About The Conductor... Samuel Ting Chu-San Samuel Ting Chu-San was born in Amoy, Fukien China and studied piano and voice training at the Fukien Chris

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About The Conductor... Samuel Ting Chu-San Samuel Ting Chu-San was born in Amoy, Fukien China and studied piano and voice training at the Fukien Christian University where he also became one of the piano instructors in the Music Department. Shortly after arriving in Singapore in 1953, Mr Ting was awarded a scholarship to the University of Southern California. He studied choral conducting and voice training and was also a soloist in the university chapel choir. After his return to Singapore Mr Ting was an active music teacher and composer. Having founded the Heralds' Choral Society in 1961, he developed it systematically till in its hey day it could boast of a children's choir, a youth choir, a women's choir, angklung group (Indonesian instrument) and a main choir with a total membership of over 150 enthusiastic, dedicated and proficient amateur musicians. Mr Ting was also actively involved in the general promotion of local compositions and concerts. In 1970, Mr Ting was awarded a Bintang Bakti Masharakat (Public Service Star) by the President of the Republic of Singapore for his outstanding contribution to the local culture. Now in semi-retirement, Mr Ting continues to maintain a keen interest in composing choral music. Many of Mr Ting's compositions of choral music have been published in the United States of America. His unceasing encouragement and guidance has helped maintain the enthusiasm of the Heralds' Choral Society and many of his ex-students who are determined to revitalise the legacy painstakingly nurtured by him. Quek Mong Hua

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All Rights Reserved, National Library Board, Singapore

A SELECTION OF SAMUEL TING'S COMPOSITIONS All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work reproduced reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this record prohibited. 1993 Accord Music Production, Singapore

10 Cradle Song 3'49 11 Shallop 2'51 Chang Ken 12 Beneath the Lover's Tree, I Wait for Thee 2'28 13 Songs - H.E.A.D. 3'05 14 Fatimah 2'57 Heralds Choral Society's Choir 15 A Distance Thought 2'23 16 Nightingale s Song 4'50 A SELECTION OF SAMUEL TING'S COMPOSITIONS 1993 Accord Music Production Pte Ltd. Leong Mei Leng 1 The Three Lanterns 1'44 2 A Solitary Goose is Calling 2'41 3 Rustic Song 2'19 Tan Dee Whee 4 The Place That I Live 2'27 5 Mother 2'04 Chang Ken 6 The Sheep 6'20 Chuah Hong Hua 7 The Afterglow 2'17 8 The Little Nightingale 2'55 Ng Choy Luan 9 Boating 2'10 17 Colorful Ribbons 4'18 Teo Suey Sung 18 Piano Solo: At Dawn by the Riverside 3'14 Yah Wan Har 19 Violin Solo: Romance in F 6'09 At the piano: Teo Suey Sung Teo Suey Sung 20 Piano Trio: Three Pianos Six Hands Joyful Dance 4'55 Accord Music Total duration 66': 28 Produced by Samuel Ting Chu-San Recorded and Mastered by: John Herbert at Lion Studio, Singapore.