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ExoTec 2012 1

1 2 1 2 3 3 4 ExoTec 4 James Hardie / 4 James Hardie / 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 8 13 9 14 14 15 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 James Hardie ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec James HardieExoTec 9mm 12mm ExoTec ExoTec James Hardie www.jameshardie.com.au 131103 Ask James Hardie 13 21 14 21 21 21 15 22 16 23 Ask James Hardie 02 9638 9535 literaturefeedback@jameshardie.com.au

2 6 8 21 ExoTec 12 18 9 16 17 14 1 EXOTEC 2012 1 3

3 1 EXOTEC / * 2 JAMES HARDIE // ExoTec 1550kg/m 3 9mm 900mm 1800, 2400, 3000 1200mm 1800, 2100 2400, 2700, 3000 12mm 1200mm 2400, 3000 / ExoTec 45 Exotec 6,000mm (304572) 124mm x 35mm x 1.15mm 7,200mm (304571) James Hardie TM 50 ExoTec ComTex 6,000mm (302701) 50mm x 35mm x 1.15mm () 7,200mm (302700) Exotec 3,620mm 10 ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec (305556) James Hardie TM 1,190mm 2390mm 2990mm 10 ExoTec Scyon TM Matrix TM 1,190mm (305557) 2,390mm (305558) 2,990mm (305559) James Hardie TM 1000 ExoTec Scyon TM Matrix TM (305565) James Hardie TM 4kg 15kg 4kg/ 15kg 4kg/ (305535) 15kg/ (305591) James Hardie TM, 300ml 20 (305534) TOOLS HardieBlade TM 185mm 1 185mm James Hardie (300660) 3 JAMES HARDIE // James Hardie ExoTec James Hardie 1mm 1.2mm P1 CA125 15CA273 AS/NZS 4200.1 ExoTec 6mm 6.2mm 6.3mm 6mm James Hardie 10x30 Class 3 10x25mm Class 3 4 EXOTEC 2012 1

4 - James Hardie (1) (2) HardiBlade TM HEPA (3) (4) P1 P2 HEPA www.jameshardie.com.au HardieBlade TM HardiBlade TM James Hardie JAMES HARDIE 1. 2. HardieBlade TM HEPA // P1 P2 1. 2. HardieBlade TM 3. HEPA 4. 5. P1 P2 www.jameshardie.com.au James Hardie James Hardie James Hardie James Hardie James Hardie EXOTEC 2012 1 5

5 ExoTec 2 1 2 3 4 2 1. 2. span/250 (0.9144mm) 2.6 ExoTec 6 EXOTEC 2012 1


7 ExoTec 1) ExoTec 2) JH 7 ExoTec 20mm James Hardie ExoTec 1 ExoTec JH ExoTex ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec JH ExoTec 7 8 EXOTEC 2012 1

10mm 20mm ExoTec 6mm 10mm ExoTex 13 ExoTec ExoTec JH ExoTec 50mm 100mm 9mm ExoTec 10mm 40mm 900/1200 100mm 10 40mm 10mm James Hardie ExoTec 3 8 ExoTec JH ExoTec 10mm 40mm 40mm 9mm ExoTec ExoTec 9 EXOTEC 2012 1 9

ExoTec JH 1. James Hardie 2. ExoTec 3 4 11 7. James Hardie 12 13 14 1. 8 2. 6mm ExoTec 10 6.2 6.3mm 10 2.5mm 3mm 15 6.2 mm 12 10 3. Class 3 10 30mm 4. 5. James Hardie P1 CA125 15 CA273 6. 13 JAMES HARDIE 10 EXOTEC 2012 1

1. 8 2. 6mm 10 6.2 6.3mm 3. Class 3 10 25mm 4. ExoTec 14 JH 8. James Hardie 100-120 6mm 10 Tek ExoTec ExoTec 16 40mm 2.5mm 3mm ExoTec 15 17 6mm 10 Tek ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec 40 ExoTec Tek ExoTec 18 EXOTEC 2012 1 11

ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec 70mm 50mm 3mm 50mm 6mm 19 EXOTEC 6mm 21 EXOTEC ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec 6mm ExoTec 100mm 100mm ExoTec ExoTec 20 22 12 EXOTEC 2012 1

8 4.0kPa James Hardie Bostik Seal n flex ExoTec 10 9mm ExoTec ExoTec 4 4 (m) (mm) 900mm 1200mm 10 15 300 400 >15 450 10mm 7 ExoTec 6 ExoTec 1. 2. 9mm (GRC) 13 11 03 Ask James Hardie EXOTEC 2012 1 13

9 CAD ACCEL TM www.accel.com.au 23 25 JH JH ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec 23 1 25 2 9mm ExoTec ExoTec JH 50mm ExoTec ExoTec 6mm ExoTec 150mm 9mm ExoTec ExoTec JH 6mm ExoTec 150mm 24 1 26 2 14 EXOTEC 2012 1

27 28 ExoTec ExoTec 9mm ExoTec ExoTec JH 150mm 50 15 9mm ExoTec ExoTec JH 6mm 27 28 ExoTec 5 EXOTEC 2012 1 15

40mm 10 ExoTec 75x75mm L 1mm JH 1mm JH ExoTec 12mm ExoTec 29 31 9mm ExoTec JH JH 9mm ExoTec JH 1mm 10 40 mm 12 40mm JH 75x75mm L 1mm 30 32 16 EXOTEC 2012 1

11 75x75mm L 1mm JH ExoTec 33 40mm 10mm JH 75x75mm L 1mm 9mm ExoTec JH 34 EXOTEC 2012 1 17

12 ExoTec 35-45 ExoTec 2.5 35 37 36 38 18 EXOTEC 2012 1

1mm J J J J 60 mm 25 mm 34 mm 39 41 J 50mm JH JH JH ExoTec James Hardie ExoTec 1 ExoTec ExoTec ExoTec 19 mm 50 mm ExoTec 40 42 EXOTEC 2012 1 19

ExoTec ExoTec 150mm ExoTec JH 9mm ExoTec 6mm 6mm ExoTec ExoTec 43 ExoTec JH 9mm ExoTec 9mm ExoTec JH 45 ExoTec Exotec 44 20 EXOTEC 2012 1

13 14 ExoTec James Hardie Dulux AcraPrime 501/1 ExoTec Dulux 13 23 77 Taubmans 13 16 86 Wattyl 13 21 01 46 1 9mm ExoTec 50mm ExoTec 10 9mm ExoTec ExoTec JH ExoTec 47 1 EXOTEC 2012 1 21

15 ExoTec 2.4 ExoTec 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7.1 9 11.1 11.2 3mm 14 ExoTec 22 EXOTEC 2012 1

James Hardie ExoTec 131103 16 warranty ExoTec facade panel 10 YEAR WARRANTY January 2012 James Hardie Australia Pty Limited ( James Hardie ) warrants to the first purchaser of ExoTec facade panel (Product) from James Hardie and the last purchaser of the Product prior to installation that, subject to compliance with the Conditions of Warranty below: - for a period of 10 years from the date of purchase, the Product will be free from defects due to defective factory workmanship or materials; and - for a period of 10 years from the date of purchase, the Product will be resistant to damage from cracking, moisture, rotting, fire and termites to the extent set out in James Hardie s relevant published literature current at the time of installation; and - for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase that the accessories supplied by James Hardie will be free from defects due to defective factory workmanship or materials. For the purposes of this warranty, a defect in respect of the Product means a non-compliance with AS/NZS 2908.2:2000 Cellulose-cement products - Flat sheet. CONDITIONS OF WARRANTY This warranty is strictly subject to the following conditions: (a) James Hardie will not be liable for breach of this warranty unless the claimant provides proof of purchase of the Product and makes a written claim to James Hardie at the address set out below, either within 30 days after the defect would have become reasonably apparent or, if the defect was reasonably apparent prior to installation, then the claim must be made prior to installation. (b) the Product is subject to natural variation in finish as part of the manufacturing process. The builder/installer must ensure the Product meets aesthetic requirements before installation. Subject to the terms of this warranty, after installation of the Product, James Hardie is not liable for claims arising from aesthetic surface variations if such variations were, or would upon reasonable inspection have been, apparent prior to installation; (c) this warranty cannot be relied upon by any other person and is not transferable; (d) the Product must be installed and maintained strictly in accordance with the relevant James Hardie literature current at the time of installation and must be installed in conjunction with the components or products specified in the literature. To obtain copies of such literature go to or contact Ask James Hardie on 13 11 03. Further, all other products, including coating and jointing systems, applied to or used in conjunction with the Product must be applied or installed and maintained strictly in accordance with the relevant manufacturer s instructions and good trade practice; (e) the project must be designed and constructed in strict compliance with all relevant provisions of the current Building Code of Australia, regulations and standards; (f) if the claimant chooses to rely upon this warranty then the claimant s sole remedy under this warranty for breach of this warranty is (at James Hardie s option) that James Hardie will either supply replacement Product, rectify the affected Product or pay for the cost of the replacement or rectification of the affected Product; (g) In the circumstances where the Australian Consumer Law does not apply in respect of the purchase of the Product, James Hardie will not be liable for any losses or damages (whether direct or indirect) including property damage or personal injury, consequential loss, economic loss or loss of profits, arising in contract or negligence or howsoever arising. Without limiting the foregoing, James Hardie will not be liable for any claims, damages or defects arising from or in any way attributable to poor workmanship, poor design or detailing, settlement or structural movement and/or movement of materials to which the Product is attached, incorrect design of the structure, acts of God including but not limited to earthquakes, cyclones, floods or other severe weather conditions or unusual climatic conditions, efflorescence or performance of paint/coatings applied to the Product, normal wear and tear, growth of mould, mildew, fungi, bacteria, or any organism on any Product surface or Product (whether on the exposed or unexposed surfaces); (h) In the circumstances where the Australian Consumer Law does not apply in respect of the purchase of the Product, all warranties, conditions, liabilities and obligations other than those specified in this warranty are excluded to the fullest extent allowed by law; (i) If meeting a claim under this warranty involves re-coating of Product, there may be slight colour differences between the original and replacement Product due to the effects of weathering and variations in materials over time and James Hardie is not liable for any such colour differences; (j) In the circumstances where the Australian Consumer Law does not apply in respect of the purchase of the Product and therefore to this warranty, all expenses incurred as a result of claiming under this warranty are to be borne by the claimant. (k) In the circumstances where the Australian Consumer Law does apply in respect of the purchase of the Product and therefore to this warranty, if James Hardie accepts or it is determined by James Hardie that the claimant has a valid claim under this warranty, James Hardie will bear the claimant s reasonable costs of claiming under this warranty. The claimant is responsible for all other costs of claiming under this warranty. All claims for such costs are to be notified to James Hardie at the address outlined below within 21 days from when the claimant first makes a claim under this warranty. DISCLAIMER The recommendations in James Hardie s literature are based on good building practice but are not an exhaustive statement of all relevant information and are subject to conditions (d), (e), (g) and (h) above. Further, as the successful performance of the relevant system depends on numerous factors outside the control of James Hardie (e.g. quality of workmanship and design), James Hardie shall not be liable for the recommendations in that literature and the performance of the relevant system, including its suitability for any purpose or ability to satisfy the relevant provisions of the Building Code of Australia, regulations and standards. IMPORTANT NOTE If you acquire goods manufactured by James Hardie as a consumer according to the Australian Consumer Law, our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. Any rights a consumer may have under this warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies of a consumer under a law in relation to the goods to which this warranty relates. Nothing in this document shall exclude or modify any legal rights a customer may have under the Australian Consumer Law or otherwise which cannot be excluded or modified at law. Contact details if you wish to make a claim under this warranty: For more information or to make a claim under this warranty please Ask James Hardie on 13 11 03, visit www.jameshardie.com.au or www.accel.com.au, email James Hardie via our website or write to James Hardie at: James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd 10 Colquhoun Street Rosehill NSW 2142 PO Box 70 Parramatta NSW 2124 Copyright 2012 James Hardie Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 12 084 635 558. and denotes a trademark or registered mark owned by James Hardie Technology Limited EXOTEC 2012 1 23

131103 James Hardie 2012 ABN 12 084 635 558 James Hardie JHML112288