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For Supervisor s 3 9 0 5 4 9 Level 3 Chinese, 2005 90549 Read and understand written Chinese containing complex language, in less familiar contexts Credits: Six 9.30 am Friday 2 December 2005 Make sure that you have the Vocabulary Recognition List in your Level 3 Chinese package. Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. You should answer ALL the questions in this booklet. If you need more space for any answer, use the page(s) provided at the back of this booklet and clearly number the question. Check that this booklet has pages 2 11 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. For Achievement Demonstrate good understanding of written text in Chinese containing complex language, in less familiar contexts. Achievement Criteria Achievement with Merit Demonstrate very good understanding of written text in Chinese containing complex language, in less familiar contexts. Overall Level of Performance Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate excellent understanding of written text in Chinese containing complex language, in less familiar contexts. New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

2 You are advised to spend 45 minutes answering the questions in this booklet. QUESTION ONE Read the passage below written by Thomas. Answer the questions that follow, in English, in the spaces provided on pages 3 and 5. The text has been printed again on page 4 so that you will not need to turn back to this page. Your answers must be based on the information you read. You will be rewarded for providing: all the information requested and detailed answers. 我家有三口人 妈妈, 小妹和我 妈妈很忙 她在小吃店工作, 每天她从早 上六点一直工作到下午三点 回家以后, 妈妈除了给我们做饭, 洗衣服还要 学习因为她打算明年上大学 妈妈才三十九岁, 可是她已经有很多白头发了 我觉得妈妈很累 可是妈妈 说, 小吃店工作虽然比较累, 收入也不高, 但是她下班早, 有很多时间学习 所以她觉得很好 我从十四岁开始打工, 到现在我已经打工三年了 我的工作是每天早上送牛 奶 我们早上八点上课 刚开始送牛奶的时候我常常迟到 我早上七点起床, 送 完牛奶已经八点半了 那时候我觉得时间真是不够用 后来, 为了上课不迟到, 我比平时早一个小时起床 然后骑车去送奶 从那 以后我从来没迟到过 我每个月能挣九十块钱 现在我已经有不少钱了 下星期是妈妈的生日 我 要给妈妈一个最有用的礼物 听说 电脑市场 卖旧电脑, 有些很便宜 明 天我要带八百块钱去 电脑市场 看一看

(a) For how long does Thomas s mother work each day? 3 (b) List THREE activities that Thomas s mother does after work. Activity (1): Activity (2): Activity (3): (c) How does Thomas describe his mother? Give TWO details. (1) (2) (d) What does Thomas s mother think about her job? Give THREE details. (1) (2) (3) (e) (i) What is the part-time job that Thomas has? How old is Thomas? Give evidence to support your answer. (f) How did Thomas feel when he first began this job? (g) (i) When does Thomas get up now? Give the exact time. Why does Thomas get up at this time?

4 The text from page 2 has been printed again below. Continue with the questions for Question One on page 5. 我家有三口人 妈妈, 小妹和我 妈妈很忙 她在小吃店工作, 每天她从早 上六点一直工作到下午三点 回家以后, 妈妈除了给我们做饭, 洗衣服还要 学习因为她打算明年上大学 妈妈才三十九岁, 可是她已经有很多白头发了 我觉得妈妈很累 可是妈妈 说, 小吃店工作虽然比较累, 收入也不高, 但是她下班早, 有很多时间学习 所以她觉得很好 我从十四岁开始打工, 到现在我已经打工三年了 我的工作是每天早上送牛 奶 我们早上八点上课 刚开始送牛奶的时候我常常迟到 我早上七点起床, 送 完牛奶已经八点半了 那时候我觉得时间真是不够用 后来, 为了上课不迟到, 我比平时早一个小时起床 然后骑车去送奶 从那 以后我从来没迟到过 我每个月能挣九十块钱 现在我已经有不少钱了 下星期是妈妈的生日 我 要给妈妈一个最有用的礼物 听说 电脑市场 卖旧电脑, 有些很便宜 明 天我要带八百块钱去 电脑市场 看一看

5 (h) (i) What does Thomas want to do for his mother s birthday? Where does Thomas plan to go shopping? (iii) Why does Thomas want to go to this place? (i) (i) How much money will Thomas take shopping tomorrow? Explain how long it would probably take Thomas to save that amount of money. Give evidence to support your answer.

6 QUESTION TWO Read the diary entry below written by Ma Jian. Answer the questions that follow, in English, in the spaces provided on pages 7 and 9. The text and glossary have been printed again on page 8 so that you will not need to turn back to this page. Your answers must be based on the information you read. You will be rewarded for providing: all the information requested and detailed answers. Glossary: 开玩笑 käi wánxiào to joke, joking 八月十二日星期天 晴 再过两个星期我的朋友李京就要去英国上学了 李京的英语是我们全校最好的 他不但英语说得很流利, 而且在北京市中学 生英语比赛上得了第一名! 我们英语班一共有十七个同学 今天晚上我们全班请他去北京烤鸭店吃晚饭 除了王小雪没来以外, 大家都来了 王小雪星期天打工, 所以不能来 李京开玩笑说, 这就是打工的坏处 晚上七点半我们开始吃饭 晚饭有烤鸭, 炒牛肉, 还有红酒 李京特别高兴, 他喝了很多酒还给我们唱了几个英语歌 大家玩得很开心 我们一直玩到晚上十一点半才回家 李京今晚是开车来的, 可是大家都说他不应该开车回家 最后, 一个没喝酒的同学送他回了家

(a) 7 What is the date of this diary entry? Give FULL details (do not use abbreviations). DAY: DATE: (b) What will happen in two weeks time? (c) How does Ma Jian rate Li Jing s English? Give TWO details. (1) (2) (d) What did Ma Jian s English class do on that night? Give ALL details. (i) Who went? What did the classmates do? (iii) Where did the classmates go? (e) (i) How many people came that night? Explain why there was that number of people. (f) (i) What was the humorous comment Li Jing made? Explain what Li Jing meant by this comment.

8 The text and glossary from page 6 have been printed again below. Continue with the questions for Question Two on page 9. Glossary: 开玩笑 käi wánxiào to joke, joking 八月十二日星期天晴再过两个星期我的朋友李京就要去英国上学了 李京的英语是我们全校最好的 他不但英语说得很流利, 而且在北京市中学生英语比赛上得了第一名! 我们英语班一共有十七个同学 今天晚上我们全班请他去北京烤鸭店吃晚饭 除了王小雪没来以外, 大家都来了 王小雪星期天打工, 所以不能来 李京开玩笑说, 这就是打工的坏处 晚上七点半我们开始吃饭 晚饭有烤鸭, 炒牛肉, 还有红酒 李京特别高兴, 他喝了很多酒还给我们唱了几个英语歌 大家玩得很开心 我们一直玩到晚上十一点半才回家 李京今晚是开车来的, 可是大家都说他不应该开车回家 最后, 一个没喝酒的同学送他回了家

(g) 9 What did everyone eat and drink that night? Give THREE details. (1) (2) (3) (h) What did Li Jing do during the evening? Give TWO details. (1) (2) (i) (i) When did everyone go home? For how long were they in the restaurant? (j) How did Li Jing get to the restaurant that night? (k) (i) What did Li Jing s classmates say to Li Jing? Why did the classmates feel that way? (l) (i) Who took Li Jing home? Why did this person take Li Jing home?

10 Extra paper for continuation of answers if required. Clearly number the question. Question number

11 Extra paper for continuation of answers if required. Clearly number the question. Question number