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未命名 -1

附件一 摘要格式範例

* 聚 焦 FOCUING * 目 录 C ONTENTS 聚 焦 有 机 转 型 设 计 公 司 的 战 略 思 考 P2-3 2 集 团 新 闻 P 年 第 二 期 总 期 第 209 期 主 办 : 山 东 同 圆 设 计 集 团 有 限 公 司 主 编 : 段 林 责 编 :

(2) / : self-education awareness / VS McKinsey graduate from McKinsey McKinsey Ph.D human capital (1) /


瀞 22


(National Council of Architectural Registration Boards) (American Dental Association) (Educational Testing Service)

1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 11 12 14 15 15 20 25 30 35 35 37 43


(New Haven, CT) (Washington, DC) (National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, NCARB) (Chicago, IL) (American Dental Association, ADA) (Princeton, NJ) (Educational Testing Service, ETS) 2

Scoring (Mayo Clinic in Minnesota) ( innesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI) IBM (Item Bank) (Library) 3

DVD T (Domino, 2000) (Local Processing) (Terminal to Mainframe Computer) (Central Location) 4

(Branching) 5

(Equivalence) (1) (2) (3) (Computerized Adaptive Testing, CAT) (Binet) (Binet-Simon Tests) 6

(Educational Testing Service, ETS) (Domino, 2000 ; Gregory, 2000) 7


ehumanize (Domino, 2000) 9

(American Psychological Association, APA) (Guideline for Computer-Based Tests and Interpretations) (Gregory, 2000) 10





(National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, NCARB) (Architect Registration Examination, ARE) 15

Chauncey Group Chauncey Group Sylvan Sylvan 16

Pre-Design 125 3 US$92 General Structures 125 3 30 US$92 Lateral Forces 90 2 30 US$92 Mechanical and Electrical Systems 125 2 30 US$92 Materials and Methods 125 2 30 US$92 Construction Documents and Services 125 3 US$92 Site Planning US$143 Site Design 1 Site Zoning 30 Site Parking 30 15 Site Analysis 30 Site Section 30 Site Grading 30 Building Planning US$143 Block Diagram 45 Interior Layout 1 30 Schematic Design 4 Building Technology US$143 Building Section 1 Structural Layout 45 20 Accessibility 45 Ramp Mech/Elec Plan 1 5 Stair Design 1 Roof Plan 45 17

Chauncey Group (Tolerance) 18

hauncey Group Chauncey Group Chauncey Group Sylvan Chauncey Group 19

(American Dental Association, ADA) (Advocacy) (Practice Support) (Image) (Information) (The Association, Member and Support Services) 20

21 (National Board Dental Examination) Sylvan

Anatomic Sciences 100 3 30 US$125 Biochemistry-Physiology 100 : Microbiology-Pathology 100 3 30 US$85+10/ Dental Anatomy and Occlusion 100 Discipline-based 400 7 : Component ( US$160 3 : 30, US$300 200, 1 ) Case-based Component 100 ( 3 30 ) ( The Test Construction Committee) 22


Performance Evaluation Technology (PET) DOS DOS WINDOW PET WINDOW DOS 24

(Educational Testing Service, ETS) (Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL) GRE GMAT 25

Sylvan Listening Structure Reading (Linear Testing) Listening Structure Reading Writing Listening 30 50 40 60 US$110 Listening Structure 20 25 15 20 Structure Reading Structure Reading 26

Reading Writing 44 55 70 90 1 30 (Assessment Division) Writing 27


29 Listening Reading Structure Writing



Sylvan 32








(Item Response Theory, IRT) 40


Sylvan 42

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