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週報 73 11 1 105 9 8 1582 本院要聞 105 8 2464 20042008 green fluorescent protein, GFP 2008 Martin Chalfie Pradeep Khosla 2010 28 1952 1972 1977 1981 1982-1989 1989 27 2016 9 12022 7 31 學術活動 2016 9 20 24 2016 9 26 30 9 15 9 22 9 15 18 1583 9 22 9 12 5 1 4 7 1 7 http://newsletter.sinica.edu.tw/index.php, http://newsletter.sinica.edu.tw/en/index.php E-mail: wknews@gate.sinica.edu.tw 11529 2 128 2789-9488 2785-3847 5:00 E-mail

105 9 105 9 20 () 2(18:00 19:00) 2 1(19:00 21:00) 9 15 1. 2. http://www.sinica.edu.tw/sc.html 3. 6 10100 4. 2 1 (02)2789-9875 Japan-Taiwan bilateral mini symposium on plant biology 105 9 10 A134 (02-2787-1004; chsing@gate.sinica.edu.tw) http://ipmb.sinica.edu.tw/index.html/?q=node/2182 Time Speaker Affiliation Title 9:00-9:10 Opening remarks: Director Oliver Long-Fang Chen, IPMB, Academia Sinica TSPB president: Chang-Hsien Yang, National Chung-Hsing University Plant immunity and molecular plant-microbe interactions Moderator: Tuan-hua David Ho, IPMB, Academia Sinica 9:10-9:50 Ikuko Hara-Nishimura Kyoto U. Regulation of organ straightening by an actinmyosin XI cytoskeleton 9:50-10:30 Ming-Che Shih ABRC, Academia Sinica Involvement of type VI secretion system in secretion of iron chelator pyoverdine in Pseudomonas taiwanensis 10:30-10:50 Coffee break 10:50-11:30 Yusuke Saijo Nara Inst. Sci Tech Danger sensing and signaling in plantmicrobe interactions 11:30-12:10 Jun-Yi Yang National Chung-Hsing U. Alternation of plant architecture by the phytoplasma core virulence factor SAP11 12:10-13:30 Lunch Pattern formation I Moderator: Shih-Long Tu, IPMB, Academia Sinica 2

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1 http://goo.gl/wfgguz 100 webinar 105 09 14 () 09 13 () https://srda.sinica.edu.tw/news/news/1501 02-27871823 yachi726@gate.sinica.edu.tw 知識天地 (Chen et al. 2011; Parmesan 2006) (Crick and Sparks 1999) (Parmesan 2006) (Wang and Dillon 2014) (Colinet et al. 2015) () 4

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