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Web-based learninginteractivityinteractive functionscognitive learning 85





- (Choice) 1. Fixed-frame (menu) (Learner-interface) (Nonsequential design access of choice) 2. Site map 3. Keyword search 4. Database search (Responsiveness to users) 5. Online problem diagnostics 6. Software downloading 7. Online registration (Monitoring information use) 8. Grade status tracking 9. Assignment completion tracking - (Choice) 10. Links to related (Learner-content) (Nonsequential educational sites access of choice) 11. Links to related learning materials 12. (Responsiveness to users) Multimedia presentation 13. On-line quiz for self-evaluation 14. Push media (Adaptability) 15. Individualized learning database 16. Individualized instruction 17. Individualized test/quiz (Personalchoice 18. Frequently-asked-questions (FAQ) helper) 19. On-line help on content 20. User guidance on system 21. Study guidance (Ease 22. Learner contributing to of adding information) learning materials (Playfulness) 23. Educational games 24. Jokes 25. Sweepstakes - 26. Email to instructors (Learner-instructor) (Facilitation of interpersonal communication ) 27. Email to Web master 28. Bulletin board systems (BBSs) 29. Chatrooms (Ease 30. Online voting of adding information) 31. Online survey 32. Comments on the sites, course, instructor, etc. - 33. Class roster (Learner-learner) (Facilitation of interpersonal communication ) 34. Email to other learners 35. Bulletin board systems (BBSs) 36. Chatrooms (Ease of adding information) 90



Content/Basic Thinking Designing Problem solving Sensing Imagining a goal the problem Researching the problem Formulating the problem Finding alternatives Choosing the solution Building acceptance Formulating a goal Inventing a product Assessing the product Revising the product Decision Making Identifying an issue Generating the alternatives Assessing the consequences Evaluating the choices Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Analyzing Evaluating Connecting Imagining Synthesizing Elaborating Analogical Fluency Recognizing Assessing Comparing/ thinking Expending patterns information contrasting Summarizing Predicting Hypothesizing Modifying Classifying Determining Logical thinking Planning Speculating criteria Extending Identifying assumptions Identifying the main ideas Finding sequences Inferring Prioritizing deductively Recognizing fallacies verifying complex thinking processes Inferring inductively Identifying causal relationships Visualizing Shifting Intuition categories Concretizing 93


1. 2. BBS 3. 4. BBS 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. FAQ 12. 95

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BBS 6. BBS 96


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. proxy 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. quicktime 13. 14. 15. / / 16. / / I 17. 18. (FAQ) 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 98

26. 27. 28. BBS 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 99