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BIBLID 0254-4466(2001)19:2 pp. 249-279 19 2 90 12 1161-1189 1115-1234 120 1161-1189 * 249

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251 1156-1160 1161-1189 1123-1135 1938 1189-1208 4 4 48 9 10 1937.9 10 49 9 1938.9 1973 196-232 233-267

252 19 2 5 6 1970 7 1149-1161 8 5 233-234 6 261 7 7 6 1970 328-332 1 1970 135-144 1971 50-63 64-76 8 1970 1953 6 3 1953 1 5 1960 278-290 1959 118-174 4 4 1952 1 5 256-271 Peter K. Bol Seeking Common Ground: Han Literati under Jurchen Rule, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 47.2 (1987): 461-538 Sinicization Civil Order

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259 23 24 12 1134 25 1131 26 1140 1145 27 23 3 53 78 1770 44 993 24 3 61 25 26 155-164 27 44 993 150-154 165-169

260 19 2 28 1150 29 28 44 991-992 29 5 94-95

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262 19 2 34 35 1161-1162 36 34 35 5 108 36 133 2849

263 1162 1164

264 19 2 1165 1161 11 12 37 38 37 6 125-128 38 6 129-130

265 39 40 41 42 12 39 1163 6 131 1164 11 6 134 135 6 134 40 133 2856 41 70 1625 42 133 2858

266 19 2 43 44 45 46 47 43 133 2858 44 6 128 45 6 131 132 134-135 46 26 4 1939 64

267 1169 48 17 1177 49 50 17 47 90 1998-1999 48 2 1916 155-165 1966 178-186 49 88 1964 50 7 166

268 19 2 51 17 52 53 13 1135 11 1138 54 55 51 1975 14 634-686 52 15 737-763 53 15 687-712 1962 607-631 54 15 744 1988 302-303 55 304-305

269 56 57 58 59 56 15 702 57 1962 229 9-10 129 31 7 21 58 59

270 19 2 1165 60 61 62 1172 63 1169 64-69 60 6 135 61 91 2023 62 6 132 88 1957 63 119-132 145-157

271 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 17 72 12 10 17 17 64 6 139 65 6 143 66 6 144 67 6 147 68 87 1934 69 92 2046 70 7 156 71 71 1645 72 15 703-704 447-448 17 15 714-716

272 19 2 73 17 17 17 74 75 73 71 1645-1646 74 88 1964 75 7 166 17 10 7 168

273 76 77 78 17 17 17 76 88 1954 77 88 1964-1965 78 88 1965

274 19 2 79 79

275 80 81 82 20 23 1180-1183 83 11 1171 13 1173 27 20 84 85 86 70 1626 80 1170 6 147 81 47 1045 17 6 82 7 175 20 10 83 205-214 84 51 1140-1141 64-76 85 52 1163 86 52 1170 8 185

276 19 2 87 88 13 89 90 91 24 1184 92 25 1185 87 73 1688 88 6 131 132 133 89 7 158-159 90 7 159 91 7 159 92 8 188

277 93 94 95 93 8 189 94 95 25 1185 133-137

278 19 2 6 1982 48-51

279 The Crises of a Conquering Minority: The Jurchens during the Shizong Reign of the Jin Dynasty Ping-yu Hsu Abstract The reign of Shizong (1161-1189) during the Jin dynasty was probably that dynasty s most prosperous period. During this time, the emperor embarked on a set of reforms that were aimed at reviving the Jurchen people s military vigor and solidarity. The basis of these reforms seemed obvious: contemporaries showed that the Jurchens were no longer the brave soldiers who defeated the Liao and the Northern Song dynasties in the first stage of Jin history. Scholars in general have taken this as the result of the Jurchen soldiers and their families living in northern China. This work begins with a review of the scholarship on these reforms and later proposes a new perspective toward the internal and external crises faced by the Shizong emperor. The contention is that in response to these crises, these reforms were to enhance the defense along the northern and northwestern borderlands and build Jurchen solidarity in order to maintain their ruling status in the Jin state. Keywords: Jurchen, Shizong of the Jin dynasty, meng an mouke, Khitan, Mongol * Ping-yu Hsu is a lecturer in the Department of History at National Taiwan University.