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2011 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. 2. 3. Abstract Due to the market of online shopping has became competitive to threaten the market of traditional shopping way in the recent years, retail industries and shopping malls both run all kinds of sales promotions to achieve better sales in a short period of time, in order to inspire more purchase intention. However, the method of doing online shopping is different from the traditional shopping way, consumers can not touch the products and the intangible payments also have risk in terms of uncertainty. Would the attitudes of consumers taking the risk can be an influential factor of purchase intention? Additionally, do consumers think over again and again when they toward many kinds of sales promotions? The study aims to explore the issue that customers only research product information from sellers or they also consider the information which come from celebrity, bloggers, and BBS so as to be a crucial factor to consumers? Does the information help consumers to choose products, reducing the risk of online shopping? The conclusions are: 1.There is a positive correlation between product information and purchase intention of online shopping. 2. The relationship of risk attitude and purchase intention of online shopping is inverse correlated. 3. Impulse buying and purchase intention of online shopping is positive correlated. Key words: risk Attitude, impulse buying, product information, purchase intention 1

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