BARCELONA TARRAGONA Day #16 (Saturday) May 28, 2016 ARRIVE BARCELONA Upon arrival in Barcelona we will commence a half day city tour with lunch.passing along the Paseo de Gracia, the main avenue of Barcelona. The gardens of Parque Güell, the unfinished architectural marvel of the church Sagrada Familia, Montjuic with its panoramic views of the harbour area (max. 4 hours). After tour, drive to Tarragona for dinner & overnight #1. Day #17 (Sunday) May 29, 2016 TARRAGONA Today we shall enjoy a walking city tour through Tarragona. Sights: Walking through medieval quarter: Gothic Cathedral, Merceria street, Jewish neighbourhood, Plaza del Rey, roman circus, horseracing venue also the Statue of St Paul in Piazza del Palau street, behind the Cathedral of Tarragona, and near to the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Cathedral of St. Tecla. After lunch return to hotel and remainder of day free. Dinner at hotel, and overnight #2 DAY #18 (Monday) May 30, 2016 DEPART BARCELONA This morning we transfer (by bus) to Barcelona airport for our departure flight to ROME (and to HOME) TOTAL LAND & AIR SERVICES: US$ $570: (all inclusive) For a group of 25-30 paying persons 1) Two overnights at 3-star hotel accommodation; double-bedded rooms; 2) All 3 daily meals; All TIPS 3) Comprehensive tour with local English-speaking Bible-oriented, government licensed Guides. Includes assistance to/from Barcelona airport; 4) AIRFARE from ROME to BARCELONA to ROME. 5) Private, airconditioned, deluxe motor coaches; 6) Highway tolls; Hotel service charges & local taxes VAT. **NOT INCLUDE: Any personal items. FLIGHTS: (tentative only) (1) Rome > Barcelona VN 6109 (Vueling Air) (2) Barcelona > Rome VN 6104 (Vueling Air) May 28 (tentative only) ROME: Wake up call at 04.15 am Box breakfast in the lobby at 04.45 am Depart for the airport at 05.00 am Flight departs ROME at 07.15 am Flight lands at BARCELONA 09.05 am local time May 30 (tentative only) BARCELONA: Pick up time and departure to the airport as handled by the Local Tour Escort Flight departs BARCELONA at 10:00am landing at ROME airport at 11:45 am local time. NOTE: 5/28 or 5/30 at ROME Airport: Clients will pick up their baggage, Terminal 3, and cart them or carry them to upper floor of the same terminal, for the MANILA flight. (For other home countries, please check with Airport agent). Baggage and tickets must be checked again.