Professional Development of a Kindergarten Teacher Who Implemented Project Approach in Her Class Ching-Ying Lu* Abstract This study describes the prof

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Professional Development of a Kindergarten Teacher Who Implemented Project Approach in Her Class Ching-Ying Lu* Abstract This study describes the professional development of a kindergarten teacher who implemented Project Approach in her class. Qualitative research methods were used to analyze field notes, reflective journals, in-depth interviews, and documental data. Findings indicate that the growth in education and work became the foundation for the professional development of the teacher. She made improvement and accumulated experiences in teaching as she wrote reflective journals. She and her friends grouped as a teacher community. They met periodically discussing and sharing ideas that encouraged them to refined their teaching methods. The teacher realized that in order to provide what children s needs, she had to observe them carefully. She also revised teaching perspectives throughout the study as she took for granted before.. Key words: Professional Development; Project Approach; Qualitative Research *Ching-Ying Lu: Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, National Pingtung Teachers College

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X 18 ( 2003)

( 2001) (2001) Katz Chard(1989) (p. 6-20) ( 1997)

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