His Excellency Ralph Thomas, Ambassador for Jamaica to China 牙买加驻中国大使拉尔夫 托马斯阁下 Jesse Chang and other specially invited representatives from China Go A

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Unofficial Translation President - Moderator Notes 总裁演讲稿 Invest and Buy Jamaica Beijing Mission 2015 投资和购买牙买加 -- 2015 北京之行 Jamaica Business Forum 牙买加商务论坛 Thursday, August 27, 2015 at 2:00 pm 2015 年 8 月 27 日星期四下午两点 Venue: CGA Beijing (China World Tower 1, Suite 2218) 地点 : 北京缘聚世界 ( 国贸办公楼 1 座 2218 室 ) Salutations 致意 : Hon. G. Anthony Hylton, Minister of Industry, Investment & Commerce 尊敬的工业 投资和商务部长安东尼 希尔顿阁下 Ministers of Government 各位政府部长 Members of the Diplomatic Corps 各位外交使馆成员 1

His Excellency Ralph Thomas, Ambassador for Jamaica to China 牙买加驻中国大使拉尔夫 托马斯阁下 Jesse Chang and other specially invited representatives from China Go Abroad 杰西张 及其他由缘聚世界特邀代表 Representatives of the China Development Agency 中国开发机构的代表 Members of the media 各位媒体朋友 Ladies and gentlemen Good afternoon 女士们 先生们 A warm Jamaican Good Afternoon to everyone! 给各位一个热情的牙买加式的下午好! Welcome & Opening Remarks 欢迎及开场词 My name is Diane Edwards, President of the Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) and your host for today s programme. 2

我叫黛安 爱德华兹, 牙买加促进署简称 JAMPRO 的总裁, 今天活 动的主持人 This is the second time for me in your beautiful and impressive city. The first time I came, in November 2013, was to launch our Mandarin website and attend a CCPIT conference. 此行是我第二次来到你们的美丽 令人印象深刻的城市 我第一次来是在 2013 年的 11 月份, 专为发布我们的中文网站并参加贸促会的一个会议 I think I speak on behalf of every Jamaican here when I say it s a great time to be a Jamaican in Beijing boasting, as we do, the King and Queen of the sprint world! Beijing holds a special place in Jamaican hearts, because it was here that Usain Bolt and Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce really started to become legends! 我想当我说 作为一个现在在北京的牙买加人确实是段美妙的时光, 像我们一样可以夸耀, 短跑世界的国王和皇后, 我是代表在座的每一位牙买加人在说 北京在牙买加人心中占有特殊位置, 因为就是在这里尤塞因 博尔特和雪莉 安 佛雷泽 - 皮利斯真正地开始成为传奇! 3

While the rest of Beijing revels in the excitement of the 15 th IAAF World Championships, we are happy that you could take the time to join us for this very important Jamaica Business Forum to discover Jamaica beyond the running track. Today, we are happy to be hosting you on two (2) accounts: 当第十五届国际田联世界田径锦标赛在北京的一方进行的如火如荼时, 我们很高兴你们能抽出时间与我们一起参与这一非常重要的牙买加商务论坛, 去发现跑道之外的牙买加 今天, 我们高兴地在下述两个向各位做介绍 o Firstly, to give you practical information on how you can do business with Jamaica; 首先, 就如何能与牙买加做生意, 给你们些实用信息 o And, secondly and most importantly, to inform you of the real investment opportunities available in Jamaica today. 其次也是最重要的, 告诉大家在今天的牙买加真正的投资机会 I am joined today by the Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce for Jamaica, the Honourable G. Anthony Hylton, our esteemed Ambassador HE Ralph Thomas and my colleagues from JAMPRO: Claude Duncan, Vice President of Investment and 4

Promotion and Nardia McKenzie, Senior Consulting Officer for the Caribbean, Latin America and Emerging Markets. 今天与我一起的有牙买加工业 投资和商务部长, 尊敬的安东尼 希尔顿部长 尊敬受人敬重的拉尔夫 托马斯大使阁下以及牙买加促进署我的同事们, 负责投资和促进事务的副总裁克劳德 邓肯先生, 负责加勒比 拉美和新兴市场的高级咨询官员娜迪娅 麦肯锡女士 If you have questions about any of the presentations made throughout this programme, we will be happy to answer them at the end. We have a very short programme planned and will also open the floor for questions and general discussions later on. Welcome and thanks to all for coming once again! 如果你们对本次介绍中任何内容有疑问, 在会议最后我们都将乐于解答 我们有策划的短的会议议程, 然后是回答问题时段, 以及随后的一般性讨论 再次欢迎并感谢各位的莅临 Why are we here? Because we feel that China and Jamaica can do great business together and we want to convince you of that. We already have some important Chinese companies in Jamaica: China Harbour Engineering Corporation has its regional headquarters in 5

Kingston, the most strategic logistics location in the region. Kingston boasts the busiest trans-shipment port in the region and you will hear more about the opportunities for siting Chinese assembly and warehousing operations there from our Vice President and from our Minister. COMPLANT owns two major sugar factories in Jamaica and is building refining capacity to serve the region. 为什么我们在这里? 因为我们感觉中国和牙买加能一起做大生意, 而且我们想让你们相信这点 在牙买加我们已经有了一些重要的中国公司 : 中国港湾工程有限责任公司已将其区域总部设在了金斯顿, 这是本地区最具战略意义的物流所在 金斯顿以其为本区域最繁忙的转运港而自豪, 你们也将从我们的副总裁和部长那里听到更多关于在此设立中国的组装线 从事仓储经营的机会 中国成套集团在牙买加拥有两家主要糖厂, 正在建立精练能力以服务该区域 Jamaica has one of the most robust business environments in the Caribbean and was voted the best place to do business According to the 2014 Forbes Best Countries Business Report. Ranking 64 out of 146 nations, we were deemed the best in the Caribbean and the third in Latin America and the Caribbean. We were also ranked 58 out of 189 countries in the World Bank s Doing Business 6

Report; and this puts Jamaica on par with the more advanced economies of the world. 牙买加拥有加勒比地区最活跃的商业环境, 并被票选为做生意最佳地 根据 2014 年福布斯最佳国家商业报告, 在 146 个国家中, 牙买加位列第六十四, 为加勒比地区最佳, 在整个拉美和加勒比地区列第三 我们还在世界银行发布的 做生意报告 中的 189 个国家中排名五十八, 这令牙买加与世界上的很多发达经济体平分秋色 Jamaica also offers a strong value proposition for Chinese companies. You can consider the following propositions as we create the context for our discourse later on: 牙买加还向中国公司提供强大的价值主张 你们能够考虑下述主张, 因为我们为我们后面的话语创造了语境 : 1. Jamaica has an open liberal economy with 100% ownership of land and assets 牙买加有一个对土地和资产百分百拥有权的开放自由的经济 2. There is total repatriation of profit with no exchange control 没有外汇管制, 利润可全额汇回 3. Jamaica has huge tourism potential and to date no Chinese hotels exist 7

牙买加拥有巨大的旅游潜力, 而至今尚无中国的酒店 4. Commitment to renewable energy: 20% of all electricity generation by 2030 对可再生能源的承诺 : 到 2030 年该发电量占总发电量 20% 5. First world connectivity with a world class telecommunications infrastructure 世界级的电讯基础设施, 具备第一世界的连通性 6. An attractive network of trade agreements offering preferential access to the American, Canadian and European markets 拥有一个具吸引力的贸易协定网络, 面向美国 加拿大及欧洲市场提供优惠市场准入 7. As an open economy, Jamaica has negotiated and entered into several Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITS) and Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) with various countries to facilitate the smooth inward flow of business; China included. 作为一个开放的经济体, 牙买加已磋商并缔结数个双边投资协定, 并与各国达成了 ( 避免 ) 双重税收协定, 以便利生意内向流动 8. Jamaica has embarked on a robust reform programme to make doing business easy for the foreign investor 8

牙买加已开始进行一项为外国投资者易做生意的稳健的改革方案 Today s forum is to give you an even closer look at Jamaica s business environment and to walk you through the processes from concept to execution. We want to build on our history together since the 1890s and we want to build a strong and prosperous future for China and Jamaica! 今天的论坛即是给你们一个更近视角了解牙买加的商业环境, 带你走过从理念到执行的过程 我们要与你们一起让自十九世纪 90 年代以来的历史更上一层楼, 我们要为中国和牙买加打造一个强大而繁荣的未来! At this time I m going to invite His Excellency, Ambassador Ralph Thomas to bring remarks. Ambassador Thomas will be followed by Jessie Chang, CEO of China Go Abroad. Please make them welcome. 此刻, 我欲邀请拉尔夫 托马斯大使阁下讲话 而后发言的是缘聚世界的首席执行官杰西 张 请大家欢迎 *** Ambassador Thomas Remarks*** 托马斯大使致辞 9

***Jessie Chang Remarks*** 杰西 张发言 Thanks Ambassador Thomas and Mr. Chang. Jamaica IS the place to do business on a global scale, and JAMPRO the national investment and export promotion agency IS the gateway that will connect you to the place we call home. 感谢托马斯大使和杰西张 牙买加在全球范围内做生意的地方, 而 JAMPRO, 牙买加促进署, 国家的投资和出口促进机构, 就是讲你们与此地连接起来的门户, 我们称之为家 Earlier this year the Financial Times came to our country and did a profile of the business environment, zooming in on the prospects of foreign direct investments. Take a look at some of the findings in this video presentation 今年早些时候, 金融时报 到我国, 镜头拉近观察外国直接投资前景, 对商业环境做了简介 请看视频演示, 看一看他们的一些发现 *** FDI Video Presentation*** (4 mins 40 secs) 外国直接投资视频演示 (4 分 40 秒 ) 10

At this time I will invite my colleague Claude Duncan to give you an overview of the current investment opportunities in Jamaica. Please make him welcome 此时我将请我的同事克劳德 邓肯给你们略览一下当前牙买加投资机会 *** Claude Duncan Presentation*** 克劳德 邓肯讲解 Thanks Claude. With the expansion of the Panama Canal, Jamaica is poised to benefit from new and innovative commercial ventures as we seek to position the country as the fourth node in the international logistics chain; following the steps of Rotterdam, Dubai and Singapore. If I could crave your attention for just a few moments, I will invite you to take a look at the newest developments in the Jamaica Logistics Hub Initiative 谢谢克劳德 随着巴拿马运河的拓展, 牙买加准备好从新而具创新型的商业事业中获益, 因为我们寻求在国际物流链中紧随鹿特丹 迪拜和新加坡之后, 将国家定位为第四节点 如果我能请你们注意片刻, 我将邀请你们看一看牙买加物流枢纽动议中最新的发展 *** Logistics Hub Video Presentation*** (5 mins) (Comment briefly on video) 11

物流枢纽食品展示 (5 分钟 )( 视频简评 ) At this time I will invite our Honourable Minister to bring remarks on Historic Relations with China (Business and Diplomatic), Jamaica s improved Business Environment and the Government of Jamaica s commitment to global investors. 现在, 我将邀请我们尊敬的部长就与中国历史性的关系 ( 商业和外交 ) 演讲, 牙买加改善的商业环境与牙买加对全球投资者的承诺 Anthony Hylton is the Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce for Jamaica and the main architect in the development of Jamaica s Logistics Hub Initiative. A lawyer by profession, he was the managing partner in Jamaica s first specialist aviation, maritime, international trade, energy, and general commercial law practice. As Chair of the National Competitiveness Council in Jamaica, he is focused on the enhancement of the Jamaican business environment to make it easier for you to do profitable business with us. Please help me welcome the Honourable Anthony Hylton 安东尼 希尔顿是牙买加工业 投资和商业部长, 是牙买加的物流枢纽动议的主要设计者 律师出身, 他曾是牙买加第一家专门从事航空 海事 国际贸易 能源及一般商务法律事务的律所的管理合伙 12

人 作为牙买加的国国家竞争力委员会主席, 他专注于牙买加商业环 境的强化, 使其为你们与我们做赚钱的生意更容易 请帮我一起欢迎 尊敬的安东尼 希尔顿 *** Minister Hylton presents*** (10 mins) 希尔顿部长演讲 (10 分钟 ) Thank you Minister Hylton 感谢希尔顿部长 FDI inflows into Jamaica over the past 3 years 过去三年里流入牙买加的外国直接投资 Over the past two years the country has been realising gradual recovery in the flow of inward investments since the recession, moving from US$490 million in 2012 to US$551 million in 2014. 过去的两年, 随着向内投资的流入, 国家也一直在从经济衰退中实现逐渐复苏, 流入的外资从 2012 年的 4.9 亿美元达到 2014 年的 5.51 亿美元 13

Last year there was significant activity recorded within the tourism sector due to the implementation of a number of tourism projects which are currently at various stages of completion. Today we are proud to report that international brands such as Hyatt Ziva and Zilara, Azul Sensatori and Royalton are currently operating in Jamaica. To date there are still no Chinese Hotels and I hope we can change that in the future. 去年, 缘于几个旅游项目的实施, 各项目前处于完工的各个阶段, 旅游业内现重大活力 今天我们自豪地报告, 国际品牌诸如 Hyatt Ziva, Zilara, Azul sensatori 及 Royalton 都在牙买加运作中 但截至目前, 仍没有中国的酒店, 为此, 我希望在未来我们能够改变该状况 The port of Kingston was privatised, the airport in Kingston is being privatised, a new North-South highway is nearing completion with Chinese expertise. We are facilitating new investments in manufacturing, mining, solar energy, nutraceuticals. Jamaica wants to partner with you to build your business in the west. 金斯顿港已私有化过了, 位于金斯顿的机场正待私有化, 有中国的技术和经验的一条新的南北高速路亦接近完工 我们正在推进对制 14

造业 采矿业 太阳能产业 营养品等领域的投资 牙买加要与你 们结成伙伴在西半球打造你们的生意 Let s discuss. The floor is now open for questions 让我们来讨论吧 欢迎各位提问题 *** Questions and Answers*** (10 mins) 问答 (10 分钟 ) Include closing remarks and next steps: 结束语及下一步计划 o o o o o 15